When Angels Seek Chaos (The DePalma Family Book 1)

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When Angels Seek Chaos (The DePalma Family Book 1) Page 16

by Addison Jane

  Tears burned at my eyes.

  Who knew that someone who succumbed so often to darkness, who thrived off pain and havoc, could find such exquisite and captivating words.

  “I can’t—”

  Abruptly, his lips crashed down onto mine.

  I felt lost for a few moments, stunned as I melted into his embrace, twisting my fingers in his shirt. Our lips fought against each other, passion and urgency taking control. My back pressed against the stage as Angelo devoured me as though he wanted to soak in my essence and steal it for himself.

  He was the devil, trying to seduce me with his beauty and charisma, the kind that didn’t make you want to sell your soul but that instead would make you beg for him to take it.

  He pulled back, leaving me breathless, his hands cupping my face as though he was afraid to let me go. “Dance.”

  His hands slipped down to my hips, and before I could even gather my bearings, he lifted me up and sat me on the edge of the mighty stage. I heard a small growl leave his throat as he pressed his face to my stomach, pulling at my jacket with his teeth.

  I resisted the urge to lift my hips and grind them toward his face, the dark, animalistic vibes swirling around him sweeping me up in their violent storm.

  I wanted him, but I guess one of us had to have some kind of control.

  Stepping back, he looked up at me as he walked backward. When his knees bumped one the chairs in the front row, he pulled it down and dropped into it, his eyes not once leaving me.

  Trying to calm my beating heart, I pushed to my feet, suddenly feeling so small and insignificant on the vast stage. “There’s no music.”

  Without warning, a young boy stepped out of the wings, his eyes shifting nervously from side to side. He was dressed in what looked like pajamas. “Um, what would you like?” he asked nervously, his voice shaking as he looked at Angelo.

  “Something slow,” Angelo answered. “Then get the fuck out.”

  The kid began to back away. “Yes sir,” he said, his voice shaking noticeably. He disappeared back into the wings, scurrying so fast he almost tripped.

  I shook my head. “You always got to be so rude to people?” I grinned.

  He shrugged. “It gets shit done.”

  “Yeah, because people are afraid you’re going to stab them in their sleep.”

  He shot me a wicked smirk. “Why wait until they are asleep?”

  Jesus, what have I gotten myself into?

  And why do I love it so damn much?

  The music began to play softly, filling the vast theater with its eerily seductive sound.

  Emerson didn’t move, she continued to stare at me like she was in shock, her eyes bright with lust, her body tight and frozen. This wasn’t something I could help her fight through, she needed to do it herself. To find that part of her that she’d squashed and forced back since Sophie’s death.

  I could tell she was battling with her demons, the ones that told her she shouldn’t feel good about causing another human the kind of pain she had seen us lay on Benny. Emerson needed to learn that feeding your demons was normal. People did it in different ways, some fed them with junk food, others with alcohol. I fed mine with blood.

  The key was, to never let them control you. It was when people allowed their demons to control them that it led to things like addiction and drove people to the edge of insanity. These people didn’t just lose their minds, they lost a piece of themselves. And that’s what I was scared of.

  Emerson had this burning in her gut that told her to bring pain upon those who had wronged her and her family. Those who had hurt her sister needed to feel her heartache and the way it tore her apart inside. She felt as though it was the only way she would feel normal again, like bringing this pain on them would make her feel like she’d found absolution.

  That idea alone could be addicting.

  It could steal away all of the innocence she once held, and turn her into a person she could barely recognize.

  I had a plan though, this was it. She would use dance as a way to remind herself of who she was, and what truly was important in her life. Dance bled from her soul, it allowed her the freedom of expression and strength that she struggled with in other aspects of her life. It would free her, allow her to do what she needed to do to take her revenge for Sophie’s death and keep her head level above the murky waters.

