“Thank you, Susie!”
Patty opened the driver’s side door and climbed in, setting the fruit salad on her passenger seat and then taking a moment to situate it so that it wouldn’t spill. She’d paid extra for a leather interior. As much of a bitch as it was, it again made a statement.
The car rumbled to life and she shifted into reverse. “Well, hell,” she growled as a car pulled up to the house again. “Some people care about being late,” she mumbled to herself, and sighed, shifting back into neutral.
Patty placed her finger on the button to roll down her window when a sharp pain hit. It attacked her temple and then exploded in her brain, blinding her. The pain increased, racking every inch of her body. The steering wheel stopped her head from falling farther forward. She couldn’t move. Nor did the blackness go away. Instead, everything faded away—everything. God. She was dead!
“I can only imagine how quiet life must seem for you here after living in Washington, D.C.,” Brandy Flynn said, and popped a whole cheese cracker into her mouth.
“Noah and I love it here so far.” Rain balanced her plate on her lap, not sure she could eat another bite, although the food was good.
“And you two don’t have any children?” Brandy asked. “I can’t even imagine that one.”
Rain shook her head, grinning. So far, she might as well be at any of the many political parties her father used to throw a few times a year—just so the world wouldn’t forget about him, or at least that’s what he used to tell her. Rain knew he simply loved having everyone come over and swap cop stories. Once a cop, always a cop.
She’d answered this question enough times over the years. Tonight, though, a variation of the truth might prove more valuable. “No. We don’t have children.” She glanced down at her plate, letting the moment slide and sensing both Brandy Flynn and Jan Gamboa watching her with curious anticipation. Rain looked back up at them and went on quietly, although she would bet Noah was tuned into their conversation as much as he was the one he was having with the guys. “When we found out a couple years after we were married that I couldn’t have children, I worried that I might lose Noah. He loves them so much.”
“Oh, hon, how terrible!” Brandy reached over and patted the back of Rain’s hand with crumb-covered fingers. “Well, you two can borrow my four anytime you want,” she added, inserting her light comment with an easy laugh. “I swear every time that man looked at me for the first five years of our marriage he knocked me up.”
“We’ve considered adopting,” Rain added, remembering her notes on each couple and that Lorrie Hinders was trying to adopt before she was murdered. “I’m just not sure, though.”
“What agency was Lorrie going through?” Jan looked at Brandy and then scowled when Brandy gave her a quick hard look.
“Who is Lorrie? Will she be here tonight?” Rain made a show of ignoring the looks the two women gave her and instead acted excited.
“She’s not going to be here,” Jan began, and hesitated.
“If we can find you information on agencies, we’ll be sure and let you know, hon.” Brandy patted Rain’s hand again and then glanced over at the men. “I wonder what those fools are talking about.”
“Probably which one of us they can fuck first,” Jan offered, and broke out laughing.
Brandy laughed with her and, if Rain was to guess, she would say a bit too loud.
It grabbed the men’s attention, though, and she looked over at Noah. He stood with Brandy’s husband, Butch, and Ted Gamboa on the other side of the picnic table, where a handful of dishes were covered by clear wrap. The best Rain could tell, they were comparing the three women, and not being very discreet about it when she and the other women looked their way. If anything, it seemed the men’s conversation grew louder when they realized they had an audience. Noah winked at her, but then Brandy made a humming sound of approval and Rain looked her way.
“I hope you don’t mind my singing your husband’s praises,” she said, and then made a show of giving him the onceover. “You just got to love a tight ass in blue jeans.”
“I don’t mind a bit. And I agree,” Rain said, silently concluding that Noah was definitely the best-looking man at this potluck. If they were supposed to trade or swap or whatever it was called, she was definitely not getting the better end of the deal. “I think the Midwest suits him. He seems happier since we’ve been here.”
Jan sat next to Brandy on the wooden bench that belonged to the picnic table. They’d adjusted it so that everyone could move around the table more easily and help themselves to food, and now both ladies turned, looking at Rain, their shoulders brushing as they nodded. Rain considered ways of turning the conversation back to Lorrie, or any of the other victims, without appearing obvious.
