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AnglingforLove Page 16

by Lea Barrymire

  Jared started again as soon as Brent was finished. “We won’t bother you at all while you’re here and you can be in complete control of everything. We just want you safe, babe. We’d feel horrible if we let you fly back to Pennsylvania and you got hurt. Please, save us from the guilt. Stay here for a few extra days.”

  Their words were starting to have an effect. Perhaps staying a few extra days would be a good idea. Robert definitely was not acting normal, and she could work from the cabin. Her boss wouldn’t have an issue with it either, knowing him. He was a romantic at heart and had told her repeatedly that Robert wasn’t treating her right. She opened her mouth to accept their thoughts but Jared stopped her again with a finger.

  “Wait—before you say anything, there’s more.” He looked over her shoulder at Brent and she felt the slight nod behind her. “We want you to think about possibly staying for good too. This would be like a trial run for you to see if you could deal with us on a day-to-day basis. I’ve fallen completely in love with you, Arin, and I want you here with us. You love what we do, where we live and how we spend our free time. You get our sense of humor and we love yours. Please, just think about it. Don’t answer us now.”

  “Stunned” might be the best word for what she was feeling. She leaned forward and glanced over her shoulder to see what Brent was thinking. Wary and cautious. That was what she could see in the low light from the deck. “You want this too?”

  She watched Brent swallow and could have sworn she felt him shiver under her hand. But his voice was firm and strong. “Yes. I’ve told Jared all along that I don’t know if I love you yet, but I know I could. That doesn’t sound like it should, but I’ve totally enjoyed having you here and you fit us like no one else I’ve met.”

  She turned back to Jared and saw raw hope. She closed her eyes to hide her thoughts as she spun through what they’d said. Staying for a few extra days was a good idea to avoid Robert. Using it as practice for long-term seemed a little too much. How could they want her to stay after only a couple of days? But then, how could she want to stay after only a couple of days? Torn again, but this time because they were offering her what she wanted. Did she trust it? What could they possibly get out of it if they were lying to her? Nothing. So either they truly wanted her as she wanted them, or they were just in lust.

  Sighing, she opened her eyes to find a very worried Jared watching her. “I think staying a few extra days is a good idea. But about using it as a test run? I’ve got to think about it. I just ended the only real relationship I’ve ever had. I don’t know if I trust myself enough to make a life-altering decision right now.”

  A relieved sound rumbled against her back as Brent let out a whooshing breath. He hugged her to his chest. “Darlin’, take all the time you need. We don’t want to see you hurt or see you leave, but we aren’t going to force you into anything.”

  “I’m going to sleep on it. There’s no way I’m making a decision while sandwiched between the two of you.”

  Jared laughed and grabbed her by the cheeks, pulling her into a searing kiss. He didn’t give her time to catch her breath before he was delving deeply into her mouth, tasting and teasing as he went. The moment she felt ready to respond, he backed off with a nip to her bottom lip. “Let’s go to bed. I have the urge to cuddle you all night.”

  Arin squeaked as Brent stood with her in his arms. He climbed out of the tub, dripping all over the deck, and stood while Jared opened the sliding door. She stammered, “Wait, we’re dripping. You’re going to get everything all wet.”

  Jared pinched her ass and chuckled when she squealed. “No worries, babe. I plan on having you wet all night.”

  She groaned at the bad innuendo at the same time she felt answering moisture in her cunt. Oh God, I really am going to be dripping on the floor. Brent carried her to the spiral staircase and stopped. She glanced up and found him staring at her. She wondered why. “What?”

  “You want to spend the night with us, Arin? We’ll both sleep with you like we did last night. I just wanted to make sure you understand what we’re expecting if we go up these steps.”

  “Of course I want to. Brent, I’m not playing here. I want to lie between you, snuggled together. I’m not running.” She scowled at him just enough to get her point across. She wasn’t sure what kind of women they’d shared before, and honestly didn’t want to think too much about it. But he seemed to be expecting her to either run or accuse them of something. She just couldn’t figure out why.

