A Real Man: Limited Edition

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A Real Man: Limited Edition Page 15

by Jenika Snow

  God, I wanted her in my life so damn badly. “There’s only one woman I want as mine for the rest of my fucking life, Eva.” I moved my thumb so I could now brush it along her bottom lip. “There’s only one woman I want as the mother of my children.” I continued to brush that digit along the swell of her lip. I was transfixed at what I was doing. And when she slipped just the tip of her tongue out and gently ran it along the pad of my thumb, I thought I’d come right then and there.


  “This is so crazy,” she said, but it held no heat, no emotion.

  “But it’s also so right, Eva baby.”

  She didn’t say anything, but she didn’t have to. This was wild, untamed, and felt so fucking good. Damn, I hadn’t even been inside of her yet, and I knew it would be the best I’d ever had.

  “What if I don’t want this … whatever this is?”

  I watched her mouth move as she spoke. “You don’t want this? You don’t want me?”

  She shook her head but didn’t say anything.

  I grinned, but it wasn’t one of amusement. “You can claim you don’t want this.” I leaned in close. “But you and I both know that’ll be a fucking lie.” I inhaled deeply, smelling the sweet scent that came from her. “I bet if I placed my hand between your legs you’d be wet for me, Eva.” I leaned back an inch so she could get a good look at my face. “Are you wet for me, Eva?” I couldn’t stop the low growl that left me at the thought she was primed for me, ready to take me into her body.

  “Don’t you think this is a little fast?” she asked softly and swallowed, obviously trying to seem reasonable. Hell, I was glad one of us could think straight. As it was, I was hard, possessive of her, and ready to take Eva right up against the fucking building.

  “I’ve known you for years,” I murmured and glanced at her mouth again.

  Fuck, I want to kiss her.

  “It was never like this, Dex.”

  “It should have been.” I closed my eyes and groaned. “Say my name again.” She was silent a second, and I looked at her again.

  I felt her breath tease my face. “I like hearing it come from your mouth.”

  She didn’t speak for long seconds, but that was okay. For her I’d wait for the rest of my fucking life.

  “Dex, we should stop,” she said, but there was no heat behind her words. She didn’t mean them.

  “If you truly want me to stop, then all you have to do is tell the truth, Eva. Don’t fucking lie. If you don’t want me, don’t want this—”

  “And what is this, Dex?” she said, cutting me off.

  I lifted my hand and pushed the long fall of her hair away from her neck. “What I want is you, Eva. I want every part of you as mine. Only mine.” I ran my finger along the side of her throat. Her pulse beat wildly beneath her ear, a testament to how worked up she was.

  “And you just came to this realization?” she whispered.

  I shook my head slowly. I pressed my rock hard cock against her belly. “I just realized I was a fucking fool to try and ignore what I wanted.”

  “What you wanted…” She didn’t phrase it like a question.

  “You, Eva.” I ground my erection against her. “You feel that?” I asked, but she didn’t respond, just licked her lips. I could see the truth in her eyes. “Just tell me you want to be mine.”

  She parted her lips, but didn’t speak. She was nervous, and I couldn’t blame her for that. I was coming on pretty fucking strong, but it was like something had snapped in me. I couldn’t wait, couldn’t try and go slow and easy, even if she deserved that and so much more.

  I leaned in close again so my mouth was by her ear now. “I want everyone to know you’re mine.”

  She was breathing harder, faster, and I doubted she’d relax. Her hands were on my biceps, her nails digging into my flesh.

  “When I say I want you as mine, I mean that and so much more, Eva.” I slipped my hand along her side. Being a bold motherfucker, I placed my palm right between her legs. The skirt she wore gave way, and I growled low at the fact her panties were damp. “I want to own this sweet pussy, Eva.”

  She made the sweetest little mewling noise.

