A Real Man: Limited Edition

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A Real Man: Limited Edition Page 61

by Jenika Snow

  I felt my face heat, and my body tingled. God, that Scottish brogue did it for me. I turned to see Mr. McGowan standing there, his face fierce, his stance aggressive.

  Alastair was huge, imposing, and so damn muscular. He reeked of possessiveness, and this territorial air covered him. I didn’t know how I knew that, how I felt it, but it surrounded me, covered me like a second skin.

  “Excuse me?” Brad said, his attitude already coming through.

  Alastair stepped between Brad and me, his big body blocking out the much smaller man from my view. I had no clue what would happen, what was about to happen, but I was frozen in place, confused as hell about why this professor was acting like I was his.

  “I believe Molly said no’, right?”

  Brad glanced at me but said nothing. Finally he shrugged. “Yeah, whatever.”

  He left, and I stood there, not sure what in the hell was going on. Mr. McGowan turned around and faced me, and I cocked my head back and stared at him, not sure what to say or do.

  “Will you come with me?”

  And I was so transfixed, so confused that all I did was nod and follow him into the school, down the hall, and back into his office.

  “Shut the door, lass.”

  The way he said that endearment had my heart pounding harder. I closed the door and watched as he made his way back to the desk.

  He faced me. “And lock it, please.”

  My heart thumped even harder, but I obeyed. This certainly wasn’t right, not in the eyes of a lot of people, the school included, but honestly I was excited, anticipating what was about to come.

  Although there were still classes going on, the day was nearing an end, and I knew it wouldn’t be long before it was just some staff and custodial employees around.

  “Mr. McGowan?”

  “Call me Alastair, lass.” He stared right at me. “Come closer.”

  I did as he asked, not sure if I was ready to say or do anything. Truth was I wanted to just touch him, to run my hands up his hard body, to see if he wore anything under that kilt of his.

  And then I was right in front of him, his big form making me feel feminine, so small and fragile. I started breathing hard, so fast that I thought I’d pass out.

  And then he surprised the hell out of me by reaching out and cupping my cheek. His hand was massive, slightly calloused, and the heat from his body went right into me.

  I shook, couldn’t even control myself if I’d wanted to. “Alastair…” My voice was soft, so distant that I wondered if I’d said the words out loud or thought them. “What’s going on?” My heart was pounding in my throat.

  He leaned in close, his warm breath on my face. My pussy was wet, my nipples hard.

  “I see the way you watch me, the way you act around me.” He looked down at my chest, probably seeing how fast I was breathing. “You could lie and tell me you don’t want me.” He tipped my head back even more. “But you and I would know it would be a lie. Isn’t that right, lass?”

  I couldn’t control the sound that left me, so instead of trying to pretend that I didn’t want this, that I didn’t want him, I nodded and let my inhibitions go. I couldn’t believe I was doing this, about to say this, but I didn’t care anymore.

  “Yes, I want you.”



  I made a low, animal-like sound after she said those words. She parted her lips for me, and I wanted nothing more than tae take her right now. The need tae shove her pants down, pull her panties aside, and slide my cock deep into her body rode me hard. I had no doubts she was wet, hot, and so fooking tight for me.

  “Say it again.”

  “I want you, Alastair.”

  I slid my gaze down to her mouth and leaned in another inch. I wasn’t about tae be gentle in letting her kno’ what I wanted. “I’m going tae devour you, lass,” I said on a growl and watched her shiver.

  “You calling me ‘lass’ makes me so wet.”

  She was receptive tae me, so ready tae take what I had tae offer.

  I growled again, her words having my cock so fooking hard I could have come right then and there.

  “You want me, Molly?” My voice was deep, my accent thicker because I was turned on. I cupped her cheek, tipped her head back, and stared intae her eyes. “Go on, tell me again, lass.” I could have heard her say the words all day long. “You want me tae show you that you’re mine?”

  She licked those plump, red lips, her pupils dilating, and nodded. “Yes, I want that.” She looked at my mouth now. “I want you to be my first.”