  “Come on. She’s tired, we’re tired and she’s not them, Brent.” Jared’s voice spurred Brent on, and she was moving again as he strode up the stairs.

  She looked into his eyes. He was still watching her. “Will you tell me sometime?”

  “Will I tell you what?”

  “Why you’re so scared of me. Why you’re waiting for me to run away or shout things or something. Why you’re trying to keep me at arm’s length.” Arin watched pain flow across Brent’s face before he closed it down. There was a traumatic story there somewhere. Her heart ached for him and she wanted to fix whatever had caused the haunted look.

  “Someday, but not right now.”

  “Fair enough. Take me to bed then. I’m beat and I need two hot bodies pressed against me to chase away the chill.” She loved the look of surprise that crossed his face before he leered at her with a smirk.

  Even the flush of heat up her cheeks didn’t stop her from grinning at him. She might still be blushing at being so forward, but it felt good to voice her thoughts. It’d been a long time since she’d been open with people—too damn long.

  “Oh we’ll take the chill away. That’s something that we pride ourselves on. You’ll be hot all night.”

  She coughed and laughed. “Wow, two really bad innuendos in the span of five minutes. We need to get some sleep so you guys are fresh and coming up with better lines.”

  Jared chuckled from the door on their left. “She’s got us there, doesn’t she?”

  When Brent entered the room, she had to close her gaping mouth. The largest bed she’d ever seen took up most of the room. Jared, naked and proudly erect, lay on the left-hand side. His skin nearly gleamed against the midnight blue sheets. He crooked his finger at her the moment Brent set her on her feet. With timid steps, she approached the bed, but the playful grin on Jared’s lips had her scampering up next to him. He pulled a sheet and blanket up over them, then flipped the other side back so Brent could climb in behind her. All that male deliciousness, naked and pressed to her, had a moan curling long and low from her lips.

  “I’m not going to be able to sleep between you,” she groaned, hiding her face behind her hands.

  “Sure you will. Here, curl toward me.” Jared maneuvered her around until she was lying on her side facing him. He flopped his arm over her waist and pulled her flush to him. Her head was cushioned on his arm.

  Brent inched closer to her, pressing his body to her back and placing an arm over Jared’s. He kissed her neck and snuggled against her like a puppy. She giggled when he even made a few little grunts as he got comfortable.

  “Now close your eyes. Relax between us.” Brent’s other hand played with her wet hair. She would have purred if she were capable. She loved having her hair played with and there was nothing that relaxed her more. Sighing deeply, she did as she was told and closed her eyes.

  It didn’t take long for the guys to drift off. Their breathing changed, deepened. She smiled to herself and gave in to sleep, relaxed and warm between her two men.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Hey, Arin. Didn’t think I’d hear from you for another couple of days. How’s the vacation going?” Mike’s voice was cheerful, as always. Her boss never had a bad day, or at least never allowed anyone to see it.

  “Hey, Mike. It’s really great here. That’s actually what I’m calling about. Would you mind me working remotely for a few extra days? I’ll log into our email system so you can see me working.” She chewed the side of her th
umb. If Mike balked she’d head back home, even if the thought gave her stomach cramps.

  “Arin, hon, does this have something to do with Robert?” The concern in his voice nearly had her crying. Did everyone know about her fucked-up relationship?

  She blew out a breath. “Yeah. He’s scaring me and the guides here are willing to let me hang out for a while until Robert gets his act together.”

  Silence hung for a few moments between them. She had started formulating more arguments to use when her boss cleared his throat. “Look, truth be told, I want you to stay out there. He’s got the office girls terrified. I’ve called the cops a couple of times but they don’t seem inclined to do anything about him. I’m worried about you, hon, so definitely stay and work from there for a few days. I trust you and know you’ll get your work done.”

