A Real Man: Limited Edition

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A Real Man: Limited Edition Page 43

by Jenika Snow

  “You’d let me, wouldn’t you?” I was being so dirty right now, talking like a bastard to her, but I couldn’t help myself.

  “Yes,” she said, finally submitting to me.

  “You’re mine, have been since the first time I saw you get out of your car on the side of the road.” I pulled back and moved my calloused thumb over her lips. They were smooth and red, slightly swollen and glossy from my kiss. “And you’ll be mine, always, Josephine. Always.”

  She didn’t object and I hummed in pleasure.

  “I’m going to let you know what I want,” I said, still close. “You’re going to let me take you out. You’re going to let me show you off.” She breathed harder. I loved it, got harder because of it. “I want to fucking show you off, to let everyone know that you’re mine.” Fuck, I wanted that badly. “You tell me how that sounds, baby.”

  “You like getting your way,” was her reply.

  I felt the corner of my mouth tilt. “Always, but when it comes to you I’m not backing down.” We stayed silent for a long minute, my jean-clad cock still pressed to her soft belly.

  “Okay,” she finally whispered.

  I was grinning then. I was a man who just won the fucking lottery.


  A week later

  I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about Gabe, about what he’d said, how he’d touched me … how he’d made me feel.

  The way he’d pressed me up against the truck, the things he’d demanded of me, admitted to me, made me flushed, needy. I wanted to wrap myself around him, let him show me what he’d do to me … what he’d make me do to him.

  It had been pure hell that all this time had passed and I hadn’t experienced his promises.

  It had been a week since our incident in the parking lot of the diner, since he woke something up in me. I’d never experienced this arousal, this intensity with anyone. It was as if Gabe made me feel alive, and showed me what I’d been missing, what I could have.

  But I had to push my desires to be consumed by him to the back of my mind, at least while I was at work. And it was a little easier I was so busy setting things up, and getting a feel for the business and clientele. I also had to get settled in at my new place, so being busy was an understatement.

  “You doing okay?” Lilly asked.

  She’d been running things off the books, so to speak, because they didn’t have a manager. I was filling in that spot and hoping to bring in some new clients as well. It would certainly make me look good with corporate seeing as they transferred my ass over here and paid for me to get settled. But this place was still lonely. Even though I’d only been in Rustin for a few short days, going home to that empty house, where the moving company had delivered my shit just yesterday and boxes were scattered around, was depressing.

  And all I could think about was Gabe.

  His words played through my head on repeat. The things he’d claimed, the way he’d said I was his. It made it seem so real. And his kiss…

  I touched my lips. Even now, days later, they tingled with the afterthought of what we’d shared. He’d been demanding, dominating, and I’d wanted more. They stung like a bee had touched them, just lightly grazed its stinger along the sensitive flesh. God, I was losing my mind, right? I felt like I was, at least.

  “You’ve been here in Rustin your whole life?” I asked Lilly. She nodded. I didn’t want to be a nosy bitch, but then again I wanted to ask about Gabe. I wanted to see what someone else had to say about him, what his reputation might be. Sure, I could have asked him directly, but people tended not to share the less pleasant things about themselves. “You know Gabe?”

  “From Gabe’s Garage?”

  I nodded.

  “Sure. Everyone knows him.” She smiled, and I felt little bit of tension leave.

  “Can you tell me about him?”

  Her brows pulled down slightly. “Sure, but can I ask why? Has something happened?”

  I shook my head. “No. Uh, yeah, I guess you could say that.” I felt myself flush.

  “You’re okay?” Lilly looked serious, concerned.

  “I’m fine.” I saw her visibly relax. “We started talking, and he wants to spend time with me.” I swallowed. “It’s just, well, I’d like to know a little about him, like things he may not want to share.”

  “Something’s going on between you?” Her brows lowered even more. “You’ve been in town for like—”

  “Yeah, I know.” I cut her off. “It’s crazy, but there’s chemistry definitely there.”

