Molina, Kimberly
Moore, Michael. See also West Memphis boys’ murder
autopsy of
murder of
Moore, Sara Jane
Mostacciuolo, Carmela (grandmother)
Moxley, Robert
Munchausen syndrome by proxy
murder. See also shootings; specific murders
murder trials
of Baldwin
of Echols
of Frias
of Hunt
of Jones
of McClellan, Chelsea
of Misskelley
of Spector
about West Memphis boys
Woods, Martha
of Zimmerman
Naifeh, Steven
New York
Medical Examiner’s Office
State University of New York
Noe, Marie
Noguchi, Thomas
Norton, Linda
Nov. 22: How They Killed Kennedy (Eddowes)
Obama, Barack
Olson, Frank
O’Mara, Mark
Oswald, Lee Harvey
“Alec” double of
autopsy of
burial of
childhood ear infection of
conspiracy theories about
dental records of
Di Maio, Vincent, and
Eddowes and
embalming of
exhumation of
Marine Corps and
Ruby and
Soviet Union and
Oswald, Marina
Oswald, Robert
The Oswald File (Eddowes)
Ownby, Ann
Ownby, Robert G.
Army and
autopsy of
death message on body of
Di Maio, Vincent, and
FBI and
funeral of
hanging death of
note by
suicide and
terrorism and
Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills
Pasquale de Caprariis (grandfather)
Payne, William H.
Bel Air explosion case and
dental records and
Featherstone and
as Robinson
Pena, Louis
Perea, Ernestine Jean
autopsies of
daughter of
Di Maio, Vincent, and
exhumation of
Frias and
gunshot wounds of
shooting of
suicide and
Peretti, Frank
Petty, Charles
Platte County
Porter, Kenneth
Prusakova, Marina
Pyrenees Castle
race. See also blacks
Dean, Malakai, death and
Goetz and
Martin, Trayvon, killing and
racial unrest
Zimmerman and
Rappe, Virginia
Rash, Marlan
Ravoux, Adeline
Ravoux, Gustave
Retreat at Twin Lakes
neighborhood watch
Reuters News Service
Revere, Paul
Richberg, Theresa. See also Di Maio, Theresa
Robin Hood Hills
Robinson, C. B.. See also Payne, William H.
Rose, Earl
Rose Hill Cemetery
Rothe, Nick
Ruby, Jack
San Antonio, Texas
hospital pediatric ICU
Medical Examiner’s Office
Sanford police
Martin, Trayvon, killing, and
Zimmerman and
Santos, Rolando
Sathyavagiswaran, Lakshmanan
Saunders, Louis
Secrétan, Gaston
Secrétan, René
Seiden, Richard
September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
serial killers
of children
Jones as
Woods, Martha, as
Shapiro, Robert
Sharpton, Al
Sheppard, Sam
shootings. See also gunshot wounds; murder
of Clarkson
of Perea
of van Gogh, Vincent
Shue, Michael
SIDS. See sudden infant death syndrome
Siegel, Bugsy
Siewert, Amy
Smith, Gregory White
SNCC. See Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
Sopher, Irvin
Southwestern Institute of Forensic Sciences
Soviet Union
Spector, Phillip Harvey
arrest of
Clarkson and
conviction and imprisonment of
defense of
Di Maio, Vincent, and
drugs and drinking of
expert witnesses for
fear of being alone
guns and
media and
murder trials of
public opinion of
Spitz, Werner
St. John’s University
Stand Your Ground law
The Starry Night
State of Texas vs. Genene Jones
State University of New York (SUNY)
Stewart, Betty
Stewart, Charles Lewis (“Mikey”)
Stewart, Laura Jean
Stewart, Lillie Marie
Stewart, Lillie May
Stewart, Margaret
Stewart, Martha. See also Huston, Martha; Woods, Martha
child deaths and
Stewart, Paul
Stewart, Paul Stanley
Stewart, William
Stone, Irving
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
succinylcholine (“sux”)
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
attempt of Huston, Martha
Beirut suicide car bombers
Clarkson and
of Cromwell
faked murders and
gunshot wounds from
Ownby, Robert, and
Perea and
van Gogh, Vincent, and
by women
SUNY. See State University of New York
Sutton, Ron
Tarrant County medical examiner
Taylor, John Pitt
Taylor, William Desmond
television, forensic pathologists on
Beirut suicide car bombers
Ownby, Robert, and
September 11, 2001 attacks
Texas. See also Dallas; Kerrville, Texas; San Antonio, Texas
State of Texas vs. Genene Jones
University of Texas Health Science Center
Thomas, Eddie
Tinning, Marybeth
Tippit, J. D.