  Tension bled from her and she nearly collapsed. “Thank you, Mike. Thank you so much. I’ll work really hard and make sure everything you need done is finished.”

  “You’re like a niece to me. Stay safe and I hope those hunks are treating you well.” He laughed. “Seems Abby has been talking to the girls out front about you and your…what did she call it, man-wich? Something like that.”

  She could feel the blush overtake her cheeks and crawl into her hair. God, didn’t Abby ever shut up about stuff? A laugh bubbled up in her throat. It would be so like Abby to start spreading rumors around work just to piss Robert off. Or maybe she was just proud of Arin for stepping out of the relationship box. She cleared her throat. “Thanks, Mike. Tell Abby to zip it. I’ve still got a couple days off, so I’ll call you on Wednesday.”

  “Have fun, hon. And don’t worry about anything. We’ve got it covered until you come back.”

  They hung up and Arin started dialing Abby’s phone. Cute or not, her friend had stepped over the boundaries of their “do not tell juicy secrets” pact from their childhood. She was grumbling to herself when someone cleared his throat behind her. She turned to find Jared leaning on the doorjamb, smiling.

  “Hey. So you all set for work? Did they hassle you about working from here?”

  “No, Mike is really a great boss. He’s cool with me working from here for a while.” She turned to her phone and closed it, then turned back as a question she’d had for a few days burned in her brain. “Um, can I ask you something?”

  Jared strode into the living room and squatted in front of her, taking her hand in his. “You can ask me anything, babe.”

  “How come you guys haven’t, you know, tried to take me together? I’ve read lots of ménage stories. I get that you like to watch, but will it always be that way? Not that I mind. I mean—” She stopped rambling by clamping her free hand over her mouth. She took a deep breath. “Sorry. I don’t know what I want to know, I guess.”

  He grinned at her and swept a finger down her reddened cheek. “Here’s a secret. Most of the time you won’t take both partners at once. Both of us want you screaming with need, and that’s tough to do if you’re concentrating on not biting while getting pounded, or not moving if you’ve got two cocks in you. We really, and I mean really, enjoy watching our woman with the other man. I get off just as well watching and working my own cock. Brent and I will definitely work you up to taking both of us, but for now we’re enjoying watching you come for the other one. See, when I’m watching I get to see emotions on your face that I wouldn’t pay attention to if I was in you. And it’s the same thing for Brent. Does that help?”

  She ducked her head but felt a weight lifted from her shoulders. She’d fully enjoyed her time with them. Loved waking between them, snuggled so tightly that she’d had to poke them both awake so she could climb off the bed. But the niggling question of why they hadn’t taken her together had bothered her. A finger under her chin dragged her eyes to his.

  “Does that help, Arin? I don’t want you worried or concerned or wondering. We love having you between us.” Tenderness and blatant honesty shone from his eyes.

  “Yeah, it helps. Thanks. I didn’t want you guys treating me differently just because I’m new to this.”

  He leaned back and studied her for a minute, then leaned in to kiss her lightly on the lips. When he leaned back again, he whispered, “We do treat you differently, but that’s because you are different. You fit us. Not in a passing fling kind of way, Arin. We want forever. So we do treat you differently.”

  She swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. She refused to cry—refused. He was so sweet and so open. So different from anything she’d heard from Robert. She sucked a shuddering breath into her chest and leaned forward to kiss him back. A light press of her lips to his didn’t seem like enough, but she had phone calls to make.

  “Thanks. I mean it. I have to call Abby.” She hoped he understood that she wasn’t ready to talk “forever”. She wanted it—wanted to throw her arms around him and scream “Yes, keep me”—but she wasn’t ready for that.

  “Take your time, babe. We’re going to eat lunch before heading down to the southern bend of the creek.” Jared stood, kissing her lightly on the top of the head. “Don’t think too hard about anything, okay? We’ve got time. Enjoy your vacation here and we’ll face the future later.”

