Prudence and the Professor

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Prudence and the Professor Page 18

by Sibelle Stone

  Gerritt gazed up through the treetops to the blue sky. His friends in the tribe were already in danger when they transformed into their animal form. Hunters could track and kill them, unaware they were murdering a human being. Many of them wouldn’t care. What Brandon said about the prejudice against Indians was true. There was an adage that ‘the only good Indian is a dead Indian’ that made his blood boil.

  “But Little Jay isn’t a Spirit Walker, is she? She’s a white woman. Doesn’t she want to join her own people again?”

  “She’s not really a white woman. She grew up in the tribe. She doesn’t speak English any better than Grizzly Woman. How would my mother or your woman feel about being around her in her deerskin dress and braids? How would the good people of Jubilee act when she came to town?” He shot a disgusted look at Gerritt.

  Gerritt didn’t have to voice his agreement. Even Prudence, the sweetest, kindest woman he’d ever known, might find it difficult to befriend an Indian woman. But, she might come around once she got to know Little Jay.

  “Besides, she’s the healer for her tribe, learning from White Eagle. Little Jay is the one who took care of me every day when I was brought to their camp. And it wasn’t just her cleaning my wounds and using herbs. She and the people sang for me. They prayed me back to life. I’d swear to that on a stack of Bibles.”

  This was a deep philosophical discourse for Brandon Faraday. There were hidden depths to the man Gerritt had overlooked. He was more than a simple rancher and cowboy. And even after his short acquaintance with the Spirit Walkers, there wasn’t anything Gerritt would question about their magic. They were powerful beings.

  “So she won’t leave her tribe and that’s why you look at her the way you do.”

  “Exactly,” Brandon said. “We can’t be together, that’s just the truth of it. But, it doesn’t mean my feelings for her have changed.”

  They rode on in silence for a while. The path narrowed and Gerritt was forced to pay attention to the trail and be sure his horse picked his way through the roots and rocks strewn in front of them.

  He pondered Brandon’s dilemma for a while. He’d been thinking about Prudence moving back into to his home. He’d been pretty clear about his intentions and she’d accepted his terms. But, didn’t he owe her more respect than making her his convenient whore? Even that term made him wince when it wasn’t spoken. How would he feel to hear it bandied about in the saloons of Jubilee?

  His fist tightened on the reins. He’d knock anyone who called her that into next week. But, why was he even inviting such nasty gossip. He could make her an honest woman and ask her to marry him. What was he afraid of?

  The man who rode in front of him made Gerritt ashamed of the way he’d treated Prudence. He loved her but never spoke the words. She hadn’t required it of him. Maybe that was the problem, she’d made if far too easy for Gerritt to take advantage of her good nature.

  From what he’d heard, expressions of love and little tokens of affection made women happy. He’d never bought her a gift or even gathered a bouquet of wildflowers to give her. He could imagine the way her eyes would sparkle with delight and her face transform into a vision of loveliness when that glorious smile broke forth. And he was sure all it would take is a bunch of weeds tied up with a simple ribbon.

  He vowed he’d make more of an effort to court her. He’d buy her a new hat so he could burn that ugly straw bonnet with the dead birds perched on it. In fact, he’d buy her an entire new wardrobe. It would be her trousseau.

  He swallowed hard at that thought. Was he ready to declare himself to Prudence? He was just coming to terms with his feelings.

  Maybe it was time to share those feelings with her. He didn’t have to accept things the way they were, like Brandon. He could tell the woman he loved how he felt about her, he could fall on his knees and ask, no—beg—her to be his wife.

  Brandon halted his horse and pointed. They stood on a ridge overlooking the Flying A Ranch house and outbuildings. It was an impressive sight. The bunkhouse, barns, chicken coop, outhouses, and tack shed made for a nice spread. Any woman would be happy to be a Faraday bride. Not only were the men of the family handsome, they were wealthy. The high price of beef and horses because of the war had made them all rich.

