How could something so wondrous have reminded him of her?
"I think you may have mistaken me.” She gulped around the lump in her throat, trying to overcome the hoarseness invading her words. “Perhaps you were thinking of your pretty new girlfriend when you chose this ... this treasure.” The word was almost a sob, nearly an accusation.
"No. I wasn't mistaken. I was thinking of you. The red of your hair in the border, the green of your eyes in the leaves. I touched it and thought maybe your skin was cooler, but just as gentle in texture. And the wonder in it, Olivia. The untold stories, the unknown reasons, the heartbreaking beauty. All of it was you."
Unable to meet his eyes while he said such beautiful things, she continued stroking the tree. The oils from her fingers were probably not good for the threads, but how could one not stroke something that so invited touch.
"It's the tree of life. A very ancient design from the Middle East,” Cain continued. “Its roots are embedded in Earth while its branches stretch out for Heaven. There are seven individual leaves on the branches indicating seven steps towards entering the light. The birds on the tree are the souls on the journey, just waiting for a chance to begin again, or to race free for Heaven. The flowers symbolise reproduction and the chance for new life. The whole rug is about you, Olivia. I thought you might look at the birds and remember your family. If only you could do so while remembering your own chance for life ... if you wouldn't forget to flower."
"Oh, Cain!” Silent tears streamed down her cheeks as she touched fingertips to each stylised bird. Had he not been watching, she would have kissed each tiny flower. She'd never been in the presence of unbearable beauty before. Maybe she would need to hide it way for a while, bringing it out for small doses of magic and loveliness, before she grew accustomed enough to hang it on a wall.
"She's not my girlfriend, Olivia. She's my replacement."
Momentarily the rug was forgotten, bereft on the floor. “I beg your pardon?"
"My contract is up. I had the option to renew. I chose not to."
Obviously he was going to make her drag this out of him. She sighed and shrugged. It would be painful, but she would play anyway. “Why would you leave a job you love? What will you do now?"
It was his turn to shrug. “I've been thinking about your philosophy on life. Not wanting to be owned by anyone. No commitments to live up to, only making appointments you want to keep. I like the thought of that. Besides, I'm tired. I'm worn out from jumping around the globe like a grasshopper on speed.” Reaching to pull her up from her kneeling position in front of the rug, he grasped her by the waist and seated her comfortably in his lap. Looking her straight in the face, he continued the thought, “It's time to put down some roots.” He nudged the woven roots with his toe. “I want to settle down. I want to settle down with you, Olivia."
Suspicious doubts began leaking into her cynical mind. “Have you spoken with “the sisters” since you've been back?” Using his own nickname for the four wonderful women she'd come to adore, she narrowed her eyes at him and looked for a single flicker of expression to give away his real motivation.
"No. I came here as soon as I could. Why? Is there something wrong. Is Moira okay?” His instant concern bolstered her belief.
Deliberately she ignored his earlier proposition of settling down with her. More practical details needed to be dealt with first and she'd already begun looking for flaws in his plan. It was one thing for her to turn over a new leaf in search of a little adventure, but Cain having such a huge change in outlook was rather disconcerting. Until now his entire adult life had been adventuring from one country to another and he'd loved it. How could he give his life up so easily? It was not possible.
"What will you do? How will you live? Where will you live?” Now that his contract was up there would be no more company apartment in the heart of Melbourne's CBD.
He laughed her worries aside. “I'm thinking you were right about the whole consulting deal. I have a multitude of contacts in the mining industry and consulting might give me a chance to branch out a bit. In fact, I was wondering if, when you finish your degree ... you would consider becoming my partner. With your languages and your environmental specialty, we'd have all the engineering bases covered. We'd be amazing."
By the end of his speech, Olivia was frowning with consternation and he was sounding far less jovial. It wasn't that her heart didn't jump around in her chest at the though of a future with him, but what was his motivation?
"I told you when we first met, Cain. I'm not for sale. You don't need to buy me. I look after myself."
