The Club 5: Submit (Siren Publishing Classic)

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The Club 5: Submit (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 2

by Suzy Shearer

  I was too scared to answer him and he descended on my mouth again. Once more, he tried to force his tongue between my lips and once again, I resisted. The cropped stubble beard grazed my soft skin, heightening my senses.

  “Tell me!” he demanded.

  “No,” I whispered.

  “Tell me, little bunny. Did it repulse you or did it excite you?” He cocked his head, looking at my face. “Or did it make you envious at her climaxing so many times?”

  My eyes gave me away.

  He grinned in delight, knowing my answer without me speaking. He took my mouth again, and I felt him pull at the sash holding my kimono closed then felt his hand on one breast. He squeezed it, tightly.

  I groaned.

  He took his lips from mine. His eyes were blazing as he lowered his head and bit hard into the tender flesh.

  I screamed, I moaned. I wanted more.

  How could I?

  He raised his head and looked at me. “You are mine.”

  Arrogant words, yet they echoed through to my pussy and I felt myself soak my panties.

  “Are you wet, little rabbit? Does this excite you?”

  I tried to shake my head. He removed his hand from my throat and I tried to run. Instead, he grabbed both my wrists.

  “You can’t leave yet, little bunny.”

  His words had the power to hypnotise me and I stood still as he held both wrists in one hand and then lifted my arms above my head.

  “Answer me. Are you wet?”

  I shook my head and he just laughed. I felt his hand run down across my stomach and stop between the lacy fabric of my panties and my skin.

  He grinned. “Are you going to tell me?”

  My voice was as lost as I was.

  He roughly pushed his hand into my pussy and then held it between our faces. My juices coated his hand in a silky sheen and I felt ashamed. The smile on his face had the power to make me weak. If he had not been holding my arms I would have fallen into a crumpled pile at his feet.

  He licked his fingers and then took my mouth again. Forgive me, I tried to resist, I tried to ignore the throbbing of my cunt, the aching of my breasts. I truly did but…I returned his kiss, gave his tongue access to my mouth.

  Tears built up behind my eyes. They threatened to fall but somehow I held them back.

  “You belong to me, every part of you. From your mouth to your cunt, from the hair on your head to the nails on your toes. You are mine and I will have you every way I can, little bunny. I will make you scream, I will make you beg. You will be on your knees before me pleading to let you come because you belong to me.”

  I had no answer.

  I made no sound.

  I wanted to scream, “No, never!” but I stood mutely and stared into those beautiful, dangerous eyes. He kissed me again, roughly, harshly, and I wanted more. What was happening to me? Oh, forgive me, I wanted more.

  He looked at me tenderly. It was almost as if he loved me as he softly said, “You wear my brand. You’re mine alone. You will obey me. I will worship you until we die.”

  He searched my face. In the back of my mind, I wondered what he saw. I was told I was beautiful but I did not see it. I had muddy green eyes and shoulder-length hair, a strawberry-blonde mass of unruly curls. Compared to him I was short at five eight. I was soft, curvy and voluptuous. He was all hard muscle, power and very masculine.

  “I’ll give you pleasure that you thought was never possible. I’ll control you until your body hums, then I’ll give you such release that you’ll scream for more.”

  He reached out and took a curl in his fingers, a smile softened his features, and I realised just how handsome he was. His full lips were like a magnet to me. He was very tall and very powerful. He had an aura of strength about him. This was a man who was used to being obeyed. He dropped the curl.

  Arrogantly he said, “Next Thursday I’ll take you for the first time, and then you will never leave me.”

  Strangely, he bent his head and tenderly suckled on each nipple. His gentleness almost overwhelmed me.

  “Think of me all week. Every time you do, you’ll feel yourself getting wet but do not touch yourself. I’ll know if you do and I’ll punish you, harshly. Be good and I promise you, I’ll give you all you desire, little bunny.”

  The threatened tears were straining for release. I had to get away from him but my body wanted to stay.