  I watched as she kicked off her shoes, letting them drop off the side of the stage with a thump. Her socks followed not long after, and she stood straighter, her eyes drifting closed as the music began to fill her. With a deep breath, she was moving. Her body swayed softly, her arms tight and perfectly positioned as she swept across the stage. Her feet left the floor, and for a moment I held my breath. It was almost as though she had wings, holding her in the air for a second longer than any normal human should.

  The music built and her body caught the rhythm, fluidly moving from one position to another with ease and grace that I’d never before seen. She was beauty, encapsulated in a single form that stole your breath and threatened to never return it.

  But I didn’t care.

  I was captivated. Entranced by the turns and leaps, feeling like there was nothing else in the world at that point and time that mattered but her.

  She was born to be on stage. And as selfish as I wanted to be, to keep these moments only for myself, she was born to be in front of an audience, sharing her gift with the world.

  At the height of the music, my heart raced, thundering against my chest as though it may explode at any moment. And if it did, I can say I would happily go to hell with these last memories written in my brain.

  Her breathing seemed untouched as if there was no effort used to make these incredible moves that sent her soaring and flipping like an Olympic gymnast. Her body told a story, one that for some reason, I felt was made for me. The shapes her body made, the way it flexed and flowed, had my cock stirring in my pants. She was sexy, incredibly so. With a dancer’s body that was slim, but firm and curvy, made for endurance.

  I wanted to split her legs, twist her body in unnatural ways and fuck her until sunrise. I wanted to seek out the parts of her that were the most vulnerable and sensitive and tease and torment her while making her beg for more.

  “Damn it,” I cursed under my breath as I pushed to my feet. The music ran to an end, slowly fading out, leaving her standing like a statue of Athena in the middle of the stage—the goddess of both wisdom and war.

  I began to clap, the sound vibrating the air around us and filling the theater.

  Emerson smiled, her face lighting up with a strange mixture of happiness and deviance. She walked to the edge of the stage, sitting down and hanging her legs over the edge. Her chest heaved and her skin glistened with a light sheen, her eyes watching me as though waiting for me to speak. She held a confidence she rarely showed. It pulled me in. My need to take this woman, who was so suddenly filled with fortitude, so strong.

  “Hello? Someone here?” I heard a voice call out from the foyer.

  Snatching her belongings off the floor, I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the side. “I thought you knew someone,” she whispered as we rushed out the side of the hall and up a small staircase.

  “That kid does the music here, he owed me for not slitting his throat a couple months back,” I explained in hushed tones as we hid in the wings of the stage.

  “Are you saying you actually let someone go who had crossed you?”

  I snorted, pushing her up against a wall at the side of the stage that was disguised by two curtains and placed my hand over her mouth. “Sometimes I see the value in being owed a debt over having to dispose of a body.”

  “Hello,” the voice called out again. “This is the Brooklyn Police Department, anyone here?”

  Our breathing was heavy, and I could feel her heart racing as I pressed my body against hers. I could hear the footsteps coming down the aisle, two officers chatting with each other as they looked around for offenders. Fo
r us.

  I tucked my face into Emerson’s neck. My cock was still rock hard, and I knew she could feel it as I pressed against her. Having her in my arms was only making it worse, I could hear every excited breath, every quiver as I pressed my lips to her neck.

  A moan, just soft enough for my ears caused her lips to vibrate against my hand. She melted against me as I moved it down over her jaw to her throat. Her eyes lit up, the stunning shade of blue sparkling in the light and flashing with need.

  I could hear the officers moving around the theater, checking around corners and in hidden spaces.

  “They’re going to catch us,” Emerson whispered, her voice shaking as my hand grazed down over her chest.

  Leaning in, I allowed my lips to brush the softness of her cheek. They were still hot, her breathing a little heavy from her dance. “Then you better keep quiet because it would be rather unfortunate to have this beautiful theater stained with the blood of police officers.”

  She inhaled sharply, but her eyes flashed, and she shook her head.