  I nipped at her earlobe, and she dug her nails harder into my flesh. I added just a bit of pressure, but before I snapped at the pleasure I felt and took her right here, I moved my hand back up and placed my open palm right over her belly. My fingers spanned the width, and I leaned back to look in her eyes. “And every single time I take you, claim you as mine, Eva, I’ll make sure to fill you up with my cum until you carry my baby.”

  She gasped.

  “I don’t want any other woman, don’t want any other female to carry my baby.” She didn’t speak, but she sucked in a breath. “I want to fuck you with nothing between us. I want to be so far in you, so damn deep, that when I fill you up my seed comes out of you days later.”

  “Oh. God. Dex.”

  “I want my baby growing right here.” I added a little pressure to her belly and watched her chest rise and fall rapidly. “Do you understand exactly what I’m saying?”

  She licked her lips and nodded slowly.

  “What do you think about that? How does that make you feel?”

  She just shook her head, her whole body tight, her pupils still dilated, indicating how aroused she was.

  “It scares me.”

  “But in a good way, doesn’t it?”

  She closed her eyes and exhaled. “God. Yes.”

  I grinned even though she couldn’t see me.

  Yeah, she was right here with me.



  God, is this really happening?

  Dex had his hand on my belly, and I couldn’t deny what he said thrilled me, but it also scared the hell out of me.

  He wanted me to have his baby.

  He wanted me to be his woman.

  Yeah, it scared me, and in a good way.

  I’d wanted Dex for a long time, but I kept that hidden, moving on with my life. I wasn’t going to pine over a man that never saw me as anything more than Charlie’s little sister.

  I pretended not to pine.

  “Tell me you don’t want this and I’ll leave.” His breath brushed along my cheek. He smelled good, clean, manly. “It’ll be hard as fuck, Eva, but I’ll walk away.”

  The look in his eyes said he wouldn’t give up that easily, and I knew that throughout the years when he’d wanted something he went for it.

  Can I do this? Can I really give myself to Dex in all the ways he wants?

  It was certainly what I’d wanted … him, a family, and a life where I could actually be happy. I wasn’t thinking about what Charlie might say, or thinking about what was right or wrong.

  I was staring into Dex’s eyes and seeing the desire, the need he had for me, reflected back, and all common sense and rational thoughts left me.

  “I do want you.”

  He smirked, just a lift at the corner of his mouth. But damn, was it sexy.

  He leaned in and claimed my mouth without saying anything in response. The way he stroked his tongue along mine sent this heat wave through my body. When he pulled away, I couldn’t breathe. I was ready for him, so ready my panties were wet.

  I would have agreed to anything right then and there.

  But Dex stepped away when I thought he’d push this more. He smoothed a hand over my cheek, and leaned in once more to kiss me softly on my lips.

  “Tomorrow I’m taking you out, Eva,” he said quietly, his voice deep. “I’m going to treat you like a real woman, make you know how special you are.” He ran the pad of his thumb along my bottom lip, his focus on my mouth still. “As much as I want you, and you better believe I fucking want you—” He reached down and ran a hand over the huge bulge pressing against his jeans. “—We need to start this off right, yeah?”

  I nodded, not knowing what else to say.

  “God, it’s really fucking hard walking away right now, but I don’t want to be a bas
tard. I don’t want our first time to be me fucking you up against a wall … even if that’s what I want right now.”

  I knew he was hard, had felt it pressed against my belly. I wanted to tell him I didn’t care as long as he was with me right now. But I bit my lip and stayed still.

  “Until tomorrow, baby.” He turned and left.

  I could only stand there and watch him leave. Right before he got into his vehicle, he turned and looked at me. The way he winked had my pussy clenching painfully.

  I wanted him, and I knew when I told him that it sealed my fate.

  But was I ready to be the woman Dex wanted? Was I ready to give him what he wanted?


  The following evening

  “You’re going out with who?” Charlie asked, although he knew damn well.

  I looked over at him. I was in the bathroom, getting ready for the dinner Dex had planned for us, and feeling all kinds of nervous.

