Steven _BWWM Romance

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Steven _BWWM Romance Page 5

by Katie Dowe

  “Steven,” she whispered.

  He did not respond, he was too busy enjoying the taste of her! He moved to the other nipple and had his fill before going down to her stomach, fascinated by the trembling flesh. He hesitated as he went further down and lifted his head to look at her. In response, she opened her legs for him. He bent his head and licked at her protruding flesh, causing her to rear up, her hands clenched into fists. His tongue drifted inside her and found the core of her, licking at her, the point of his tongue going in deeper and causing a volcano to start inside her body! Alicia had never put much stock in sex. She had heard rumors flying around about ‘the come’ that takes over one’s body and leaves one feeling totally helpless and shivering in the midst of it! Songs had been written about it but she still had never believed anything like that because it had never happened to her. She had told Steven that she was inexperienced in a way and it was true in some sense because in the past when she had indulged in sex, in the middle of her busy life she had found herself thinking about work and what she was going to do when she got back to the office. It had been nothing special and she had wondered what the big deal was! Now she knew exactly what they were talking about! Her body felt as if it had been lit from within! She was on the verge of erupting into pure flames when he stopped.

  “No!” she cried out sharply, her body twisting.

  “I want to share it,” he whispered as he climbed on top of her and entered her smoothly, going in deep. Alicia felt the walls of her vagina closing around his thickness. She wrapped her hands around his neck and lifted her legs to wrap around his waist. This was pure and undiluted pleasure! She thought hazily as he started moving inside her.

  “Please,” she gasped as he took his time. “More.” She wanted to bite into his flesh to hurry him on.

  He bent his head and took her lips with his. But still he did not hurry, his thrusts were measured and paced, his hands lifting her hips to his gently. Alicia placed her heels flat on his back and pressed down as she lifted her body to his. Her hands drifted up to his thick blonde hair and she dug her fingers into the scalp. Steven felt his body tightening and unconsciously he had to pick up the pace, his body flying out of control! Her vagina knew his, he had no idea how but it was as if they belonged together, he thought dazedly. She tore her mouth from his and bit down hard on his bottom lip causing a sting! He came immediately, his body going rigid over hers as his seed tumbled inside her meeting hers as she came halfway through his. Her fingers dug into his shoulders as her body jerked towards his, a slow moan escaping her lips! He shuddered on top of her and went still, his heart racing, his skin prickling. It took a moment for him to gain enough control to get off her. He eased out of her slowly, his body still shuddering.

  “That was something!” she said with a husky laugh as she plunged her fingers through her hair. “I think we really need to drink that bottle of wine you brought.”

  “So do I.” He watched as she got off the bed gracefully and reached for a robe. “Want me to come with you?”

  “No. I was thinking that we drink the wine in bed and go for round two,” she told him with an alluring smile as she made her way out of the room.

  He pulled the sheet over him, suddenly self-conscious at his nakedness. Christ! It was more than he could put into words! He had almost asked her to marry him as his seed was being spilled inside her! And he had not thought to carry any condoms with him. He groaned as he remembered that. But she was a smart woman, surely she was protected! Does it matter, a voice whispered to him. Aren’t you thinking of starting a family?

  “Not like this,” he whispered.

  He straightened as she came back into the room. She poured the wine into the glasses and came back onto the bed, handing him one. “Would you like us to talk about what just happened?”

  “Do you?” he asked with his brows raised. The wine was slightly chilled and perfect.

  “I don’t know.” She plumped up the pillows and settled back against it. “I must say that I am bowled over.”

  “Is that a good thing?” he teased her.

  “It’s a great thing!” she declared with a laugh as she eyed him over the top of her glass. “You were great.”

  “We were great together,” he corrected her.

  “You are right,” she murmured softly. “For a moment there I thought that the top of my head was being blown off.”

