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AnglingforLove Page 19

by Lea Barrymire

  He scowled at her but stopped moving toward the stairs. She watched his gaze swing between the men standing at her sides as if he’d just seen them. His lip curled up. “So this is why you aren’t coming home with me? Are you fucking them? You figured you’d get back at me by sleeping with the cowboys? Bravo, Arin, bravo.”

  “I’m not sleeping with them to get back at you, you pompous ass.”

  “Whatever. They’ll get bored with you soon, just like I did. And then what, Arin? You can come crawling home to me and maybe I’ll take you back.”

  Before Arin could answer him she was jolted by Brent rushing down the stairs. He stalked the smaller man until he had Robert up against the side of the truck. The malice in his words was just as telling as the fists at his sides.

  “You will never speak to her like that again. You’re the one who lost her. You’re the one who fucked around on her. You’re the one who hurt her. You will not stand on my property and talk shit about her. Get out of here before I beat the hell out of you.”

  Robert put his hands up. “Fine, fine. I’m sorry. I’m just angry about her walking away from me. Look, I get that you’re having a good time with her. I mean, who wouldn’t?” He looked up at Arin and she nearly stepped back from the force of the sneer on his lips. “Maybe we could all share her before I take her home. You know, a little group sex. Bet you have girls you can call who’d be into that.”

  Before she could yell or get sick or run into the lodge to get a baseball bat, Brent’s fist plowed into Robert’s face. She winced out of habit but silently thrilled at the satisfying crunch she heard on the quiet breeze. Robert crumpled to the gravel, clutching his nose. Brent took a step back and shook out his right fist. Rushing forward, she reached Brent in a few steps. She grabbed his hand and flipped it over to make sure he wasn’t bleeding.

  “Thank you.” She pulled him down for a quick kiss and continued against his lips, “But never waste your time hitting him again. He’s not worth the bruised knuckles.”

  Arin turned to the imbecile groaning on the ground and bent down to look at him. “Robert. Go home. I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but I don’t want you, I don’t want to be with you and I definitely don’t want to see you right now.”

  Sobs shook the man’s shoulders and she really had to fight the urge to roll her eyes. How had she missed how much of a drama queen he was? A few memories surfaced of him freaking out over little things and she fought the urge to slap her own forehead. All those times she’d wanted to crawl under the table at restaurants or into a corner at someone’s house. She just stared down at him, trying not to laugh. She’d loved him at some point, she was sure of it. But now all she felt was irritation and anger.

  “Robert, get up. Go home.”

  She stepped back while Robert climbed to his feet. Blood ran down his face from his nose. He spat on the ground a few times before turning back to her. Anger and something more blazed from his eyes. “You will pay for this. I’ll show you that you don’t deserve anything better than what I could’ve given you. Just wait and see, Arin. You’ll come crawling back to me begging me to take you back. This isn’t finished. They’ll get bored of you and your fat ass eventually. You’re nothing without me. Nothing.”

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Brent move and she grabbed his arm before he could hit Robert again. She stepped between them and looked up into Brent’s face. Anger twisted his features. “Don’t. He’s not worth it.”

  Pushing Brent farther away, she turned to say something to him and screeched as someone grabbed her by the shoulder. She was tossed to the side and barely kept from falling to the gravel driveway.

  “Get your fucking hands off her.” Robert’s words dripped with venom.

  Arin stood, shocked. He’d actually pushed her. She blinked a few times to clear the tears from her eyes.

  Brent stepped between Robert and her. He bent forward, clenched fists at his side. “Get the fuck off my land or, so help me, you’ll be leaving in an ambulance.”

  Jared wrapped his arms around Arin and spun her slowly. Anger and concern thinned his lips. He whispered, “You okay?”

  She nodded. He turned gently, releasing Arin from his arms, and stalked toward Robert. No words passed his lips, but he growled something before pulling back his fist and plowing it into Robert’s stomach. As the man folded in half, Jared brought his knee up into his face. The crunch of cartilage against knee was sickening. Robert crumpled to the ground again, grasping his face with both hands.

