A Real Man: Limited Edition

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A Real Man: Limited Edition Page 18

by Jenika Snow

  Pushing down the blanket, I exposed her bared, rounded belly. I leaned down, ran my lips along her flesh, and framed her roundness. She ran her fingers over my hair, and I shivered at her touch.

  My wife.

  My life.

  “Are you still happy?” I asked. I asked her this same question often, not because I didn’t think she was, but because I loved hearing her response.

  “More than I could describe in words.”

  “You’re mine,” I said and looked up at her. I pulled her closer and just held her.

  There was nothing more important than the woman in my arms, my baby in her belly, or the sons she’d given me.

  “It’s you.” I stroked my fingers along her arm. “It’s always been you.” I leaned down to kiss the soft skin on her shoulder. “And it’ll always be you.”

  The End

  Now in audio!

  More info can be found HERE

  Baby Fever Holiday Bonus

  Holiday songs and homemade apple pie


  Five years after the ending of Baby Fever

  “She’s so damn cute.”

  I smiled over at Eva. “Yeah, she is. She’s doing so well, too, and she looks like a little badass up there on stage.” I stared at my daughter, feeling so fucking proud. She might be five already, so not technically a baby anymore, but she’d always be daddy’s little girl.

  The boys were starting to get loud, and I glanced at them, giving them a “cut the shit now” look. They might be getting restless, but they’d respect their sister as she performed her first kindergarten holiday play.

  “Oh, here she goes.” Eva straightened, her hands up at her chest, and her smile wide.

  And then my baby girl started singing. Of course it was a little nervous, and yeah, she might have forgotten some of the words, but shit, she was rocking it. I couldn’t have been prouder.

  There she was, this tiny little thing—taking after her momma—dressed as an angel, and singing her heart out. I had one of the boys’ video tapping it all, because no way in hell was I about to miss having this as a permanent memory.

  It wasn’t long after that when the recital ended.

  I made my way past the other parents, their “what the fuck” gazes latched on me. Yeah, I might not be the traditional father, not with my beard, manbun, and the tattoos covering my arms, but I was one hell of a dad. I knew that, strived for it.

  I scooped Helena up in my arms and kissed her little head. “You made Daddy so proud, baby girl.” She beamed up at me. I handed her over to Eva. Jackson, already ten, and our eight-year-old twins, Harlow and Mav, were acting like perfect gentlemen. I pulled Jackson in and ran my knuckles over his head, messing up his hair. He grinned and pushed me away.

  “Stop, Dad.”

  I saw him glance in the other direction, and followed his gaze to where a little blonde girl his age was standing with her parents.

  “Jackson has the hots for Bridgette O’Donnell,” Harlow teased. That had Mav laughing and high-fiving his twin.

  I should have told them to leave Jackson alone, but I could only shake my head and chuckle at the redness that covered Jackson’s face.

  “Harlow, Mav, your day will come soon enough,” I said. I glanced at Eva, the woman I loved more than life itself. She pulled our four children closer to her, and listened to each of them go on about their childish rambling. All I could do was watch in wonder.

  This woman was so fucking special to me. She was the mother of my children, my wife, and the one woman I’d lay my life down for in a heartbeat. I looked at my kids, each of them a little bit of us. I tried to be better each and every time for them.

  It was always for them.

  This was what I’d always wanted. My heart and life were filled with love and happiness, and fucking hell, could that make a man fall to his knees and thank the heavens for miracles.


  I stayed silent from the kitchen as I watched Dex read a Christmas story to the kids. The smell of the apple pie I just pulled out of the oven saturated the kitchen, the soft sound of holiday music coming from the radio, and the sight of the twinkling white lights and decorations scattered around the house made this calm settle over me.

  Helena was already nearly asleep, curled up on Dex’s lap. Seeing her rubbing a piece of Daddy’s hair between her fingers as she dozed off had a smile curving my mouth.

  Jackson and the twins were only half-ass listening, but they were being quiet, so there was at least that.

  “Come on, bed time,” Dex said, and I stayed back as I watched my husband, and the man I’d spend the rest of my life with, take our children to their rooms for the night.

  I turned and grabbed a wine glass out of the cupboard, grabbed a bottle of wine off the rack, and went about popping the cork and pouring myself a glass.

  I had just taken my first drink when I felt strong arms wrap around my middle. Dex pulled me back against him, and I stared down at his tattooed forearms and biceps. There wasn’t anything on this man that didn’t turn me on. All he had to do was look in my direction and I was so ready for him.

  Like I was right now.

  My panties were wet form my arousal, and my nipples were rock hard.

  I also could feel his desire for me digging in the small of my back, that long, hard and thick pole he sported between his thighs making every feminine part of me rise up violently.

  “You smell incredible,” he whispered by my ear.

