A Real Man: Limited Edition

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A Real Man: Limited Edition Page 29

by Jenika Snow

  I tilted my head back, looked at his face, and tried to gauge what he might be thinking.

  He looked down at me, and the smile he gave me had me knowing everything would be okay, that this had been the right thing to do, and that nothing was screwed up.

  “I meant every word I said,” he told me softly. “Every fucking word, Megan.”

  My heart did a little jump inside my chest.

  “From the moment I knew I loved you, it’s always been you. No one will ever compare, and no one will ever make me feel the way you do.” He shifted on the bed and cupped the side of my face with his big hand. “And I won’t let you go. I have you now, and that’s how it’ll stay.” The silence only lasted a few seconds before he spoke again. “I want you to stay here with me, not because you have to, not because you don’t have any other place to go, but because you want to be here with me. To be mine, Meghan.”

  I felt my heart beat harder.

  “I want you to be in my bed, to be in my life, share it with me.” He looked at me, cupped the side of my face, and I felt the love he had for me. “I want that so fucking badly. I want to share my life with you.”

  I didn’t hold back my smile. “I want that, Brendan.”

  “Yeah?” he asked and got this huge grin on his face.

  “Yeah.” He held me tighter. “I don’t want to go anywhere, Brendan,” I said honestly.

  “Good, because you’re mine.”



  Four years later

  I looked at my phone, checked the text from Brendan again, and then looked at the restaurant in front of me. It looked closed, but the address was correct. I was just about to call Brendan when the front door opened and an older man smiled and gestured me in.

  “Meghan?” he asked, and I nodded, moving forward. “Please, come in.”

  I knitted my brows, not sure what in the hell was going on, but entered the building.

  When I’d gotten the text from Brendan earlier today to meet at this restaurant about forty-five minutes away from where we lived, I was obviously confused. Not only did he say he’d meet me there because he was working late, but I’d had to come alone.

  The fact was I wasn’t even in the mood for dinner, especially driving nearly an hour by myself to do it. I had to talk to Brendan, because what I had to tell him scared the hell out of me.

  It was something that I’d just found out this morning, and I knew I wasn’t going to wait to reveal the fact I was pregnant.

  I exhaled at that thought. Me. A mother. It scared the hell out of me, and although Brendan and I had made a life for ourselves, this wasn’t a planned pregnancy, and it was huge. How would Brendan even react? I knew he wanted children, and although we’d been together four years already, not planning for something like this could make anyone’s head spin.

  I knew mine was.

  The man who let me in shut the restaurant door behind us. I stood there, staring at the empty interior: the tables and chairs all perfectly lined around the open space, the bar off to the side that had only the liquor lights on, showing the massive display behind the counter.

  “I don’t understand—”

  “Right this way,” he said, cutting me off. I followed him through the empty restaurant, down a short hallway, and then he finally stopped in front of a closed door. “Here you are,” he said, gestured to the door, then turned and left.

  What the hell?

  I pushed the door open, and I felt every part of my body freeze up. Brendan stood in the center of the room. There were so many candles scattered around he didn’t need any other lighting. A small, intimate table was set off to the side, two covered plates on top of it, and this low music filtered throughout the room.

  “Brendan?” I asked, looking around, still not sure what in the hell was going on. When my focus landed on him again, I finally noticed he was dressed very nice. A suit and tie covered his huge, muscular form, and I felt the familiar heat start to fill me.

  Even all these years later, I just needed to look at him and I felt pleasure.

  Then I realized what he held in his hand.

  A small black box.

  I swallowed the lump in my throat, felt my heart start to beat overtime, and although I was still frozen to the spot, I was deliriously happy.

  We’d spoken about marriage so many times over the last four years I knew this day would come eventually. But it had been my decision to wait until after I finished school and got my Masters.

  And I had just completed my last advanced course today.

  I covered my mouth, tears starting to fill my eyes. He didn’t know I was pregnant, and he stood there waiting to propose. But would me telling him change the events that I knew were going to happen tonight?

  I knew I had to tell him before anything else went down.

  “Brendan, I need to talk to you.” I knew how I probably looked: nervous and worried. The concern was on his face instantly, and he was in front of me in a matter of seconds.

  “What’s wrong? Whose ass do I need to beat for making you look scared?” Only a second passed before he started speaking again. “Oh shit, maybe it’s me.”

  I shook my head, not wanting him to think any of that.

  “You saw all this, and I scared the fuck out of you, didn’t I?”

  I shook my head again. This was getting worse. I just spit it out. “I’m pregnant.” A moment of silence stretched out where he didn’t say anything. But then I saw the worry on his expression slowly turn to shock. I quickly spoke again, not sure what to make of the sudden pressure in the room. “I wanted to tell you in case you didn’t want to go through with this.” I snapped my mouth shut, feeling all kinds of nervous right now.

