Snowed In With The Stuntmen

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Snowed In With The Stuntmen Page 6

by Riley Love

  Someone had slipped a note under the door. My name was scrawled in masculine handwriting on the front. I pulled the hotel stationery out of the envelope and leaned against the same wall Garrett had pushed me against yesterday as I read it.


  It’s my job to keep you safe, and I didn’t. It won’t happen again.


  My eyes closed for a long blink, like the words would change when I opened them. They didn’t. What wouldn’t happen again? The condom? Sex? Us? It was probably all of the above. My heart constricted as I put the note down on the counter next to an empty wine bottle. No. I couldn’t leave it here. My paranoid ass thought housekeeping was selling info to the gossip sites because there was stuff on there no one would know unless they went through my trash. It was my job to keep Garrett safe too. So I tucked the note into my purse and headed out to find food.

  The Pledge of Allegiance crew was used to early mornings, and they were more of a breakfast crowd. The restaurant was mostly empty. Tasha, one of the producers, used a corner table by the window as her desk. Her laptop was open on the table, papers everywhere. She waved at me, and I headed to her table.

  “I picked this table to keep an eye on the paparazzi.” She’d been helping to keep them away from me. “They said they were going skiing. I wanted to make sure they didn’t use the ski lift as a way to take pictures in your room.”

  My heart skipped a beat at the very thought. “They can do that?”

  “They do all sorts of shady shit. We can always get them to retract it, but you know anything on the internet lives forever.” She sighed. “We’ll do what we can to get rid of them.”

  “It’s okay. Let them.” If they had pictures of Garrett fucking my ass, I’d use them to gift wrap a shit sandwich for Kyle. This new Albany gave zero fucks about that stuff.

  Tasha’s eyes widened because that was so unlike me. I spent a lot of time in her office, asking her what she was doing to get those assholes off the resort.

  “All press is good press, right?” I added.

  “That’s what I keep trying to tell you. If you’ve got nothing to hide, they’ve got nothing to dig up,” she said.

  Maybe Ethan was right and production did consider me a brat. “I’m going to grab something to eat. I’ll let you get back to work.”

  I took my favorite seat at the bar and ordered a salad and a seltzer before staring up at the talk show on the TV above me. I couldn’t remember the last time I binged on bad TV. I instantly made a date with myself to go back to my room and watch all the baby mama drama in my undies.

  That was, until it was time for tonight’s installment of my stuntman arrangement. Only Drew and Harvey were left. Which one would I choose? I was definitely more comfortable with Drew, but Harvey was so mysterious. It would be pretty intense to willingly fuck someone who’d never uttered a word to me.

  I had to make sure he wore a condom.

  “Hi, Albany.” Tiffany, Kyle’s personal makeup artist, had taken the stool behind me. She managed to look like she’d come in from a yoga session on top of the mountain, with her fuzzy ear flap hat and her long, puffy, white coat and furry boots. I felt like the devil’s mistress sitting next to her, with my long, dark hair free, black leather jacket, and the same high heels I’d greeted Garrett in last night.

  The sex was definitely better on the dark side.

  Kyle stood behind her, knowing him he was trying to make it look he happened to be in the same place as Tiffany at the same time. Again. His face was flushed from the cold, his hair mussed from the snow. He nodded to me.

  “Hi, Tiffany. Hi, Kyle.” I’d be the bigger person.

  “How have you been spending your time off?” he asked.

  “I just came in from the snow,” Tiffany said, and I gave her some serious side-eye. Like anyone at this bar believed he didn’t know what she’d been doing during the break. I had one guess—him.

  “I’ve been rehearsing some of the upcoming scenes.” Or something like that. They did involve a lot of wrestling, so it wasn’t total bullshit. “What have you been up to?”

  They didn’t mean to share a glance, but I’d been Kyle’s lover and I knew his body language. Oh, they were so banging. And finally, I didn’t care anymore. Let Tiffany have him. Maybe she really liked him, or maybe she merely tolerated him because she thought he’d hire her as his personal artist on the next movie and it would be her big break. I couldn’t fault her because that was why I’d started screwing him.