  I closed my eyes and rested my head on his chest. “It’s the pie.” I felt him move his hand down my belly. He stopped at the junction of my legs, his fingers long, strong. A gasp left me when he added some pressure on my pussy with those manly digits. My jeans formed to the most intimate part of me.

  “No, it’s all you, baby. You smell so fucking good,” he growled out low. “You always smell so damn good.”

  He spun me around and took the wine glass from my hand. I didn’t stop this. No, God, I wanted this.

  Before I knew what was happening, Dex had my shirt and bra off. The image of him sucking on my nipples slammed into me, and I was a second away from begging for him to do just that. But before I could utter a word, I watched as he grabbed a knife from the drawer, made a slice in the apple pie, and started to move his finger along the top where the apple pie insides were starting to come out. The smell of sweetness intensified, and my pussy grew wetter.

  “Dex…” I whispered, but he didn’t let me say anything else. Instead, he ran that apple pie filling-covered digit along my nipple. The flesh puckered up for him even more.

  “You already taste so sweet,” he murmured, and lowered his head to suck the tip into his mouth. The groan that came from him rocked me to my core. “But I couldn’t resist doing this, baby,” he said against my nipple. He took the next few seconds to suck the filling off my peak. He ran his tongue up and down, cupped my breasts, and made this animalistic sound.

  “Baby, I need you.”

  “Then take me, right here, right now.”

  His groan was all I heard before he all but tore my pants off, lifted me off the ground, and set me on the kitchen counter. I watched as Dex unzipped and unbuttoned his jeans, pulled out his already hard dick, and stroked himself a few times. Even after all these years our sex life was still amazing, still like it had been in the very beginning.

  It was passionate, raw, and all consuming.

  “Hold on, baby, because I am so fucking primed for you.” Dex stepped between my thighs and placed his cockhead right at my pussy hole. He stared into my eyes, and in one move buried himself fully in my body. I gasped at the intensity of his thrust, at being stretched, filled totally.

  He fucked me then.

  This wasn’t about us making love, which we did plenty of times. This was about scratching that erotic itch we both had.

  Dex pounded in and out of me, and soon sweat covered my body. My tits bounced between us, my breaths grew shallow, and I let myself go over the edge
only minutes after he’d impaled me.

  “Fuck, that’s it. Come for me. Milk my cock. Take it all in.”

  I had my head tossed back, my eyes closed, and just rode out the pleasure. My pussy was contracting around his dick, and I could tell by the fast pumping coming from Dex, and the sounds that left him, that he’d fall over the edge very soon.

  “Come on,” I said, and forced myself to open my eyes and stare at him. “I want you to get off, too.”

  He grunted. “You want my seed all up in your cunt, baby?”

  God, I loved his dirty talk.

  I nodded.

  “You want my jizz to slip from your tight little pussy when I pull out?”

  I gasped, feeling another orgasm rising to the surface.

  “Tell me,” he demanded in a guttural groan.

  “Yes, I want it all.” And then I was getting off again.

  “Yeah, that’s so fucking it, Eva.” He thrust once, twice, and on that third pump he buried his dick all the way in me. He came long and hard. I could see it on his face, on the way his entire body was so tense.

  When he breathed out and stilled, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. He held me too, his head on my shoulder, the power coming from him tame after his orgasm.

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  I stroked his back, and felt the cotton of his t-shirt damp from his sweat.

  “I love you, too.” He lifted his head and stared at me, and I cupped his beard-covered cheek.

  “You’re it for me.”

  I felt my heart jump at his words.

  “You’ve always been it for me.”

  “I love you,” I said again, and leaned in to kiss him. I tasted the subtle hint of apple pie on his tongue.

  He pulled out with a groan, but had me cradled in his arms only seconds later, and was striding out of the kitchen.

  “What are you going?” I asked, smiling.

  “I’m going to run you a bath, properly wash that luscious body of yours, dry you off, and take you to bed.” He stepped into our room and went into the master bathroom. “And when that’s all said and done, I’m going spread your thighs, and eat your pussy out until you get off again. I’m going to make you come for me so many times you’re exhausted from it.” He set me on the edge of the tub and just stared at me for long seconds.

  He cupped my cheeks, and the seriousness in his face went deep. “You’ll love me forever?”

  To hear this big, strong man asking me something so vulnerable could have had me crying. Even after all these years my love for him was stronger than ever.

  “Because for me, it’s just you, Eva.”

  I kissed him, and pulled back to look into his face this time. “Every day I love you more. That’ll be how it always is, Dex.”

  He pulled me in close and just held me. This was nothing better than having this man hold me like I was his world.

  “You are my world,” he said, and I smiled.

  Fairytale endings do happen. I was living proof of that.