trials. See also murder trials
Brown, H. Rap
expert witnesses in
University of Texas Health Science Center
University of Wyoming pathologist
US vs. Martha Woods
van Gogh, Theo
van Gogh, Vincent
absinthe drinking by
as artist
in Auvers
burial of
as clergyman
death of
depression of
Di Maio, Vincent, and
ear slashing by
early years
epilepsy of
funeral of
gunshot wound of
hospitalization and treatment of
madness and instability of
myth of
in Saint-Rémy insane asylum
Secrétan bro
thers and
shooting of
suicide and
Van Gogh Museum
van Tilborgh, Louis
Violetta de Caprariis, Alfonsina (“Violet”). See also Di Maio, Violet
Walter Reed Medical Center
Warren, Joseph
Wesley Chapel Cemetery
West, Don
West Memphis, Arkansas
police and detectives
West Memphis boys’ murder. See also Branch, Stevie; Byers, Christopher; Moore, Michael
Baldwin and
devil worship ritual theory about
Di Maio, Vincent, and
Echols and
Hobbs and
Misskelley and
trials about
West Memphis Three. See also Baldwin, James; Echols, Michael; Misskelley, Jessie, Jr.
Alford plea and release of
West of Memphis
Wheatfield with Crows
Wheatland, Wyoming
public defender’s office
Will X
Williams, Roy. See also Brown, H. Rap
Wise, Johnny
to Martin, Trayvon, killing
Spector’s expert
women, suicides by
Woods, Harry
Woods, Judy Lynn
Woods, Martha. See also Huston, Martha; Stewart, Martha
appeal of
case of
child deaths and
conviction and imprisonment of
Di Maio, Vincent, and case of
FBI and case of
murder indictment of
murder trial of
mysterious callers and
sanity of
as serial killer
US vs. Martha Woods
Woods, Judy, and
Woods, Paul, and
Woods, Paul David
case of
cause of death of
Wyoming Supreme Court
Zimmerman, George
injuries of
Kel-Tec 9mm handgun of
Martin, Trayvon, and
murder trial of
neighborhood watch and
race and
reaction to Martin killing by
Sanford police and
In the Bexar County Medical Examiner’s morgue. (SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS-NEWS/ZUMAPRESS.COM)
Dominick and Violet with me as a toddler during World War II. (DI MAIO COLLECTION)
With Theresa in 2014. (DI MAIO COLLECTION)
With my beautiful bride at our first wedding, 1969. (DI MAIO COLLECTION)
My first real job as a medical examiner was in this nineteenth-century building in Baltimore, an unventilated edifice where we hoped the window screens were strong enough keep the flies out. (OFFICE OF THE CHIEF MEDICAL EXAMINER OF MARYLAND)
With my mentor, coauthor, and father Dr. Dominick Di Maio in the late 1960s. (DI MAIO COLLECTION)
My father (left) with me and my sister Therese, around 1968, when we were both studying to be doctors. All three of my sisters eventually became physicians. (DI MAIO COLLECTION)
My anger over unreported deaths at San Antonio’s Bexar County Hospital made headlines and foreshadowed the shocking case of killer nurse Genene Jones. (SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS-NEWS/ZUMAPRESS.COM)
Trayvon Martin’s fatal wound was small and clean, but the single bullet did massive damage. The teen’s skin bore the telltale stippling that told us the gun was fired from “intermediate range.” (OFFICE OF THE MEDICAL EXAMINER, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA)
Using an enlarged image of George Zimmerman’s face, I described his injuries to the jury deciding if he murdered the teenager Trayvon Martin. (POOL VIDEO STILL/EIGHTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, FLORIDA)
Infant Paul Woods’s suspicious death unmasked serial baby killer Martha Woods, who’d murdered her own natural and adopted children, as well as nieces and nephews, over a twenty-year period. (RON FRANSCELL)
An X-ray of suspected terror bomber William Payne’s skull revealed a mercury battery blasted into his brain. (OFFICE OF THE CHIEF MEDICAL EXAMINER OF MARYLAND)
Unique dental traits helped identify the corpse in Lee Harvey Oswald’s grave as the assassin himself, not a Soviet agent. (DI MAIO COLLECTION)
Accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald’s booking photo on November 23, 1963, two days before his death. (DALLAS POLICE DEPARTMENT)
Former pediatric nurse and accused baby killer Genene Jones arrives at a Texas court in 1984. (SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS-NEWS/ZUMAPRESS.COM)
Illegal immigrant Martin Frias was arrested for shooting his live-in girlfriend Ernestine Perea in the back in Wheatland, Wyoming, in 1984.