  She nodded slowly. “Okay,” she said and leaned against the door frame. “There’s not much to tell, I guess. He keeps to himself and owns the garage. His father used to own it, and his dad had issues.”

  Yeah, Gabe had told me that much at least.

  “But no crazy ex-girlfriend that might come busting back into the picture?”

  Lilly tilted her head. “To be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen Gabe with someone, not fling wise, or even one he was serious with. I think you’re safe in that regard.”

  I felt a little more of my worry fade. I wasn’t tense because I thought there would be some horrible secret that would be revealed about him, and I should have just asked him, I supposed, but what I felt for him wasn’t sane in any sense, at least not in such a short time.

  I didn’t want to just ignore this or be afraid of it. I wanted to embrace it, let it surround me, and never look back. That’s how intensely all of this was in me.

  “Gabe is the strong silent type for sure, but he’s also the gentle-giant kind of man. He’s always willing to help someone out, and he’s not charged people for fixing their cars if they can’t afford it. I’d say if you were going to fall for someone in town, Gabe’s a pretty prime pick.” With that, she smiled and turned to leave my office.

  Even though I was being cautious asking Lilly about Gabe, her words wouldn’t have swayed me one way or another. I still would have wanted him. It was like he’d gotten under my skin and made me crave him.

  I glanced at the clock, seeing it was nearly time to close up for the day. For such a small town the business had a decent-sized clientele.

  But it had been seven long days since I’d actually spent time with Gabe, time like we’d shared at the diner. A shiver worked through me. But that was good, right? I mean, I needed to focus on work. I needed to, but what I wanted—and how Gabe could give that to me—was always at the back of my mind.

  My cell vibrated, and I grabbed it out of my purse. My heart started beating faster, the sight of Gabe’s number having my body react instantly. I’d spoken to him a few times over the last week, but I’d forced myself to keep it professional. He’d given me updates on my car, told me a bunch of garage talk that hadn’t meant much to me because I was too focused on the timbre of his voice and how it speared right between my thighs.

  Gabe: Your car is fixed. I’ll pick you up after work.

  Despite the fact that I got hot thinking about him telling me what he was going to do and became wet at the thought of him taking action, I was also an independent woman. Besides, Lilly had already said she was taking me home. I’d just see if she could drop me off at the garage instead.

  My coworker has already offered a ride. I’ll just stop by after work.

  I expected him to respond right away, but it was a long few minutes before he texted back.

  Gabe: I can easily just pick you up. I want to pick you up. I haven’t seen you in a damn week.

  That had a thrill moving through me. No, we hadn’t seen each other, but we weren’t dating or anything. I had shit to do too, and his caveman actions and words—no matter if they did turn me on—didn’t change the fact that I had to also settle in without any kind of complications.

  And Gabe was definitely a complication … a six-foot-three, heavily tattooed, all-man complication.

  It’s no trouble for her to just drop me off.

  I was aware not giving in would annoy him. I didn
’t have to know him for years to understand the type of man Gabe was: the kind that demanded his way at all costs. The thing was it turned me on to think about submitting. It also turned me on equally to think about not surrendering, at least not so easily.

  Gabe: It’s easier if you just give me what I want.

  I could read between the lines and practically hear him say that right by my ear. He wasn’t just admitting that because of the car ride. No, I had a feeling he meant that in all ways.

  That wouldn’t be much fun, now would it?

  I didn’t expect him to respond, and I was right after ten minutes had passed and I didn’t get a reply.

  I finished my paperwork, closed out my computer and the training programs I was working on, and got ready to go.

  The only thought that crossed through my mind as I followed Lilly out was whether I was ready to throw caution to the wind and give in.

  Because there wasn’t anything I wanted more since coming to Rustin.



  “Thanks,” I said and got out of the car. I was thankful I’d made at least one friend while being in town, and Lilly was a sweetheart.

