The Celtic Witch and the Sorcerer [Celtic Series Book 2]

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The Celtic Witch and the Sorcerer [Celtic Series Book 2] Page 5

by Lyn Armstrong

  Where was she?

  Adela held her palms outward and chanted, “Give me the vision, I seek only one. Show me my daughter and I will be done."

  Adela opened her eyes, but no vision appeared. She chanted the spell again and still no vision. Her magick must be blocked. But how?

  She closed her eyes and chanted, “I call upon the Triple Goddess of sun, earth and moon. Goddess Triana, come to me, I beg of you."

  A white mist floated through the window and transformed in a beautiful blue lady. Her white hair floated around her shoulders as if she was beneath the water. Her full eyes shined completely green, her lips were black.

  "How can I assist you, milady?” a lilting voice asked.

  "Where is my daughter? Is she well? Why did she leave? Why can I not summon a vision of her?"

  Goddess Triana held her hand up to halt the questions. “Lady Gavenia has been captured."

  Adela's hand covered her mouth, her worst fears being realized. Tears threatened to sting her eyes. She took a large breath and calmed herself. She must not loose time to emotions. She would cry later.

  "Where ... where has she been taken and how do we rescue her?” Adela asked, her voice shaking with dread.

  "I cannot tell you."

  "Why not?” Panic welled in her throat.

  "You must not rescue your daughter or else death will befall your family."

  "Nae! I have to go to her. She needs me."

  "You have been warned.” The Goddess faded from sight.

  Adela collapsed on the bed. What should she do? What could she do?

  The echo of heavy boots vibrated against the stones in the hallway and Adela watched her son enter the room. He rubbed his head. His usual handsome face was screwed up in pain. He went to Coira's bed and kicked the empty mattress. “Where is that bitch!"

  "Coira is gone,” Adela sobbed, unable to hold back any longer, tears streamed down her face.

  "No need to cry about it."

  "And so is yer sister."

  Callum's eyes shot open. His voice was firm, determination straightening his body. “Then we go after her."

  "Nae, Goddess Triana has warned me not to interfere. Yer sister must go through this lesson alone."

  "Mother, she could be in danger."

  "Even if we were to go after her, I do not know where she is.” Adela rose and grabbed her son's arm. “Come, we must tell yer father."

  Her husband paced the floor of their chamber. Phillip's voice was gravel from being woken. “How did she get out? The gate has been closed for the eve."

  Callum lowered his head. “I showed her the secret passage."

  "You did what?"

  "Do not blame him,” Adela interjected. “Gavenia is a stubborn lass, she would have found a way."

  "She is all alone out there,” Phillip hissed.

  "Oh, if only she was,” Callum said cryptically. They both looked at him expectantly. “I wager Coira is with her."

  "Why does that cause concern?” Adela asked.

  "I caught her last eve stealing a book from yer chamber."

  Adela gasped. “Pray tell it is not the book of Dark Magick?"


  "She is in more danger than we thought,” Phillip declared. “Gavenia is naïve to evil. We must go after her."

  "We canna, my husband.” She touched Phillip's arm. “Goddess Triana has warned me not to rescue her or else doom will befall us all."

  "We canna just leave her,” Phillip raged.

  "Whatever happens now is fate and you canna fight that,” Adela explained. She caressed her husband's face, her eyes pleading for him to understand, even when she did not.

  He kissed her hand, pain mirrored in his eyes.

  "Then she is on her own?” Callum asked.

  "Aye,” Adela whispered, “she is on her own."

  * * * *

  The muscles in Gavenia's stomach were bruised from balancing her weight on the back of her captor's stallion. She was glad she had not eaten anything since yesterday. The contents of her stomach would have been thrown up with the constant rocking of the horse's hind legs. The only view she was in a position to see was her captor's boot, horse's flank and the ground. Thick hair swished over her head, blocking most of the view of the ground. The sun beat down upon her fair skin and without the protection of her long hair, the back of her neck started to burn. This was undignified for a lady!