“Ted and I love Lincoln,” Jan said. “I guess it’s got its problems like any city, but we’re not going anywhere. We know everyone here. I tell him and the kids, there’s nowhere you can go where someone isn’t going to tell me they saw you. Keeps them on their toes.”
“Lincoln is perfect,” Brandy chimed in, glancing at her empty plate and then setting it next to her on the bench. “I’ve been back east before, although it was many, many years ago. You aren’t going to find scenery like this in all of those crowded cities.”
The setting was perfect, a large but cozy backyard. The huge tree behind Jan and Brandy offered shade to over half of the backyard. It reminded Rain of the trees in the yard at home, back when her dad was still alive. There were times when she regretted selling the house, but keeping it, without Dad, was too painful.
“This is a beautiful old tree,” she said, and leaned back in her lawn chair, while crossing one bare leg over the other. She’d hesitated to wear her strapless minidress to a potluck, but Noah had damn near insisted on it.
“I bet they don’t have trees like this where you’re from,” Brandy boasted with pride, and tugged on her fishnet shirt.
Rain didn’t feel like she dressed in too revealing an outfit once she arrived and saw Brandy wearing her see-through shirt, with no bra on underneath. There was no way her firm, large breasts were real. It took a bit to get accustomed to looking at Brandy while she spoke without dropping your gaze to those large breasts.
“It sure is a beauty.” Big old trees made it easy to forget all of her worries. Rain leaned back and adjusted her ponytail holder that fastened her hair at her nape, while gazing up at the many intertwining large branches. “If I were dressed differently, I’d be tempted to try and climb it.”
“I think all three of you should get up there and climb it,” Ted said loudly, obviously eavesdropping and grinning when the women looked at him. “It would definitely improve the view, don’t you think so, guys?”
Butch moved pretty quickly for a stocky man when he made a show of diving toward his wife. She squealed and sent a few choice words in his direction that only made him and the other men laugh louder.
He leaned over her, cupping her breasts, and fondled them through her fishnet while laying a loud one on her neck until her cursing turned into laughter. Either the two of them knew how to put on a good show or they were pretty happy with each other. Brandy finally turned her head and kissed her husband but pulled away at the sound of laughter behind her.
“Sorry I’m late,” Joanna sang out, holding a pan in her extended hand and doing a fairly decent job of walking across the yard in very high-heeled sandals. “The fun hasn’t started without me, I hope.”
“Everyone’s late tonight,” Jan informed her, fixing a pout on her face. “I started thinking my party would be a dud. We’re just hanging around out here eating. Nothing exciting yet.”
“Thanks a lot,” Brandy said, nudging her. “I guess we’re not entertaining enough.” She shoved Butch off of her and winked at Rain.
“I’ve got plenty of entertainment for you right here, baby.” Butch puffed out his chest and held his arms out to Joanna.
Joanna plopped down
her pan that appeared to have cake or brownies in it and sidestepped Butch. She wrapped her arms around both women, shaking her rear for the men while hugging Brandy and Jan fiercely.
“You’re all that counts,” Joanna told both women, and then kissed each lady on the lips. Turning around, she wrapped her arms around Rain, kissed her on the cheek, and then whispered, “I’m so glad you two are here.”
“I’m not feeling the love!” Butch suddenly wailed, sounding like someone just took away his favorite toy.
Joanna let go of Rain quickly, leaving her in a cloud of musky perfume. “Oh, hon, you know I’d never forget you.”
Joanna didn’t bother tugging down her short dress that had crawled up her ass from hugging the women. She wrapped her arms around Butch’s neck and kissed him. Rain stared at the bottom half of her bare ass. Joanna wasn’t wearing underwear, not even a thong.
Rain looked away quickly and Brandy grinned at her and then rolled her eyes.
“He’s such a slut,” Brandy muttered.