  “No problem,” Lilly said and leaned down so she could see out the opened passenger door. “You have my cell if you need me.”

  I nodded and lifted my hand. After shutting the door and watching her leave, I turned and looked at Gabe’s garage.

  I made my way toward the building, hearing the music pounding through the closed doors. I knocked on the front entrance but doubted he’d hear me unless he was close to it. Walking around to where the bay doors were, I rose on my toes and peered in through the dirty, smudged glass. A motorcycle that was taken apart was on one side, and several other vehicles were lined up away from that. The garage itself was small, but then again, this was a tiny town, so they probably didn’t need a whole lot of custom work done.

  And then I saw Gabe. He was hunched over the hood of a car. He wore a pair of grease-stained jeans, thick black biker boots, and a T-shirt that might have been white at one time but was now gray and torn. A breeze blew by, and I shivered. Wrapping my jacket more firmly around my chest, I noticed a door off to the side. He clearly hadn’t heard me knocking, and I doubted he’d hear if I banged on the garage door.

  I went over to the side door, pulled it open, and the scent of grease, gasoline, and everything that made up Gabe slammed into me. My body reacted instantly: my nipples hardened, and I became wet between my thighs.

  I moved closer. He still had yet to realize I was here, despite the fact that he’d let me know the car was ready and I all but argued I’d have a coworker drop me off.

  I could see his big hands working on the guts of the car but had no clue what he was actually doing, obviously. Grease covered his tanned hands, but it was a turn-on to see him in his element. I don’t know how long I stood there staring him, my body becoming even more aroused, my heart racing.

  And then he lifted his head and his dark gaze landed right on me. The music beat a heady, almost violent rhythm around us, and neither of us said anything for long seconds. He moved out from under the hood and walked over to where an ancient-looking radio sat atop a workstation. When he turned the dial, the music instantly lowered. Gabe faced me, a dirty red rag in his hands. He still said nothing as he started cleaning off the oil with one of the shop rags.

  “So,” I said, my throat tight, my nerves insane right now. I looked at my car again, which I saw parked off to the side away from the half-assembled motorcycle. “How’s it going?”

  How’s it going? I seriously just said that?

  I tried to ward off the awkward feeling I had by pointing to my car. He didn’t respond and didn’t move from where he leaned against the workbench. The wide expanse of his chest was visible under the thin material of his filthy shirt.

  God, why is the grease that covers him so damn hot?

  His hard, muscular pecs were defined, his tiny male nipples evident through the shirt. And his huge biceps made me think he’d bust right through the shirt at any second.

  My arousal continued to burn slowly inside of me, but I had no doubt it would consume me before I left. It was like my body screamed at me to let this man have it in every dirty way imaginable.

  Despite his stoic expression, he kept his focus on me. I noticed the way he started breathing a little harder, and told myself to keep my eyes above his belt. No need to see if he was sporting a hard-on.

  I opened my mouth to bring the focus back to the car, but no words came. God, I felt like there was this intense heat bouncing between us. We were a good distance away from each other, but his gaze on me felt like actual fingers skating down my entire body.

  He started washing his hands at a small sink, then grabbed a clean rag and dried them off. He pushed away the bench, and stalked toward me. I couldn’t move, couldn’t even breathe when he stopped in front of me. He was so big that his entire body took up my vision and blocked out everything behind him. With the slow, steady pump of music all around us, the scent of him filling my lungs, and the masculine sexuality he threw off, I didn’t want to think about anything else aside from giving in to him.

  “I have some paperwork for you to fill out,” was his only reply in regards to my car. I licked my lips and nodded, and I didn’t miss the way he looked down at my mouth.

  I followed him over to my car, and he opened the driver’s door to grab some paperwork that was on the seat.

  “Sign on these two pages.” He pointed out where I was to put my signature. I scanned the papers but didn’t see a price on parts and labor.