  Brent went to kick the downed man but Arin turned and threw an arm out. “Wait, please. Enough. If you do much more you’ll end up in jail or something, and he’s not worth it.” She waited, watching her men trembling with anger. “Please.”

  “Fine.” Brent relaxed slightly but still stood, legs spread, back heaving. “He’d better get off my fucking land, though, before I beat him until he’s unconscious.”

  A growl beside her had her reaching blindly back to grab Jared. He pressed against her back and she could feel the rage thrumming in his rapid breaths. She tensed, expecting him to move around her and charge Robert, but he remained plastered to her back.

  Robert slowly climbed to his feet. He stood for a moment, shakily staring at her, then scurried around to climb into the truck. He bent and grabbed what looked like napkins and shoved them against his face. With a rev of the engine he spun out in the gravel, scattering it.

  She didn’t realize she was laughing until Jared wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in to his chest. The cackle coming from her mouth was tinged with hysteria. Robert had actually flown to Montana to get her. He’d attacked her verbally and gotten his ass handed to him. Where had all this drama in her life come from? Two weeks before she’d been living the most boring life on the planet.

  “Well that was interesting.” Jared’s voice held an edge of concern.

  She gave him a quick kiss on the chest, then pushed away from his embrace. “Let’s go fishing.”

  She grinned at the sputtering men. They looked at her with matching looks of astonishment before they both burst out laughing. It was like watching a set of twins, their emotions and responses so in tune.

  “Really? You want to go fishing?”

  “Yep. We’ve wasted enough time not outside today. I want to go wander through a creek until my toes are all pruny. Can we do that without a lot of preparation?”

  “Sure. I was actually getting our gear together while you and Brent were makin’ out on the front lawn. We could go now if you want.”

  “Let’s go then.” She looked between the men. They were watching her with a mixture of emotions. “What?”

  “You’re sure you want to go now? Do you want to talk about what just happened? Do you need to call someone?”

  “No.” They continued to stare at her. She sighed. “Look, I’ve thrown enough time away on him. I’m a little freaked and still shaking from the adrenaline but I’m fine. I’ll call Abby later and tell her about it but right now I want to be knee-deep in cutthroat trout.”

  “A girl after my own heart.” Brent mumbled his thought, but she caught it and smiled.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The fish wiggled in her fist as Arin strung it onto the rope. She was so excited about having trout for dinner. They’d been releasing every single catch while she’d been there, but the suggestion by Jared to save a few for dinner had her stomach growling. She thought about what she’d need to make it the way her dad used to. A little thyme, a little rosemary and a splash of olive oil. The grumble of her stomach was loud even over the sound of the babbling creek.

  Her bellypack vibrated a moment before her phone trilled. Abby. Arin wiped her hands off on her pants and waded quickly back to the bank. She dug into the bag and pulled out her phone.

  “Hey, chicky. What’s up?”

  “Arin? Oh my God, I’m so glad you’re okay. You are, right? You’re not hurt or anything? I was so worried about you.”

�Slow down. Why are you freaking out?”

  “I just had police at my door. They came looking for you because your car was vandalized at the airport and they said something about Robert flying back from Montana, and I was so worried.”

  “Slow down, Abby. Breathe. I’m fine. Now what happened exactly?”

  “The police came here looking for you. They caught Robert freaking out on your car with a crowbar at the airport. I guess he was incoherent, screaming and fighting off the arresting officers. Anyway, he was covered in blood.” Abby sobbed. “I thought the worst. I really thought he’d killed or beaten you. I even called the lodge first and no one answered. I think they’ll be calling you any minute but I wanted to talk to you before they did.”

  “Who’ll be calling me? Sweetie, you need to calm down. I’m fine. Absolutely fine. I’m standing on the bank of a creek with fish slime on my hands. I’ve been here for hours. Take a few deep breaths for me.”