  “So did I.” He finished the wine and took her half empty glass away from her. “Suddenly I am imbued with confidence.” He parted her robe and palmed her breasts, his thumbs going over the buds slowly.

  “What are you doing?” she whispered.

  “You mentioned something about round two.” He ducked his head and swirled his tongue around the nipple before lifting his head. “I think I am ready.” He moved the sheet to show her.

  “I think you are.” She reached for him, closing her fist around his member and moving her hand up and down. “So am I.”

  “Good,” he murmured hoarsely. Removing her robe, he came over her and entered her swiftly. For the rest of the time neither of them had anything to say!

  Chapter 5

  When she woke up in the middle of the night he was gone. They had tired each other out, wrung each other dry. She had an orgasm each time he made love to her and had not stopped being amazed by it! Was it even possible for a person to come so many times, she had wondered hazily as he stroked her with his tongue.

  She moaned and turned over, still feeling the tingling of her flesh. God! It must be illegal for a woman to feel so sated and wonderful! She stretched her arms up and turned to face him but he was not there!

  “Steven?” she murmured huskily as she squinted in the dark. “Hey! You in the bathroom?”

  She climbed off the bed when she did not hear him respond and went to look in the bathroom but the place was empty and so was the rest of the apartment. She went back into the bedroom and back into bed. “So that’s how you want to play it?” She reached for her phone and dialed his number.

  “Did I wake you?”

  “I just got in,” he paused. “I did not want to wake you.”

  “You left without saying goodbye. I feel used.”

  “Oh! I am sorry-”

  “Relax, Steven.” She stretched languidly. “You have nothing to apologize for after what you did to me.”

  “You wanted me to stay?”

  “Maybe.” She cradled the phone against her shoulder and cheek. “How about bringing me breakfast tomorrow say around ten? We could have breakfast and then spend the rest of the time in bed doing more of what we did tonight.”

  “It sounds like a very good plan.” His voice sounded a little hoarse. “What would you like?”

  “Pancakes are fine with maple syrup and whipped cream. I think I have a bottle of it in my pantry, but I have plans for it.”

  “Like what?”

  “You will see,” she said mysteriously.

  “I can still feel you on me,” he said suddenly.

  “And I can still feel you inside me,” she murmured throatily. “You make a girl forget a lot of things.”

  “Now I am wishing I had stayed to wake you up properly.”

  “Now you know better. Goodnight, Steven.”

  “Goodnight, Alicia. Sweet dreams.”

  “Oh, definitely.”

  Steven got out of bed and walked gingerly to his sitting room. He was as hard as the proverbial rock! He had been that way ever since he had climbed off her bed and stood at the foot of it staring at her naked body like some pervert. She was exquisite, he had thought with a pang. He had crept out like a thief in the night and put his clothes on in the dark. He had not wanted to face her because he feared he was going to blurt out something totally inappropriate. He went straight to the cabinet and selected the scotch he had started drinking the night before, pouring a finger of it and then more, gulping it down rapidly. With a ragged sigh, he headed for the bathroom where he stood beneath the cold shower willi
ng his erection to go away!


  “Something smells delicious!” She took the bag from him as soon as she opened the door to let him in. He had gotten there at exactly ten and minutes before she had taken a quick shower and pulled on a loose sweat bottom and a skimpy top. Her thick dark hair flowed freely around her face giving her a youthful look that he admired.

  “I tried cutting back on carbs when I turned thirty and it lasted for about a week.” She placed the bag onto the counter and went to get the cups to pour the coffee. “Then I went on a protein diet which lasted about two weeks. Now I am into fitness. I work out in the mornings before I go to the office and some weekends I will take a run in the park.”

  “It’s working,” he murmured as his eyes drifted over her body. Each time she lifted her arm, her midriff was exposed and his body tightened as he remembered his mouth on her.

  “Thank you.” She smiled at him and handed him his coffee. “How about you? What do you do? Not that you need to do anything. I have a feeling that your metabolism is out of this world.”

