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Page 6

by Robert M Williams

Ordinary verbal communication is the standard and sufficient link to the conscious mind. Muscle testing is an inappropriate method of communication with this level of mind because it is capable of communicating verbally. The most important features of the conscious mind in the PSYCH-K process are volition and discernment. Essentially, this part of your mind is designed to set goals (an act of volition) and judge results (an act of discernment). Based on past experiences and their consequences, the conscious mind uses its faculties of discernment and volition to make the wisest choices it can and then put them into action.

  It is particularly important to have a clear intention when accessing the subconscious and superconscious minds. Where you direct your attention determines which part of the mind you are communicating with. Muscle testing is the easiest communication link to the subconscious and superconscious levels for most people. Each level has its own unique qualities and abilities to contribute to the process of change.

  For example, asking the subconscious mind to give you information beyond its “habituated” perspective is inappropriate and can be misleading. The subconscious is like a precocious five-year-old with lots of information, but not much wisdom.

  On the other hand, asking the superconscious mind to carry out the mechanical functions of rewriting outdated or undesirable “software” is also inappropriate because that activity is the domain of the subconscious. Remember, the subconscious is the storehouse for your attitudes, values, and beliefs, and it controls your habitual responses in life. On the other hand, the superconscious mind has wisdom and perspective the subconscious and conscious minds don’t have. Its job is to provide counsel and support to the other levels of mind and to help manifest the intentions of the conscious and subconscious mind by creating those “meaningful coincidences” in life that some people call “luck.” It usually works through the faculty of intuition. Manifestation of your goals can be disappointing and frustrating when a discrepancy arises between your conscious goals and your subconscious programming. In this case the superconscious receives mixed messages, which often manifest as mixed results. It’s analogous to driving your car with one foot on the accelerator and one foot on the brake.

  The PSYCH-K permission protocols mentioned earlier clarify your intention and make the necessary distinctions to ensure you are addressing that intention to the appropriate level of mind to accomplish the task at hand. Without this clarity you are subject to the well-known pitfalls of the familiar computer metaphor, “Garbage in-garbage out.”

  These are just some of the most important characteristics of PSYCH-K that maintain the integrity and safety of the process and represent important differences from many other personal change processes. The step-by-step written instructions and personal training offered in the PSYCH-K workshops are all you need to utilize the change processes safely and successfully.

  And one final point: PSYCH-K is a vehicle for change. It’s like a car; it doesn’t decide where you should go, it just gets you there. In other words, PSYCH-K doesn’t choose what you should believe. It helps you believe what you choose.

  Chapter 8

  Real People … Real Results

  Miracles are natural. When they do not

  occur something has gone wrong.

  –A Course in Miracles

  Where the Rubber Meets the Road

  The following examples represent a small number of the testimonial letters I have received over the years. I selected a variety of examples in which PSYCH-K made positive changes in people’s lives. These examples will give you an appreciation for the broad application of PSYCH-K in daily life. As you will see, changing subconscious beliefs changes lives.

  Winning the 10-Year Battle with Weight!

  February 28, 2001—Excerpted from an e-mail I received from a PSYCH-K workshop participant.

  Good morning, Rob,

  Oh, I should share with you some of my personal success…after a 10-year battle with weight, I have lost 25 lbs. I truly believe that the Core Belief Balance which identified that I hated myself (and we reversed) is what has enabled me to finally start the process of weight loss … I really have a much stronger feel of confidence as well.

  Additionally, I continue to coach using PSYCH-K, and one of my clients recently reported that she is feeling stronger, more confident and doesn’t have the wild mood swings at work anymore. She finally believes that she is not responsible for everything that happens at work and others need to be responsible for their own jobs. She was really a “mother-hen” at work and wanted to fix everyone’s problems, which created more work, stress, and anxiety for her, which she took out on others. Now, she isn’t doing that anymore! Stay well and all the best to you.

  Monica Le Grand Trudell

  Vice President

  Peak Performance Associates, Inc.

  Dramatically Improve Sports Performance

  April 24, 1996

  I was scheduled to speak at a local high school and, as an afterthought, was invited to spend 45 minutes with the track team. I gave them a 20-minute lecture on “beliefs and limitation” and then did a demonstration of PSYCH-K using one of their sprinters who was having trouble getting out of the blocks. He was noticeably improved in just minutes and that got the rest of the team’s attention. All I had time to teach them was how to muscle test their beliefs about winning and how to do the Whole Brain Posture. At the next meet, two days later, they broke 15 out of 22 school records, one state record, and a 16-year-old national girls’ high school relay record by 5 seconds! PSYCH-K is clearly the most amazing tool for effective personal change I have ever encountered.

  Gary B. Smith, B.S.

