Falling For Santa

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Falling For Santa Page 5

by Laura Dunaway

  His voice was soft, his thumb still on my cheek, and his hand holding the side of my face. This lunch had been all over the board, from laughing to feelings expressed to crying. My emotions had had a field day, but I wouldn’t change a thing.

  “I do, I know that now, and it makes me so happy,” I responded to him, my voice choking. “And Davis, I want to be with you too, so much.” My eyes still full of happy tears, I continued gazing at him, not wanting to look anywhere else.

  He ran a finger down my cheek then brushed all of them through my hair, still beaming at me. “I know we only met a few weeks ago, but that doesn’t matter to me. When you feel something, you feel it, and I feel something strong for you.”

  The server brought our bill then, to which Davis just gave him a card without even looking at the amount, his eyes never leaving mine. It surprised me he didn’t care to look, but I brushed the thought aside. Nothing was going to ruin the mood, or take away what had just happened.

  Davis was interested in me, no one else.


  And it literally had stolen my breath away.



  Santa Day was finally here and I’d be lying if I told you I wasn’t as excited as the kids. They were all hyped up on their Christmas treats of cookies, candy, and soda. We had done a Secret Santa; assigning each kid a secret someone to give them a tiny gift, and it had been a hit. They were all sitting around the tables in the main room, talking loudly and listening to “Here Comes Santa Claus” on the new sound system Jane just had installed.

  I was still on Cloud Nine, ever since lunch with Davis two days ago. Unfortunately, our busy schedules had prevented us from actually seeing each other since, which was some kind of cruel punishment if you asked me. He’d been called away on business and had to have Mr. Rush fill in for him last night at the mall. He assured me he’d be back in time for Santa Day, telling me that nothing would stop him from seeing me, and the kids.

  He continued to make me fall for him, harder and harder, every day.

  Suddenly Jane turned the music down, which caused the children to stop their chatter. Each set of eyes turned to look at her, excitement showing on their faces. It was then I heard the slight sound of sleigh bells ringing outside, and my heart lurched in my chest.

  He was here.

  “Listen, kids,” Jane said quietly. “Do you hear that?”

  Each child bent a little closer as they sat at their table, trying to hear what Jane was speaking of. The sound of the bells was getting louder as he got closer. It took all of my strength to not rush out the door and throw myself into his arms. Instead, I stayed put by my group of kids, showing them excitement with my huge smile and widening eyes.

  “Santa’s here!” one child at another table finally yelled, which set off a domino affect as each kid started to cheer and yell with him.

  Jane’s face lit up at their enthusiasm, as did the rest of the staff’s. It was a huge relief that Santa Day wasn’t cancelled, and that we could continue to bring this joy to our fantastic group of kids. I caught Jane looking over at me for just a moment, and smiled wider at her when she mouthed ‘Thank you’ to me, knowing she meant about Davis saving the day.

  Just then, we heard a loud, deep, and boisterous, “HO, HO, HO!” to which the kids got even more animated as some ran to the door and windows to see if they could see him. I recognized Tommy’s voice as he shouted, “I see him, he’s right there!” I stood up to my tiptoes to see if I could see Davis, and felt my insides do a huge flip when I did. He was walking up the pathway to the front door, waving his hand holding the bells and carrying a large sack over his left shoulder.

  The kids by the door scooted back as it opened and Santa stepped inside. Some were swarming him, dancing around, while a few more timid ones stayed back and just watched him, completely curious and enamored. Davis bent to his knees, high-fiving a few kids and tapping a few noses with his finger. I just stood back and watched him, my heart soaring. After a minute, Jane clapped her hands and did her best to shush the children.

  “Okay, boys and girls,” she began, practically yelling. “Boys and girls, please let Santa come in and sit in his chair, otherwise we won’t get to have our Santa Day if you continue crawling all over him.” She said the last part on a laugh, as the sight before us was extremely entertaining. Poor Davis was on the floor with half of the group of kids completely clawing their way to get his attention. The sound of his deep laughter and seeing the pure joy on his face entrapped me. Nothing at this moment could have made me look away from him.

