Black Light: Exposed (Black Light Series Book 2)

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Black Light: Exposed (Black Light Series Book 2) Page 11

by Jennifer Bene

  “Sir…” she murmured, and he responded with a groan as his hand trailed over her hip to find its way between her thighs. One stroke at her lips and she became aware of the silky, liquid heat that had her open and waiting.

  “You’re so wet.” There was awe in his voice, the edge of a growl in his tone as his hips pressed against her bruised skin, the hardness behind his zipper a reward she intended to receive.

  “Please –” Her words were cut short as he delicately toyed with her, brushing her clit to send her back into the blurry place in her head where language wasn’t possible.

  “Please what, beautiful?” The arm around her waist squeezed, and she dropped her head back against his shoulder, pulling languidly at the binding leather as he slowly teased her. She was a dreamy grouping of muscles and tingling nerve endings, floating in the hushed emptiness of her mind. “Tell me what you need,” he urged her, his lips grazing her neck.

  “Please touch me. Fuck me. I need –”

  Thomas groaned as he pushed his fingers inside her effortlessly. A shiver pulsed out from the place where he stroked her, so close to the edge, an unspoken summons to fall over the edge and be done with it. “Maddie…”

  Her hips shifted, grinding into his hand, her pussy squeezing at his fingers. So close.

  “Fuck.” His voice was a whip crack as he slid his touch from her, immediately working at the buckle binding her wrist to the wood. He moved quickly, the leather falling away so that her left arm dropped until she made the effort to lift it again. Then her right was free and she grabbed onto the mid-point of the cross as her head swam. Blood rushing through her limbs as Thomas crouched beside her, legs free, but uselessly trembling like a new fawn.

  He must have seen it, because without a word he scooped her up, tucking her against his warm, bare chest to spin her away from the cross. Gently, he sat her in a strange chair like thing, also bolted to the wall, and covered in straps. The welts stung, but the pain was a distant flutter amidst the desperate buzzing between her thighs. Lifting her eyes to peek through her hair she watched as he hurried back to the cabinet – did he really expect her to take more?

  You deserve it, a nasty, small voice piped up inside her, and inside the blurry swirl of her head she flinched at the truth of it. Liar, liar, liar…

  Maddie opened her mouth to speak, tears burning at the edges of her eyes as she tried to imagine how she could explain, but then he pulled open the door to reveal a red, velvety interior. Grabbing a blanket from a lower shelf he turned and laid it out on the floor, the flickering lights highlighting the strength in his arms. The gleam in his eyes when he looked up at her again was hungry, and the truth died on her lips.

  Thomas was with her again in an instant, his kiss so powerful he forced her back against the rigid wood of the chair, tongues tangling in a war that dissolved any thought of ruining this perfect moment. She pushed her hands into his hair, silken strands running through the spaces between her fingers, his quiet moan buzzing against her lips. It was wrong, she wasn’t worthy of his caresses, but she didn’t even attempt to stop him as he unclasped her bra. “Say it again,” his harried whisper forced her to look at him to understand what he was asking.


  “Tell me what you want, Maddie.”

  “You.” That was all it took for him to tug her last shred of fabric free of her arms to toss it to the floor before lifting her. All that strength, wrapped around her as she tightened her legs around his waist, it was more than she deserved. His unbearable gentleness as he eased her to the floor with him almost brought the tears back, but his lips found hers as soon as she lay down. A nipping bite, a teasing tug at her nipple, and she was arching up. Knees spread wide and inviting.

  “Are you sure?” His question was barely audible, the tension between his brows as he stared down at her making it clear the restraint it took for him to wait, to hold back for her consent.

  “Please fuck me,” she begged without a shred of modesty, and Thomas answered her with another fierce kiss. Their lips collided almost painfully as she poured every humming wave of desire into it, telegraphing her need so he would believe her – and it worked.