  He cleared his throat. “I’ve been spending time meditating. Did you know that Tiffany used to be a yoga teacher?”

  “I didn’t.” I grinned at her. “I bet you’re really flexible.”

  “Albany,” he snapped. “That isn’t professional.”

  At one time, I would’ve cowered and apologized. “For her to be flexible? I think it would be a crime if she wasn’t.” I waved to the bartender. “I’m going to take my salad back to my room. Give these two their space.”

  They wouldn’t have to act like they weren’t fucking if I wasn’t around.

  I made good on my me-date of bad TV and undies, even though it involved more lettuce than I was expecting. If the guys had been in the bar instead of stupid Kyle and flexible Tiffany—there was an image that was never getting out of my head—they would’ve made me order a burger or a turkey club or something that came with fries. They made me do a lot of things that were out of character for me, and I loved every second of it.

  The phone woke me up. Not my phone, the hotel room phone. At first, I tried to shut off the alarm because I was so unfamiliar with the sound.


  “What are you wearing?”

  I didn’t recognize the voice. “Who’s this?”

  The stranger laughed. “It’s Drew. You might want to check your calendar. We have a date tonight. But it sounds like you’ve been busy already.”

  “You woke me up.” I let my head fall back on the pillow.

  “Oh, you’re in bed.” His voice went down an octave. “You never did tell me what you’re wearing.”

  “I had to make sure you weren’t some random creep first.” I glanced toward the window to make sure there weren’t any paparazzi with zoom lenses hanging around. Then I kicked off the blanket and ran my hand over my bare thigh, up to my stomach. “I’m wearing a tank top and panties.”

  Drew hummed. “I like the sound of that. No bra?”

  “No bra.”

  “Are your nipples hard?” he asked.

  I ran my hand under my shirt, closing my eyes as I skimmed the taut nubs and circled back to make sure. I’d swear I heard him chuckle when it took me a little too long to answer. “Why don’t you come and find out?”

  “I’m planning on it. But first I want you check something else. Is your pussy wet?”

  It had been a long time since anyone had phone sexed me, and I’d forgotten how hot it could be. “Let me check.”

  “Fuck.” It came out like an exhale.

  I wondered if Drew was doing the same thing I was, sticking his hand down the front of his pants, touching himself, tracing the swollen, sensitive skin that was ready to go. My breath was noisy, catching in the back of my throat. He had to be able to hear how turned on I was.

  “I’m so wet.”

  “Good.” He sounded so sexy. “I want you to keep that sweet pussy of yours wet until I show up. Before I come over there and fuck you, I have to ask you something.”

  If it were about limits, I’d sailed past all of them. I was still fingering my own clit while we talked on the phone. “Go for it.”

  “Can I bring a friend?”

  My fingers stilled as my heart skipped a beat. “Which friend?”

  “Harvey,” he said. “You know he’s shy, but I promise you, he knows his way around a woman.”

  “Do the two of you share lovers often?” My fantasies kicked into overdrive. What I really wanted to know was if they’d been lovers.

  “Maybe.” It came out singsong. “But tonight, all that matters is you.”

  Chapter Eight

  I have a question for you.” I grabbed Drew by the T-shirt when he and Harvey walked in. I’d answered the door in my tank top and panties. Zero-fuck-giving Albany didn’t bother with a robe. “This is a competition, right?”

  He crooked his brow. “A competition?”

  “Yeah. You all had a bet on which one of you I thought would fuck the best.” So maybe the wine didn’t wear off during my nap. “So what if I wind up liking both of you together the best? What does that mean?”

  Drew and Harvey looked at each other. Harvey was glowing, his caramel skin radiant like he’d come in from the cold. Maybe I should invite them out and we could rehearse our scene again before we took our clothes off.

  “Whatever you want it to mean,” Drew said.

  “Doesn’t one of you win?” I reached out for Harvey, running my hand up his arm. I expected him to tense at my touch, but he didn’t. His gaze was like fire. “I should’ve asked a lot more questions.”

