Running to Dimitri [A Dragon's Growl 6] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Running to Dimitri [A Dragon's Growl 6] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 3

by Marcy Jacks

  Dimitri still grinned at him, as if he didn’t entirely know what the problem could possibly be.

  “Yeah, about that, I’ve been thinking that I might keep you that way. It’s a good look for you, honestly, and will be sexy as all hell when I’m inside you.”

  Josh shivered, and because Dimitri put the thought into his head, it was on the forefront of his mind.

  Being fucked by a complete stranger, a sexy-as-sin stranger, while his hands were tied behind his back was definitely on the kinky side, and his balls tightened into eager, quivering little masses at the thought.

  God, that would be amazing, and he wanted it, but at the same time…

  “How about another time?” Josh laughed. “As good as it sounds, I just got out of a room where people were talking about killing me.”

  This would be it. The moment when he found out if he could or couldn’t trust anything that came out of Dimitri’s mouth. If he was about to be assaulted here and was under some strange high.

  Mate. Right. That didn’t exist.

  Dimitri sighed. “I was hoping you would go along with it.”

  He said it as if he was pouting over it, and with a sudden snip, Josh’s hands were free.

  The heat that rushed to his shoulders was immediately painful as he was able to put his hands back around him. He groaned as he gripped the bedsheets.

  “Are you okay?” Dimitri touched Josh’s shoulder, looking at him with a worry in his eyes that Josh honestly hadn’t expected to see.

  “Shit, I guess they tied you up a little too tight, huh?”

  “I can handle it.” Josh rolled to the side so he was sitting on his ass at least, his back pressing against the side of the bed as he decided to just say fuck it, and reached out so he could grab onto Dimitri’s face.

  The man seemed to know exactly what Josh was thinking and going for, as he had that grin back on his face as he leaned over Josh, their mouths coming together.

  Hot, hard, and wet. Those were the only proper ways Josh could think of to describe a kiss like this. Oh God, it was so good. He had to pull away for a minute to catch a breath, and he looked down just to make sure there wasn’t a hand on his crotch.

  No. Dimitri wasn’t touching him. Not like that and not yet, at least. It was just the kiss. The kiss itself was enough to make his cock throb like this, to make his body want to implode with heat and pleasure.

  To make him forget all about his brother, why they had been running, and absolutely everything else that had been wrong in their lives.

  “I’ll take good care of you,” Dimitri promised, stroking Josh’s cheek and looking at him as if Josh were someone important.

  As if he were precious.

  Fast, so fast, but Josh couldn’t resist.

  Whatever spell he was under, he was more than happy to stay there. He reached out for Dimitri again, and he moaned when their lips crashed together.

  Heat and strength in that mouth. He might have even eaten something spicy before kissing Josh because now Josh’s lips were tingling as if there were something on his mouth that was getting ready to make him spontaneously combust.

  More. He wanted more. Josh thrust his hips forward, blindly searching for friction. He hadn’t even been aware he’d been doing it at first, but he was. It was there, and it was good. Better than anything he’d ever experienced before.

  When Dimitri pulled back from the kiss, Josh groaned.

  “Christ, every time you do that it feels like you moved ten feet away.” Which took all his body heat with him.

  “Not quite,” Dimitri said, adjusting himself so he was between Josh’s legs, his body spreading out nearly flat on the floor behind him.

  Josh shivered.

  “You are so fucking beautiful,” Dimitri moaned. He pulled at Josh’s boxers. After he’d been stripped and searched, the only clothes he’d been left with were his boxers and the black T-shirt he wore beneath his uniform. They were entirely too constricting in that moment.

  When the black boxers were pulled over his dick, it sprang free as though it had been waiting years.

  The sudden air in the room touching his heated cock pulled another low moan from Josh’s throat.

  “I…Christ, I’ve never been this horny in my life.”

  Dimitri snorted, his hand barely grazing the shaft. “You’re telling me you were never a teenager?”

  Now it was Josh’s turn to smile down at him. “It was never this bad even then.”