  My heart jackhammered in my chest, my balls drew up tightly, and my cock jerked. Her words were gasoline on the wildfire burning inside of me.

  She’s a virgin. My virgin.

  I slipped my hand between her thighs, felt her heat, and kne’ she was primed for me. “You want me tae claim this virgin pussy?”

  She gasped and nodded.

  I leaned in so our mouths were only a hairsbreadth apart. I breathed in her scent, this innocent, sweet aroma that had me itching tae own her. Sweat started tae bead on my brow. “I want you fiercely.” I ran my finger over her mouth, gently pulling down her bottom lip.

  “Then have me.”

  And at that I leaned in and claimed her mouth. It wasn’t soft or gentle. It was brutal, hard, and with a desire that rivaled all others. Never had I wanted a woman the way I wanted Molly.

  She moaned for me, and I moved my tongue along the seam of her lips, taking in her addictive flavor.

  I wanted her naked, wanted tae see her flesh, every part of her that I’d own. I could have kissed her for hours, but instead I broke the suction of our lips, moved my mouth along her jawline to her ear, and said gently, “I am so hard for ye. I’m so fooking hard.”

  She made this innocent noise, one that sounded like need and desperation, and one that turned me on. I slipped my hand behind her nape, curled my fingers intae her warm flesh, and started kissing the pulse that beat rapidly beneath her ear.

  I needed her so badly I could taste it. I could feel it cover me like a second skin.

  I dinna give a shite that anyone could walk in.

  Molly would be mine. Now.

  I spun her around, shoved my papers and briefcase off the desk, and lifted her up so she was sitting on it now. Keeping my hands off her was no’ an option. I had my fingers digging into her hips, had my mouth right back at her pulse point.

  “I’m going tae make you feel so fooking good, Molly. When I’m done with you, there won’t be a doubt in your head about how it feels tae be with a real man.”

  “God,” she moaned.

  “No, just a Scotsman, lass.”

  Compared to me she was a wee thing, so fragile, delicate, innocent. She made another small noise and dug her nails intae my flesh, her hands wrapped around my biceps, her emotions coming through in every touch and noise she made.

  “More, lass,” I said on a growl. She dug her nails in harder, and that sting of pain mixed with my desires. I breathed harder, felt my cock stiffen even further, and kne’ I couldn’t be slow and easy. I couldn’t wait another minute.

  “Fook, Molly.” I growled those words, needing her now, needing tae be a fooking beast with her.

  “I need this,” she whispered.

  Before I kne’ what was happening, I had her shirt off. She got off the table, worked her pants and panties down her legs, and then went for my shirt. Each button she removed seemed agonizingly slow, so verra hard for me tae stay in control.

  And when she pushed my shirt away, her hands on my chest, her fingers moving along my tattoos, I snapped. I had her on the table, leaned back, her chest slightly arched.

  I pushed her legs apart, glanced between them, and looked at the sweet virgin flesh that was revealed.

  “God,” she said softly, her words sweet and hitting me right in the gut.

  “How badly do you want me tae touch you?”

  I noticed her breathing change, growing faster, harder
. “So bad.”

  I groaned.

  I dragged my hand over her inner thighs, barely skimming the soft flesh of her pussy lips, wanting tae touch her fully, but also being a masochist and wanting the torment tae be prolonged. I continued tae run my hands over her hips, up her belly, and over her rib cage to cup her breasts.

  I tweaked both of her hard nipples between my fingers. When she moaned for more, my hips seemed tae have a mind of their own, thrusting forward, my cock digging intae her sweet cunt.

  I growled like this wild fooking beast.

  I leaned forward again, my hands still on her breasts, tweaking her tips. I placed my mouth on her neck again, loving the slender arch, needing tae have my tongue on her, my lips marking her.

  “So good.” I continued to suck on her neck, dragged my tongue up the slender column of her throat, and thrust back and forth against her softness, my cock sliding through her parted pussy fold but no’ penetrating her.