  He pulled away to kneel between her legs, working at his belt before he stood completely to push his pants down. Shoes toed off, fabric kicked away, but her eyes were drawn to the boxer briefs sealed to his skin, outlining his erection so perfectly that her mouth watered. Sitting up she reached for him, intent on fulfilling the offer she’d made on Sunday, but Thomas caught her hand and she froze. “Maddie…” his voice was a low rumble, his eyes alight with forest-tinted fire as he looked at her. “After the show you just put on, you can either taste me or I can fuck you, but not both.”

  Biting her lip, weighing the options for a fraction of a moment, she leaned back onto her elbows, naked before him.

  “Good choice.” He smiled, but instead of climbing on top of her, he moved between her legs, shifting backwards until the dark tousle of his hair brushed her inner thighs.

  “Sir?” She sat up, but he was already tracing a finger between her wet folds, brushing her clit just enough to have her lifting her hips. The heat that had dimmed to a simmer flared to life as he dipped his head and licked her in one long stroke, the hum of his low moan vibrating through her.

  Thomas looked up at her from between her thighs, a wicked smirk on his lips. “I still want to taste you, beautiful.”

  “But –” There was no arguing as he started to lap at her in earnest, torturing her with indolent licks, only to draw her clit into his mouth for the briefest of moments, a completely different kind of agony as he dragged her to the edge of bliss – and then he would pull back. Warm breath brushing across the center of her, wordless whimpers escaping as she fisted her own hair, her hips lifting into empty air as he chuckled, waiting. “Please!” she shouted when he started up again, delirious tension twining like a line of silver light down her spine, the pinnacle of it bound just under his tongue.

  “Breathe through it, beautiful. Push it back and wait, I promise it will be worth it.”

  Impossible. He was asking the impossible in that damnable calm voice, that wicked low tone that was just as much of a tease as his licking, stroking, sucking. She was soaked, finally aware of the wetness spilling from her to slide down her ass and dampen the blanket underneath her.

  Wait? He had to be more insane than she was.

  When he drew on her clit again she let out a scream of frustration, digging her heels into the floor to try and push away, but he caught her hips, yanking her back to his mouth to scald her nerves with his devious tasting. “I can’t! I can’t hold it, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t…”

  Her babbles were bordering incomprehensible when he finally sat up, chin wet with her, and he grabbed for his pants, ripping a condom free from his wallet. His gaze was stunning, dark, pupils dilated as he stared down at her and tore the wrapper between his teeth. In another instant he’d pushed his boxers out of the way, gripping the hard steel at his hips before rolling the condom down in a smooth motion.

  “Please,” she begged, and he finally leaned over her, nudging her thighs further apart as he brushed against her. With a tilt of his head he kissed her, and she could taste herself on his lips, his tongue. Her moan met his as he pushed her legs wider with his knees, opening her up, and she dug her nails into his shoulders, trying to pull his skin to hers.

  “Tsk, tsk.” He captured her wrists and pinned them above her head, holding them with one hand, the weight of him crushing the fine bones against the floor – but she didn’t care. She loved the ache, the power of him as he lined up between her thighs. His eyes met hers just before he thrust inside her in one sharp movement, completely to the hilt, and their soft moans blended as he stretched her.

  “Oh, fuck…” The whisper left her lips as she arched off the floor, but he didn’t wait. Bracing his elbow into the blanket beside her he kissed her, drawing back and thrusting hard again so that her next cry wa
s trapped against his mouth.

  “You’re perfect,” he breathed against her lips before he dropped his head beside hers and spoke again, “You can come as much as you want, beautiful, but I’m not going to be gentle.”

  Tugging at the merciless grip he had on her wrists, she lifted her hips sharply. “I don’t want you to be.”

  Thomas growled as his hips swung back and drove home, each brutal thrust making her ache, but the swimming feeling of pleasure was building and she knew she was going to drown in it. Happily. It was close, so close that she could feel the tension in every muscle, every inch of her reaching for what he’d denied her for too long.

  Releasing her wrists he reached down and lifted one of her knees, pushing it towards her chest so the next thrust was even deeper. A sharper twinge as he bottomed out, and Maddie released a cry as she finally came, that line between pleasure and pain fracturing into a million golden splinters that filled her with light.