  "Pray pardon...” she choked, a strand of hair went into her mouth. Sputtering it out with her tongue, she shook her head. “Pray pardon,” she said louder. “Do you mind if we stop so I can see to the necessities?"

  The only answer was the clip clop of his horse's hooves.

  "I said,” her voice rose louder, “I need to stop!"

  No answer.

  Another jolt came from the horse's rump when it stumbled over a rock. Gavenia groaned as the horse's rough backside pressed against her bladder. If he didn't stop soon, his damn warhorse was going to be soaked with urine.

  She was about to sting him with choice words when the horse walked over a bridge. The muddy ground looked to be well traveled. A grating noise of a gate sounded nearby. The horse stepped backward and then forward over a wooden plank.

  Gavenia lifted her head but her view was obstructed by her hair. She shook her head to see a village of filthy people watching her be paraded along the path. This was not the adventure she had in mind when leaving Gleich Castle. She should have told someone she was leaving. Where was Coira? Perhaps she got scared and returned to the castle. Even now, her father and brother could be mounting a search for her. This man would rue the day he kidnapped one of the Robert's clan. She groaned again when the horse sidestepped. Dear Goddess! Her bladder was about to explode.

  Her captor halted the horse and swung down, keeping his back to her. Gavenia lifted her head to peer through a wall of blond hair to see his face. She wanted to see the heathen who would be killed when her father rescued her. Alas, he kept his back to her and gave two guards orders.

  Turn around, turn around, she commanded in her mind.

  As if reading her thoughts, he slightly turned to look at her from the corner of his eye, though, not enough for her to make out his features. A hint of a smile from the corner of his lips was all she saw before he ran up the stairs. She assumed the stairs led to a castle, but she could not see for sure in her position.

  Two rough sets of hands pulled her over the horse and carried her like a sack of wheat. They took her to the side of the castle and dropped her on damp grass, then turned their backs. Was she supposed to relieve herself while they stood close by? The orange lasso bound her arms to her side, so she could only lift her gown a small measure. Unwilling to miss the opportunity for relief, she squatted and did her best to keep her gown dry. When she was finished, she hoisted herself up. The guards went to carry her again, but she stepped back.

  "I can walk,” she quickly assured them.

  They shrugged and grabbed both her arms and led her toward a single tower. The only entrance was a weathered oak door. They pushed her through and led her up a steep, spiral staircase. One missed step and she would tumble down to her death. The muscles in her legs burned by the time she reached the top.

  Breathless, she asked, “Is it necessary for this chamber to be so high?"

  The guards smothered their smiles and creaked open the wooden door to a lone chamber. She went inside and turned to see the door slam close. “I take a goblet of French wine before sunset."

  The guards laughed, then the distant thudding of boots echoed down the stairway.

  Bravado failed her once she scanned the high dungeon. Unlike the Robert's dungeons, this one was filthy. The old rushes were soiled. A brittle chair sat in the corner, its feeble, scratched wood threaded with gray mold. She wondered if it had the strength to hold a person without collapsing. A bed of straw lay on the ground in the corner, its mass probably filled with rats.

  Why was she here? And where was here? She had neve
r traveled far from Gleich Castle, so her knowledge of direction was limited. She hoped Coira was all right and did not fall foul to her captor and his guards. The lump that lingered in her throat was hard to swallow. Her only hope was that her maid had escaped to send help.

  * * * *

  Coira lay naked on the bed, her legs open to allow her master full view of her womanhood when he entered his chamber. Where was he? Coira heard the commotion below some time ago and still he had not sought her out.

  Rolling over the side of the bed, she pulled out the black book from her sack. If he did not come for her, he would certainly come for this book. Opening the old cover, she explored the yellow pages, her eyes widening at the curses of dark magick. If she had the power, she would use it against Lord Tremayne. Have him see to her every need instead of the other way around. She hated how he could command her with such cruelty and she would obey, then beg for more. Since he had sent her to Gleich Castle, he had been more interested in the Lady Gavenia than her.