  “I have a membership at Gymporium.” He sipped his coffee and watched as she put the pancakes on the plates and poured on the maple syrup before putting the strawberries on top. He never usually had breakfast on the weekends preferring to sleep late and then hit the club for a game or two and then have lunch.

  “Of course you do.” She dipped her finger into the syrup and before he knew what she was up to, poked it into his mouth. He closed his mouth over her finger and sucked at it hard. Alicia moaned, her body tingling.

  “You said something about whipped cream?” he whispered as he released her finger and caught her around the waist.

  “Oh, yes.” She wriggled free and went to get the can. She placed it on the counter and pulled the blouse over her head. His eyes narrowed as she squirted the cream over her nipples. “What do you think?”

  “I think I have a hunger for whipped cream.” He came forward and bending his head he sucked hard, causing her to whimper. He lifted her and placed her onto the counter. Alicia leaned back and wriggled out of her pants revealing that she was not wearing panties much to his delight! “Don’t worry,” she told him throatily. “No cooking gets done in this kitchen.”

  “I wouldn’t care,” he said huskily. He opened her legs and inhaled the slight strawberry scent of her body wash before reaching for the whipped cream. He squirted a bit on her mound before bending his head to suck her into his mouth. Her scream resonated all around the room!


  “You look different.” Allen got to his feet the minute she walked into his office on her way to his. He followed her into the office and stood at the doorway. “What is it about you? Otherwise from the gorgeous pin striped pants suit you are wearing?” He came further inside and she ignored him as she booted up her laptop. “Your hair is down giving you a much younger look!” He paused and squealed a little causing Alicia to jump.

  “You had sex!”

  Alicia marched over and closed her door. “Are you insane?” she asked him angrily. “Someone could have been passing by.”

  “No one dares to come into this office, honey. I guard my domain well.” He circled her like a cat identifying its prey. “So how was it?”

  “I have no idea what you are talking about and we have work to do.” She tried to be cool and hoped it was working.

  “Hmm.” He tapped his bottom lip. “If I have to take a guess I would say it was pretty damned hot! So the billionaire satisfied. How big was he?”

  “Get out and get me the sales department on the line,” she told him darkly. “And, Allen, one more mention of my sex life and this time I am definitely firing you.”

  “So you now have a sex life?”


  “I am going,” he said sulkily as he headed for the door. “But this conversation is not over.”

  “It most definitely is.”

  Alicia leaned back against her chair with a smile on her lips. Steven had not left her place until early this morning. They had spent most of the time in bed. In between making slow and sometimes hurried love, they had managed to get out of bed to have something to eat only to stumble back in and start all over again. The man was insatiable but then again so was she! She jumped as her intercom sounded. “Phyllis is on line two.”

  “Thank you.”


  “You look like an idiot,” Marjorie remarked as she came into his office to hand him a folder.

  “Is that any way to talk to the man who signs your check?” he asked her mildly, his dark blue eyes twinkling.

  “So I take it that you finally did it.”

  “Did what?” he asked her innocently.

  “Got the lady to put out.”

  “We both did,” he said with a grin. “And what’s more I think I am in love with her.”

  “What?” Marjorie stared at him in shock. “Steven, you just met her!”

  “And I have never felt this way before. We spent the entire weekend together.”

  “And on that basis you think you are in love with her.”

  “We are good together. Remember how socially awkward I am? I am not that way with her. When I am with her it’s like the most natural thing in the world.”

  “And what does she have to say about that?”

  “I have a feeling she will fall in love with me very soon!”


  “I am sorry, Steven!” Alicia’s voice was breathless as she grabbed the phone. “I know I said we could meet up this weekend but I have to fly to New York to sort something out.”

  “How about tonight?” He did not want to sound desperate but it was shaping up that way. It had been a week since he had seen her and he was suffering from withdrawals.

  “I am going out with my friends and then I have the catch the flight first thing in the morning.”