  Right then, his eyes connected with mine, and they lit up even more. As he was finally able to stand up, he kept his gaze on me, and mouthed a ‘Hey you.’ Warmth swarmed through me, seeing his reaction to me, and I raised my hand in a light wave.

  He made it over to the seat designated for him, laughing the whole time. Most of the kids were still surrounding him, begging for his attention. Finally, Jane and Mona got control and had them sitting quietly all around the room, many on the floor facing him.

  Davis glanced at me and gave me a wink before bellowing out, “HO, HO, HO, Merrrryyyyy Christmas!!!” The kids shouted it right back to him, some getting up and dancing around before Mona got them to sit back down again. Davis’ eyes crinkled, and I knew he was having a great time. He was absolutely the perfect guy to play our Santa.

  “I’m so happy to be here with you today,” Davis continued in his loud jolly voice. “You have decorated the place better than any I’ve seen, and the music playing is my favorite.”

  The kids clapped and started shouting out questions for him. Davis’ head bobbed back and forth, grinning as he listened to them. After a minute, he held up his hand, signaling for them to settle down. “Hold on, hold on,” he chuckled. “Santa can’t hear as well as he used to children. I’ve brought a lot of toys here today and I’d love to be able to meet all of you, one at a time. Are you ready to come sit on my lap and share with me what you are wanting for Christmas?”

  A loud cheer erupted as Jane, Mona, and I all helped form a line straight to Davis. We had already worked out whose class would go first, second, then last. Mona signaled to her group to come line up, and within ten seconds, they were all in line. Of course we were met with frowns and questions from the other groups about why they couldn’t go first, to which we said they’d get their turn.

  I leaned against a wall, sipping on some water, my eyes glued to Davis. Mona introduced him to a few who got suddenly shy; while those who weren’t let him know with loud voices who they were and what they were hoping to get for Christmas. Each child earned Davis’ full attention and more often than not, he’d bend and whisper something in their ear or toss his head back with a shout of laughter at something they said.

  At the end of his short visit with each child, he pulled out a small wrapped box and handed it to them. Their eyes grew wide and some started to shake the box, thanking him as they hopped off his lap and running to their seats to open it.

  Each year, Jane had a cash fund to provide these gifts for Santa to give, but this year Davis told her to keep it. He said he had some connections and could provide the small gifts, and for her to save it for next year. She objected a few times, but he overruled her. Seeing him now, handing over the wrapped boxes, had me falling harder but also wondering who this guy really was.

  Was there such a thing as being too perfect?

  When the time came for my group to line up, I walked over to stand by Davis and called them over. My group was the last to go, so they were more than ready to have their turn. A few bumped into others, trying to butt in, which caused some whines and cries. Jane came over and helped settle them in, reminding them that Santa was right here watching. That made them stand tall and stay quiet as they waited their turn.

  Before the first in line climbed onto his lap, Davis suddenly spoke. “Hey guys, are you in Miss Elin’s group?” I lifted a brow, because he knew darn well they were, especially s
ince I was the one standing next to him as Jane and Mona had just a few minutes before.

  “Yes!” some shouted while others nodded enthusiastically.

  He looked around at them, then turned his gaze to me. I was instantly hit with a current of electric heat that went straight down my body. His light blue eyes were focused on me for just a moment before he turned his attention back to the kids.

  “I thought so,” he responded loudly. “Well, guess what? Santa brought a little something for her today, would you like to see what it is?”

  The whole room responded an enthusiastic yes! Jane and Mona looked over at me, knowing grins on their faces. I myself was in the dark, having had no idea he was going to do this.

  Davis continued. “Great! Well I think she also should sit on my lap to receive her gift, what do you all think?”

  He grinned up at me as the kids shouted out yes to his question. Some yelled out to me to hurry while others were asking Davis what he got me. Davis just continued to look at me, then held out his hand. I blushed a little as I grasped it, then followed his pull to sit down on his lap.

