Savage Outlaw (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 8)

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Savage Outlaw (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 8) Page 28

by V. Theia

  But it was Roux telling him to sit his ass down, so he parked it and waited for her to come back. Soon as she was done he fixed his mouth to the side of her neck. She had shit bedside manner but lucky for him he wasn’t interested in that.

  He could work with what he had and right now they were in a kitchen in the clubhouse and he was feeling some dick stirring shit for her.

  “Remember when I said I wanted to peel you out of your panties? Now is that time, baby, so get back over here.”

  The woman he fucking worshipped didn’t falter when she attacked his mouth.

  He fucked his way in with his tongue. Kissing her like a mad man who was obsessed with only one woman.

  It didn’t take them long to christen one of their back rooms.

  Life was gonna be good with a Tucker, he thought, only because he intended to turn her Savage as soon as he could.

  She was the woman born for him.

  Not that he was lucky to deserve someone like her.

  But he had every intention of earning every fucking smile of hers.

  Didn’t matter if they were in two worlds or forty two.

  In every sense of the word, he was born to love her too.

  He’d already put a ring on her finger.

  Now he needed to get his claimed patch on her too.

  Then she’d own his ass forever, that was the damn truth.


  “Souls + Diablos = a perfect Savage.” - Roux

  Nearly three years later

  It was a big day.

  Mother nature didn’t get that memo because the snow was so thick on the ground and in the sky. She wondered how they were even going to leave the house at all.

  If Tad thought it was too dangerous … as he put it … then he’d make sure they stayed home. Her lanky biker with a heart of gold and skilled medical hands took their family’s safety seriously, even in the face of crappy weather.

  Roux pulled the living room blinds aside to watch her husband clearing the pathway. It was the second time that week, the snow was not letting up at all.

  “Papa in the snow?” A sweet voice asked behind her, tugging on Roux’s hoodie. She turned to smile at her curly haired daughter. Her little short tongue speech impediment was the cutest thing ever and always made Roux smile when Coco tried to sound her S’s. They knew when she was school age she’d need a speech therapist to work with her, but while she wasn’t quite three yet, they let their daughter be as magnificent as she already was.

  “You wanna see?”

  Coco jumped up and down, excited.

  She had one temperament and that was animated. Coco saw the good in everything and treated every little thing as outstanding. When she’d been pregnant, Roux was almost certain the kid of Lucifer would be born. But they’d gotten Coco. A bundle of six pound perfectness. Her mop of black hair and pursed lips, she didn’t even cry, not at first, as if she was assessing her surroundings.

  Roux hooked her up, put Coco on her hip and then pulled the string to lift the blinds so they could both watch Tad out in the yard. Immediately Coco thumped her fist on the window. “Papa! Papa! Yook at me. Yook at Coco.”

  Tad turned, wearing his dark gray cable knit sweater, a dark blue beanie hat pulled down over his ears, and his forever biker boots looking like the man of her dreams. He grinned, blowing a kiss. Making Coco dissolve into giggles.

  He sent Roux a wink.

  Her stomach muscles clenched.

  The love was still so huge. And such a force in their life.

  If it wasn’t the most powerful thing in the world, she didn’t know what was.

  They’d had some rare time together this morning. He’d been at the club until late, Judge was in a fight and needed medical attention. While she was half asleep and aroused with his mouth attached to the side of her neck, he’d tried talking her into another kid.

  He was out of his tree.

  The answer to that was easy. A big fat no. and Tad knew why.

  His fucking cannon dick.

  She wasn’t sure if she forgave him yet.

  There had been no preparing Roux on that first ultrasound to be told there were two heartbeats.

  Two. Heartbeats.

  Dumb as a rock, she at first thought the sonographer meant her heartbeat plus the baby’s..


  Roux had two babies in there.

  She swore Tad walked on water for weeks while she stayed in a state of disbelief.

  Crew was born not even a minute after Coco. The spitting image of his dad. He tried to do everything Tad did, it was hilarious. The first time Tad sat Crew across his lap on his bike in their driveway and edged the bike forward just a few feet, their boy went wild with happiness.

  He was a born biker, that much they knew.

  One of Crew’s favorite places to be was either at the Souls compound or his Grampy’s club.

  It was going to be a tossup who Crew prospected for in years to come.

  Tad came through the door, she heard him banging snow off his boots then helping Crew out of his snow jacket, before her dark haired angel boy came bounding through and got back to the pile of toys in the middle of the rug.