  Why did he bother with the spoiled witch when he could have his sex maid anytime he wanted? Perchance he sought ransom? Either way, he would soon bore of the maiden lady and come back to her. All men did.

  The chamber door opened and her master entered. He peeled off his damp tunic and threw it to the floor. His gaze then shifted to her and darkened. Coira remained still, unsure of his mood. He kneeled on the bed and leaned over. Finally, she was going to receive incredible pleasure only he could give. She opened her arms.

  He snatched the book from her lap and closed it shut.

  "Never touch this book again!” He turned to sit on the edge of the bed, his solid back to her. His head tilted when he began to flick through the pages.

  Coira smiled and crawled over to him. She desperately wanted to put her arms around his neck and press her breasts against his back, but she knew to touch him without his consent would mean being banished from his chamber for a whole season. A mistake she would never make again.

  Instead she lay down beside him, her hands over her head to make her breasts available and appealing. She waited for him to look. But still he ignored her. She sighed, adverting her gaze.

  Goddamn it, look!

  She sighed louder.

  "Get off my bed,” he commanded without breaking his focus on the book.

  Pouting, Coira rose and swiftly dressed. Anger fueled her movements as she shoved on her slippers. It took all her effort not to scream at him. “What do you plan to do with Lady Gavenia?"

  Finally, his head jolted up at the mention of her name and his eyes brightened with lust. He used to have that same look when she was new to his chamber. Now they were dull when he looked upon her. Curse Lady Gavenia!

  "'Tis of no consequence to you, Coira. Go down to the kitchens and see if they need help.” He returned to reading.

  Kitchens! She seethed with humiliation and fury.

  This was all Lady Gavenia's doing.

  She went to storm out of his chamber, but halted when she saw a blade on the table by the door. With her back to her master, she stole the dagger.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Seven

  "Argh!” Gavenia struggled with the evil contraption around her waist and arms. She rubbed her back against the damp wall to loosen the tight hold, but it did not budge. There was nothing in the dungeon she could use to dislodge the orange chain.

  Her knees buckled and she collapsed to the floor, the taste of bile in her mouth.

  When she escaped these binds, she would shower upon her captor a year of rain and thunder, flooding his keep and destroying his crops. A furious scream lodged in her throat. She fought again within the tether, her strength depleting as she continued to resist.

  Gavenia slumped, her heart aching with hopelessness. A flood of tears broke through the last shreds of control. She rested her forehead on the filthy rushes, her long hair covering the humiliation on her heated face. When were Father and Callum going to come for her? Mentally, she calculated how long it would be before they reached her. If Coira fled home and summoned her father, it would not be until two moons at least before they arrived. Gavenia groaned. She did not think she could last much longer with the chain cutting into her skin.

  Echoes of footsteps on the stairway came closer. Awkwardly, Gavenia pushed to her feet and raised her chin. She would not show these heathens that she was afraid. If only she had a hand to wipe the tears from her face. Tilting her head, she rubbed her cheek against her shoulder. It did not erase the moist path on her face, but it would have to do.

  The keys rattled in the lock.

  Her stomach clenched tight, her palms sweating.

  Be brave, Gavenia, be brave.

  The oak door swung open.

  "Coira!” Gavenia smiled with relief. “How did you get past the guards? No matter.” Gavenia turned around. “Undo this vile chain. Quickly."

  Gavenia waited for her to approach, why was she taking so long? “I canna believe you are rescuing me by yourself. I hope you sent word to my father. Hurry, Coira, we do not have much time before the castle will be alert."

  Silence from behind made Gavenia uncomfortable. She turned to look at her maid. Coira's stood in the doorway, a long dagger gripped in her hand. Her hazel eyes blazed with contempt.


  "He is obsessed with you,” she accused in a low voice, her lip curling into a scowl. “I know not why. Look at you ... you are pale and slim. Too weak and inexperienced to give him the passion he needs."