  “Blow off your friends or better yet let me come over after and I will see you off in the morning.” His tone was light but his heart was heavy. He had thought that after the ecstatic weekend they had shared that she would want to spend more time with him. Next week he was flying to Japan again for five days so if he did not see her tonight, he would not be seeing her for another week again!

  “I can’t. How about when I come back you come over?”

  “I am not sure what my schedule will be like,” he said, trying to save face and hold on to his dignity a little bit.

  “Okay, we will figure something out. I am on my way out. I will be in touch.”

  Steven hung up and walked over to his window to look down. He had been on a high since last Sunday but that had slowly dissipated when he found out that each time he called she was in a meeting or too busy to talk for too long. He was beginning to think that he had just been a diversion for her. Even though they had almost blown each other away apparently it had not been that special to her. He had been under the illusion that they were together, that was not the case with her.

  With a sudden decision, he walked over to his desk and picked up his phone. “Clarice, hi. How do you feel about taking in the ballet tonight?”

  He listened for a moment and then smiled. “Of course. I will send the car around for you at seven thirty.”

  He looked up as his door was pushed open. “What are you doing?” Marjorie asked him.

  “Stay out of it,” he told her coolly.

  “Okay, fine. Don’t come to me when this blows up in your face!”


  “You blew off having mad passionate sex with a perfectly gorgeous man to come and hang with us? Are you kidding me?” Elaine stared at her friend incredulously. They had called her that Sunday while she was with Steven and she had told them she would call them back. She had forgotten about it until they had called the following night.

  “I have not seen you guys in weeks,” Alicia protested as they fought their way through the crowd. It was a Friday night and the last one in September and the weather had change
d drastically so people were taking advantage of it.

  “You get to see us whenever.” Donna stirred the straw in her fruit cocktail as she sat next to Elaine on the seat they had found empty. “You were the one who told us that the sex was magnificent and it looked like it was something big. What are you afraid of?”

  “I am not afraid.” Alicia sipped her rum and Coke contemplatively. “I am just hesitant. I am not sure I want the husband and the kids and the white picket fence-“

  “Honey, white picket fences are for people like Elaine and me, don’t kid yourself that you are in the same league,” Donna said dryly. “You are COO of a huge company and Steven Hughes is a freaking billionaire! You are talking about electronic gates with codes!”

  “Okay, fine!” Alicia said with a laugh. “As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted: he is a sweet guy and we mesh, but is that really what I want? I love what I do and I keep late hours. I get to jump in my car or on a plane whenever I need to. All that will be curtailed if I get pregnant and not to mention have a husband. I am not sure I am ready for that kind of change.”

  “I hate to be the voice of reason here, honey, but you are over forty years old without a family,” Elaine reminded her.

  “And I am getting by just fine. Maybe I just need a booty call every now and then.”

  Both girls stared at her. “No, you don’t,” Donna said firmly. “We know you, honey, and we know that one day you are going to look back and regret it. You are nurturing. I have seen you around our kids and you love kids and I know you will want one or two of your own. Take stock of your life, honey, and do so before it is too late!”


  The minute he saw Clarice, he knew he had made a huge mistake. Clarice Sutherland was a socialite who had been married before but was now divorced. She was a brilliant lawyer and was quite a catch with reddish brown hair and alabaster skin that looked great against the ice blue dress she was wearing. Sapphires sparkled at her lobes and her face was carefully made up. She should have been the perfect match for him because they had lots in common and were a part of the same circle. But he knew her and that was the problem. Clarice was not a very nice person and that was putting it mildly. She put on a front with people but she was one of those people who thought that if you were a different race then you should not exist except to work for people like her. He had heard the rumors and had seen the way she handled a waiter at a popular restaurant one night when they went out. He had been furious with her and had apologized to the young man. She had tried to gloss over it by telling him that the man had been fresh with her. He had been turned off since then.


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