  I forced myself tae take a step back. Her body was meant for me … only me.

  I looked down at her, at the curves that made her all woman, and stopped at her breasts. I might have already looked at them, felt them, and seen how the tips tightened for me, but hell, they were a thing of beauty.

  I wrapped my hand around the nape of her neck, pulled her forward, and lowered my head to lick the curve of her throat from collarbone to ear. Shite, she tasted so damn good.

  She gasped, and it was the sweetest fooking sound ever, one that I wanted tae hear over and over again.

  “Tell me what you want.”

  “God, yes.” She looked at me with wide eyes. “I need more. I want more.”

  I growled in approval. Oh, I’d give her more than she could ever handle.

  I continued to take both of her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers and tweak them, pulling them out slightly so the pain I kne’ she felt was right there at the surface. But that was my stopping point, the tightness in my rope with which I kept my control in check.

  I couldn’t handle it anymore, and so I dipped low and sucked a taut peak intae my mouth, sucking, licking, loving it all. The head of my cock throbbed, and I felt pre-cum dot the tip. I could have sucked on her all day long, but I needed inside of her.

  I let go of her nipple with an audible pop, grabbed my cock, and stroked myself for a few seconds. Fook, my dick was so hard it ached, and my balls were drawn up tight. “I hope you’re ready, because I canna stop once I’ve started.”

  I saw the way her throat worked as she swallowed. Molly was breathing heavily, and her breasts shook because of it.

  “Are you ready?” I asked again. She nodded for me. I stared down at the pink, soft, wet flesh of her pussy. I started stroking myself again from root to tip. Because I was a dirty bastard, I ran my cockhead along her slit, smearing pre-cum on her folds, making her slick with it.

  I could have come just from the sight of her, could have covered her with my seed, made her pussy sticky and white without even being inside of her.

  “Ask me for it. Tell me you want my dick in your pussy.”

  She looked down at where my dick was, pressed right to her pussy hole.

  And then she reached down, pulled her labia apart, and let me see the inner pink of her most intimate part.

  “Be with me already. Take my virginity.”



  He was long and thick, the crown of his dick slightly wider than the shaft. I saw a clear dot of fluid at the tip, pre-cum slipping down, a testament of his need for me.

  I might have been a virgin, and this might have been the most wild, reckless thing I had ever done, but God, I wanted this.

  “I’m dying here.” I didn’t care if I was begging, pleading with this man for more. Ever since I saw him that first day in class, I knew I wanted him. I might be inexperienced when it came to sex, but I wasn’t naive.

  “You’re so fooking pink and wet.” He reached out and gently circled my throat, his hold soft, yet promising that he had the control. God, that turned me on.

  After a second he let go of me, rubbed his cockhead up and down my slit, and caused chills to race up my spine.

  I heard someone coming. My heart stopped, and I glanced at the closed door, expecting someone to burst in and catch us. But when the sound started to drift down the hallway, I breathed out heavily. I didn’t want anyone getting in trouble, didn’t want some scandal to arise because I wanted Alastair more than anything else.

  I glanced at him again, seeing as he was unaffected by almost being caught. I stared at his bicep, the muscles flexing as he jerked off, his tattoos seeming to move from the motion, as if they were alive.

  “Lass, I want tae be gentle, kno’ I need tae be, but fooking hell, I donna think I can.”

  The air left me harshly, as if I couldn’t breathe, as if the life was being sucked right out of me. I felt myself grow wetter, knew that although slow and sweet would be better given this was my first time, I didn’t want Alastair because he seemed gentle.

  Maybe I should feel embarrassed at being on display like this, but the way he watched me only made me feel dazed and hazy. And when I thought he’d thrust into me, just take my cherry for his own, instead he placed his hands on my inner thighs.

  He pushed my legs open until my muscles screamed in protest, but I got even more aroused.

  “As much as I want tae fook you, I need tae taste you first.”

  I shifted on the desk, my palms sweaty, my body inflamed.

