Breathless (Players to Men)

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Breathless (Players to Men) Page 31

by Georgia Lyn Hunter

  But he pushed himself too hard. The past two years had been tough on him.

  I was just grateful his headaches had eased and that he rarely relied on pain pills any longer. He’d started seeing a new therapist, too, which seemed to help him cope with the accident and his misplaced guilt over his mother’s death. More, he slept a little longer now. I’d learned fast that Max’s brain was just too active, and that a few hours of sleep was ample for him.

  He’d finished his degree and was now handling his own projects. While the days took him to a job I had no hope of understanding, the nights and weekends—well, some of them, at least—were ours.

  He glanced at me. An eyebrow cocked when he found me staring. Heat flooded my face. Ugh, I still blushed when caught off guard. He smirked. And I wanted to lick that taunting smile right off his sexy mouth. “Be right back.”

  I nodded and watched him walk away.

  “Ila?” Ray appeared at my side, distracting me. “About the fair this year, you and Max are coming, right? I can’t believe you two got together at that event,” she said.

  “Actually, it was three nights before the fair, but who’s counting?” I said with a smile.

  “What fair?” Jack asked.

  “It’s a charity one Ray helps out at.”

  “It’s hardly your kinda thing, Griffin,” she said sweetly. “It’s too wholesome—not enough hoes—oh, wait, there’s one now. Simi.” And she walked over to the next table to take the customers’ order.

  Jack scowled and studied her silently. He swallowed more of his whiskey.

  I looked past Ray, and there Simi sat with a group of people, watching me.

  At one time, I’d have been reeling, looking for a way to escape her. She’d liked putting me on edge, reminding me of how she’d destroyed my life. Now, I no longer cared.

  But seeing Simi made me think of Devyn. He’d gotten his license suspended for a year for DUI, and a restraining order placed on him to stay away from me. He’d sent me an email, apologizing, blaming the liquor for his behavior, and wished me well. Whatever. I was just glad he had closure.

  “Maybe I’ll come to this fair,” Charli said, pulling me back.

  “You’ll love it. You can help Ray at the dunk tank. She’s always looking for volunteers—” I broke off as the background music abruptly cut off and a smooth melody drifted through the noisy bar.

  I glanced around. This place didn’t have live music. My gaze raced to the back, and my mouth quivered into a smile. Only Max would do something this unorthodox. More lights lit the spot.

  He sat at the baby grand, his attention on the keys. The noise in the bar lowered and vanished as the melody gently floated around us—one I wasn’t familiar with. Max glanced my way, and said, “I wrote this piece for a very, very special person.”

  “What’s it called?” someone asked.

  “Breathless. Because it’s how I feel every time I see her.”

  I swallowed hard, my throat tightening. Max met my gaze again and nodded.

  “Go!” Ray hissed.

  Crap. Everyone was watching. Being with Max, one would think I was used to this by now. The attention.

  “You don’t want to disappoint him especially after he just dedicated this song to you in front of the entire bar.” Ray glared.

  No, I’d never do that. I got to my feet, and as I navigated my way between the tables toward the man who owned my heart, the look in his eyes made me forget everyone. All I saw was him.

  His fingers gliding fluidly over the ebony and ivory keys, the music rose, the sound so hauntingly beautiful. I stopped beside him and let the melody wrap around me. The crescendo built higher and higher then dropped with a crash, sliding back into smoother notes and then stopping, leaving only silence.

  Then clapping started, the noise so loud it drowned out what Max was saying. He rose to his feet and helped me sit on the bench.

  He kneeled—not crouched or hunkered—he went on one knee before me.

  My eyes widened. My heart thundered in my ears when I realized what was happening. Lights flashed as cellphones took snapshots of us.

  The clapping stopped.

  Those beautiful green eyes holding mine, Max took my left hand, his thumb playing with my engagement ring. “Two years ago, I asked you to marry me. You told me to ask again in two years. That time is here. Logan, will you finally put me out of my misery and marry me?”

  I laughed. Then nodded, then forced out the words through a throat thick with emotions. “Yes—yes!”

  A smile tugged at his mouth. He rose and drew me to my feet.

  “Where’s the ring?” someone shouted.

  I lifted up my left hand. “He gave it to me two years ago to wear, said it was so everyone would know I belonged to him.”

  Laughter filled the bar.

  “Good job, man!” War yelled from the back.

  Smiling, Max pulled me into his arms and kissed me, leaving me panting when he eased back.

  “You planned all this?”

  “Yes, two years ago when you gave me your edict.”

