Shattered Souls (To Love and Serve Book 1)

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Shattered Souls (To Love and Serve Book 1) Page 5

by Alison Mello

  She rolls her eyes and opens the door. I pull my phone from my back pocket. “Here, put your number into my phone.” She takes it from me and quickly punches her number in before handing it back. I raise my brows at her giving her a questioning look. “Did you give me the right number? Because if not I’ll only get it from Chloe.”

  She softens giggling at my comment. “I gave you the right number. Now, get out of here.”

  “Good night.” I brush my lips quickly across hers and walk out the door feeling a little better that I at least left her with a smile on her face.

  Keegan is due here any minute to pick me up for our date. Here I stand in my room, staring into a closet that has shit for clothes in it. I had planned to go shopping for something to wear, but I had no desire to get my ass up off the couch all week, despite the fact I’m actually excited about tonight. We’ve spoken a few times over the phone, and he’s sent me some text messages. I’m not sure if it’s the cryptic way he talks to me, or the way he stares into my eyes, but it’s like he’s reading deep into my soul. That connection is there, and I can’t help wanting to see where this goes. It’s been nice getting to know each other and discovering we have some things in common.

  I grab a pair of capri jeans, a fitted t-shirt, and a sweatshirt. He didn’t exactly say where we were going to eat. I have a feeling from our texts that he’s left it up in the air and we’ll decide when we’re ready. I kind of like that idea. I’m not much of a planner, and I’ve never been a picky eater, it all just depends on what I feel like. I can tell you that tonight I feel like enjoying a little Keegan. That man is seriously yummy, but I don’t think it’s going to happen. We had quite the conversation about sex this week during our flirting, and he told me he’s in no rush, but fuck, I am. I haven’t had sex in over a year, thanks to my deployment, and recovering from my injuries. It’s time for him to clean out the cobwebs and remind me what it feels like to have someone fucking me until I’m dead where I lay. I shake off all thoughts of him pounding his cock deep inside me and run into the bathroom to check my hair and makeup one last time. I’m no glamour girl, but I certainly know how to apply a bit of eyeliner and mascara when the need arises.

  Just as I’m making my way into the living room to put on my shoes there’s a knock at the door. I pull it open to see Keegan standing there with a grin on his face. “Hey, come on in. I just have to put my shoes on.”

  “Any idea what you feel like having tonight?”

  “Nah, I told you I’m not fussy.” I throw my cross body purse over my shoulder, check for my key, and when I’m confident I have what I need I let him know I’m ready. “Where are we going?” I ask, locking the apartment door.

  “Well, growing up here in Charlestown I love being by the water, and I haven’t been to the USS Constitution Museum since I was small. I was thinking we would start there, maybe stroll down by the water, and then grab a bite to eat when we’re hungry,” he tells me as we ride the elevator down to the lobby of my building.

  “You put some thought into this, didn’t you?” The right side of my mouth curls up in a small side smile.

  He grins and a small blush colors his cheeks. “A little. I wanted it to be very laid back. You don’t seem like the type of girl that’s impressed by fine food and fancy restaurants.”

  I burst into laughter. “Not at all. If I were, I would have never made it through my last tour.” He opens the passenger’s side door for me, and closes it once I’m settled. I watch as he runs around the front of the car.

  He climbs into the driver's seat and starts it up. “Was it brutal?”

  I glance out the window. “It was pretty tough, but to be honest, it’s not something I like talking about. I have some fond memories from my time over there, but I lost some good men and women on this tour.” I clear my throat trying to hide emotions that are itching to seep out.

  He places his hand on my knee and gives it a gentle squeeze. I glance over to see we’re stopped at a light. He looks me in the eye. “I’m sorry. I know what you’re dealing with, and how hard it can be.”

  The guy behind us honks the horn to let us know the light has changed, breaking our moment. He brings his attention back to the road and I can’t help but get lost in my thoughts. He told me he lost his last partner, which must be why he’s only recently hooked up with Chloe on the force. I know Chloe’s original partner moved on to another division or something, but I didn’t know his story. Maybe that’s what he meant the other night when he said he understands. My mind is racing with curiosity for what this man has gone through. I’m pulled out of my thoughts when Keegan tells me we’re there. I climb out of the car as he meets me at the door. He gives me a look and I can’t help but grin. “I like that chivalry’s not dead, but I can open the car door.” I wink at him and then press my lips to his quickly before walking away.