  She was breathless, gasping under his weight as he continued to move inside her, spiraling her higher and higher, the orgasm drawn out until she thought she might shatter as well. Dissolve into the blur. They were slowly inching across the blanket, each hard drive forcing her forward, but he shifted and grabbed onto her shoulder to hold her still for his next thrust.

  The full power of each swing of his hips met her, and she slid her arms under his, her nails digging furrows into his back as his fingers left bruises on her skin. It was all too much. Too much waiting, too much pain, too much pleasure, and suddenly she was back at the edge of some unknown void.

  “Come for me,” he commanded, and she obeyed instinctively, taking her bliss.

  Guiltless and warm as it washed through her.

  Arching against him, holding on to the firm strength of him, she felt the shuddering pleasure as she came again, squeezing him inside her. “Fuck, Maddie,” he groaned, before thrusting deep, his cock jerking as he joined her.

  Their breaths competed in her ears, unsure whose was quicker as his weight settled over her, keeping them linked. He was warm, hot, and they were both slick with sweat as he kissed his way from her neck back to her lips.

  Sinfully sweet. That’s what the gentle press of his mouth to hers felt like, because she was damned by how much she reveled in the taste of him as their tongues brushed. “You’re incredible.”

  “You are,” she replied lamely as he chuckled and slid from her, instantly shifting to her side so he could pull her against his front.

  “How in the hell was I lucky enough to be the one to stumble upon you?” With his face buried in the nest of her hair, she let herself flinch.


  “I don’t know.”

  His quiet laugh was warm as he hugged her to him, more kisses pressed to her neck, her shoulder, her hair. “You did so well. Rest, beautiful. I’m right here.”

  It wasn’t until he said the words that she realized how close she was to sleep, the yawn cracking her jaw as she tucked her arm under her head, his strong body curved around her.

  “I can’t believe you asked for another stroke of the cane…” Thomas was smiling, she could hear it in his voice, but she was barely able to focus as the exhaustion finally sucked her under.

  “A cane?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he answered.

  “I didn’t know…” she trailed off as sleep urged her into quiet. Relaxing into the silence inside her head. No guilt, no to-do list, no constant checks – just a hushed peace, wrapped in his arms.

  Thomas watched her profile as Maddie’s breathing evened out, her body softening against his. All lush curves and sweet skin, skin that she’d let him mark. Over, and over, and over.

  A cane.

  Had she really not recognized it? The furrow between his brows was going to give him a headache if he didn’t stop it, but he was confused. His heart was still racing in his chest, his body still coming back from one of the most incredible orgasms of his life, but Thomas couldn’t shake the idea that something was very wrong with how Maddie had been treated.

  Running his fingers lightly over her waist he leaned back to trace a few of the marks on her skin. Raised, wide, pink ones from the strap. Narrower lines, already leaning towards bruises, made by the crop. The strange little double lines the cane always left, thin cuts in the skin from each stroke. She’d taken each set like an experienced sub, even her momentary panic with the cane hadn’t been accompanied by anything more than begging and pulling at the cuffs. Totally normal, expected… but sometimes the things she said triggered little warnings inside him.

  No hard limits.

  No recognition of the risk associated with playing with the first Dom to find her.

  She hadn’t even expected aftercare on Sunday.

  Had some bastard just been abusing her?

  Anger flooded through him, plucking at the temper that he usually kept in check, but when he imagined some asshole taking advantage of her – of her submission, her masochism, her incredible tolerance for pain – he felt like he wanted to hit something. Instead, Thomas pulled her closer, reaching over to wrap the blanket across her front in case someone peeked in through the opening in the door.

  A surge of protectiveness pulsed through him as he stared down at her soft lips, the delicate arch of her eyebrows. Noticing a strand of her fiery red hair angled over her still blushing cheek, he tucked it behind her ear before running his knuckle along her jaw. It had only been a few days since he’d met her, not even an entire week. Just two evenings together, but he already wanted more time with her. He wanted to show her what it was like to be cared for, taken care of, treated like the wonderful person he knew she was.

