by The Wit
Noh theatre, 143
nostalgia, manifestations of, 91-2, 143, 181, 188
N’tuitif tribe, 227
nudity, 27, 102, 195-6, 294
and Art, 276
as part of witchcraft, 101, 259
magazine centrefold, 275
nude virgins, wizards’ desire for, 14
occupational hazard for werewolves, 183
Oats, Mightily, 196
Ogg, Mrs Gytha (Nanny), 53, 54, 102-7, 117, 119-22, 152-6, 195-6, 285
ability to fit in, 149, 152-3, 154, 155
and domestic skills, 105, 117
and drink, 105, 153, 195
and family, 103-4, 119-20
and Granny Weatherwax, 102, 104, 106-7, 117, 152, 153
and Greebo, 53, 102-3, 285
and sex, 106-7, 121
listening skills, 285
marriage guidance, 120-1
singing voice, 121
Ogg, Shawn, 119-20, 121, 196
old age, 20, 86, 93-4, 96, 105, 121, 190, 225, 261
Omnianism, 197-8
One-Man-Bucket, 96
opera, 155
effect of, 153, 154
Nanny Ogg on, 154
opposites, theory of
anti-crime, 93
Morris dance, 97
substition, 182
orang-utan see Librarian
parallel universes, 118-19
passwords, difficulties with, 65, 119-20, 239-40, 278
Patrician, the, see Vetinari Perks, Polly, 253-5
lovely, 149
objectionable, 143, 209, 214
Pestilence, 216
philosophy, 19, 30, 48, 111, 144, 207, 213,216
pictsies, see Nac Mac Feegle
pins, 271
potatoes, value of, 292
predictions of the future
shortcomings of, 13-14, 16, 66, 105, 247
unpleasant, 16, 22, 43, 51
printing, Engravers’ Guild on, 182
problem-solving, classic dilemmas revisited:
poet and butterfly, 218
riddle of the Sphinx, 61-2
Schroedinger’s cat, 226
truth-telling and lying guards, 118
protocol, importance of observing, 120, 178, 179-80
Ptraci, 57, 59, 60
punctuation, as warning of madness, 153
pyramids, 59
Quia Ego Sic Dico, rule of, 294
Quirke, Captain ‘Mayonnaise’, 128-9
Quirm, 133
Quoth (raven), 133, 134
Ramkin, Lady Sybil, see Vimes
rats, plagues of, 138, 239
of the Tribe, 240, 242
See also Darktan
reannual plants, 15, 33
among dwarfs, 126-7
among mayflies, 91-2
among Nac Mac Feegle, 259
as cause of war, 227-8
misdirecting effects of, 112-13
organized religion: endemic faults in, 197-8; priestly role in, 225
See also belief, gods
respectability, measure of, 133
revolutionary spirit, 71-2, 142, 144, 233-4
See also death in a worthy cause
Ridcully Hughnon, 225
Ridcully, Archchancellor Mustrum, 94, 95, 118, 171, 188
and paperwork, 207, 270
and Vetinari, 141
heartiness and sporting interests, 81-2, 93, 135
intellectual powers, 93, 119, 280
leadership qualities, 93, 141, 188, 189
on dangers of the unknown, 141, 167
on parallel universes, 118-19
on students, 170, 173, 270-1
on the faculty, 96, 135, 170
Rincewind, 13-16, 19-22, 24, 39, 44-8, 75-8, 142-5, 226-7
and magic, 22, 24, 44, 45
cowardice of, 15, 16, 45, 144
encounters with Death, 14, 190
instinct for survival, 14, 15, 76, 143-4
justified pessimism, 15, 143-4
on position in food chain, 19
on running, 45, 47, 76, 189
on Twoflower the tourist, 13, 21, 22
on wizards, 47-8
Ron, Foul Ole, 129, 137
safety drill, rats’, 240
science and scientists, 47, 60-1, 167, 188
See also Igors self-doubt, lack of
in Cohen, 142
in Granny Weatherwax, 103
seven-league boots, 21
Cohen on, 20
dwarfs’ delicacy about, 87
houses of ill repute/negotiable
affection, 153, 161
humour as compensation for, 58
Nanny Ogg and, 106-7, 120-1
sexual morrisment, 122
wizards’ difficulty with, 14, 43-4, 45, 75
Shades, the, 29, 34-5, 67, 94, 153
sherry, Vimes on, 178
effect of revolution on, 233-4
for haute couture, 154-5