  "Coira?” Gavenia whispered. Her heart hammered in her chest when realization sunk through. “You betrayed me? Why?"

  "Betrayed is a word for friends. I was never yer friend,” she spat. Holding her dagger high, she stalked toward Gavenia.

  Gavenia turned to face her and stepped back until she was flush against the wall. “Your death will be painful, Coira. I have foreseen it!” Gavenia watched her falter, her eyes blinking.

  "I care not for yer prophesy."

  Gavenia began to chant a protection spell, but the tether around her arms tightened until she felt her ribs were going to break. She fell to the ground, breathless.

  Coira grabbed a handful of her hair. Gavenia screamed as her hair was pulled tightly from her scalp, her eyes stinging with tears. The cutting sound of the blade sickened her as soft locks fell to the ground. There was nothing she could do. Her hair was ruined.

  Coira stood back and laughed. “Now let us see if he remains interested in you."

  Gavenia lifted her head; her gaze darted to the open doorway. Her pulse beat wildly as blood pounded in her ears.

  She had one chance.

  Pushing to her feet, Gavenia goaded, “He will never love you. You will always be a servant to him.” Gavenia didn't know who they talked about, but by the reaction of Coira's heated face, she must have hit the mark.

  Raising the dagger above her head, Coira screamed with rage, but Gavenia rammed her head into her stomach, knocking the wind from her rival. Coira fell to the floor and gasped for air while Gavenia ran out of the dungeon. She forced herself to slow her pace down the steep stairwell or risk losing her balance.

  A scream echoed down the stairwell and Gavenia stopped. Coira would be coming down any moment. She hurried her steps until she found a guard racing up. Without pause, she kicked his face. He rolled down the stairs and remained motionless at the bottom.

  Gavenia continued her decent. When she reached the ground level, she stopped and kneeled beside the guard.

  He was still breathing. Thank the Gods.

  Rising, she ran outside into a wall of immovable flesh. She went to look at her obstruction, but he swiftly bent and swung her over his shoulder. All she could see was his firm, round backside in black chassis tucked into leather boots.

  She kicked her legs, hoping to unbalance her weight, but he held her tightly as if she weighed nothing more than a turkey.

  "Put me down. I demand you release me at once!"

  Her c
aptor remained silent and trudged her weight up the staircase. Her breathing became increasingly difficult, each step taking her air away.

  When they reached the top, she heard Coira screeched, “That witch attacked me!"

  "Out!” commanded her captor. The fury in his voice made even Gavenia shake with fear.

  Coira shuffled around them and gave Gavenia a scathing look before fleeing down the stairs.

  At last, when her captor released his hold, Gavenia would be able to see his face. She heard the click of his fingers and suddenly her eyesight faded into blackness.

  She could not see anything!

  "Dear Goddess! What have you done?"

  He swung her over his shoulder and stood her on her feet. Rubbing her eyes, she felt his presence move closer to her.

  "Why are you doing this? Please, I pray you, let me go."

  The dark threaten to overwhelm her as she blinked, striving to see the feeble light from the dungeon's small window. Gavenia sensed that he was a hand width away from her face. She could smell mint. It was not an unpleasant scent, but she trembled all the same.

  "Please, at least release this bind, I can hardly breath."

  She felt rather than heard him growl. Like a living snake, the bind turned icy cold and loosened, releasing her arms only to wrap around her waist. Gavenia sighed. She was not released from it, but at least the bind was no longer tight.

  She stood still, unsure whether to thank her captor or reach out and claw his unknown face. Silence grew thick with tension and unanswered questions.

  His presence filled the room and enveloped her senses. “Say something,” she murmured, but received no response.

  He was so close, too close.

  "Say something!"

  He ran his fingers through her short hair and Gavenia flinched at the tenderness of his touch.

  A low voice rumbled in her ear. “Coira will be punished."

  The dungeon filled with a chilly breeze and the door slammed shut.

  Her eyesight gradually returned and she ran to the door. Grasping the handle she rattled the locked door and pounded her palms against the unrelenting wood.


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