He was instantly angry. His expression a riot of thundering emotions. “You're right,” he rasped, “I don't need to buy you. You're already mine.” So saying, he tangled a hand in her hair to bring her mouth hard against his. The kiss was bruising with intensity. He bit at her lips before forcing his way inside her.
Olivia gasped, but in spite of the malice in his action, she felt wet excitement melting between her legs. Small frissons of electricity spread throughout her body. Before she could compute, Cain was at her. His teeth still bit on her lips, demanding admittance she hadn't denied. He stripped the sleeves of her running shirt down over her shoulders, effectively binding her arms to her sides. Crushing her against him, he continued at her mouth while his hands returned to her breasts.
Under her shirt, he pulled the cups of her bra down, kneading the fullness of the soft globes in his hands. Pinching and rolling, he had her nipples pebble-hard and straining. He continued tormenting her mouth and breasts, until every squeeze of his fingers brought a cry from her throat he could stifle with his tongue. Not one was a cry of pain, but of stinging pleasure that shot from his fingers to her flesh. Her body was hot with perspiration and excitement when he finally moved his mouth from hers.
Easing her backward onto the floor, onto that beautiful Turkish rug, his angry eyes appraised her disheveled appearance. She shivered while Cain's glaring gaze roved over her, from her bruised lips to her nipples straining against her tank top. The dark stubble on his jaw and the temper in his glare lent a wicked intent to his words. “Do you know why I can do this to you, Olivia? Do you know why you let me?"
Moaning, she strained to get closer to him. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she strove to bring him nearer. Cain refused to give her what she wanted. Appeasing her only a little, he rubbed the roughness of his chin against the soft skin of her neck. Determined to have his say, he whispered in her ear. “I can do this to you, because you know I would never hurt you. No matter how far we go, you trust I'll give you nothing but pleasure. You trust me. Isn't that right, Olivia?"
She was oblivious, because as he spoke his hands crept up her legs, separating them and sliding her shorts down, out of his way. He left them at her knees. Pulling her shirt up, he exposed her breasts to his mouth. Her breathing came in rapid bursts. Every lick of his tongue at her breasts made her whimper and wait for more.
"Answer me. Isn't it right?” Leaning forward, he sucked gently at a nipple, flicking the peak until it pained and she squirmed. “Say it, Olivia."
"Yes, Cain!” He nipped his way over to her other breast. Scraping his teeth across sensitive flesh, he wrenched another exclamation from her lips before she was able to continue. “I do trust you, Cain."
"It's not enough. I want you to love me.” Biting his way down her ribs, he moved lower. His tongue slid over the hot cleft between her legs and he held her where he wanted while he sucked at her throbbing labia. Her thighs shivered in his hands while he teased. Fists in her beautiful rug, she moaned, but he wouldn't provide any more of his touch.
She needed him inside her. Needed to feel him deep and hard. “God, Cain! Please, now."
"Not until you say it, Olivia."
Inside the shaking and shivering of her body, her mind came to a screeching halt. He wanted her to love him. She did love him, but once she'd said it, he would know. He could use it. Once he knew how she felt, he'd always b
e able to overwhelm her in an instant. Surely such a wonderful overwhelming could only be good.
His fingers held her open for his lips. His breath rushed hot and teasing against her flesh. His tongue slid through the wetness of her. Stopping to pay special attention to her aching clitoris, he sent pleasure pouring through her limbs. Muscles liquefied in his wake.
"I do, Cain. I do love you, but...” The words were a moan of pleasure.
There were no more words after that because he smothered them. There were no more thoughts because he demolished them. Just as he'd demolished the last of her pathetic defences. His mouth stopped punishing, and started new exploratory forays. While his tongue thrust deep in her mouth, his fingers thrust inside her. Olivia stopped existing beyond his touch. She melted further with every slick of his tongue and every brush of his hand. There was no world beyond her senses. He was on her. In her. She was full of him.
It felt divine.