  “I’m going tae lick your little pussy, lap up your cream, swallow it. I’m no’ going tae stop until you scream my name.”

  And then he had his mouth right on my pussy, licking me from entrance to clit, making me cry out and then bite my lip until I tasted blood.

  Alastair had his hands framing my pussy. He used his thumbs to pull my labia apart, spreading me wider for him. He flattened his tongue and ran it up my center again. He sucked on my clit, drawing that nub into his mouth, making me squirm, making me want to scream out and let go.

  “Yes,” I moaned, unable to stop myself.

  I felt this tightening in my back, felt it move to my hands and feet, inflame me, consume me.

  “Come for me, Molly. Let me taste your release.”

  And then it was like something broke inside of me. I couldn’t help it and didn’t want to stop it. The pleasure coursed through me, stealing every part of my sanity. I felt the vibrations of his grunts on my soaked, sensitive flesh, heard his verbal pleasure filling my ears.

  This euphoric sensation moved through me. Maybe I should have been quieter, remembered anyone could hear us, but I just couldn’t help myself.

  “God, so good, Molly.”

  He didn’t stop until the pleasure receded and the sensitivity became too much. I started pushing at him gently, needing a moment of reprieve.

  But it seemed Alastair was just getting started, because the look he gave me had every part of me lighting up.

  This heat filled me, and I pushed myself up, speared my hands in his hair, and claimed his mouth this time. I tasted myself on his tongue and lips, this sweet but musky flavor that had me turned on all over again.

  He thrust his tongue between my lips. I couldn’t help but make this small noise in the back of my throat. He groaned, speared his hand in my hair, and pulled on the strands forcefully. I felt the hot, hard length of him between my thighs as he continued to kiss me.

  His flavor was masculine, potent. He swirled his tongue around the inside of my mouth. Without breaking the kiss, he reached between us and placed the tip of his erection at the entrance of my body. Everything inside of me stilled, tensed.

  “Are you ready?”

  I nodded.

  “Good, because once I’m in you, claiming you, there’s no’ going back.” He stared into my eyes and then, in one swift thrust, was buried inside of me. He tunneled through my hymen, making it his.

  He groaned, closed his eyes, and I saw how taut his body became.
I gasped at the pain, at the sensitivity. He was huge, his balls pressing against my ass, his warm breath skating along my lips.

  I felt full, so stretched it stole everything from me in the best of ways.

  “Are you okay?” He smoothed his thumb along my cheek.

  I nodded.

  After a few moments he started moving.

  Alastair thrust in and out slowly at first, letting me get accustomed to his size, his girth. He breathed hard, heavily, his strength and self-control clearly on display. Perspiration covered his face, and I watched as little droplets started making their way down his chest as well.

  He leaned back slightly and looked down at where our bodies met.

  “You’re stretched so far around my dick, just taking me all, and loving every fooking minute of it, aren’t you?”

  I could only nod.

  His massive chest rose and fell as he breathed, beads dotting his skin.

  “You’re so damn pink, so wet for me.” He groaned out the last word and buried himself to the hilt in me. For a moment he did nothing but stay still, breathing heavily.

  My inner muscles were clenching rhythmically around his girth, the sensation pleasurable but also uncomfortable.

  He looked at me and then started pulling out slowly, almost painfully. When the tip was lodged in the opening of my body, I rose up slightly and looked down. Watching him fuck me seemed almost obscene, but I didn’t want to stop.

  He was so huge inside of me, my skin stretched wide around his girth. But I was wet, so damn wet my inner thighs were sticky from my arousal. Alastair started moving in and out of me harder, faster. I heard him breathing heavily, his hands on my waist, his fingers digging into my flesh.

  I couldn’t brace my weight up anymore. I rested back on the desk, felt the wood heat from my body, and moaned. The sound of our wet skin slapping together was so filthily good. I was going to come; I could feel it claiming me.

  But before I could let go, Alastair was pulling out of me.

  “What—” The words stalled in my throat as he lifted me easily, set me on the ground, and turned me around.


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