Somehow, seeing Brandy’s indifference to her husband kissing Joanna, right after Brandy and Butch acted so frisky together, relaxed the moment for Rain a bit. She didn’t quite get it, though. If they loved each other so much, why would they want to share each other?
But if they were cool with all of it, then knowing tension wouldn’t quickly develop in the air made it easier to handle.
Rain watched the incredibly sensual kiss and glanced at Brandy again while her husband mauled Joanna. Brandy looked anything but annoyed. If anything, her expression was a mixture of amusement and boredom.
“Aren’t they all sluts?” Jan asked.
“Yup. We sure are,” Ted said, rubbing his hands together. “Where’s my warm welcome, Joanna?”
Joanna looked pleased as punch to leave Butch’s arms and fall into Ted’s. The ritual continued, the kiss deep and sensual. Rain glanced at Noah, who stood facing the men with his arms crossed. When Joanna came up for air, she strutted toward Noah like he was the prize of the night.
“I have been waiting all damned day for this,” she purred, acting like a cat in heat as she rubbed herself against Noah. “Come here, lover boy.” She scraped her long fingernails over his shoulders and then wrapped her hands around his neck.
“Yup. They’re all sluts,” Rain said, parroting Ted, and looked down at her plate. She prayed she sounded and looked casual.
Not only was it paramount that she appear completely relaxed in this swingers’ environment, but the last thing she’d let Noah see was her sweat it while they were here.
“Mmm, mmm, looks good. Tastes great,” Joanna purred. She hung on him while glancing around, her gaze resting on Rain only for a moment before she looked at the rest of them. “So where is everyone tonight?”
“I’m not sure,” Jan offered, and glanced down at her watch. “It’s after eight. Elaine and Oscar were here for a few, but they left because Elaine spilled catsup on her dress.”
“It was such a cute dress, too,” Brandy added, and made a tsking sound. “They said they would be right back and that was over an hour ago.”
“And Elaine said she’d talked to Patty and she was running late because of showings,” Jan continued.
Joanna laughed and stretched her fingers over the middle of Noah’s chest. “Patty will be late to her own funeral,” she mused.
“I think we should grab these dishes and head inside. Anyone want to refill their plate first?” Jan looked to Ted. “It’s almost dark. Should we head down to the family room?”
“I know what I want on my plate.” Joanna turned and leaned into Noah again.
He backed away from her and Rain hid a smile.
“Let’s get you a plate,” he suggested, and reached for one of the plastic plates on the other end of the table.
He looked up at Rain and narrowed his gaze at her, as if somehow she should figure out how to get Joanna to quit hanging on him. Or maybe he was searching Rain’s face, seeing if she minded if Joanna made out with him while everyone watched. Rain wasn’t sure, but she stood when the other women did and offered Noah the most pleasant smile she could muster. When he scowled, something fluttered around her heart. He didn’t like the attention Joanna was giving him.
“I’ll help carry everything inside,” Rain offered, turning her attention away from Noah and Joanna. Rain was pretending to be his wife. In truth, it shouldn’t bother her one bit who hung on him. That’s why this case should be easy for them to work. She should be able to act and feel just like Brandy appeared when Joanna hung on her husband.
“We’ll set everything on the bar in the family room,” Ted announced.
Minutes later they were in a finished basement that was nicely arranged into a comfortable family room. The dishes were placed on a bar, and Ted went behind it and started scooping ice into glasses as he played bartender.
Noah turned from the bar with two drinks, and Rain noticed Joanna’s expression fall when he brought Rain her drink.
“Peach schnapps and Seven Up,” he informed her, and handed her the cold, sweaty glass.
Rain barely managed to hide her surprise. But his pleased expression told her she didn’t do a good job of it. He put his arm around her neck and pulled her to him, the smell of Joanna’s heavy perfume hanging all over him.
“I’m good, aren’t I?”
“Apparently the natives are dying to find out,” she whispered back, relaxing against his hard, solid, warm chest and glancing over his shoulder as another couple came down the stairs.