  He chuckles and grabs my hand, leading me to the entrance of the museum. The museum is free for all guests, we’re just required to sign in so they can keep track of how many people come through. He quickly signs our names in the guest book and we begin our walk through. We enter the first room and discover the place is pretty quiet. The room is set up in a very hands-on style. I guarantee if it were the weekend, this place would be packed with kids. We walk through playing with some of the games they have set up that teach you about different ships. We stop to read the things we’re interested in reading. “I know you’re Army, but you seem to really be enjoying this.”

  I give him a small grin. “I enjoy a bit of history, and I’m a fan of any type of military museum. It’s a mission of mine to get out to see all the Pearl Harbor museums in Hawaii.” He looks a bit shocked but I shrug it off. “My dad was Army and my grandfather Navy.”

  He looks down at me. “Is that why you joined the military?”

  I laugh hard, quickly covering my mouth because it came out a bit louder than expected. “No. I joined because I had no money for nursing school. The recruiters were at our school, I spoke to them about becoming an Army medic, but my goal was to become a nurse.” He nods his head with an impressed look. “I went to school for nursing while I served as a medic and got my degree, while serving my country.” I chuckle. “I busted my butt in boot camp, and became the top female in my company for physical fitness and could do more push-ups than some of the men in my company.”

  His eyes go wide. “Holy shit. Remind me not to mess with you.”

  I lightly punch him in the gut. “You better believe it.” He pretends to be hurt, but laughs it off as we continue on through the museum.

  “How did your parents feel about you joining the Army?”

  “Well, Dad is really proud of me and I guess Mom is, too, but she was really scared. She practically begged me to change my mind after the Twin Towers were struck. I joined just before September Eleventh happened, and was scheduled to ship off to boot camp in November. Mom cried so hard, but when I explained it was even more important now for me to go, the pride she felt was evident. I know she spent every day afraid, but I have no regrets, even after my last deployment.” He pulls me in and kisses the top of my head and we continue through the museum only discussing the exhibits.

  An hour later we’re done and we start our way back outside. The air is cool but the sun is still warm, despite the fact it’s getting later into the day. We’re both quiet as we stroll down toward the water. I stop to quickly throw my hair into a messy knot on my head so it doesn’t get tangled in the breeze. There are boats all over the place. A few of them are small sailboats, and there are a few really large ones out in the distance. I love being by the water. I’ve missed this, and am glad he enjoys it, too. We find a huge boulder that we both lean against soaking up the last of the sun's rays while we stare out to sea. He wraps his arm around me and I lean on his shoulder. “Can I ask you a question?” I ask him still staring out at the water.

  “Sure.” He kisses the top of my head and it makes me smile.

  “What really made you be
come a cop?” I’m hoping he’ll give me a little more than he did the other night.

  He exhales a deep breath telling me he knows I’m fishing for more. “Shitty childhood.” He says it simply, like it explains everything.

  I pull off his shoulder and look up into his eyes. “I’m sorry.”

  He shakes his head. “You have nothing to be sorry for. My mom sucked. She was involved in some bad stuff. Because of it, I vowed to be a cop. I wanted help those who needed it, including the children that need protecting.”

  “I think it’s awesome that you’re a cop in a tough city like Boston. I have to imagine it’s not easy.” I wonder if he’ll keep talking and tell me what he went through. Instead he presses his lips to mine. A shiver runs rampant through my body. He glides his hand along my cheek and deepens the kiss. My hands glide through his hair--it’s thick but soft. He’s devouring me and it’s making my panties wet. He pulls away panting, staring into my eyes the way he did the other night. It’s like he has something to say but the words simply won’t come out. I run my fingers down the side of his face holding him close. I don’t want our moment to be over, but it is.

  “Are you hungry?” he asks, changing the subject. I guess that means neither of us will be sharing what we went through tonight.