  “What’s the verdict?” She asked, letting Coco down so she could fly across to Tad. He stooped to his knees and smiled when Coco wrapped her hands around his neck. “Esk’mo tiss, papa.” She demanded and the pair rubbed noses.

  He rose and then that’s when Roux got her kiss.

  It was soft and long, with a promise of more later when they’re alone.

  “Roads are clear, should be okay if we leave in an hour. We can always bunk at the club if it’s too bad to get home.”

  The club wasn’t ideal, but she could make do because it’s a big day for the Souls.

  Their infamous enforcer was being released from prison. He should be right now making his way across the country with Hawk and Snake who went to meet him.

  “You decide you want to stay home, it’s okay, baby.”

  “I need to see Luxe anyway.”

  He chuckled and drifted his lips down her cheek, holding the back of her neck to keep her in place.

  She loved when he did. He always started by tracing her face with his lips, he said he was leaving his Butcher mark behind.

  Roux knew she’d married a possessive freak.

  And there was not one thing wrong with that.

  They were more in love now than they’ve ever been.

  Doing her own touching, she rushed her fingers up the back of his sweater.

  “Do me and Grinder need bail money ready?”

  Roux rolled her eyes. “Nah, we should be good.”

  “This time.” He added.

  “It was one time, Thaddeus. And we were only locked up for three hours before Archie got us out.”

  Tad, Axel and Grinder came to the local cop shop looking like they were about to spring them free brick by brick. Her family were so dramatic.

  “Roux, you were both pregnant.”

  They’d had their first almighty argument that night when he’d gotten her home.

  It was fine and it all worked out. They weren’t to know the underground card game was going to be raided. Luxe being her stooge, taking cues from Roux on how to win worked famously that first game for Ruiz, so the girls decided to make it a regular thing. Her biker did fret for days afterward though and Roux had to promise to be more careful in her criminal activities.

  Was it Roux’s fault she was brilliant at cards? She’d be wasting her talent not to utilize it.

  And she hadn’t in a good while. Not until she’d heard from old contacts that there was a game coming up in Mormon country.

  She had to go; it was too much money to pass up.

  Her and Luxe made a great criminal team.

  “There’s no risk of jail this time. No one ever fucks with a Benz game, so you don’t have to worry your cute little head,” she teased, using her nails on his bare skin to elicit a groan from him.

/>   He dropped his head, pressing their foreheads together. With their kids in the background fighting over the collection of L.O.L dolls, this was as much privacy as they got. She rose on her toes to meet his mouth. Teasing her lips to his. “Don’t get smart with me,” he warned hotly. Dropping his hands to her ass. “I’ll put my fucking foot down and forbid you to play with Luxe if you’re getting into too much trouble.”

  Arousal and amusement slid through her. “Is that right? What you gonna do, get dad to ground me?”

  “I don’t need your dad to keep your little ass at home.” He rasped, a thickness to his voice meant he would use all his sneaky tricks he could.

  He had no intention of banning her from anything.

  Her Tad was an enabler for anything Roux wanted.

  Some would say she was spoiled. Chains said it all the time, but what did that asshole know anyway, he did the same for his new old lady.

  She liked him bossy. It was something she found out when they got together.

  Not too bossy or she revolted and made him chase her down, it didn’t matter that they were blissfully married, she made herself a vow to make Tad work for it if he needed to.

  And in return she loved him to the point of mania.

  It was no joke.

  He had that drowsy look in his hooded eyes that said they’d be going nowhere but the bed if she went on rubbing his crotch.

  She did it again and he groaned, squeezing her ass, helping her tease him.

  “We don’t have time,” Roux reminded him, nipping her teeth on his bottom lip. The sweet one she loved sucking to drive him mad. It didn’t take much; her man was affected by anything she did to his body. A touch here, a glance there and he turned into his savage namesake to get her down to her skin and him inside her.

  Over the years she tested his limits and he had a very short line.

  Maybe it was the separation they had to endure that kept their spark alive and thriving.

  “Fuck,” he cursed fanning her lips with his minted breath. “Lawless won’t even notice we’re not there,” he tried, starting to inch up her shirt so he could touch her skin.

  She shivered the moment he did, and it had nothing to do with his cold fingers. She pushed into him, crazy for more.

  Always crazy for more.

  It was insane and she reached up to his mouth. The windowsill dug into her butt as he leaned his weight on her, he tipped her head back with the aid of his hand around her neck. “They’ll want a nap soon,” he bargained, sucking her neck and Roux swallowed her moan.