  His left arm instantly wrapped around my waist, holding me close. His other hand held the small box wrapped in gold with a red bow. I sat still, a little embarrassed at the sudden attention on me, and a little heated sitting right on his lap.

  Davis’ deep voice started talking again. “Santa found something that reminded him of Miss Elin and wanted to give it to her. Are you ready for her to see what it is?”

  The kids cried out they were then started chanting, ‘Open it, open it’ watching as I removed the bow and paper. The box had a lid on it, which I promptly opened and looked inside. There, resting on a square of cotton was a sprig of mistletoe, a shade of deep green, with a few bright red berries decorating it. I tilted my head, trying to comprehend it as I looked up at Davis. When I saw the heat in his eyes, my body liquefied as his meaning became crystal clear.

  “What is it, Miss Elin,” shouted the kids, some standing up trying to see.

  Davis took my hand that held the mistletoe and raised it up to show the kids. “Does anyone know what this is?” he asked them.

  Most shook their heads, asking what it was, but a few knew and yelled that out to him. He looked at me, then back at the kids, his beautiful smile shining.

  “This is called mistletoe and one of my elves told me just before I left to come over here that Miss Elin was in need of it. Do you know what it does?”

  Tommy waved his hand all over the place calling out, “Oh, I know now, I know! It means Miss Elin has to kiss a boy!”

  The rest of the kids all yelled out ‘Ewww’ and ‘Gross’ making me laugh. I was still mortified at this gift, hoping it didn’t mean Davis was going to kiss me for the very first time in front of all the children, plus Jane and Mona. There was no way he’d do that.

  Would he?

  Davis was chuckling at the kids’ reactions, suddenly pulling me tighter against him, and making me quiver at his touch. He put the mistletoe back in its box and set it on my lap. He discreetly rubbed his fingers back and forth on my back as he spoke again.

  “Tommy is right,” he said, looking all around the room at the kids. “But this particular mistletoe is special. The only one who it will allow Miss Elin to kiss is the special boy who is meant for her. So, anyone can hold it up to her but only the guy who’s right for her will be allowed to kiss her.”

  A few ooohhh’s and aaahhh’s were heard around the room as the kids grasped what Davis was saying. I felt it too, and was completely intoxicated by the man who was holding me on his lap. This was one of the most romantic things I’d ever heard of, and it was all for me.

  Davis was doing this for me.

  “Who is the special boy, Santa?”

  “Is he here?”

  “Miss Elin, who is the guy who gets to kiss you?”

  I heard all of the questions being called out to me, but of course I stayed quiet. It became obvious to me that he didn’t intend to kiss me in front of everyone, but was his way of telling me it was coming. The thrill that zipped through my body had me almost shaking with excitement and nervousness, all at the same time.

  As the kids were still shouting out their questions, Davis leaned in to me and pressed his warm lips upon my cheek. I closed my eyes at the sensation, then did give a little shiver when he whispered in my ear. “As much as I hate the thought, you’re going to have to move off my lap so I can finish up with your class, but as soon as I’m done, Santa is going to need a word with you in private.”

  I opened my eyes half way and looked up at him, then slowly nodded. I stood and walked back to my place, and called up my class to get back in the line. They rushed over, Tommy being first in the line. As soon as Davis called him over, he hurried and jumped on his lap and began to name off a whole list of things he wanted for Christmas.

  I smiled as each of my kids told Davis what they were hoping for, for Christmas, and thanking him for their gifts. Some were loud, some quiet, and Davis was perfect. I would never get tired of watching him, being near him. The intense energy I felt every time he was close was indescribable, something I’ve never experienced in my entire life.

  It was incredible.

  He was incredible.

  And as I continued to stand there, it hit me again that he was mine.



  The kids were all sugared up and on a high from Santa’s visit. It was perfect. Davis had just finished with my group and was walking around in his big red suit telling the kids to be good and that he couldn’t wait to bring them the rest of their presents on Christmas Eve. Every little eye was on him, most with looks of awe and excitement on their faces.