  “Know this, little rabbit. I desire you. You will submit to me. Never before have I felt this way about a woman and I’ll not be thwarted. You are mine to love forever and I’ll swear you unwavering devotion.”

  He ran his hand sensually across my face, his fingers lingering. My toes curled into the carpet. He rubbed his thumb along my bottom lip then pushed it into my mouth. I closed my eyes.

  I am sorry, but I licked and then sucked it. He pulled it from my mouth with a soft pop. I felt loss when it was gone.

  Once more, he bent his head to take my lips and once more, I gave him all he wanted and more. He released my hands. I grabbed the sides of my kimono, pulled them across my body, and held them tight to me.

  “Seven sharp on Thursday, little bunny, I’ll be waiting in the bar. Don’t displease me or you’ll be punished.” He pushed a card into my hand. “You’ll also need this for Saturday week.”

  He stepped back. “Run, little rabbit, run.”

  I did.

  I stepped away from him and ran down the stairs, his mocking laughter following me all the way. I did not turn to see if he still watched me. I ran for the change room and grabbed my clothes. I threw the card he gave me into my bag as I locked myself in a cubicle to dress. I should report him for touching me, I wore green to protect me, but I could not. Oh hell, I craved him, I could still feel his mouth on my swollen lips.

  Ashamed, humiliated, I fled The Club and drove like a maniac to the safety of my home. I tore my clothes off, raced into the bathroom, and as I leant to turn on the water in the shower, I caught a glimpse of my breast.

  There, for all to see, was his bite. He was right, he had marked me as his own. I sank to the floor of the shower, water spilling over me. I sobbed and sobbed until there were no more tears left.

  What had I done? What had he done to me? Who was he?

  I was frightened but at the same time, I was so excited. I wanted him, I could not deny it, but he was everything I hated, arrogant, dominant, self-assured, and powerful.

  Oh lord, I thought about his mouth and his hands and I felt my pussy quiver with need. I pushed my hands between my legs and went to rub my clit. I stopped when his words echoed in my ear. It felt as if he was watching me and I dropped my hand to the floor.

  I have no idea how long I stayed in the shower, but I gradually came back to my senses. There was no way I was going to see him again, and I certainly was not going back to The Club on Thursday. My “one visit” invitation was used.

  I dried myself and threw on an old T-shirt. Waking back into the bedroom, I remember the card he had given me. I dug it out of my bag.

  It was an invitation to a private masked fancy dress affair at The Club on Saturday of next week. Oh shit!

  My mind went blank then I gave a nervous laugh. What was I worried about?

  I just would not go. I would ignore the invitation. He had no idea who I was or where I lived. I was safe. He would not know that I was only a visitor. Let him wait on Thursday. I would not be there, could not be there.

  Oh but my body craved him, the demanding way he had kissed me. He had held me prisoner and I wanted more. He could have thrown me to the ground and fucked me and I would have begged for more.

  Yes, I was a rabbit and I had been caught by the big bad wolf.

  Chapter Three

  I worked solidly all week. I owned a profitable gallery, ArtySans, and had an exhibition next week with paintings from a rising Japanese artist, Isamu Keniyoko, who specialised in work similar to that of the Edo period. I was sure he would sell out all the pieces he was providing to t
he gallery.

  I could have left a lot of the work to my secretary but to be honest, I was hiding my emotions in work. If I stopped, my mind was filled with a tall, blue-eyed wolf. I figured once I got past Thursday I would be fine.

  Janice, my secretary, my wonder girl, my PA, knew something was bothering me, but wisely, she kept it to herself. I did notice her tiptoeing around me more than usual. She seemed to know not to talk to me unless it was absolutely necessary.

  Thursday I was a bundle of nerves. In the end, Janice snapped at me to go home or at least take a break. I was about to ignore her but realised it was not fair to take out my worries on her. Things were on target, the art works all hung. Invitations sent out and catering arranged for opening night on Monday. I could afford to go home.