  Former President of the Colorado

  Association of Psychotherapists

  “This Stuff Really Works”

  In 1992 I attended a conference put on by the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD). While I was there, I attended a demonstration on PSYCH-K conducted by Rob Williams in which he invited a woman from the audience to come on stage and then did a belief change “balance” with her. I was sitting toward the back of the hall and was a bit frustrated because I could not see clearly, but I was really impressed with what I could observe of the process. Could this stuff really work? Later, when I returned to the hotel, I decided to duplicate what I could remember of what I had seen on stage earlier. What harm could it do? I worked with “balancing” an issue of my own. Of course, afterwards, I had no way of verifying whether I had done it correctly or not, so I just went to sleep and forgot about it. The next day was the last half-day of the conference followed by a meeting of the training officers in my organization. During the meeting, I noticed that I was getting a different, more favorable reaction from the other participants in the meeting. What was happening here? Then I realized that the issue I had “balanced” for, which had to do with my communication in meetings, had really changed. I was doing something different and getting a different reaction. This stuff really works!

  Naturally, I was really motivated to learn more! I called Rob Williams to get more information about the training available and attended the Basic and Advanced PSYCH-K classes. I also sponsored PSYCH-K classes in my organization so others could learn about this powerful and effective process. Then, a few years ago, when the opportunity presented itself, I took the instructor training and was fortunate enough to be certified as a PSYCH-K Basic Instructor!

  Mary Weiss

  Government Training Officer

  San Francisco, CA

  Freed from 50 Years of Fear

  September 1, 2000

  A woman in her late 60s came to my office suffering from over 50 years of agoraphobia [fear of open spaces]. She had such a severe case that she had rarely gone more than a few miles from her home for the last 50 years. Only once was she able to use sheer willpower and some medications. Other forms of psychotherapies and counseling had been used to no avail. This woman came to me not long after I had taken the Advanced Course in PSYCH-K. Given her long history,
I had very little belief that this would be able to help her, but at least I knew it would do no harm. My lack of belief was exceeded only by her conviction that this would be of little value and she could not understand how something so remote from dealing with the direct biochemical cause of this disorder could be helpful.

  We changed a number of belief systems to deal with self-esteem, dealing with some old thought patterns that she had, and then began to work on being comfortable, relaxed, and calm while riding in a car. Shortly thereafter, she was able to go for ten miles away from her home, which in itself was a record. About a week later, she took a trip out in the eastern plains of Colorado, which in general was a trigger for severe panic and agoraphobia symptoms, given all the open space. There was an underlying trauma that seemed to have precipitated this disorder in that when she was a child traveling across country with her mother, due to some misbehavior on her part, her mother made her get out of the car and threatened to drive away. The mother did in fact drive a short distance away, to the terror of the child. This trauma seems also to have been overcome through the PSYCH-K process. This result certainly underscores not only the effectiveness of PSYCH-K when the recipient is disbelieving, but also even when the practitioner has little reason to believe that it would work!

  Ron B. Minson, M.D.


  Denver, Colorado

  Full Recovery

  November 20, 2001

  It has been almost two months since the PSYCH-K workshop, but this is the first time I have had some quiet time to write you. The main reason I wanted to write you is to thank you for what happened to me during the conference, especially during the Core Belief Balance. I had not thought I would ever fully recover from the brain aneurisms, but since that weekend, my life has been in full recovery. I think better, I remember better; I take in greater sequential information. I don’t worry, in spite of losses of money, and devastations to this country. I feel whole and fully functional, happy, cheerful and free of negative thought for the first time in 20 years.

  I had been previously diagnosed with severe post traumatic stress syndrome, and all effects of that disorder disappeared during that amazing core belief work. No one but God has known or understood the level of “sheer survival” I had existed on the edge of, for most of my life. I know that Heavenly Father led me to this work in order for this wonderful change to take place, according to the Law of Restoration as mentioned in scripture. Most Sincerely,

  Judith Long

  Salt Lake City, UT

  Coincidence? I Think Not!

  September 22, 2001 [An e-mail from a post-workshop practice session participant sent to others in her practice group.]

  I just wanted to let everyone know that I have, once again, experienced a profound change in my life and attitude about life. Some might call it a coincidence, but I do not believe that. This time it happened immediately after participating in my first [PSYCH-K practice session] at the Green Hills Library. Last time, it was immediately after taking the PSYCH-K class.

  In an effort to stay brief, I’ll just say that since taking the class, I had allowed life to slowly overwhelm me with too many things pulling in different directions. Practicing and utilizing PSYCH-K suffered. The events since Sept. 11 [2001 World Trade Center terrorist attack] have had me feeling so confused, lost, depressed, and certainly missing any sense of enthusiasm for my future or the ability to make any type of contribution to the world. Most of all, I just haven’t been able to feel much of a connection to God or The Universe, which is my main goal in life. Feeling that connection allows me to feel like I am on the right path and being Divinely guided. I had let that slip away, but Sept. 11 certainly emphasized how much I was missing it.