  “Dex,” I said again. “I told you that on the phone, you know, right before you came over here.”

  Charlie had always been protective of me, even when we were younger, and I knew that’s what he was doing now. It might be Dex, his best friend, but it was still a guy I was going out with. It being Dex just made it a little more complicated.

  “Why?” Charlie asked and leaned against the doorway. He crossed his arms over his chest and just glared at me. I felt like my dad was interrogating me.

  “Because he asked.” I took a deep breath. “And I like him, Charlie.”

  My brother didn’t say anything, and when I looked at him I saw this intense look on his face. “He’s kind of old, yeah?”

  I couldn’t help it. I started laughing. “He’s the same age as you.” When Charlie doesn’t say anything, I continued. “He’s only ten years older than me.” Charlie remained silent. I turned and faced my brother. “I mean, are you okay with me having dinner with him?” I wouldn’t cancel my plans if Charlie wasn’t because I was an adult, but I also didn’t want this to be weird.

  “Honestly?” he asked, not moving from his position and his focus intense.

  “Yeah, of course.”

  He exhaled softly, his eyes trained on mine. “If there was one guy I’d want you to be with, it would be Dex.”

  Okay, that threw me for a little bit of a loop. “Really?” My eyebrows knitted, the tightness in my face letting him know my confusion was clear.

  “I mean, he’s no saint, but there’s no one that’ll look after you better than he will.”

  That made me feel all tingly, knowing Charlie approved of Dex and me, and even if he’d said a lot of intense things the other night, I didn’t want to let this control me. I had to stay in reality; I knew if I let myself really go off the deep end, the fall would be devastating.

  I looked down, my thoughts full of all the things that could go wrong. “I’ve cared about him for a long time.” When I didn’t get a response, I looked up at Charlie again.

  “I know, Eva,” he said softly. “I’m not blind. I’ve never been blind to the way you look at him … and the way he’s looked at you.”

  There I was, going through a loop again. “You did? He did?” I thought I’d kept how I felt to myself, but apparently not.

  “You and Dex are both transparent as hell.”

  I felt my cheeks heat at this revelation, but it felt right, good even. “I thought this would bother you, even if it’s only dinner.”

  Charlie shook his head. “It’s not just dinner, not to him, Eva. I know Dex, and he doesn’t do this kind of shit.”

  I didn’t speak because I didn’t know what to say.

  “Hell, he hasn’t been with a woman in a long damn time, and even before then he didn’t sleep around. He always seemed distant in that regard.”

  Although I didn’t want to really hear about Dex and anything he did with other women in the past, hearing that he hadn’t been this major manwhore straight from Charlie felt really good.

  It’s not like I’d been celibate, but knowing Dex hadn’t been with woman in a long time made me feel like things were going in the right direction. Maybe that was stupid of me, but if shit hit the fan, I’d deal with it then. Until that time—if that even happened—I was going to just roll with this.



  We left the bar, but I wasn’t damn near done with the night, and I hoped she wasn’t either. I held the door open for her, and she stepped out of the restaurant. I wasn’t about to deny myself and didn’t give a fuck who saw … I leaned in and inhaled the sweet scent that always clung to her.

  I followed her out, and we walked in silence to the car. I was glad she’d let me pick her up. Eva could be headstrong, but if we were doing this, then I wanted to do it right.

  “Let me get that,” I said and unlocked the passenger side door for her. I held it open, watched her climb in, and saw a blush stealing over her cheeks. Truth was I wanted to be a gentleman with her, but I also wanted her so fucking badly. Doing something like holding the car door open let me watch her long legs fold into the car as she got in. It allowed me to see the slight rise of her skirt as she shifted on the seat.

  It allowed me to get my fill of her.

  I must have stood there for too long, because she looked up at me. “You got it engrained in your memory?” she said, but I heard the teasing note in her voice.