  She could hear tissues brushing against the phone and her heart ached for her friend. She should have called Abby as soon as Robert left.

  “Okay. Okay. I’m so glad you’re okay.” Abby hiccupped. “You’d better call your dad. I think the police talked to him before they came to my door.”

  “Oh my God, he’s going to be so worried. Are you going to be okay if I call him now?”

  “Yeah, I’m good now. Holy crap, Arin. Don’t ever scare me like that again.”

  “I owe you, hon. I’m sorry you got so freaked out.”

  “It’s okay. I’m just so happy you’re all right.”

  “I’m going to call my dad and I’ll call you back. I actually have some stuff I want to talk to you about.”

  “Oh? Would this be about the two gorgeous men you’re sleeping with?”

  Arin chuckled, glad to have her spunky friend back. “Yes, actually it would. But I need to call my dad first.”

  “Oh sure. Drop a hint like that and leave me hanging? Bitch.”

  “Love you too, Abs. I’ll call you later.”

  “You’d better.”

  Arin hung up and took a few deep breaths. Robert had been arrested. She sat on a large rock when her knees gave out. He’d been arrested because he was attacking her car. She hung her head between her quaking legs. He’d attacked the police. What was wrong with him? She couldn’t get her mind to comprehend that the man she’d thought she’d known, the one she’d had in her life since her teen years, was not at all what she’d believed him to be.

  “What’s wrong, babe?” Jared’s boots stopped in her line of sight for a moment before his hand hooked under her chin. His eyes changed from smiling to concerned in a heartbeat. “What happened, Arin?”

  “Robert was arrested when he arrived back in Philly. He was attacking my car with a crowbar. I guess he fought the police as well. Um, I need to call my dad because I’m sure they called him already.”

  “Sure, babe. Anything I can do? Anyone you need me to call?”

  She sat stunned for a few seconds. No one other than Abby had ever really cared about her like that. She’d think about it when her mind was working. “Right now I need a hug. Then I’ll think about what else you can do for me. Thank you.”

  “Never thank me for helping you or for giving you affection. Ever. It’s yours, always.”

  His warm arms wrapped around her after she stood on shaky legs. The feel of his strength buoyed her flailing emotions. She could do this. She’d call her father, reassure him, then call the Philly PD and see what she needed to do for them.

  Jared must have felt her change in mood because he relaxed his grip and stepped back slightly. “Better?”

  She sighed. “Yes. Thank you. I’m going to call my dad and see what he’s heard. I’ll probably need to fly back home sooner than expected.”

  He just nodded and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “Holler if you need me or Brent.”

  She watched him walk away and fought the urge to call him back. She needed to stand on her own two feet, and that included facing this thing with Robert. It was great having the guys at her back but she really needed to be able to deal with the fallout without falling down. She dialed her father’s number and crossed her fingers, hoping the police hadn’t called him already.

  “Jesus Christ, Arin. Are you okay?”

  “Hi, Dad. I’m fine. I take it you’ve talked to someone from Philly PD?”

  “I just got off the phone with them. I was searching for the number to the place you’re vacationing. I didn’t think to call your cell. Are you really okay? Do you need me to come out there?”

  The knowledge that her father would drop whatever he had going on and race to her rescue even after all of the stuff she’d done to their relationship had her sinking back onto the rock she’d sat on earlier. She swallowed the lump in her throat and blinked rapidly, trying to dispel the tears. “Dad, I’m fine, really. I didn’t even know anything had happened until Abby called. I’m so sorry.”

  “Sorry for what, pumpkin?”

  “Sorry for everything. For not answering your calls and your emails. For not seeing what an asshole Robert was. For letting him control my life. I’m just so sorry.” She sobbed and covered her mouth with the back of her hand.

  “Oh sweet pea, don’t do this now. You’ve finally seen that he’s an ass. You’ve kicked him to the curb. That’s the most important thing. Don’t be sorry for something you weren’t in complete control of.”

  “Thanks, Dad.” She sniffled and tried to get a grip on her tears.