  My hand slipped down her side, my fingers trailing over her arm. She was covered in goosebumps making her silky smooth skin feel strangely rough. When I reached the rim of her pants, I dipped my fingers inside the band and moved to the front, flicking the button open with my fingers.

  “Angelo,” she whispered, her voice raspy.

  Heavy footsteps came up the stairs to the wings of the stage, and a flashlight flicked on. “Y’all better come out now,” they called, but I didn’t stop.

  I knew they couldn’t see us unless they walked directly past us and onto the stage. I looked up at Emerson, and she licked her lips as I slipped my hand down the front of her pants, tucking inside a lacy pair of panties. Holding back a groan, I gritted my teeth as I felt the smooth skin she had hidden away between her legs. “Fucking hell.”

  My finger glided between her folds, flicking over her clit. Her mouth dropped open, but not a sound left her lips. She was so fucking wet, I gathered it on my finger and swirled it around her clit, loving the way her body jerked with each pass. With my free hand, I trailed it down her chest, brushing across her breasts where her lacy bra did nothing to hide her hardened nipples. Her hips began to grind against my hand as I thrust two fingers inside her tight wet hole.

  The thump of heavy footsteps came closer, and her eyes met mine, wide with the fear of being caught. At this stage, I didn’t even fucking care. If anyone tried to stop me from fucking Emerson right now, I’d shoot the bastards while I pounded away inside her.

  Just the thought had me so hard it was almost fucking painful.


  I’m done.

  “We can’t do this here,” I protested. My heart was racing, beating out my chest.

  This night was so fucked up, I couldn’t even get my head around it. I gasped suddenly as Angelo’s finger slipped deep inside me. “Shit!”

  “Mmm,” he groaned. “God, you look so fucking delicious like this, your pussy squeezing my finger. Fuck. I can just imagine how tight you would be around my cock.”

  I tried to breathe but the pleasure was taking over, clouding my head, as Angelo pushed his fingers in and out of me, fucking me, as the palm of his hand grazed across my clit. His hand tightened around my throat, drawing my face forward.

  As I dipped my head, his lips crashed down onto mine. I savored the taste of him, our tongues tangling together in a vicious battle. My fingers were tangled in his suit jacket, it was basically the only thing keeping me on my feet. My legs were weak, and I was finding it hard to find my wits.

  “Damn you,” I cursed as he pulled back.

  He grinned, slipping his hand around the back of my head and twisting his fingers in my hair. “Come on, Bella. You can do better than that.”

  He held me captive, pulling my head back so far I was glaring at him with squinted eyes. “You’re a fucking asshole.”

  Pressing his cock against my hip, he groaned, moving his mouth up next to my ear. The light brush of air tickling against my hot skin. “And you fucking love it,” he whispered.

  I did.

  I fucking wanted him so bad.

  These stupid mind games he played with me, they were just to torture and push my damn buttons, but every single time, they fucking worked.

  “Doesn’t look like there’s anyone here,” I heard one of the police officers announce loudly. “Let’s turn the lights off and get out of here. This old place gives me the fucking creeps.”

  My breathing increased, my hips with a mind of their own grinding deliciously against Angelo’s hand as he worked my body like a fucking pro. The sounds of footsteps got quieter and quieter as the officers headed for the exit.

  There was a loud click, and we were thrown into darkness.

  It was pitch black, I couldn’t even see Angelo’s face that was still just two inches in front of me. His body still pressed against mine, holding me securely.

  “Even better,” he murmured, and suddenly he was gone. My legs almost gave way, and a soft whimper left my lips at the loss of his warmth and my impending orgasm that had begun to steal all the strength from my body. His hands found my hips in the darkness, grasping the waistband of my pants and pushing them down my legs. I didn’t even have time to react, my mind in a whirl of annoyance and desperate need for the type of pleasure that I knew he could give me.