  Jane came up to me, a twinkle in her eye. “Davis is simply fantastic, Elin. Thank you so much for bringing him to us, the kids absolutely adored him.”

  I shoved some hair behind my ear and gave her a quick smile. “He is fantastic, isn’t he?” My eyes couldn’t stay on her for long, the pull to watch Davis too strong. He just laughed at something one of the kids said, then continued making his way to the hallway.

  “I think you two make a wonderful pair.”

  I did look at Jane then, and felt the warmth of her words flow over me. We really were a couple, though it didn’t feel like it in many ways since we’d hardly seen each other. “He’s pretty great, I’m really happy,” I replied. I had told Jane and Mona all about our lunch the other day, and how shocked I’d been to hear him tell me he was interested in me. They both had lightly smacked my arm, telling me that of course he was.

  “He can’t take his eyes off you, hun,” she commented, her gaze on him, as he got closer. “I wish I could give you the rest of the day off but with the kids so crazy, we need all the help we can get.”

  “Oh Jane, there’s no way I’d leave even if you tried pushing me out the door. They are out of control. Plus I don’t want to miss saying good-bye and Merry Christmas to them once more when their parents come pick them up.”

  It was the weekend before Christmas, meaning the daycare would be closed until after the New Year. I was attached to my little munchkins and wanted to see them off for the holiday. Besides, Davis was taking me out to dinner tonight, he told me to dress up and the rest was a surprise.

  Just then we heard Davis call out, “Thank you for having me, kids, but I must be off. Rudolph and his reindeer are waiting for me. Remember to be good and Merry Christmas!”

  The kids all shouted out asking about the reindeer and wishing him Merry Christmas. Davis waved and ducked out the door to the back hallway, where Jane and I were still standing. When he turned and saw me, his grin showed behind his big fake beard, with a flash of heat in his eyes. Jane excused herself, telling me to take a few minutes, that she’d cover. I nodded, my eyes glued on his.

  Davis didn’t say anything as he took my hand and led me around a corner. We stood at the beginning of another short hallway when he asked, “What are these rooms?
Any chance we can sneak in for a minute?”

  I trembled with desire at his words. I led him to the door of the utility room, opening it up and slipping inside. He closed the door behind us and felt around for the light switch, finding it and turning it on. We stood amongst storage boxes and the furnace, which was making its usual whirring sound. I watched as Davis pulled off his white fluffy beard and mustache, hat, wig, gloves, and huge red coat. He placed them gently on a shelf beside him, his eyes on me the entire time. It was then I also saw a small box in his hand, which I somehow knew held my mistletoe.

  “So, Miss Elin,” he uttered as he took a few steps toward me. “Have you been a good girl this year?”

  He stopped when he stood right in front of me, raised his hand, and trailed a sizzling path down my face with his finger. My body hummed at his touch, my head tilting toward his hand. He looked so hot in a plain white V-neck T-shirt, which was teasing me with how snug it fit on his muscular chest. Realizing I still needed to respond to him, the only thing I could get out was an, “Mmmm hmmm.”

  He gave a quiet laugh at that, his hand cupping the side of my face. “I think you have too. In fact, Santa has been very impressed with you this year.”

  I couldn’t help smiling at that. “Oh yeah? How impressed, exactly?”

  He dropped his hand and opened the box, pulling out the mistletoe. I watched as he raised it over our heads, a glimmer in his eye. “Let’s say extremely impressed,” he replied, his voice even deeper with his desire. “Santa wanted me to reward you.”

  As he said this, he started backing me up a few steps to the empty wall behind us, holding the mistletoe over our heads the entire time.

  When I felt my back hit the wall, I swallowed and took a breath. “And how exactly did he ask you to reward me?”

  He glanced up at the mistletoe, then back to me, the corner of his mouth turned up. “Well, you see, that’s the thing. He gave me this mistletoe here, telling me I knew what to do with it. Luckily, he’s right, I definitely know what to do with it.”


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