  A shaky laugh escaped me. “I dread to think what you’ll do for our wedding.”

  “That I’ll leave to you, baby. Plan whatever your heart desires, you have three months. The honeymoon’s mine.”

  At the ultimatum, I pulled back and blinked at him. “Three months? That’s not enough time—”

  Green eyes trapped mine. “Or else we go to Vegas.”

  With that threat, he grasped my hand and dragged me back to our table when something else struck me. Three was his number. If I went back and checked, I was sure every momentous occasion that had occurred between us would be, as he’d teasingly predicted, on or around the same time frame.

  Amidst a crush of hugs and well-wishers, I knew I’d plan the wedding for July. Besides not wanting some Elvis impersonator marrying us, there was no way I’d break his lucky streak.

  At the thought of spending my life with Max, my chest expanded with love. This was where I belonged.

  With the man who always left me breathless.

  The End…

  Thank you for taking the time to read Breathless. If you enjoyed it, I would love if you’d consider leaving a review. A few lines would do, and would be much appreciated.

  Georgia Lyn Hunter


  Mom, you are one of the bravest, and strongest person I know. You courageously middle-fingered your illness for years. You make the Terminator appear frail.

  My Dad. God blessed us with the kindest, patient, and the most loving father. You were mom’s strength, and ours. You always believed we could do anything we set our minds to.

  And you were there when I was working on the draft for this book, and when I was stuck, you’d say; work on something else, and when you’re ready to write again, go back.

  Now it’s all done, you’re no longer here.

  But I know you’re in heaven watching over us.

  I love you and miss you, Dad.

  This is for you.


  To these awesome people:

  Coleen and Celia, thank you for being so brave reading, critiquing, and beta-ing (yeah, that’s a word) Breathless, and wading through all that is first draft—I’m so happy we’re still friends.

  Nancy, for your insightful feedback and comments. I'm glad I changed your mind about first POV.

  Annette, for your unceasing support, for the many rereads, and then the final proofreading and ambushing all those pesky things that escaped me—sheesh! I'm ever so grateful for you, and that I didn’t make you hightail it out of my life.

  Chelle, my amazing editor, for working your magic on this book and making it shine.

  Carolyn, for your excellent catches during final read. Hoped you enjoyed the red wine.

  Sara, for your continuous support, and relishing all those “juicy” parts.

  Maayan, for brainstorming ideas on what Max and Ila could do once in Millbrae.
Thanks, sweetie.

  Celia, a call out to again for scene setting in San Francisco and surrounding areas, and for being such a tremendous help in my research, since I live across the ocean.

  Oh, and thanks, Google.

  Marina, thanks, honey, for your invaluable input and for everything musical, and teaching me something new about the baby grand, an organ, and not forgetting the piano keyboard. And what a reduction is. Or, how a music school operates. Especially answering my millions of Q’s, and being very, very patient. Yeah, I know, I’m not the easiest of students.

  Any misses in this area is all my own, and used to further enhance this story.

  Montana Jade, for suggesting I set this story in San Francisco—your uni city. Pine Street is because of you and Marina. And for this amazing cover! As usual, you capture my heroes to the T. And especially for insisting I write this book. Thank you, darling girl.

  And most importantly, my incredible family: My patient other Half, for reading the first chapter of Breathless, and looking dazed because you couldn’t let go of that world. You made my day.

  And Ty, my teen bean—my Jiminy cricket—for reminding me that I need to eat when I forget. My love always. And YES, you are my “everything.”

  Also by Georgia Lyn Hunter

  Fallen Guardians Series

  Absolute Surrender 1

  Echo, Mine-A novella 1.5

  Breaking Fate 2

  Warlords of Empyrea: Darkness Undone 1

  Dark Realm: Tangled Sin

  (Please note all these books belong to the Fallen Guardians’ World)

  About the author

  Georgia Lyn Hunter loves to create characters who’ll take you to the far and beyond to unforgettable adventures, steamy encounters and heart-stopping love stories...

  Her first love is writing things that goes bump in the night—yeah, paranormal romance. Now she’s dabbled in new territory... What you just read.

  Want to know more?

  Here ya go: She grew up in the sultry climate of South Africa and currently lives in the Middle East with her family. An avid reader from a young age, she devoured every book she got her hands on. When she’s not writing or plotting her next novel, she loves trolling flea markets and buying things she’d never use (because they’re so pretty,) travelling, painting, and being with her wonderfully supportive family.

  And there you have it, all the boring stuff.

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three




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