“The only woman I’m fucking tonight is you.” Noah let his hands slide down her arms and then let go of her, then brought his drink to his lips and sipped, his gaze smoldering, and sealing his promise.
Rain drank as well, and then licked the taste of the sweet liqueur from her lips. Heat swarmed inside her, along with a wonderful sense of power when Noah watched the act before turning and acknowledging the couple who’d just joined them.
His hand remained on her hip when he focused on the two, whom Rain easily picked up on as Steve and Susie Porter, even prior to any introductions. And obviously this group didn’t ride high on formalities. It appeared all of them were more concerned that they looked good to whomever they were addressing.
Rain watched the men do their backslapping, voice-bellowing rituals as they greeted one another. Brandy and Jan, on the other hand, seemed to prance around Susie Porter, repeatedly complimenting and singing her praises over anything they could think of.
“If that isn’t just the prettiest dress.” Jan swooned, circling around the very thin, pale blond woman who stood next to her tall, dark, almost intimidating-looking husband.
“Oh my, Susie, you must tell us where you got it,” Brandy chimed in.
Both women wrapped their arms around Susie and swept her over to the bar, continually talking over each other. The frail-looking, pale blonde allowed the ladies to lead her, and almost appeared to float between them. As she moved past Rain and Noah, Susie turned her head and looked at Rain with large, round eyes. Susie didn’t hold her head high with confidence but instead raised thin lashes slowly, as if intimidated at the thought of meeting new people.
But at the same time, when Rain made eye contact, she swore she stared into an empty soul, one depleted of all zest for life. It was a look Rain had seen before, often in seriously depressed individuals, beaten and abused wives, and criminals who’d given up hope of ever living their life anywhere but behind bars.
Rain tried picturing Susie Porter willingly fucking any man in the room. The woman looked like her own shadow would spook her. Susie didn’t look like the kind of woman who would enjoy sex, although she didn’t appear to mind Brandy and Jan stroking her, touching her, as they led her across the room. She just didn’t return the affection or attention.
“Rain, Noah, meet Susie Porter.” Jan played the happy hostess.
“I’m not sure who is the prettiest lady in the room.” Noah’s baritone dropped to a sultry
whisper that grabbed more than Rain’s attention.
When Noah took Susie’s small, pale hand in his and brought it to his lips, Rain glanced toward Steve Porter. Her first reaction was that he looked like a very successful used-car salesman. She searched for a reaction to Noah giving his wife attention but didn’t see one. What she did notice was a man sizing up another man, not out of jealousy, but a competitive edge still existed.
Steve’s dark, sun booth–tanned skin almost seemed to glow against the light yellow polo shirt that he wore. His jeans looked like they’d been ironed, and Rain wasn’t sure when she’d last seen anyone wear penny loafers. It amazed her that someone who stood out so dynamically in the room could live in this town and she’d never noticed him before.
His raven-black hair was combed back and the wave in it almost made him look like a young Elvis. But it was Steve’s black eyes, piercing, sharp, and pretentious, that grabbed Rain the most. When Noah took Susie’s hand and kissed it, Steve looked at Noah and appeared for a moment like he might leap across the room and attack.
Oddly enough, though, Rain didn’t get that sense of jealousy. There was a spark in the air, a sizzle that wasn’t there before the couple arrived. If Rain could guess, she’d say that Steve viewed himself as alpha male of this group and didn’t like the idea of another alpha strutting into his territory. The look in Steve’s eyes was one of a conqueror, confident that he could knock Noah down, and he itched to do it.
Immediately Rain didn’t like him.
When he shifted his attention to her, his expression changed to something darker, almost predatory. Rain felt herself straighten to her full five foot ten when he walked between Ted and Butch, with Joanna wrapped around his arm just as she’d been glued to Noah when they were outside. Steve didn’t try to peel Joanna loose, though. Instead, moving with her at his side like she were some trophy, he swept across the room with a determined gait that damn near put Rain on the defensive before he said a word.
Long, Lean and Lethal Page 16