  Lifting each leg, he tugged my pants over my feet and tossed them to the side and then hooked one of my legs over his shoulder. His hot mouth instantly went to my clit, and I thrust my fingers into his hair, clutching onto the strands for dear life. “Oh my God,” I gasped, looking down at him with my mouth open as my eyes began to adjust to the darkness.

  I could barely see the whites of his eyes as his mouth covered my pussy, sucking and lapping at me.

  He pulled back, his lips glistening with wetness. “Gonna make you scream.”

  I shook my head.

  No way, not here in this huge theater. If anyone comes in, they’ll hear me.

  “Oh, yes, yes you will.”

  “No,” I argued, the word almost coming out on a whimper as he swept his tongue through my lips.

  He chuckled, lifting my other leg so both were over his shoulders and my back was pressed hard against the wall, keeping me from falling backward. “That’s right, you’re gonna fucking scream my name before the night is out.”

  Slowly he pushed to his feet, and I started to panic as my back slid up the wall. I held tight to his hair to try and keep myself from falling, but when he reached full height, I realized just how damn strong Angelo was.

  I looked down at him, suddenly feeling powerful, towering over him with his head between my legs, his lips brushing against my pussy. I smirked. “Lick me.”

  His eyes lit up, and I could feel him smiling against me. “I’m sorry, don’t think I heard that.”

  My gut twisted, need and lust burning up my body. “I want your mouth on me.”

  He chuckled. “One more time.”

  I glared at him, fully aware of the fact that he probably couldn’t see it. “Cocky asshole.” Tugging on his hair, I forced his face forward and lifted my hips at the same time. His tongue snaked out at that moment and caught my clit in its path.

  I cried out in pleasure as I started to grind my hips against his mouth, his hands squeezing my ass cheeks almost painfully, the only thing stopping me from toppling off his shoulders. I didn’t even care.

  I paused for a second, groaning in frustration as I tried to catch my breath. This was an ab workout mixed with some serious cardio. I kept building and building, but I couldn’t quite get over that hill so I could fall into bliss.

  “Poor Bella can’t get herself off,” Angelo chuckled before pulling my clit into his mouth and sucking hard. The air was pulled from my lungs as he used his hands to pull apart my ass cheeks and there was suddenly a finger gathering wetness from my pussy and pulling it back to swirl around my ass. I jumped at the odd feeling, never really hav
ing had anyone touch me there before. It wasn’t uncomfortable, just different.

  His hands held me captive as a finger pressed lightly against it, not even enough pressure to slip inside. My body started to tingle, the odd sensation coupled with the way Angelo was sucking on my clit like the world’s most delicious lollypop.

  My orgasm hit me unexpectedly. It had been such a slow build and then suddenly I’d shot to the top and thrown myself off. “Angelo!” I cried out, my body shaking, my legs tightening around his neck so hard I thought I might strangle him.

  He slowly lowered me to the ground and untangled my body from his, while my head was still floating through the clouds in bliss. I held onto the wall as he placed my feet back on the ground.

  “I want to see you,” I said quietly, my voice sexy and husky. I licked my lips as I heard his footsteps disappear and the flick of several lights came on.

  When he appeared again, he gathered my pants and clothes and took my hand, leading me back down the side of the stage and into the front row. He stepped back, taking a seat, his eyes lit up with fire, predatory almost. It was want, but not the kind of want you see in the eyes of guys my age who just want to get in your pants. The want I saw within Angelo’s eyes was more than that, more than just a momentary thing. It was intense, and it was powerful—not like he wanted to fuck me, but like he wanted to keep me… and never give me back.

  And all I could think was, that’s fine with me.

  “Dance, this time, just for me.”

  I frowned at his request, but the fierce look in his eyes that would usually make me want to fight back and tell him no, this time had the opposite effect and urged me on. I moved my hips first, hearing a slow tune in my head, something dramatic and sexy.

  I moved closer, my steps light and floaty as I turned and twisted my body for several minutes, strangely unbothered by how my entire bottom half was naked, given I’d never danced without at least a leotard on.


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