  “Not want to do this?” he finally said after long seconds, the shock in his voice clear. “Baby,” he said and moved closer, “this is all I’ve wanted since the moment you said you’d be mine.” And then he dropped to his knees and covered my belly with his hands. “And now you have my baby in you.”

  Tears fell instantly, and I didn’t bother wiping them away. He stayed down there for long seconds, just holding his hands on my belly. Any thought I might have had about Brendan not being okay with this went right out the damn window.

  He opened the ring box and stared up at me. “Meghan, although I’m pretty sure you know what’s going on—” he said and smiled, and I couldn’t help but return it with my own watery grin. “But you’re the only woman I’ve ever wanted. You’re the only woman that means anything to me. Without you, I don’t exist. Without you in my life, I’m nothing but a shell of a man.”

  God, here were more tears.

  “It’s because of you I’m a better person and want to be that way until the day I die. I waited until you graduated before doing this, because I knew that’s what you wanted. But I want you to know I have wanted you as my wife since the moment you told me you loved me.”

  I wiped my tears away, feeling like I was floating above all of this, experiencing it from another point of view.

  “I can’t picture myself being with anyone else, sharing my life with any other woman.” He still held one hand on my belly, and I felt his fingers lightly flex on my cotton-covered stomach. “And now you’re giving me a baby, Meghan.” He still held the ring up, a gorgeous solitaire that was perfect in every way. “You’ve already made me the happiest man ten times over, but saying yes would be pretty incredible, too.”

  I chuckled softly and nodded. “Yes.” He stood and wrapped me in an embrace. For long seconds, he just held me, and it was the best feeling in the world. Then he pulled away, removed the ring from the box, and slipped it on my finger.

  “You’ve always been mine; this just makes it official.”

  I laughed softly after he spoke. I’d always been Brendan’s, and I always would be.



  Nine months later

  I was a father.

  So much joy, so much happin
ess, filled me to the point I didn’t even try not to cry.

  I stood back, watching as the nurse handed my daughter to Meghan. God, I was full-on crying now, probably looking like someone who couldn’t keep his shit together, but hell, I didn’t care. I didn’t care what anyone said.

  I was a fucking father, and this day, as well as when Meghan had said “I do,” were the two happiest moments of my life.

  Meghan glanced over at me and smiled, and the world was right, perfect, and I was never letting go.

  I went up to the woman I loved, my wife, and the mother of my child. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I was careful, knowing she was sore. God, she’d done so well, been so strong. It had taken Meghan twenty-three hours of labor before our baby girl was born. I was scared, wanted to take the pain away, take her fucking place, but shit, I was so damn proud of her.

  “You’re a damn rock star, baby,” I said softly and leaned forward to kiss her lightly on the mouth. Our daughter made the cutest little sound, and I didn’t stop myself from smiling. “Your mom’s flight should be landing in the next couple of hours, and my dad is driving down now.”

  Meghan nodded and smiled, resting back on the bed more.

  “But if you’re not up for anyone I’ll tell them to just wait.”

  She shook her head. “No. It’ll be nice having them here.”

  Once Meghan and I had decided being together was what we wanted—needed—we hadn’t hesitated in letting our folks know. At first there had been a little hesitation on their part, maybe even disapproval, but as time went on they had no choice but to accept what was going on.

  There was no way I was letting Meghan go.

  But their acceptance didn’t take long, and they’d given us the support we asked for, had been there at the wedding, and had been a constant positive influence in our lives and in our choices.

  “Hold her,” Meghan said gently, and I didn’t lie in the fact I was scared as hell.

  “I’m all thumbs, baby,” I said, panic kicking in. “I don’t want to hold her wrong.”

  Meghan chuckled. “You won’t. You’ll do great.” She shifted slightly, and before I knew it I was holding my daughter. The baby tried opening her little eyes, but she had this cream in them, and it looked hard for her to do the act. “Can you get this shit out of her eyes?” I said before I realized I probably could have said it softer.

  Meghan chuckled beside me.

  The nurse smiled. “It has to stay there, honey.”

  I nodded and looked down at my daughter.

  “You still liking the name we picked out?”

  Meghan placed her hand on my forearm and I looked at my wife. “If you do.”

  I nodded. “Well, baby girl, it looks like you’ll be Elisabeth Brianna.” She made this soft little coo, and I chuckled. “I think she approves.” I leaned down and kissed her softly on the forehead, feeling the light splattering of dark hair atop her little head.

  And as I sat beside my wife, holding the little girl we’d created, I knew without a doubt there was nothing better in this world than being complete. And there was no one in this world that would ever make me feel that way except the little family I now had.

  Love was a special, powerful thing to have, and I was one lucky bastard to be able to experience it.

  The End

  Roommate Holiday Bonus

  Holiday balls and spiked apple cider


  Our house was packed, our parents were passing baby Elisabeth around, and I had Meghan close to me. All felt right in the world. Hell, it always felt right with Meghan and our baby girl in my life.

  Some upbeat holiday song played from the radio, and the laughter and cheer was enough to leave this thick sensation on the skin.