  I lick my lips enjoying one last taste of him and nod slowly. He takes my breath away. “Actually, I am starving,” I finally respond.

  He gets off the rock and pulls me with him. “There’s a small place right up the street. If you’re up to it, we can walk.”

  “That’s fine.” He sounds a bit shaken, but I ignore it and try to keep up with his pace. His legs are longer than mine so it’s a bit of a struggle. “Can you slow down?”

  He stops. “I’m sorry. I forget how fast I walk sometimes.”

  When we finally arrive, he opens the door for me, and we are lucky to discover it’s not all that busy. It’s a Friday night, and in a place like this, a wait is hit or miss. There’s a short line to order but really it gave us enough time to figure out what we want to eat. We each decide to go with the lobster roll and fries. The guy hands us one of the buzzers that will let us know when our food is ready and we pick a table.

  It’s a cute little place, very Boston with its nautical design. We choose a small round table big enough for the two of us, I can’t help but smile when he slides the chair over to sit beside me and not across from me. “What shall we do after this?”

  “Want to head back to my place? Chloe is out on a date with her boyfriend, Lucas. They’ve been dating for quite a while now. She won’t be home until much later.” I wiggle my brows at him.

  “That sounds like it could be fun.” He leans in to kiss me and the buzzer vibrates on the table. “Be right back.” He grabs our buzzer and goes to get our food. I can’t help but stare at his backside as he walks away. He has one mighty fine body. His legs are nicely toned, and the shorts he’s wearing gives me slight glimpse of his firm ass. I like that his clothes aren’t overly baggy. I hate when guys wear shit that’s too big for them. I must be grinning as I watch him return because he sets the tray down and as he sits he asks, “Like what you see?” There’s laughter in his voice.

  “As a matter of fact, I do.”

  Again he blushes slightly, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think it’s cute. I typically like a guy who is strong and confident, but with Keegan I don’t mind this shy side he has. It’s nice to see a man that’s not full of himself.

  He places my plate in front of me. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.” We both go into a comfortable silence as we enjoy our dinner. The food is wicked good. I haven’t had a lobster roll in forever and I’m truly enjoying it, although I eat it so fast I’m not sure how I even tasted it. It’s one of the many bad habits I picked up in the Army since we are always on a chew and screw schedule. We never had time to enjoy a meal, and sometimes the meals were less than enjoyable. You ate quickly so you didn’t have to taste what you were shoveling into your mouth.

  When I notice he is done, I grab our plates and stack them onto the tray. There’s a barrel by the door to dispose of the trash. I clear everything off and place the plates and tray in their proper place. He hands me the last of my soda. I take one more sip and toss that as well.

  We arrive back at my apartment, and I’m happy to see it’s still empty. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  “Water is fine,” Keegan calls over as he takes a seat on the couch and grabs the remote. Chloe has told me they’ve hung out here quite a few times to get to know each other as partners, which is why he is so comfortable in our apartment. I slip my shoes off by the end of the couch, put his water on the table, and take a seat next to him snuggling into his side.

  He’s flipping through the channels, and I’m waiting to see what he chooses to watch, but his woodsy masculine scent is very distracting. I nuzzle into him, taking it in. I run my lips up his chest to his neck, not so much kissing as a gentle gliding along the vein now popping out. When I get to his earlobe, I scrape my teeth along it. A low groan escapes from the back of his throat. It’s been so long, this simple gesture has my panties soaked. He picks me up and hoists me onto his lap. I can feel his cock pressing against the zipper of his shorts. I grind on top of him as I lick at the vein in his neck. He slips his hands under my shirt skimming them up my back setting my skin on fire.

  Our lips meet and our tongues collide in a war of passion. He unclasps my bra and grabs each of my breasts, massaging them. He squeezes my nipples just right. Nothing but pleasure shoots straight to my pussy. I’m about to explode just from dry humping him.

  He breaks the kiss and licks down my neck as he lifts my shirt over my head. He sucks one of my breasts into his mouth. I throw my head back, rest my hands on his knees, arching my back and pressing my breasts against him. “You have the most beautiful breasts.” He kisses across the valley and sucks the other one into his mouth. His hands slide down over my ribs reminding me of my scars. I’m praying he doesn’t notice them. If he does he says nothing.