  “I don’t see how much all of this will cost.” I had relocated for this job and had a nice nest egg saved up, but I certainly didn’t have an expendable bank account.

  “I got the part from a guy I know. He owed me a favor so no cost.”

  I looked up at him, shocked.

  “And I did the labor myself, so I didn’t pay any of my guys. Again, no cost to you.”

  I knew my eyes had to be wide. I felt like a deer caught in headlights. “I…” I shook my head. “I mean, thank you so much, but I can’t accept that. I would feel horrible not paying for your time.”

  He was silent for long seconds, and I set the paperwork down on the hood of the car.

  “I have a feeling you will just argue with me on this.”

  I nodded. “Pretty much.”

  He glanced down at his boots, and I took a moment to appreciate all the ink that covered him. Even his neck had tattoos, ones I found very arousing.

  “Let me take you out.”

  “What?” I felt like I stuttered the word out. “How is that me paying you? I already agreed to that.”

  He shrugged. “It’s all I’ve got.”

  A moment of silence passed. “And you won’t budge on this?”

  He crossed his arms over his chest, shaking his head. “I let it go that you didn’t want me picking you up. I won’t move on this.”

  I stared at the paperwork and then sighed. “Fine, but I pay for wherever we go.”

  “We’ll talk about that later,” he said, his voice seeming deeper, huskier. “Sign, please.”

  I shivered at the command in his voice. I couldn’t lie and say I didn’t enjoy the fact that he bargained with me. I had already agreed to go out with him, and even if we hadn’t done that because of my schedule, it was kind of sweet he was using that as a deal maker.

  My entire body was already on fire, and my arousal was through the roof. He handed me a pen. Our fingers brushed, and my heart started to race once more. I felt like my hand was shaking as I signed the two forms, and when he placed his hand on mine, steadying it, I stopped breathing altogether.

  I slowly lifted my head and looked at him.

  Our gazes clashed.

  The air around us became thick.

  I knew what was about to happen, and no way in hell would I stop it.

  The chemistry that had bounced between us since the
moment I first met him was not something I was going to ignore. I couldn’t. I opened my mouth, not sure exactly what to say, but it seemed Gabe had other things planned.

  He gripped me behind the neck before I even knew what was happening, and pulled me forward until my body slammed against his. My breasts pressed against the hard planes of his chest, and the air gushed out of me. My pussy clenched, probably wanting something thick and long that only Gabe could provide.

  “I don’t think you understand the intensity with which I need you … want you.” Gabe was rough around the edges, brutal in his strength, and didn’t apologize over those traits.

  He’d told me as much, shown me up against the truck, too. But right here, right now … this felt different.

  I found it so damn attractive I couldn’t breathe from it all.

  The low, growly sound he made had my pussy clenching again in need.

  “You have to know how much I want you.” He lowered his head to mine until his lips were a hairsbreadth away. “And if you don’t know, you’re about to find out.” His warm breath slid along my face. “I want to own you, to memorize your body with my hands and tongue.” I shivered from his words. “Will you let me taste you, baby?”

  I felt myself nod before I could even form a word.

  “Yeah, you will.” His lips brushed mine. “Because not being with you, feeling you, having you close has been pure fucking hell.”

  I moaned softly.

  “That’s right, Joey. You want this, too.”

  I did, but I couldn’t find the words to voice it. Fortunately his lips crashed against mine, taking my mouth in a bruising kiss that didn’t let me think of anything.

  I didn’t want to think of anything else.



  I only wanted to please Josephine. I wanted her to know she was mine, not just by telling her but also by showing her.

  Her mouth was hot and sweeter than anything I’d ever tasted, but then again I knew she would be. I knew she’d be the best damn thing I’d ever experienced. I swept my tongue into the wet cavern of her mouth, groaning at her flavor, at the way she gave in to me. I stroked it along hers, eliciting a soft mewl from her.


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