  But it was the good kind of feeling. It was the kind that made you know you were loved. I took another drink of my spike apple cider … that shit potent as hell and having this fire start in my belly.

  We’d just finished dinner, and although I was ready to relax, having Meghan close to me had me thinking of other things. Hell, she just had to breathe and I was ready for her. It didn’t matter that family was all around us, or that I should have had some semblance of control.

  My woman was fucking gorgeous, and I loved her too damn much to try and control myself and be PC.

  She shifted on my lap as she went to reach for her glass. And just like that my fucking cock rose to attention. It was like a starving animal that had just been thrown a morsel of food.

  I pushed the fall of hair off her shoulder. I leaned in, inhaling deeply, my cock jerking.

  “Brendan,” Meghan said, her voice hushed, shocked, but also sounding like she knew what was coming and anticipated it.

  “How about we head to the bathroom real quick, and I make you feel good?” I felt her shift again, and I closed my eyes and held in my groan. No doubt I wanted to be deep in her pussy, feeling her tightness around me. But what I wanted more right now was to get her off … with my mouth. “Meet me in the bathroom.” I helped her off me, kept my hands in front of my crotch to hopefully hide my boner, and headed down the hall and away from everyone.

  Once in the bathroom I pressed the heel of my palm down on my dick. It seemed like forever before the bathroom door opened and Meghan stepped inside. For long seconds we just stared at each other. Her cheeks were red, her pupils dilated, and I could see the way her pulse beat wildly right below her ear.

  I wanted her. Now.

  Before she could say anything, hell, before I could even try and talk myself out of this, seeing as our families were right outside, I was right in front of her. Cupping her ass in my hands, I groaned softly at the feel of the fleshy mounds. She was so fucking perfect.

  “As much as I want to fuck you right now,” I said and lifted her onto the bathroom counter, “I want my mouth all over your pussy.” I kissed her then, stroked my tongue along her lips, and held in the guttural sound that would have left me. “I want you to come with my tongue thrust deep in your cunt, baby.” She made the sweetest sound. Not wasting another moment, because we really didn’t have a lot of time before someone realized we were gone, I went to my haunches in front of her. She placed her legs on my shoulders, her dress rising up. I got to see between her thighs. The white panties she wore were so fucking hot.

  I didn’t even bother getting her underwear off. I just slipped my finger under the elastic side, pulled it over, and placed my mouth right over her pussy. The smell and flavor of her was so damn addicting. I plunged my tongue in and out of her, but couldn’t hold myself back from moving up and sucking her clit into my mouth. I hummed, knowing she felt the vibrations. She clutched at my hair, pulling the strands hard enough it hurt … hard enough it felt incredible.

  My cock throbbed, my balls were drawn up to my body, and it was damn hard keeping that fucker in my pants.

  This is about your girl.

  It was always about Meaghan. Always.

  I devoured her then. I licked at her clit, ran my tongue down her cleft, and loved the little mewling sounds she made. I was frenzied for her, wanting desperately to get her off like I needed to take my next breath. I held her legs open with my hands on her inner thighs, and groaned at her flavor. I was so drunk on her it was a miracle I could even function right now.

  “Yes, Brendan,” she whispered. I looked up, but didn’t stop from plunging my tongue in and out of her. “I’m going to get off.” She pulled at my hair even harder.

  I fucking loved it.

  “Come on, baby. Give it to me.” I renewed my efforts, and just when I felt her tense, knowing she’d climax, I reached up and covered her mouth with my hand. She moaned, the sound muffled. The position I was in was slightly awkward, but I didn’t move. I kept eating her out until she sagged against the mirror, breathing hard, her hands now at her sides on the granite.

  I rose up, and not bothering to wipe her juices from my mouth, I reached out and cupped her nape. I brought her close, slammed my lips on
hers, and made her taste herself. My cock was throbbing, but I told the fucker later we could have all the fun with Meghan. Right now, seeing her get off, and tasting that on my tongue was like fucking heaven.

  I pulled back, my hands still on either side of her face. “I love you so fucking much.” She was still trying to catch her breath, and damn, that made me feel good.

  “I love you too.” She leaned forward and kissed me.

  I helped her off the counter, adjusted her dress, and made sure it didn’t look like I’d just been mouth-fucking my woman. Not that I cared if I did, but our family didn’t need to know any of that.

  When we were as presentable as we were going to get, we headed out of the bathroom and to where our family was. As our daughter got doted on, I looked at Meghan. I got lost in everything that was this woman.

  Every day I fell more in love with Meghan, and I knew it would be like that until the day I died.


  ARROGANT (A Real Man, 6)

  By Jenika Snow


  [email protected]

  Copyright © November 2016 by Jenika Snow

  First E-book Publication: November 2016

  Photographer: Wander Aguiar Photography

  Cover model: Jake Hogue

  Photo provided by: Wander Book Club

  Editor: Editing by Rebecca / Kasi Alexander / Lea Schafer

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental. Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.


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