for musical instruments, 133
magic, 137
Silver Horde, the, 143-6, 225
attitude to money, 143
simile, choice examples of, 13, 14, 22, 27, 30, 33, 35, 37, 43, 75, 81, 111, 137, 154, 181, 209, 275, 286, 291, 294
nature of, 197-8
original, 77
unoriginal, 71
singing voice
of Brutha, 111
of cats, 240
of Nanny Ogg, 121
of Ptraci, 57, 59
of Victor Tugelbend, 84
Six Beneficent Winds, 143, 144
Smith, Eskarina, 28, 30
snow, 169, 284
advantages enjoyed by, 254
Agatean, 145-6
in Klatchian Foreign Legion, 134-5
on battle experience, 183, 234
priorities of, 51, 112
uniform, 177, 254
spectacle, importance of, 69
effects of, 136
importance of, 101, 167
invention of, 38
Sphinx, the, 61-2
stamp collecting, 293
Stationery Cupboard, the, 214-15
Stibbons, Ponder, 118-19, 170, 171-2 188, 270
Sto Helit, Susan, 133-4, 136, 167, 169, 173, 174, 214-15, 218
stories, power of, 48, 104, 105-6, 240-1, 242-3, 244
storm, 30
in wizards, 119
not determined by appearance, 30
of demons, 77
of gods, 112-13
of sheep, 283
simple differentiated from stupid, 126
style, importance of, 120, 122
superstition, 101, 227
substition, 182
See also beliefs
survival traits
among gods, 112
among professional heroes, 142-3
among swamp dragons, 126
among yetis, 219
in Ankh-Morpork, 126, 218
See also evolution, Cohen, Rincewind
Tacticus, General, 253, 255
tan, how to, 28-9
Tawneee, 275, 279
taxes, 94-5
teachers, peripatetic, 247
teaching, as profession, 38, 145
Susan’s approach to, 214-15
Teatime, Jonathan, 169, 172-3
Teppic (Pteppicymon XXVIII), 57, 58, 61-2
Thieves’ Guild, 66, 291
cats and, 239
failure to think, 128
styles of, 83, 170, 224-5, 242
Thoughts, First, Second and Third, 260
Thursley Eric, 75, 77, 78
control of, 59, 213, 215, 219
nature of, 70, 71, 213<
br />
trousers of, 70
tortoises, 59
trolls, 22
and dwarfs, 126
Chrysoprase, 136-7
debt collection methods, 54
Jade, 254
troll bridge, 253
See also Detritus, gargoyles
Granny Weatherwax on, 102
of Time, 70
truth, slipperiness of, 47, 187, 210
Tugelbend, Victor, 82-5, 87
Twoflower, 15, 16, 19, 21-2, 143
Twoshirts, 260
Uberwald, 195, 196, 201
Überwald, Delphine Angua von,
see Angua
universal laws, 29, 58, 104, 138, 189, 201 253 255
Unseen University, 29, 30, 36, 39, 81, 93, 187-90
and women, 23
Archchancellorship, 81, 135
Ceremony of the Keys, 187-8
compost heap, 96
eccentricity in, 135
faculty members: Chair of Indefinite
Studies, 87, 171-2; Lecturer in
Recent Runes, 141, 171, 188, 271;
Reader in Esoteric Studies, 135;
Senior Wrangler, 172, 188, 189, 190
Hex, 170
housekeeper (Mrs Whitlow), 93, 189-90
Old Tom, 78
relations with Patrician, 141, 270-1
students, 141, 170, 173, 188, 270-1
tax status, 94-5
teaching at, 141
Tower of Art, 133
See also Bursar, Dean, Librarian,
Library, Ridcully, Rincewind,
Stibbons, wizards
vampires, 95, 103, 160-1, 195-8
Count and Countess Notfaroutoe, 95
Count de Magpyr, 195-8
Countess de Magpyr, 196, 198
Vlad de Magpyr, 196, 198
Verence II (formerly the Fool), 51-4, 120
Vetinari, Havelock, Lord (Patrician of Ankh-Morpork), 46, 66, 87, 95, 130, 160, 161, 177, 178, 179, 202, 224-5, 280, 291-95
andVimes, 71-2, 159, 161, 177, 178, 279
appointments to see, 137, 207-8, 291
art criticism, 276
as pet-owner, 46, 292-3
as student, 233
characteristic gestures, 14, 130, 291
choice of vocabulary, 66, 161, 293
diplomacy, 141
Guilds’ opinion of, 161
interview techniques, 14, 66, 82, 125, 136, 177, 201, 267