  Volume Two

  EXPERIENCED (A Real Man, 4)

  By Jenika Snow


  [email protected]

  Copyright © September 2016 by Jenika Snow

  First E-book Publication: September 2016

  Photographer: Juliana Andrade

  Cover model: Wander Aguiar

  Photo provided by: Wander Book Club

  Editor: Editing By Rebecca / Kasi Alexander

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or establishments is solely coincidental.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.

  Created with Vellum

  He’ll show her how a real man treats a woman…


  I’d never known how good it could feel to be taken care of by a man who knew what he was doing.

  Until I was with Hugo...


  I was older than she was.

  She was innocent, hadn’t experienced all that life had to offer.

  I could give her that experience.

  Sabine consumed my thoughts, made me desire nothing else but her. No other woman compared to her, and because of that, I hadn’t been with a woman for four years, which was also the last time I saw Sabine.

  But I was done feeling guilty for what I desired. I wanted Sabine in my life, by my side, and I was about to make that a reality.

  I didn’t know if she’d ever been treated the way a female should … but I was going to show her how a real man takes care of a woman.

  Warning: If you’re into super short, hot, dirty reads containing a much older hero and younger heroine … keep on reading. This story is guaranteed to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, give you that sweet HEA we all deserve, and make you want to search out an experienced older man for yourself.



  She’s all I thought about for the last four years.

  Since I left after her high school, and eighteenth birthday, celebration, Sabine had been on my mind.

  Four. Fucking. Years.

  I closed my eyes and pictured her.

  I always thought about Sabine.

  I could picture her long black hair ... strands I wanted to wrap around my hand as I made love to her.

  I imagined her blue eyes staring up at me, wide, pleasure-filled, as I thrust into her body.

  I could picture my hands, mouth, and tongue moving along her womanly curves.

  Four years of me wanting a woman I knew I shouldn’t desire, but whom I couldn’t get out of my head.

  She was so much younger than I was, but that wasn’t an issue. The age difference didn’t bother me in the slightest. She was a woman, twenty-one years old, and she was smart, perfect for me. Sabine had always known what she wanted out of life, and she’d excelled at what she put her mind to. I might not have seen her in years, but I knew she had only gotten more determined in that regard. That wasn’t a trait someone just let go of.

  I also didn’t care that she was Leo’s—a family friend’s—daughter. Maybe I should have, but I didn’t let a complication like that stop me from aching for her in a way that made it hard to think of much else.

  It had been four long years since I’d even been intimate with a woman. I just couldn’t bring myself to go there with them, not when the only one I wanted was Sabine.

  After all this time, I knew she was the only one I’d ever want, and as experienced in life as I was, I knew this wasn’t a passing desire.

  I ran a hand over my face, breathing out wearily.

  “Would you like something else to drink, Mr. Romanov?”

  I looked up at the flight attendant and shook my head. “No, thank you, Marcella.” I had three more hours to go before I landed in New York, and another hour drive to get to Leo and his wife Annabelle’s house. And by the time I got to their home, it would be too late to see anyone really.

  Getting a hotel would have been a simpler option, but it was out of the question, not when Leo and Annabelle insisted I stay in their guesthouse. I knew better than to argue with either of them.

  I should have been here earlier.

  I’d missed Sabine’s graduation, and even though I’d known about this event for some time, switching my business obligations around hadn’t been possible. That didn’t stop me from feeling this immense guilt.

  I reached into my pocket and pulled out the white leather box. Opening it, I stared down at the diamond tennis bracelet I’d bought for her

  Sabine was the only woman I’d ever given jewelry to, and although it might seem like an innocent gesture, a congratulatory gift for her accomplishments, the necklace, and now this bracelet, meant more to me than she’d ever know.

  She meant more to me than she’d ever know.


  It had been four years since I’d seen him.

  Four years of me wanting a man I knew I could never have.

  Four years of me comparing every guy I tried to have a relationship with to him ... Hugo.

  I’d told myself I needed to wake up and realize I could never have a man more than twice my age who was my father’s lifelong friend.

  But telling myself what I should and shouldn’t want was a lot harder to accomplish when what I wanted was unattainable, yet still within my reach.

  I stared across the table at my parents. We’d finished throwing a small dinner party in celebration of me graduating college with my bachelor's degree, and now it was just the three of us. I should be focusing on graduate school, getting my master's in education, but knowing Hugo was coming in tonight was all I could think of.

  Hugo Romanov.

  Just thinking his name had my skin prickling with awareness, had every part of me speeding up. Adrenaline rushing through my body caused this reaction.

  “He’ll be here sometime tonight, although I’m not sure what time.”

  I looked at my father. He leaned back in the dining room chair and lifted his wine glass to his lips. He looked over at my mother, who also had a wine glass in front of her.

  “It’s been what, four years since he was last in the States?” my mother asked.

  My father nodded. “Yes, for Sabine’s high school graduation. Although he came back about a year ago on business, he couldn’t take the extra time to fly out to see us.”


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