  Yet they all remained bachelors, much to their mother’s dismay. Alma was determined to become a grandmother and she had every intention of marrying off at least one son in the next few months.

  She’d be disappointed to learn her eldest ‘boy” was in love with a woman he couldn’t have. Then again, maybe she already knew.

  Brandon seemed to sense his thoughts. “I expect you won’t discuss what we talked about with Alma. She’s a busybody who sticks her nose in my business every chance she gets.”

  “I see no point in telling her about your dilemma with Little Jay. But, be warned—I wouldn’t put it past her to order you or your brothers a mail order bride. She natters on and on about finding some good women for her boys.”

  Brandon growled. “If she does, one of my brothers can have her. Ain’t no woman ever gonna hold a candle to Little Jay.”

  Gerritt understood how he felt. Now that he’d found Prudence, he couldn’t imagine having any interest in another woman. As far as he was concerned she was perfect in every way. He should stop at the ranch and rest, but when he remembered Prudence would be waiting for him at the house, he was eager to get back to town.

  “Could I borrow a horse from you? I’d like to get back to Jubilee before dark.”

  Brandon nodded. “I’ll have Alma bring your horse when she comes back to town. She told me she plans to spend a few days out here on the ranch to get it cleaned up. She hollered at us about being filthy as pigs wallowing in mud.”

  Gerritt had seen the house when he met Brandon to take the trip to White Eagle’s camp. It had looked damned good for a house full of bachelors. Everything had been neat and tidy, if a little dusty. Of course, they’d been out on the trail moving the herd to summer pastures, so they hadn’t even been at home for several weeks.

  He had an idea it made Alma feel needed if she could badger her “boys” about the state of their house. No doubt she’d be lecturing them on the finer points of finding her some suitable daughters-in-law while she visited.

  But it meant he’d be alone in the house with Prudence for a few days and Gerritt planned to take advantage of the opportunity. The image of Prudence stretched naked across his bed flashed through his mind and he twisted in the saddle when his cock stiffened. He was growing even more eager to see her again. It stunned him that even though it had just been a few days, he missed her voice, her smile and the way the scent of lilacs trailed behind her wherever she went.

  As they rode down to the ranch house he wondered if women understood the immense power they held over the male of the species. It seemed that even the toughest of men could be brought low by a tender smile, beautiful eyes and silky skin.

  Likely they knew, he decided. But, they never let a man know how he was being managed. It was the secret of their sex.

  Considering the immense pleasure he’d discovered with Prudence, he was content to let her have her way with him. He was a willing participant, thrilled to encourage her to ply her womanly wiles upon him.

  He was sure the fifteen miles to town was destined to feel like fifteen thousand miles.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Bad Girls Go Everywhere

  Despite his best efforts, it was dark by the time Gerritt stood on his bottom step appreciating the warm glow of lamplight shining in the windows of his home.

  The word, home, had never held such meaning for him before. He’d traveled to Europe as a student, marched miles during the war, and journeyed far and wide for his businesses. Every homecoming had seemed much like the last. Even when his parents and brother had been alive, as a grown man he’d viewed coming home as more of a familial obligation than joyful occasion.

  Yet here he stood, ready to open his front door and em
brace the woman who meant so much to him. Prudence was his love and his life and his air and sunlight. Prudence was his reason for waking up each morning.

  Now he needed to tell her all this in words he sensed would never be sufficient for expressing what he felt. He grasped the tiny bouquet of wildflowers he’d picked on the road to town and felt a flush of embarrassment heat his face. How could he ever make her understand what she meant to him?

  Then the front door opened and she stood there, looking down at him. That slow, magical smile lighting up her face as she uttered one word.


  That was all it took for him to fly up the steps and into her arms. He lifted her, pulling her lithe body against him. His mouth crushed hers in a kiss that made his head as cloudy as if he’d spent the day at the saloon drinking whiskey. He inhaled the heady. flowery scent of her, tasted the sweet honey of her mouth and rejoiced in the soft heat of her body nestled against him.