on citizens’ shortcomings, 128
on dungeons, 71
on freedom, 210, 267
on mime artists, 67
on pizza, 161
on public interest and the free press, 210
on the nature of evil, 71-2
political acumen, 138, 268
principles of government, 46, 67, 71-2, 133, 137, 210, 292
tyranny in practice, 94-5, 137, 225, 268, 271, 293, 294, 295
villainy, types of, 39
inherent in Grand Vizier, 58
Vimes, Sir Samuel, 67-71, 125-30, 159-62, 178, 180-3, 202-3, 231-3, 235, 275-80
and alcohol, 128, 202
and personal organizer, 159
and Vetinari, 159, 161, 177, 178, 279
blackboard monitor, 277
dictums of, 161-2, 178
family life, 180, 277-8
knighthood, 181-2
on democracy, 202
on diplomacy, 202, 256
on policing, 233, 276-7
on sherry, 178
on socio-economic unfairness, 125
taste in boots, 125
taste in food, 69, 127, 277, 278
taste in uniform, 231, 293
Vetinari on, 71-2
William de Worde on, 208
Vimes, Lady Sybil (nee Ramkin), 69, 125, 180, 202, 203, 278, 279, 280
dangerous, 113, 207, 217
objectionable, 173, 208, 209
Tiffany Aching on, 247, 249
See also punctuation, spelling, Vetinari vote, the, 40, 202
war, 177, 182
Cohen on, 145
paintings of, 234
results of, 86, 134
War, 48, 217
War, Mrs, 217
Watch, the, 66, 69, 155-6, 269, 275, 276-7, 294
Night Watch, 232
procedural techniques, 159-60, 162, 178, 179-80, 202, 231, 233, 279
traditions of, 180
uniform, 293
See also Angua, Colon, Detritus,
Ironfoundersson, Nobbs, Vimes
accumulation of, 125
measures of, 33, 125, 193, 202
See also money
Weatherwax, Mistress Esmerelda
(Granny), 27-30, 51, 53, 101-7, 117, 118, 119, 149-56, 197-8, 262, 263, 283-4
Borrowing 117-18, 262
encounters with Death, 150-2, 193-4
healing skills, 101-2, 103, 149-52, 193-4
infallibility of, 27, 28
on baths, 104
on books, 27, 283
on hair care, 155
on hats, 106, 154
on imitations, 51
on nudity, 27, 102
on progress, 107
on sin, 197-8
on things foreign, 102, 104
on witches, 250, 263
use (or not) of witchcraft, 27, 29, 51, 104, 261, 262
Weatherwax, Lily, 105-6, 107
Wen the Eternally Surprised, 213, 215, 216
werewolves, 159, 183
See also Angua whale, caged, 65
whiskey: Bearhugger’s, 68; C. M. O. T.
Dibbler’s, 128
Willikins, 275
black (Black Aliss), 149, 248, 283
cackling, 283
Miss Level, 261, 262
Miss Perspicacia Tick, 247-8
Miss Treason, 284
Mrs Earwig, 283
Omnians and, 197
respect commanded by, 27, 103, 262
sabbats, 101-2
suspicion and hostility towards, 52, 149, 247, 248
Tiffany Aching on, 247-8, 259
use of Borrowing, 117-18
use of magic, 261
witch’s cottage, 27, 120
Witch Trials, 263
See also Aching, Garlick, magic, Nitt, Gytha Ogg, Weatherwax
wizards, 27, 45, 82, 92, 137, 188, 190, 224
and demons, 75
and food, 96, 224, 271
and gods, 92
and the Patrician, 94-5, 141
appearance of, 27, 137
attachment to life, 21, 28
competitiveness of, 45, 92
Cutangle, 30
Esk on, 30
fondness for occult display, 39, 75
Greyhald Spold, 21
Igneous Cutwell, 35, 36, 37-8, 39
research, 188
Ridcully on, 141
robes, 93
Windle Poons, 93-4, 95, 96
See also Unseen University
abilities, 29
as ladies, 290
at disadvantage in careers, 22
Cohen on, 20
in Historical Re-creation, 280
jerk syndrome in, 279
price of, 294
universal laws relating to, 253, 255
wizards’ opinion of, 23, 30
wossname, 76
writing and reading, knowledge of, 159, 260, 262, 284
yetis, 87, 219
Ysabell, 36-7, 38
Zen, 51, 219
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