The torn button and zipper on shooting victim Ernestine Perea’s jeans suggested a struggle, maybe even a rape attempt. (PLATTE COUNTY WYOMING SHERIFF’S OFFICE.)
Actress Lana Clarkson was shot in the mouth and died in this chair at music producer Phil Spector’s mansion. (Her head had rested on her blood-spattered right shoulder, but was turned to the left later by investigators.) (ALHAMBRA CALIFORNIA POLICE DEPARTMENT)
Legendary record producer Phil Spector was arrested for the murder of actress Lana Clarkson in February 2003.
If Phil Spector had shot actress Lana Clarkson his white jacket would have been splattered with blood … but there was very little. The criminalist’s tags show the spots where only very fine blood droplets were found. (ALHAMBRA CALIFORNIA POLICE DEPARTMENT)
Three troubled teenagers were arrested, tried, and convicted in the horrific torture slayings of three little boys near West Memphis, Arkansas, in 1993. But did they do it? (WEST MEMPHIS ARKANSAS POLICE DEPARTMENT)
The mutilated bodies of three young boys were found in a woodland near West Memphis, Arkansas, in 1993, and suspicion immediately fell on three teenagers.
Oscar-winning producer Peter Jackson, of Hobbit fame, also produced the documentary West of Memphis, on which I appeared. (DI MAIO COLLECTION)
Did the disturbed genius Vincent van Gogh commit suicide, as legend has it? Or did he die another way?
Auberge Ravoux still operates as an inn in Auvers, but the tiny room where van Gogh died is no longer used. (HENK-JAN DE JONG/VELSERBROEK, NETHERLANDS)
Admirers regularly leave messages at Vincent van Gogh’s grave in Auvers-sur-Oise, France, where he died in a strange suicide in 1890. (RICHARD TAYLOR/EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND)
Also by Dr. Vincent Di Maio
Gunshot Wounds
Forensic Pathology (with Dr. Dominick Di Maio)
Handbook of Forensic Pathology (with Dr. Suzanna E. Dana)
Excited Delirium Syndrome (with Theresa Di Maio)
Also by Ron Franscell
The Darkest Night
Delivered from Evil
The Crime Buff’s Guide Series
Nightmare at Noon (with Gregg Olsen)
Evil at the Front Door (with Rebecca Morris)
The Sourtoe Cocktail Club
Angel Fire
The Deadline
The Obituary
About the Authors
VINCENT DI MAIO, M.D., is an American pathologist and an internationally renowned expert on gunshot wounds. Now a private consultant who has performed more than nine thousand autopsies, he has played pivotal roles in some of the most provocative trials and death investigations of the past forty years.
RON FRANSCELL is the bestselling crime author of The Darkest Night and Delivered from Evil. His work regularly appears in publications such as The Washington Post, Chicago Sun-Times, San Francisco Chronicle, The Denver Post, San Jose Mercury News, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. He now lives in Texas. Visit Ron’s Web site at Or sign up for email updates here.
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Title Page
Copyright Notice
Dr. Jan Garavaglia
Also by Ron Franscell
About the Authors
MORGUE. Copyright © 2016 by Dr. Vincent Di Maio and Ron Franscell. Foreword copyright © 2016 by Dr. Jan Garavaglia. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.
Cover design by Olga Grlic
Cover photograph © hleib/Shutterstock
The Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available upon request.
ISBN 978-1-250-06714-2 (hardcover)
ISBN 978-1-4668-7506-7 (e-book)
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First Edition: May 2016
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