  “Nah.” Drew slipped his arms around my waist, his hand settling on my ass. “Too many rules ruin it. We don’t want you to think about rules tonight. Have fun with us.”

  His lips were against my cheek, but I looked back to Harvey. I squeezed his arm. “Do you always let him speak for you?”

  “Albany,” Drew said sharply, and for a moment, I worried that I ruined it. Everything. The fragile thread that made this arrangement work didn’t have too many rules or answers. It existed because we’d all been willing to suspend reality for the weekend and leave our flaws at the door. In this fantasy, all of us were perfect. “He hasn’t talked since the bomb.”

  “The bomb?”

  “Yeah. We were working in one of the villages in Afghanistan. And someone decided to bomb near a hospital.” Drew’s brown eyes darkened. “Blew the place out. All the people who needed help couldn’t get it. Our job was to watch out for that shit, but we didn’t have the right intelligence. Someone was able to slip by us. That was the last time Harvey talked. So yeah, I do speak for him. Because he’s a great fucking guy who cares about people, and I don’t want him to get left behind.”

  I placed a kiss on Drew’s cheek before I let him go and moved over to Harvey. He had so much to say— the storm in his eyes showed me this man had so much promise, so much pain, so much left to do. His only movement as I slipped my hands around his waist was to lick his lips. It was so slight if I wasn’t paying attention, I might have missed it. That would’ve been a shame, for this beautiful, powerful man to be overlooked. He was lucky to have a friend like Drew. Someone who made sure his voice was always heard, that he wasn’t forgotten. So many people didn’t have that.

  Harvey backed me against the wall, a little further down from the spot Garrett had done the same thing the day before, and he kissed me. We were across from the mirror this time, and this wasn’t the only difference between the two kisses. Everything on Harvey was hard and deliberate, like he’d taken his time thinking about what he wanted before he acted.

  I’ll admit it. I’d been skeptical about the prospect of fucking a man who didn’t speak. That it would feel different because it would be impossible for me to know him. And I was wrong. He made me feel things with his body that I might have missed with words alone. Strong hands on my back cradling me against his body kept me safe. The way his tongue moved against mine, there was no doubt he wanted me. And he’d go to the extra mile to make sure I knew it.

  Another hand was warm against my back. Drew. I was dazed when I separated from Harvey’s kiss. He’d brought me to a place I wasn’t ready to come back from. Drew’s other hand was on my chin, and he leaned in for a kiss of his own. No, he hadn’t brought me back from anyplace. He’d led me deeper into the cocoon, to a place only these two men could bring me.

  Harvey slipped his hands under my shirt, easing it up to my body. I raised my hands and let him take it off me. His hands were immediately over my breasts, fingers strumming over my nipples like I was an instrument that he could make cry and whine in song. A song he’d taken years to write and poured in every ounce of emotion he had.

  My head fell back, and I belonged to them. Drew took over kissing me, his stubble rough against my cheeks, while Harvey fell to his knees, his lips on my breasts as he tugged my panties down my thighs. Damn, these warriors wasted no time getting down to business. His hand ran up my bare calf, thigh, not stopping until he got to my pussy. He moved quickly, his fingers circling my clit. I moaned against Drew’s mouth when he squeezed.

  “Let’s get out of the hallway.” Words were more like pants between strangled breaths. My legs had turned to jelly, again, and I was going to miss this feeling. When I gave my body to someone else to bring me nothing but pleasure.

  “Sure about that?” Drew grabbed my ass hard and then slapped it. It was even more intense since Harvey was fingering my clit, and my skin was still sore from Ethan’s spanking session. My cry echoed in the narrow hallway. “I wanted to push you up against the mirror so you could watch both of us fuck you.”

  I nodded.

  Drew grabbed my face. “Don’t you like that idea, Albany?”

  “I do.” The pressure between my legs was building, and my knees would give out from this orgasm. Having two men with their hands all over my body was so fucking intense, and desire had been riding close to the surface of my skin all weekend long. “But—”

  “But what?”