  I apologised to Janice. She was worth more than my anger. She gave me a hug.

  “I haven’t seen you this nervous about an exhibition before, Georgia, and I’ve worked with you for eight years.”

  “I am truly sorry, Janice. It isn’t the exhibition, it is something personal. I think I will go. Things will be fine tomorrow. Thank you, I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  I gave her a hug, picked up my bag and keys, and left.

  I stood outside the gallery for a few minutes and looked through the windows. I could only see a little of the works but from what I could the exhibition looked amazing. I hope we had a lot of success for Isamu’s sake. I turned and walked to my car.

  I would catch up on some mail that was piling up, at least that was my idea, but instead I wandered round the house, doing absolutely nothing. I just could not settle. I made an omelet for my dinner and sat on the back deck to eat it while the sun went down, my eyes watching the clock all the time.

  Seven o’clock came and went and surprisingly the earth did not open, no volcano suddenly erupted in my front yard. Things just went on as normal. I have no idea what I expected but the fact that seven passed with nothing happening was an anticlimax. By eight o’clock, I was starting to relax.

  I wondered if the wolf was waiting impatiently.

  * * * *

  Richard walked into the bar and saw me. I knew he would speak to me but I just want him to go away, to leave me alone. I knew I looked angry.

  “Who rained on your parade?”

  “No one,” I growled, but I don’t think he got the hint.

  “Whoa! Take it easy buddy.”

  Great! Now my cousin Paul was coming over.

  “Hey, Jack, want to come and have a drink with us in the lounge?”

  I didn’t bother looking at him, just kept my eyes on the entrance. Where the hell was she?

  “Go away, Paul!”

  Turning toward them, I caught the glance that passed between Paul and Richard. Paul picked up his drinks. Good, now they would leave me alone.

  “Fine. If you change your mind, you know where we’ll be, Jack.”

  I ignored them both and went back to watching the entrance.

  Glancing at my watch, I saw it was almost twenty past seven. I could feel myself getting angry. I was so sure she would be here. Part of me was feeling disappointed that she had not come, and the rest was furious.

  Quarter to eight.

  I was going to have to admit she was not coming. I will give her until quarter past eight.

  Richard went past again, and this time he had the sense not to talk to me. I think I would have pushed him away if he had.

  That damn woman was in my head all the time. I couldn’t stop thinking of her. I knew she was mine.

  Funny that I’d come here last week. I’d been working for six months overseas and last weekend was the first time I had been in The Club for about five months—since my return.

  I still couldn’t quite believe I’d found her. So responsive, so breathtaking, so submissive. In all the years I had never met a sub that meant anything to me the way she did. She stirred such feelings of love.

  Maybe that was why I was so angry. She was wonderful, perfect, and—damn it—I thought I’d fallen in love with her when my lips touched hers.

  I knew I was disappointed, but more than anything else, worried.

  To be honest I really thought she would come, thought curiosity would overcome her fear. It was obvious she was a natural submissive but it was just as obvious she didn’t realise it, the way she had melted into me when I kissed her.

  The way she had moaned against my mouth, the taste of her beautiful tits, the honey that dripped from her. Even the way she fitted under my arms, those curls and her body, I just loved it all. It would make any man’s mouth water. So soft, all those lush curves and those tits. They were magnificent.

  Well, obviously she was not going to turn up tonight. I would see her next time she came to The Club even if it meant spending every moment there until she did.

  What was her name? I just wasn’t thinking straight. She astounded me.

  What if she didn’t come back? How on earth was I going to find her? How could I live without her?

  I just hoped she would come in tomorrow night. Looked like I was going to be staked out here for a while.

  * * * *

  I had never been so pleased to see a Friday dawn as I was today. I was so tired after a restless night. My dreams had been filled with blue eyes, full lips and hearing the howls of a wolf. I went into the gallery feeling more relaxed than I had since my weekend visit to The Club. It must have been obvious because Janice commented I looked a lot better than I had all week.