  Jared stood just through the doorway, listening to Arin’s conversation with her friend. The look of longing that had crossed her face when they’d been talking about her staying haunted him. He understood her reluctance but it didn’t make him feel any better about the concern.

  Her voice floated quietly on the air. She sounded thrilled to talk to her friend, and every once in a while a peal of laughter rang through the room. He couldn’t help but smile at her happiness. He definitely thought she’d been smiling and laughing more since he picked her up at the airport. She’d been so sad and withdrawn, and now… He grinned and smothered his own laughter. Now she was pushing their buttons and making them as hot for her as she was for them. She was so fucking perfect for them.

  His thoughts turned to Brent and his smile slid from his lips. That boy needed to face his fears and get a grip before Arin left. Jared understood his best friend’s concerns, but there was only so much he could forgive. If Brent caused Arin to leave without a promise to come back, Jared would be forced to beat the shit out of him. That thought put a grin back on his face. They hadn’t thrown down in a long time. Maybe it was time for them to work out some of their aggression, then have a real heart-to-heart. Arin deserved to know the truth about their past, know why the two had decided on the life they had. But it was Brent who needed to open up with her.

  Guilt twisted his guts again. Brent was the one who needed to tell her so he could have that connection with her. If she decided she’d stick around, but only for one of them, then the groundwork would be laid. Brent would have that extra emotional claim to her.

  Arin’s angry murmuring brought him from his thoughts. He wondered if Robert, the assmunch, had been busy irritating her friend. From the sounds of it he’d been doing a little more than that. A shiver of apprehension shook him. He’d hoped Robert was an insecure dick who took his anger out by shouting and threatening, but it sounded as if he’d been doing more than that. If his obsession had turned violent, there was no way they were letting her leave.

  Quietly he crept back into the room and stopped in his tracks. Arin sat cowering and crying on their couch, tears streaming down her cheeks, eyes reddened. Anger rose quickly and he had to tamp it down before he stepped near to her, handing her a tissue. No one was going to make her cry again, especially not that dickwad. He caught the tail end of her conversation and swallowed a growl.

  “Abby, please don’t go near him. If he shows up at your house, you need to call the police. Mike said he’s called them a couple of times from the office.” She sucked in a shuddering breath before continuing. “No, I’m not going to call him back. The fucker can just piss off. And yes, I’m going to stay here for a while. But eventually I have to come home.”

  Her last statement sent a surge of pain thr
ough his gut. She still planned on leaving. He tried to breathe through it. His rational self knew she was still thinking about staying. But to hear her say she was going back eventually ripped through him. Anger flickered in his heart. She’d said she’d think about it. She’d said she wanted to stay. Was she playing them? Would they never find someone to love them and want to be there? Stop it. She’s upset and crying. Deal with this shit later. He schooled his face before she ended the call. He could dwell on it later—right now he needed to help to calm her down and find out what had happened.

  “So what’s going on at home?” Although it won’t be home if I have my say. He nearly smacked himself in the forehead.

  She sniffled once and wiped her eyes before turning to face him fully. “He broke into Abby’s apartment building and tried to get into her place while she was home. Fuck, Jared, what am I supposed to do? This asshole is threatening my friends, my work, and the police aren’t doing anything about it. He ran before the cops got to her door. And because he hadn’t done any real damage and no one else had seen him, they were just going to warn him.”

  Her chest heaved with fear and anger. He wanted to fix it. He wanted to find this fucker and put him down like the rabid dog he was. Before he could speak she continued, wringing her hands as she focused out the windows.

  “I just can’t believe he’s doing this. I don’t think I’d ever have guessed he was capable of something so psychotic. I’m so torn. Do I go home and confront him? Do I stay here and hide? Either way I can’t really stop him, but at least if I’m there he’d be focused on harassing me instead of my friends.”

  “No, Arin, you can’t go back. You need to stay away from him. It sounds as if your friends and your boss are doing all they can to dissuade him from sticking around. Eventually the cops are going to catch him doing something illegal.”


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