  The answer seemed to please the dragon shifter. He continued to smile, but this time there was a light in his eyes that was clearly excitement.

  Josh didn’t care because, in that next moment, Dimitri’s mouth sank down around the head of Josh’s cock.

  He moaned as that wicked mouth sucked and teased him. Dimitri was…incredibly good at this. Either that or this was another side effect of being so in lust with a man he barely knew.

  Dimitri might give him the worst blowjob in the world and Josh might think he was being sucked off by a professional.

  “Oh yeah, fuck, that’s good,” Josh moaned.

  Dimitri smiled around Josh’s cock. The light touch of teeth Josh felt made him nervous, but then they were gone, and so was the smile.

  Ah, thank God. So even Dimitri knew not to use teeth.

  That made him feel better, and Josh was able to quickly sink back into the pleasure he’d been desperately searching for as Dimitri’s wet lips moved down, down, down until his nose was right in Josh’s pubic hair.

  Josh’s eyes flew wide. He grabbed the back of Dimitri’s head and thrust forward, no control, no finesse, just wild and wanton desire.

  But he couldn’t go any deeper because Dimitri deep throated him as if he’d been practicing for this moment, waiting for Josh his entire life.

  “Oh God, oh fuck yeah.” Josh panted for breath, still humping forward, desperate for more of that touch, for more of that mouth and tongue.

  So close. He was already so close, and he wanted it. Josh could feel his orgasm right there, the heat ready to burst.

  And then it did.

  Chapter Three

  His mate came quicker than Dimitri would have thought. He was still hard though, and not just because his body worked that way.

  Dimitri could still feel the energy and buzz working its way through the man. He could still sense the lust and need, the sheer desire threatening to explode from his body in waves of pleasure.

  It was as if his body was just releasing what it could no longer contain because there was still so much more pleasure to be had.

  Dimitri pressed his lips to the side of Josh’s throat. Kissing, sucking, biting, tasting. And he tasted so damned good.

  “That was incredibly fucking sexy. God, the smell alone is almost enough to make me pop.”

  “Y-yeah?” Josh blinked widely at him, as if he was still in that pleasured trance.

  Dimitri grinned. “I was worried the mating wouldn’t be as strong because you’re a human, but you need this, don’t you?”

  Dimitri accented his words when he squeezed Josh’s cock, giving just the right amount of pressure to make the man hiss with pleasure. The wicked grin that made his plump lips look even sexier didn’t help.

  “Yes,” Josh moaned, his back arching, his dick throbbing in Dimitri’s hand, as if he was already trying to fuck into that fist once more.

  Which was exactly what Dimitri wanted of him.

  “Get on the bed,” he commanded. “When I fuck you, it’s going to be done right.”

  Josh did as he was told, as if he was still struggling to contain the pleasure rushing through him.

  As if he needed Dimitri to keep touching him, to keep pleasuring him.

  Josh got to his hands and knees on the bed. His heart thumped wildly against his ribs. Dimitri could hear it. It hadn’t slowed down once since they’d started, and now that he was on the bed, it seemed to be pulsing harder and faster than ever before.

  “Relax.” Dimitri chuck
led, his hand sliding over the smooth flesh of Josh’s lower back and ass.

  He dipped his fingers in the man’s crack, unable to stop himself from touching him there.

  His fingers teased against the man’s hole, and Josh inhaled sharply, his body twitching as Dimitri slid the pad of his index finger over his hole again and again.

  “It’s such a fucking pleasure watching you come undone. You should see yourself right now. I’ve never seen anyone look better than you do right now.”

  Dimitri kissed Josh’s back after pushing the T-shirt out of the way. “I’m going to fuck you while you’re still wearing this. I like the idea of you not being entirely naked when my cock is inside you.”

  Josh nodded quickly, still gasping for breath, his heart still beating as if there was nothing he could do to stop it from going that hot and heavy.

  Dimitri chuckled. “Okay, seriously, try to get ahold of yourself. I know you have some training. Calm down that jackrabbit heart of yours. I don’t want you to have a heart attack while we’re in bed.”