  “Don’t worry, Maddie, I’ve got you.” The words were barely a whisper, but he meant them. Which meant he needed her off the fucking floor of the dungeon space inside Black Light, and then into a real bed.

  Carefully easing away from her, he draped the blanket the rest of the way across her and then started to clean up. Disposing of the condom in a basket tucked in the corner, he got dressed, shook out her clothes to drape them over the spanking bench near the door, and then stacked the implements he’d used at the base of the cross so they could be cleaned.

  A soft rap on the door made him lift his eyes, and he saw one of the dungeon monitors through the small window. Glancing back to ensure Maddie was safely hidden from view, he walked over and cracked the door. “Hey, Garreth.”

  “Mr. Hathaway.” The tall man nodded at him, angling his head to look past him. Thomas sighed and pushed the door open wider so that the monitor could see Maddie curled up beneath the blanket.

  “Is there a problem?” he asked.

  “No, just checking in. I believe a few other members were hoping to use the dungeon tonight –”

  “Right.” Thomas cut him off and cursed under his breath, pushing his hair back from his forehead. How long had they even been in here? What time was it? “We’re about to leave.”

  “Is she alright? I got a nice earful, it sounded –”

  “Of course she’s alright.”

  Garreth smiled a bit and raised his hands at the defensive tone. “I wasn’t trying to offend. It’s kind of my job to make sure she’s okay, especially when play happens in these more private spaces.”

  “It’s my job too,” Thomas added, and then realized how aggressive he sounded when it definitely wasn’t necessary. Giving himself a mental shake he forced himself to offer the other man a smile and a handshake. “Listen, I appreciate you watching out for the subs, I do. I’m going to wake her up and take her home.”

  “I understand.” Shaking hands, Garreth stepped back from the door, making it clear he had no intention of pushing any further when it came to Maddie. “Want any help?”

  “I’ve got it.”

  You’re being a possessive dick, Thomas. Somehow that internal voice sounded like Jaxson, and he had to admit it was true.

  “Alright, if you do just flag me down.
I’m hanging out over by the wet area, there’s some needle play that I need to keep an eye on.” Garreth turned to walk away, waving a hand over his shoulder.

  “Thank you,” Thomas finally answered with something resembling a civil tone, and closed the door.

  As he turned to see Maddie curled into a smaller ball under the covers he knew he felt something for her, or at least that this could be something. That is, if he didn’t scare her off by acting like a possessive jackass.

  Jaxson’s choice of words, not his.

  Moving closer he sat down beside her and ran his fingers through her hair, plucking at the tangles he’d given her throughout their fun. “Maddie… hey, beautiful, I need you to wake up.”

  Her face scrunched slightly and she curled up even tighter, grumbling softly.

  Thomas couldn’t help but smile, she was cute, but they really needed to leave. Reaching to fist the hair at the back of her head, he tightened his grip just a little so that a gasp slipped through her pretty lips. “I said wake up, Madeline.”

  “Huh?” Her blue eyes finally opened, and when her tongue flicked over her bottom lip he momentarily regretted not taking the chance to feel her mouth on him.


  “I’m not sure how late it is, beautiful, but I know I need to get you to bed.”

  “Late?” she asked, her voice still groggy. Maddie was likely exhausted, maybe even experiencing a little drop after their intense play.

  “Yes, I want to take you to my place so you can sleep, and I can keep an eye on you. Okay?” Thomas immediately let her go when she pushed herself into a sitting position, the blanket falling away to bare her breasts. It took an act of willpower not to move his eyes from her face.

  “No, no, you don’t need to do that. I just need to get home.” As soon as she shifted onto her ass, she hissed air between her teeth, leaning forward again to ease the pressure on her welts.

  He lifted his eyebrows. “You’re going to be sore, just –” let me take care of you. Swallowing the rest of the words, he made an effort to pull back, to respect her answer. “I’m happy to let you sleep at my place, in your own room. I can make sure you get to work on time, I have morning meetings so I promise we won’t sleep in.”


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