  There are so many things that happened on Friday, after attending Thursday P.M. Something always seems to get lost in the translation when you attempt to share personal spiritual experiences. I know better than to try to do it through an e-mail. I do want to say that I have felt such a bond with my source of Divine Guidance. It has been as if my thoughts and questions have been answered or acted on almost before I am aware of them. I have felt such strong prompting to do or not do things, and then the reason has become very apparent. Easiest to explain is that I feel a renewed enthusiasm for life and a sense of purpose. I have hardly been able to drag myself out of bed and yet on Thursday, I jumped up with a real sense of direction; things fell into place and I couldn’t wait to start my Friday.

  Is it a “coincidence” that the big change came again after my involvement with PSYCH-K? I absolutely know that it was not. Asking which statements from the colored sheets14 I needed to balance for, I was given, “I am whole, complete, connected and loved by God,” and “I have all the energy I need to accomplish my goals and fulfill my desires.” I believe that those were pieces of my foundation that were missing at this particular time. They certainly rang true as I read the statements. I knew that I would test weak as I heard this little voice saying “Ya, Right!”

  One last thing which I will mention in an attempt to explain just one of those many little things which unfolded yesterday to strengthen that feeling of being connected. These are the types of things that feel like “you had to be there” to really understand, but when they happen, it touches something at a very deep level that impacts you. I found myself staring at a bookshelf with a feeling that there was something there that I needed at the time. I felt attracted to a book called “What My Dog Has Taught Me About Life.” I opened it to a page that said, “Almighty God, Cancel my fears. I don’t ever want to miss what you have in store for my life.” It sent chills down my spine. I flipped through the book in curiosity, and it was the only statement of its kind that I came across. Only I can understand how badly I needed to hold that thought and how exciting it was to see it in print.

  My point: I wonder what my life holds for me if I don’t let this invaluable tool slip away again. I know that I have to do the work, but it helps me feel whole, balanced, and supported in my efforts. We have to trust the process. I wholeheartedly believe it works. If there is anything I can do to encourage anyone, let me know, and I would be happy to help. I really think it can help us get our lives on the right track which helps get the world on track. God Bless America and PSYCH-K.

  Teri Rose

  Nashville, TN

  The Carpet Layer and the Cat

  This story comes from my personal experience and took place in September of 1995.

  I was planning to be married the following month. My fiancée and I were doing some remodeling of the house we would soon share. The project that day was having outdoor carpet installed on the back patio.

  The carpet layer arrived about 9:00 a.m. to begin the job. As we walked toward his van, I spent a few minutes talking with him about logistics and timing. As we talked, he asked if I had any pets. I told him we had a thirteen-year-old cat, but I was sure she wouldn’t be a problem. His response startled me. He became agitated and nervous. He said he had a fear of cats and couldn’t do the work if the cat wasn’t locked in the house! I told him that wouldn’t be a problem. I returned to the house and explained to my fiancée that the installer had an extreme fear of cats and that we would need to lock the cat inside for the afternoon. She was uncomfortable having to restrict the cat to the house for the several hours it would take to complete the work. That posed a problem. I explained that it was the only way to get the carpet installed!

  Then it happened. I got “the look” from her, and she said, “Well, why don’t you ‘fix’ the guy?”

  “Absolutely not!” I said. “I don’t know this guy, and he’s just here to lay some carpet. This isn’t an office visit.” Her “look” persisted. The silence was deafening! So, I proceeded to walk out to the installer’s van and broach the subject with him. He was wedged in the back of his van pushing this formidable roll of carpet toward me as I stood in the street behind the van. I grabbed the roll at my end to give him a hand, and casually asked him if he would l
ike to get over his fear of cats. There was a long awkward pause… finally, he said, “What are you, some kind of shrink or something?” I replied that I did some work that could help people with fears like his and that it would probably take only a few minutes, if he was interested. He asked a few more questions about the process, and before I knew it we were in the backyard doing some muscle testing regarding his fear of cats. He filled me in on the horrific childhood trauma that created the fear, and we proceeded to do a PSYCH-K balance to relieve his discomfort. About ten minutes later we were finished. I explained that my fiancée and I needed to run some errands. He asked if he could use our house phone if he needed to while we were gone. I said, “Yes of course.” I left the back door unlocked and we went away for a couple of hours. When we returned, I went into the backyard to see how things were progressing. The installer came rushing toward me with a real sense of urgency! I immediately thought something terrible had happened. I asked him what was wrong. He said, “I can’t believe it! I went in the house to make a call, and while I was holding the phone with one hand, I realized I was petting the cat with the other! I was so busy talking I didn’t even notice I was doing it.” He thanked me profusely for “whatever I did” to get him over his fear of cats, and he went back to laying the carpet.

  You may be surprised to know that the pattern of change I used with the carpet layer to change his phobic response to cats is one taught in the Basic PSYCH-K workshop!

  These are just a few of the experiences that have been reported by people who have used PSYCH-K belief change techniques. As you can see from these examples alone, PSYCH-K can be remarkably effective when used by trained clinical therapists or just ordinary people wanting to make positive and lasting changes in their lives.


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