  “I love you,” he blurted, aware that all his practiced phrases and carefully chosen words couldn’t convey the way he was feeling.

  He settled her feet back on the porch. She lifted one delicate white hand to touch his face, her fingers tracing a pattern down his cheek with a gentle touch. “I know,” she murmured. “And I think I’ve loved you since the moment you kissed me in the bathhouse.”

  “But, you didn’t even know me then.”

  She moved the other hand to hold his face. “But the instant our lips met, I felt dizzy and my heart started beating so hard it was echoing in my own ears. I knew you from your letters but maybe I’d already fallen in love with you. Why else would I make such a dangerous journey to be here with you?”

  He couldn’t answer her for a moment, his throat felt too tight to utter any words. How could he ever deserve this woman?

  “You slapped me and pushed me away as I remember.”

  “But, I didn’t really want to.” She flashed him a flirty smile. “And I’m not pushing you away now.” She released her hold of his face. “Let’s just not make a scene on the porch, dear.”

  Gerritt leaned forward and lifted her into his arms. “I think our first order of business is to get you out of those clothes and into my bed, darlin’.”

  She might be acting like a strumpet, but she didn’t care. This was the man she loved and he’d finally admitted he loved her, too. If what they were doing was sinful, she’d just as soon be called a sinner.

  He carried her up the stairs, pausing at the top to kiss her again. His tongue swept through her mouth and she shivered in delight.

  When they got to her room, he settled her on the bed.

  “Stay right there,” he said, and she obeyed, frozen in place facing him.

  “Slowly unbutton your gown.” She did as he asked, her fingers trembling as she unfastened the silver buttons. She pulled the stiff crepe fabric apart, exposing her corset and chemise. He nodded in approval.

  “Now the take it off.”

  She slid the gown down off her shoulders, down her hips and let the yards of fabric drop to the floor. and now sat on the bed with his legs hanging over the side. When she’d removed her dress he planted a kiss on her lower back.

  A slow, sultry heat pulsed through her veins–making every sensitive part of her body ache with longing. Gerritt pulled her down to him then lifted her arm to plant, light, shivery kisses on the inside of her wrist, then her elbow and until he settled his mouth on the small indentation of her left collarbone.

  He could have been pouring molten lava on her skin. It was so hot she imagined her skin sizzling wherever he touched her. His lips found her earlobe and as his tongue probed the sensitive inner channel more heat seared her body.

  Her breasts felt heavy and swollen, the tips aching as the fabric of her chemise scraped roughly against them. He turned her toward him and snapped the button on her stiff crinoline at the same time, so it pooled at her feet.

  Her cotton drawers were split down the middle. When he slid his hand into the opening to cup her mound she gave an involuntary moan. He grinned up at her.

  “Have you missed me, sweet Prudence?” There was dark sensual promise in his eyes. She leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on his lips, then drew back.

  “I’m afraid you’ll discover I’ve managed to get very little work done while you’ve been gone.” She traced a finger across his chest. “My thoughts have been a bit preoccupied.”

  His jaw tightened. “As your employer, I should be most troubled about that.”

  She began to unbutton his waistcoat and slid him a playful grin. “And yet, you are not?”

  When she finished with the buttons, she yanked the waistcoat from him, tossing it aside. Her hands slid over the hard muscles of his chest beneath the linen shirt. His breathing grew heavier and she put one hand against the place where his heart beat, enjoying the faster rhythm.

  “But as my lover, I’m sure you relish the idea of making me impatient for our next meeting.”

  He turned her again, and his fingers were clumsy as he fumbled with the laces of her corset. He cursed this awkward wooing. He wanted to take his time and prolong the pleasure of this interlude, but his britches were growing tighter by the minute as his erection throbbed painfully. He felt like an untrained youth enjoying his first night of pleasure with a woman.

  Prudence made him impatient to be lying naked, entangled together, pleasuring each other in a hundred ways.