  “So do you need me to come out there? I could fly back home with you if you want.”

  The impulse to agree flickered through her mind but she thought about it and a shot of anger stilled her lips. Had she really turned into a simpering weakling? Perhaps, but she wasn’t going to be that way anymore. “No, I’m good. I’ll head home tomorrow, probably, but I need to call the police station first and see what I need to do.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure. Brent and Jared, the owners, are awesome. They’ll get me to the airport and I’ll be fine.”

  She thought for a moment about talking to her dad about the guys. She knew Abby would accept their relationship without a thought. But would her father? Her brother? She didn’t want to hide anymore, but she feared her father’s reaction. She’d just reestablished her connection with him. Even though she wanted to blame Robert for the loss of contact with her dad, it wasn’t fully his fault. Years had passed with little to no emotional contact with her father. What kind of reaction would he have? Icy fear ran through her. Would this new revelation about her love life be the final straw? Would he wash his hands of her? The pain and anger her father had thrown at her and Robert had been thick. She’d learned to keep them apart and to placate both to keep the rage to a minimum. And then it had all ended. Her father had stopped calling her. He’d only contacted her on holidays.

  “You still there?” Her father’s voice pulled her from her thoughts.

  “Yeah, sorry. I’m freaking out a little and I’m trying to decide how to talk to you about something.”

  Silence met her words. She swallowed hard around the lump in her throat. She was going to lose her dad again.

  “Okay. I’m listening.”

  “Dad. You know how you had a tough time accepting Jason a few years ago? You freaked out and stopped talking to him for a long time? ”

  “Are you gay too, Arin?” His voice was so low that she almost didn’t catch his question.

  If only. “No. But I’m entering a relationship that isn’t normal. I don’t want to lose you. We’ve just reconnected. So please listen to me without freaking out.”

  “I’m listening, Arin.” She heard the simmering anger.

  She sighed. Cringing internally, she cleared her throat. “Please just hear me out. After getting stuff settled in Philly, I think I’m coming back here.”

  “To fish? Christ. What’s going on? You’ve got me ready for heartache and you’re just telling m
e you’re heading back for a bit of a vacation?”

  “No. God, this is hard. I’m involved with the guides here. Jared and Brent.”

  Silence hung between them for a moment. Then another. Finally her father cleared his throat. “Together?”

  “Yeah, together. It’s called a triad. They’ve asked me to stay and I’m thinking about it.”

  “Fucking hell, Arin. What are you doing? Didn’t I raise you to be strong? You were always the willful one. I worried you’d never settle down when you were younger and now look at you. Finally, finally, you see that the fuck-head you were pining after was just using you. Years you spent making excuses and letting him do whatever he wanted. Now you get rid of him and want to shack up with two guys you’ve just met?” She heard him slamming things on the other end of the call. “I’m going to fly out there and kick their asses for taking advantage of you. Who in their right mind seduces a woman fresh out of a relationship and tries to get her into a three-way?”

  She started to speak but he stopped her. “No, Arin. I’m not done. Jason came out and you’re right, I freaked. But I knew deep down that he wasn’t normal. And don’t start in on me. I don’t mean it that way. I knew from the time that he was little that there was something different about him. But you—you have no excuse.”

  “They aren’t taking advantage of me. I’m a grown woman. And I know that this is different from Jason’s situation, but not really. Look at how you’re getting angry and putting the blame on me. I love them though. They aren’t like Robert. They’re sweet and kind and truly like me for me.”

  “Arin, honey, they like you because you’re a piece of ass. You’re cute and vulnerable. You’re easy prey.”

  She gasped and tears instantly filled her eyes. “I can’t believe you said that.”

  Her father took a deep breath. Time ticked between them. She wiped fiercely at the tears on her cheeks.

  “I love you, Dad. I’m so sorry that you can’t trust me, and maybe you’re right. Maybe they are only out for a quick lay, but I’m happier now than I’ve been in years. They’ve asked me to stay and I believe them.”


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