  I cleared my throat. I didn’t get embarrassed very often, but having Eva call me out on checking her out had done just that. I closed the door and walked around the car, my cock hard, but there was no way I was hiding the fucker. I didn’t want tonight to be about her thinking all I wanted was a fuck.

  I wanted her, of course. But this was about us connecting on a deeper level. I hadn’t lied or sugarcoated what I wanted with her.

  I wanted my baby in her.

  I wanted her as my woman.

  I wanted her as only mine.

  But that didn’t mean I wanted her to think all I wanted was between her legs because she could see my fucking hard-on.

  I just needed to prove to her that I was right for her.

  I needed to prove to Eva that I deserved her.


  I looked over at Dex. He had one hand on the steering wheel, the other on the gearshift, and God, did it look sexy. The short-sleeved shirt he wore showed off his forearms, biceps, and tattoos. I’d always had a thing for muscular arms.

  And he has arm porn going on for days.

  I shifted slightly as my arousal rose. The entire time at dinner Dex watched me. He’d wanted me to talk about myself, to tell him things he didn’t know.

  He’d said he wanted to know everything about me.

  And he’d been such an intense listener. I knew he heard every word I’d said, and although I’d never had anyone that interested in what I had to say, it felt good.

  He was heading back to my house, and although he’d told me during dinner he was having a good time, he’d never pushed keeping the night going on longer.

  But I wanted it to. God, I really wanted it to.

  I didn’t need to know every little detail about Dex to know what I wanted, and that was him, in every raw, hardened form he presented.

  But even if we’d known each other for years, could I really be bold and tell him what I wanted, or how I really wanted this night to end?

  I faced forward and swallowed.

  “You know, even if you had told me to fuck off, I would have still tried, Eva.”

  I looked over at him, not really surprised. I knew Dex well enough that if he wanted something he went after it.

  He didn’t look at me, but I saw him smirk, and God, did it turn me on.

  “Yeah, I know you well enough.” I couldn’t help but smile, too. We rode for another ten minutes before he pulled up in front of my house. I wasn’t sure exactly what to say, but when I turned to face him, maybe to say good night, or hell, maybe to invite him in, Dex had his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me forward.
r />   He kissed me hard, possessive, and as I rested one of my hands on his thighs, and the other on his shoulder to balance myself, all I felt was this intense need to be with him.

  The feeling of his tongue moving in and out of my mouth, pressing against my tongue, had my pussy so wet I couldn’t even breathe. But when he pulled me on top of him, I could feel the huge hardness of what was between his thighs. He wanted me; that was clear.

  He pulled away just enough that we weren’t kissing anymore, but our lips were still touching. “If I put my hand between your legs and touched your pussy, would you be wet for me, Eva?” he whispered against my mouth, and I breathed harder.

  “I don’t know, maybe you should find out.” I was feeling pretty damn bold right now. I felt him smile against my mouth, but he didn’t make a move to touch me. Instead, he took hold of my wrist in his hand and placed my palm flat on my chest.

  “Show me, Eva.”

  I sucked in a lungful of air and slowly moved my hand down my body. He still had a hold on my wrist as I descended. Lower I went, our focus on each other. I stopped at my lower belly.

  “Keep going, Eva.” There was this fire behind his eyes, something that had me burning brighter, and I was about to get singed. But I didn’t care.

  I pushed my hand underneath my skirt, and as soon as I was under the material, he let go of my wrist and placed his fingers on my panties. I groaned, he closed his eyes, and together we blew out ragged breaths.

  He rubbed me gently over my panties at first, but the longer he did that, and the more the seconds moved by, the faster he went. He was right over my clit, moving his finger back and forth over the swollen bud, and I knew I could come right then and there.

  “Tell me what you want, Eva. Tell me and it’s yours.” His voice was so damn gruff. “Even if it’s goodnight, I’ll fucking take my hand away and kiss you goodnight.”

  “Is that what you want?” I pressed my lower body an inch down and rubbed my pussy back and forth over his hand, wanting to come desperately.


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