  She laughed and pushed his hands away. “Let me do it,” she suggested. He watched her unhook the front openings, pulling the corset free and flinging it over her shoulder.

  The firm, white globes of her breasts danced before him, the thin chemise doing little to hide them from view. He pulled the cotton fabric from her shoulders, uncovering the dark circles of her nipples. He leaned forward and licked from the deep décolleté to the edge, where he sucked with delight at the tiny pink peak.

  Prudence pushed forward, surrendering to the smoldering heat washing over her body. His tongue traveled over her skin, sucked greedily and then moved to the other breast. Her fingers tangled in his hair as she held him prisoner, demanding that he satisfy her unbridled hunger.

  Gerritt couldn’t believe the way she tasted, a mixture of sweetness and desire. Her skin was exquisitely soft. He leaned back and pointed one finger at her.

  “Everything off now!” He playfully ordered, his dimples appearing as he grinned at her.

  She complied, taking her time to unbutton her drawers and drop them on the floor. Then she pulled the chemise over her head, to stand naked except for her stockings and garters.

  His grin turned devilish. “Never mind, you can keep those on,” he suggested before he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her toward him. His finger found her cleft again, and she threw back her head as he plunged into her, stroking, rubbing and making her breath come in little pants.

  Gerritt didn’t know how much longer he could endure this divine torture. His cock ached to be free, he wanted to grasp her hips and push into her deep, searing heat. But he wanted to make sure she was ready for him.

  He pushed her back onto the bed, spread her legs and leaned forward. She gasped when his mouth replaced his fingers, his tongue lapping at the tiny pearl sitting at the edge of her opening.

  She arched her back and twisted beneath him, every quick flicker of his tongue making her body throb. She ached for more but there was an incredible pressure building beneath her belly. Spreading her legs wider in invitation she tossed her head and wanted to demand more. She wanted to order Gerritt to plunge inside of her because. only he could pleasure her and relieve this tender ache.

  Gerritt couldn’t wait any longer. He stood, flung his shirt off with one swift movement then removed his trousers and long johns.

  He fell between her legs. His erection thrust out in front of him, hard, smooth, the length just touching the swollen lips of her womanhood.

  He held himself against her for a moment, savoring the acute arousal b
efore he plunged into her. She was wet and ready for him, lifting her hips to take him completely into her body. When he was fully encased within her, he pulled back, and thrust into her again.

  She met him, stroke for stroke, raising her hips in a rhythm to his match unbridled pumping. He wanted to be gentle, to take his time, but every stroke brought him closer, closer to the edge, until he couldn’t maintain control any longer and groaned as he released his seed into her.

  Prudence gasped, ripples of pleasure making her weak with the intensity of her climax. Light danced across her eyelids and she imagined she might dissolve into a pool of thick, molten bliss. She filled her lungs with a deep, cleansing breath as Gerritt slid off her and to the side of the bed.

  His breathing was heavy and when she put her hand on his chest, his heart pounded with a staccato beat. A thin line of sweat iced his upper lip.

  She took advantage of his exhaustion to trace her hand down his arms, across his chest and to his groin. She avoided the damp stickiness there, but admired the now flaccid member. Even at rest, it was a prime specimen.

  “I believe you do want to me stay now.” She finally said.

  “I wanted you to stay even when you arrived in that horrible brown dress and that ridiculous hat.” He said. “I couldn’t wait until you got here, I barely slept while you traveled, I was so worried.”

  She frowned at him. “I was a bit disheveled when I arrived, but that was to be expected, I crossed a continent to get here.” She considered his words. “But I’m thrilled you were worried about me,” she paused for a moment. “Although I don’t understand why, you didn’t know me at all.”

  “I knew the sadness of your broken heart because of being widowed so young. I knew the strength of your desire to become independent and your courage in accepting a position far from your home and family. I knew you were a strong and brave woman. ”

  He touched her face. “I looked forward to your letters, and I kept sending you more questions because I wanted you to keep writing to me.”


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