Already exhausted and quivering, she curved up when he entered her. No soft gentle stroke of him now, just the snapping demand that she rise again to the precipice of climax. It took nothing. Her body still quavered with the last. Dragging short nails at his shoulders, she whimpered with his every move. She couldn't come again, not so quickly. Thinking she would be left on the brink, she clutched at his shoulders, begging him to take her with him. Her body knew better than her mind. Racing her over the edge, shock after shock poured through her system. She dropped into the blessed abyss while Cain still shuddered inside her.
Easing his weight off her, Cain stroked fingers through the spread of her hair. “Tell me you meant it.” Another hand drew her thigh across his waist, tracing gentle circles, unobtrusively sending her the message that there was no escaping now.
Olivia smiled at the worry in his voice. So nice to know he has some insecurities. “You know I meant it. I think I've loved you from the beginning, but I was worried you'd use it against me."
Her hair falling from his fingers, Cain put on his preaching voice. “You do understand that loving you should mean I would never use anything against you?"
Laughing lasciviously, she stretched out against him. “There are a few things you can use against me any time.” Rolling up onto an elbow, she surveyed him through narrowed eyes. “The question, Cain Warner, is how much do you love me?"
Cain tensed beneath her scrutiny. She'd expected no less. He was a smart man and he knew she wasn't really teasing. After all, it was the question of a lifetime!
* * * *
Cain didn't speak. There was definitely some hidden trap in Olivia's question and he'd be damned if he was leaping in to an answer. Besides, she wasn't finished. While her body was playful, there was worry in her eyes and her lips were tight with the effort of keeping her words controlled. She needed time to compose herself. He had all the time in the world ... especially for her.
Olivia considered her words for what felt like a long time, carefully choosing what she wanted to say. He watched each possibility, each alternative, trek across her features before she discarded one for another. Finally, she breathed a single deep breath and spoke her chosen words, “I'm pregnant."
Jesus! All that deliberation and that was the best she could produce? He would have laughed at her bluntness if all the air hadn't left his lungs. The rushing exhalation felt much the same as when the sisters had dropped him from their tree. Maybe it would be a boy. A smile tickled at the corner of his lips. She was watching him closely. Waiting for him to bail.
He couldn't help but grin into her worried gaze. “Another soul for our tree, Olivia."
"Souls,” she corrected him without elaboration.
Chuckling, he kissed her nose then shoulders, chin and lips, relishing the lightness that came with her relief. “Clever as you are, Olivia, even you can't pack two souls into one child's body."
"You idiot!” She smacked at his chest.
He was definitely keeping her away from the sisters. She was even starting to speak to him the same way they did. More rules to be created before they could live happily ever after. No leaving the bedroom before he was awake and no mimicking the evil sisters. That would cover it.
"There are two. Twins!"
He felt his expression change. He wasn't exactly sure what it did, because there was little time for proper thought processes. Olivia was looking at him concerned and a little frightened by his stunned, possibly gaping reaction.
"Cain, are you all right? What do you think?"
"I think we'll need a bigger place.” He smiled and smacked her on the bottom. “I think you should stop trying to be so good at everything or we'll have eight kids before our third anniversary.” Thoughts were tripping across one another faster than he could catalogue them. Somehow he saved the best for last. “I think you should marry me."
"You think too much,” she informed him happily.
He ignored her to continue on his own delightful tangent. “I think when they're toddlers we're in for all kinds of trouble."
Olivia laughed happily, looking up into his eyes. “Not trouble, Cain. Adventures. Love and adventures!"
"What about you? Are you okay? Is everything all right?"
Smiling, Olivia settled back on her rug, surrounding herself with woven souls all searching for enlightenment. “I'm perfect."
He laughed out loud, roughing his chin over the smooth, soft skin of her belly. She was right. She was perfect ... and priceless!
The End
About the Author:
Rebecca Williams is an English/Biology teacher from Australia with a passion for culture and cuisine. Teaching through Europe and the Middle East provided the chance for Rebecca to indulge her passions. It was in the Middle East where Rebecca began collecting women's stories, all of them deserving a voice.
Having spent seven years teaching writing techniques and analysis, Rebecca decided to put her skills, passions, collected stories and imagination to use. The results were amazing—her first seriously spicy yet distinctly Australian novels!
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