  Though he didn’t think that was likely to happen, not with how nicely in shape Josh was.

  Dimitri usually preferred his men to be somewhat smaller. He didn’t always go for the guys with a great deal of muscle on them. Usually because they would try to show their own dominance over Dimitri.

  He wasn’t the most alpha guy in the world, but Dimitri was a strict top. It didn’t always work out that way, but for the most part, Dimitri got what he wanted.

  Which wasn’t to say he didn’t love it when he got a brat, some twink who liked to test the boundaries Dimitri set for him, but maybe Josh would fit into that category. He sure as hell seemed to love it as Dimitri teased and fingered his hole.

  This could work. So far Josh was proving to be incredibly pliant to Dimitri’s touch.

  “God, please, please,” Josh begged.

  Which got Dimitri’s attention right away. “Please what?” he purred against Josh’s ear.

  “Please fuck you?” He slipped his finger inside. Not a lot—he didn’t have any lube yet—but definitely enough to bring about more pleasure for his mate and to get his attention. “Or keep fingering you?”

  “Both! Anything!” Josh moaned.

  Dimitri reached around. Not only had Josh’s cock not softened, but if possible, it felt a touch thicker than it had since before he’d come.

  He was well endowed. Not as large as Dimitri was right now, but Dimitri felt a stupid amount of pride over the fact that his mate had a nice-sized cock.

  “I’m going to make you scream my name when you come, and then you’re going to be mine for the rest of your life.”

  Josh nodded, his eyes squeezed shut, as if he’d already given up any and all thoughts of being without Dimitri.

  Dimitri expected more of a resistance from him, just because Josh was human, but maybe Dimitri was getting lucky in more than just one sense here.

  “Hang on one second.” Dimitri reached out for Josh’s hand. He put it to Josh’s cock.

  “Keep yourself going, but don’t you dare come without me.”


  Dimitri didn’t answer. He pushed himself off the bed with all the energy and excitement of a kid. He ran to the bathroom, feeling as if he was about to be served his favorite treat when he made it inside.

  He searched beneath the sink, looking for where he’d put it…right there. His lube.

  Dimitri preferred keeping it in his bathroom because he didn’t like the stereotype of having it in his nightstand. That, and he didn’t let the omegas clean his bathroom. He did that himself, so it was always well hidden and out of sight from anyone.

  When he came back into the bedroom, Josh was lying on his back, only partially propped up on one elbow. His cheeks were flushed, mouth parted just enough to show off the beauty of his pink tongue.

  And his underwear was now completely off his legs, as though Josh had taken the time to kick them off to fully free himself. He didn’t remove the T-shirt, however, which was good. Josh’s dick pointed up at him, the cock head dark, as though accusing the man of neglect.

  Dimitri’s blood sizzled at the sight. He had to stop for a brief second and then continued back to the bed.

  He really had gotten lucky. His mate wasn’t ugly, he was healthy, and he was clearly into Dimitri.

  The only thing that needed some form of explanation was how in the hell he had come to work for a family of bloodsuckers. That was the only disappointing thing about him, but Dimitri was pretty sure that could be worked out and overlooked. He didn’t think of himself as being all that picky.

  Josh’s deep chocolate eyes were on fire as Dimitri approached him. Goosebumps formed on Dimitri’s skin just from that one look alone, and it was so fucking beautiful he could hardly stand it.

  Dimitri climbed back onto the bed, slowly prowling toward his mate, the lock their gazes had on each other never breaking.

  Dimitri crawled over the other man, the bottle of lube still in hand as he pushed their mouths together one more time.

  He always loved kissing, and he loved kissing this man here.

  It felt too right. Too perfect. He never wanted to stop kissing him.

  Josh’s moan rippled through Dimitri’s body. The sudden grip those hands had in Dimitri’s hair, gripping hard, giving just the right amount of pain to go along with the pleasure, was exactly what Dimitri needed.