  We worked well all morning. Janice went to check on the catering in the afternoon and came back with the local paper.

  “Look, we got some good coverage about the exhibition.”

  There was a story about the upcoming show and details on Isamu’s work. There was a picture of me. It was one taken at the last show. Actually, it was one of the better photographs of me in that my crazy hair had been tamed with the application of half a can of hairspray and an hour of work with a straightener.

  “Hopefully this means we’ll get a good response in the three weeks of the exhibition,” I said to Janice.

  “Fingers crossed.”

  We both went back to work on the final touches.

  Chapter Four

  Normally the gallery opened over the weekend but with the upcoming show, it was closed. I had arranged to pick up info sheets for interested buyers from the printer on Saturday. I thought I would drop them into the gallery to save us worrying about them on Monday. There was enough to do before the official opening.

  I dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, my flyaway hair looking like a bad perm. I did not bother with shoes. After all, the printer would have things ready for me and would throw them in the car.

  After going to the printers, I parked my car in loading dock, and took them inside. I left the door unlocked but the “closed” sign was hanging so I had no worries about anyone entering. I left the forms on Janice’s desk and then did another walk-through. I really loved Isamu’s work, it was breathtaking.

  I smelled him.

  My pulse rate jumped. I stood frozen.

  I felt his hands on my wrists as he pulled my arms behind me. His mouth was on my ear as he whispered, “Well, my little rabbit. You have been a very naughty girl.”

  I felt weak at the knees, his lips against my lobe sending shivers down my neck. How had he found me?

  “Turn around.”

  I shook my head. As I did it sent his lips brushing my ear even more. I could not bear to look at him. If I did, I knew I would be lost.

  “Turn around, little rabbit.”

  Oh, I was so tempted. His arrogant assumption that I would meet him was his fault but I wanted to get down on my knees in front of him and plead, I wanted to beg his forgiveness for something I had not done.

  I could feel his breath on my neck. I closed my eyes and drew in the smell of him. My pussy clenched at his touch and I felt my nipples harden. I felt him kiss my neck and my legs shook. I almost fell but he twiste
d me in his arms at the same time. I kept my eyes closed and bent my head to the floor. If I looked at him, I would be lost.

  “Lift your head, little bunny, I need to kiss those lips.”

  I shook my head. I felt his silent laughter.

  “Lift it now or your punishment will be far worse.”

  I opened my eyes and looked up, stunned. Punishment?

  Releasing my wrists, he grabbed my chin. I shut my eyes and his lips crashed onto mine. I felt like I was drowning. I clung to his arms.

  “You have no idea what pain you have given me, little bunny. I thought I had lost you. If I had not seen the paper last night, I would still be searching for you.”

  Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

  “So this is how it works. You will get down on your knees in front of me now and ask for my forgiveness. Then, if you do it nicely, I will reward you.”

  I glared at him. Big mistake!

  Those eyes grabbed me. I tried to think straight. I tried to run.

  No, I did not, I just thought about it and instead I just stood there like a fool.

  “Come on, Georgia. I am not asking you to do much. Just kneel down.”

  He captured my lips again. I was so weak, I dove my tongue straight into his mouth. My legs felt like jelly. He broke the kiss and took my hands off his arms. I fell to the floor.

  “No! No!”

  I did not kneel before men, even those who looked like this. I tried to stand, and I heard his laughter. He knew I was only on the ground because my legs were weak. Tears pricked my eyes as I tried to get to my feet. He put a hand on my shoulder and pushed me back down.

  “You may as well say sorry. You’re already on the floor.”

  Looking at the floor and through gritted teeth, I said, “Never!”

  “You will. Why not submit now and save us both a lot of time?”

  “I will never submit to any man, least of all you. Leave me alone.”

  “Oh, my little bunny. I told you before you are mine. I can’t leave you, ever.”


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