  “Keegan,” I scrape my teeth along my bottom lip. “I need to come.” I hate begging, but I don’t give a fuck. I need this.

  He licks, sucks, and bites back up my neck and whispers, “I can make that happen, but not out here.”

  He picks me up from the couch and carries me to my room like I’m a sack of feathers. I’m so turned on right now that one touch from him is surely to set me off like fireworks over the bay. I can’t wait to feel this man inside me. He drops me onto the bed, undoes my pants, and practically rips them off. I can’t help but smile when he pulls my legs leaving my ass hanging off the bed. Kneelig in front of me he places one of my legs on each of his shoulders. My hips jerk anxious for his mouth to be on me, but he bites the inside of my leg. “Calm down,” he growls. “You will come when I’m ready for you to come.”

  Fuck me that was hot. “Please, Keegan.” I’m fighting to lie still, but I’m not sure how much more fight I have.

  He kisses the inside of my leg where he just bit me. “Good girl.” He spreads my lips and begins slowly licking from my ass to my clit. My breathing is out of control and I’m barely able to hold still. His licks are slow and torturous, but he’s moaning letting me know he’s enjoying every drop he laps up. “You taste so fucking fine.” He flicks at my clit one more time and it’s almost enough. This is killing me, he slips a finger inside me, slowly fucking me. “Damn, baby, you are so fucking tight.”

  “Fuck me, will you,” I growl out in frustration.

  He bites the other leg. “You better calm down or I’m walking out.” I look up at him with my eyes wide, full of shock. “You heard me. I will make you feel fucking amazing, but this will not be rushed.” I drop my head back in frustration. He laughs but slips a second finger inside me. He’s curling them hitting that special spot. I want so badly to roll my hips, but I know it will only cause him to stop, and I can’t handle much more of this. Just when I t
hink I’m going to die from sexual frustration, his tongue attacks my clit. He’s sucking it into his mouth as he fucks me with his fingers. I’m about to explode he stops. I bite my lip so hard I swear I taste blood.

  I lift my head to see Keegan smiling at me. “Now, you may come.” He slams his fingers inside me and sucks on my clit hard flicking at it with his tongue.

  It takes all of two seconds to send me into the most intense orgasm of my life. “Fuck me!” I scream out as my legs quiver and shake around his head.

  “I will soon, but not just yet.” He grabs my legs and slides me up the bed so I won’t fall. He licks his lips lapping up as much of my arousal as he can get. “You are one amazing dessert.” My eyes are closed but I can feel the bed dip as he climbs on next to me. I’m exhausted from that experience. I’ve never had anyone put so much effort into my sexual pleasure.

  He nips at my ear. “Are you sleeping?” he whispers. I groan and shake my head. He chuckles. “You’re clearly spent. I’m going to let you get some sleep. I’ll call you tomorrow to make plans with you.” I fight to open my eyes and turn to face him.

  “Thank you for a nice afternoon. I’m sorry I’m so sleepy. I don’t sleep very well these days.” He presses a gentle kiss to my lips before he scoops me up. He pulls down my blankets, lays me in my bed, and tucks me in.

  “I can help you, but only if you let me,” he whispers in my ear. I let out a gentle moan as sleep takes me under.

  ‘We have a 132 in progress at the City Mini Mart on Devonshire Street. All officers in the area please report,’ rings through over the radio of our patrol car. “Let’s roll.” Office Romano puts the car in drive, flashes our lights, and I answer the radio letting them know we’re in route.

  We are the first car on scene, I report in that we are here, and that we can see the suspect holding a handgun that looks like a forty-five caliber. Romano parks the patrol car off to the side a bit and gets out gently closing the car door so as not to alert the guy to our arrival. Romano tries to quietly enter the building. His back is to us and this is our one chance to sneak up on him. The suspect is aiming his weapon at the cashier, and I can see a woman on the floor covering a little girl. There is a guy face down lying very still, but he doesn’t appear to be injured.


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