  Harvey had moved me to the mirror. I faced myself—hair wild, lips swollen, the curve of my breast the only thing visible. The heat radiating from his body made my skin dewy. It wouldn’t take us long to fog the glass. Soon it would blur Drew and Harvey’s reflections, and they’d only be my fantasy.

  I didn’t look like myself. The carefully put together version of the truth I liked to portray to the public.

  Drew’s hand was around my neck again. “Tell me.”

  “I’m scared.” My life where I hid from paparazzi, lived in fear of what they said of me, seemed to belong to someone else. “There’s been reporters following me around the hotel. They’ve been getting info from somebody on set. They’re posting it all on the gossip blogs.”

  “What are they going to say? That you got the best fucking of your life? By two guys at once? You know how many women would do anything to be in your place right now? To be Albany Fucking Raynes, the biggest movie star in the country?”

  I was about to argue with him, that I wasn’t even close to the biggest movie star in the country and they were only here because I’d been with Kyle. But if I wasn’t at least a decent actress, I wouldn’t have gotten this role. It was a crime how hard I worked to get here only to hate every moment of it. No more.

  I nodded against the mirror. “I know.”

  “Let go of her, Harvey.” Drew’s hands moved down to my waist as Harvey backed away. His eyes were wide and unblinking, and his gaze didn’t leave mine when he licked the taste of me from his fingers. I fell back against Drew. The smell of my arousal filled the hallway.

  Harvey stayed on his knees, waiting for Drew’s command. Again, I found myself wondering if these two had ever been together. And how much I’d want to see that. But right now, I was too busy concentrating on the basics, like standing and breathing, to ask questions. And Drew didn’t seem like he was taking requests.

  “Look at yourself, Albany.” His breath was hot against my ear, and his hand caressed my stomach, from under my tits to the top of my pubic hair. “How fucking beautiful you are. How perfect your body is.”

  I did look good. I’d worked with a trainer before I started this movie. When I refused a stunt double, I knew that meant the role would be physical. And that I’d have to work harder to prove myself. It had all paid off. My stomach was mostly flat, my boobs were perky, and there was definition in my strained arms and legs. Damn, girl. Didn’t hurt that I was flanked by two hot as fuck ex-military stunt guys. Whoever said di
amonds were a girl’s best friend had never met Drew and Harvey.

  “Harvey, fuck Albany with your tongue and fingers. I want her to watch herself come.”

  A slow smile spread across Harvey’s face. He inched closer to me, spreading my legs to give himself better access. He blew on my swollen clit, sending a shiver rocketing through my body before he closed his lips on the sensitive skin and sucked.

  “He’s good with his mouth, isn’t he?” Drew’s voice was hoarse. Holy fuck, they had been together. “They say when you lose one of your senses, the others become stronger. I trusted this guy with my life long before he lost his voice. He’s always had a sixth sense. He’ll hone in on the way your body reacts to him. He’ll find your pleasure points, and he’ll bring you to places you didn’t know existed.”

  “Do you know that from experience?” I asked, biting my lip when Harvey found one of those spots, his tongue honing in on it, swirling around it. The corners of the mirror were rimmed with black, like someone had set it on fire.

  Drew gave me a rough tug, tighter to his body, and his erection was hard and hot against my back. Harvey didn’t miss a beat. “Don’t worry about anything but yourself right now.”

  Harvey found the spot that made me lurch forward. Drew held me upright as the first wave of orgasm rolled through my body, and Harvey slipped two fingers inside me, pumping hard as he sucked on my clit. I mashed my lips together, my cry escaping by any means necessary, in the form of a hum.

  Drew separated my lips. “No holding back.”

  My cry rang through the hallway. Harvey had to be up to three fingers now, maybe four. He’d filled me, and my inner muscles were going crazy, pulsing, trying to trap him inside me.

  He slowed his movements, his lips left my clit, and he planted butterfly kisses on my pubic bone and on the inside of my thigh as I caught my breath. I locked gazes with him in the mirror, and he nodded.

  “Put your hands against the mirror.” Drew nudged me forward, and Harvey slid over to the side. Zippers opened, and something metallic fluttered to the floor. Drew didn’t forget the condom.


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