  He suddenly had the interesting thought that he had gone his entire life without kissing this man. Kissing Josh felt like everything Dimitri could have ever wanted. It was right. It was perfect. It was something his life had been missing, and yet he’d never realized how bleak and empty he’d been because Josh had never been there.

  This was a proper mating all right. Dimitri knew that because he could never live without this.

  Josh leaned back until he fell flat against the bed sheets, allowing Dimitri to crawl over him, to dominate him.

  Dimitri thrust his cock against Josh’s thigh, needing some form of relief until he could be inside the man.

  Josh reached down, his fingers searching, and then they touched Dimitri’s dick.

  Dimitri moaned, the sheer force of the pleasure rushing through him enough to make him break the kiss.

  “God, you’re hung.” Josh gasped, his breath warm against Dimitri’s cheek. “Are all dragons like this?”

  Dimitri growled. “You’re never going to find that out.”

  Josh actually laughed at him, so Dimitri kissed him again, swallowing that sound up because it was only for him. No one else could kiss Josh, and no one else could touch or be touched by him.

  The jealousy was intense. He hadn’t expected that. Jesus, was this how Seth felt whenever he thought about Miles?

  Kind of scary to know Josh would have this much power over him, but as Dimitri’s mate, he was going to have to trust that Josh would never use it against him.

  Dimitri was supposed to be the one in charge here. He’d never stopped to think about the influence Josh would have over him.

  “Kiss me, touch me, fuck me.”

  “At the same time? I can do that for you.”

  Josh growled, throwing his head back onto the sheets. A thin sheen of sweat began to shimmer on his forehead. “I can’t take this anymore. I feel…I feel like I’m about to pop. Are you sure you didn’t give me anything?”

  Dimitri grinned at the question, no longer insulted by it. “Nope, that’s all natural. Great, isn’t it?”

  Josh’s chest rose and fell in rapid succession as he nodded. God, he was so fucking beautiful that it hurt.

  Dimitri reached out, grabbing for one of the many pillows on the bed. Aside from most of the personal belongings of the vampires being either tossed out, sold, or claimed by the dragons and former slaves who lived in this house, the furniture and bedding all remained mostly the same. He’d never been happier to know there was going to be an abundance of pillows in case he needed them.

��Put this under your hips.”

  Josh did as he was told, though Dimitri couldn’t help but assist in adjusting the pillow until he was satisfied it was right where he would need it to be.

  After some thought, he grabbed another one. “This one, too.”

  Josh barked a short laugh. “Trying to stick my ass in the air?”

  “Pretty much.” Dimitri felt the burning in his skin and blood increase in its intensity. It was getting uncomfortable now, and he could no longer take his time with this. He was getting too eager, and he needed to hurry. “I want to look at your face twisting in pleasure, moaning and crying out when I stretch you wide open with my cock.”

  Josh snapped his lips shut, his eyes bulging a little, and Dimitri hadn’t thought it was possible, but the dark rose color that bloomed across his cheeks at those words was, by far, the sexiest thing Dimitri had ever seen.

  “You are, by far, the best accessory my bed has ever had,” Dimitri said. He popped the lid open on the lube bottle and poured some onto his hand. He barely took his gaze off Josh’s perfect body as he gave his dick one complimentary stroke, and then his slick fingers began playing with Josh’s asshole again.

  “I wish I could give you a little more foreplay before we get to the main event, but I’ll save that until I’m not about to die.”

  Josh’s eyes, already wide from what Dimitri was doing to him, flew even wider.

  He never would have thought that would be possible, all things considered.

  “Will you really die if you don’t claim your mate?”

  If Dimitri hadn’t been so damned horny, he might have snorted a laugh. Instead he moaned, struggling against how cute this man was.

  And how in the hell was something like that even possible? Josh was supposed to be trained to protect his vampire employers. He was supposed to know how to kill people if it came down to it, and he had a handsome body that didn’t exactly send off cute vibes.

  And yet he was the most adorable thing Dimitri had ever seen.

  “I won’t die, but I think I’ll just wish I was dead, and you will, too. Blue balls gets painful. I’m pretty sure you know that.”


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