  She was tempted. Beyond belief. “Or we can toss them at your dad’s place. He said Scar was driving him crazy anyway, we’d be helping him out.”

  Roux chuffed. Tad thought anything was being helpful with Axel when it benefited him. She didn’t think landing him with the kids was gonna help if he was in another heated row with Scar. If it was anyone else she’d tell them to fuck that tension already, but it was her dad and that was gross.

  It was insane that in the space of a year, her dad, Chains and Reno had all found love. Oh, not all plain sailing. Plus that shit with Ruin assuming he was going to share Reno’s girl, like the twins had always done … yikes.

  She was tempted to toss the kids at their favorite Grampy, even if it got in the way of her dad’s love life. But then their other Pops was coming into town tomorrow for two weeks so they’d have lots of alone time.

  Her and Tad found weird and kinky ways to be together when the kids were awake. Roux never knew they could both fit in the pantry until she ended up getting her brains banged out one afternoon while trying to stop the jars of mayo from falling to the floor.

  She was tempted to stay warm at home curled on his lap making him reach his limits.

  But she also knew how important today was.

  The Renegade Souls were going to be full numbers again.

  He’d visited Lawless without fail once a month, taking the long drive to Wyoming.

  Tad needed to be there to welcome his brother home.

  Roux, more than anyone understood the closeness of a MC brotherhood.

  “Keep it in your pants for a few hours, tough guy.”

  He groaned like he was in pain and bit her lip, causing heat to flood down to her panties.

  “Why you gotta tease me until my dick is raging?”

  She stroked her finger over his stubble and lips. “Because I can, my savage man.”

  He knew it better than most.

  He called her wild.

  Maybe she was.

  She still did things any normal wife shouldn’t.

  All her friends, barring a few, were men and he was fine with it because Tad was confident in her obsession with him. She saw no other man in that way, they were lumps of jelly in comparison to him.

  “You saying you don’t like me teasing you, Thaddeus?”

  This got him growling and nipping more kisses out of her. If he had his way her poor mouth would be kiss swollen for all to see.

  “The day I mind is the day you can shoot me, Cookie.” She earned a slap on the ass as he stepped away. “Put on your warm coat, I’ll wrangle these two.”

  He’d put all their toys away first in the box by the fireplace. He’d also make sure everything was put away in the kitchen. Her man still had his OCD tendencies. Roux knew her and the kids must drive him crazy because they were all so messy.

  She stopped him by pulling his shirt, he raised an eyebrow.

  “I love you; you know.”

  His nostrils flared with lust and he took the one step separating them. She saw every fleck of color in his eyes and he smiled. Slowly. So, fucking sexy.

  “More than ever, Roux.”

  Yeah, more than ever sounded about right.

  They tapped lips like an old married couple. Letting their arousal build and simmer until it exploded later when they had the time to play. Until then it would sizzle between them with every small touch and glance.

  God, it would be a tossup who gave in and attacked the other first.

  Savages always attacked.

  “Butts up,” he declared to the kids. “Bathroom for teeth and hands.”

  “Then we gets candy, papa.” Crew announced because he’d taught them right. Bribing kids always worked.

  She smiled watching him grab both laughing kids under his arms like footballs and wrangle them out of the room.

  Thank god she’d been in a shitty mood and not watching the road the day her car crashed into his. Or she would have missed out on this feeling.

  The feeling of having a savage outlaw belong to her and knowing there was no ceiling on their love and what they’d do for each other.

  He’d taken a beating for her.

  And she’d gone against her MC for him.

  And neither of them had a regret about that.

  Time to put on her game face and her claim patch he’d given her years ago and be part of the Renegade Souls for a few hours. Though her and Tad knew in her heart she would always be one of those disreputable Diablo Disciples.

  He’d never wanted her to change, just exist in her world as well as she did in his.

  Two worlds could combine sometimes.

  When it was always meant to be.

  The End

  Guess who’s next :-} More Renegade Souls MC coming soon.

  If you can’t wait to find out, there’s an exclusive peek at biker9 in the paperback.


  For my tribe of amazing ladies, I couldn’t do it without you. You make my words shine. You read first drafts that are so pants I hide under rocks from embarrassment and yet you are so full of praise and encouragement. I love your dedication. Thank you so much!

  It’s been quite an unprecedented time to write books during a world pandemic. We’ve needed the escape of our romance books more than ever, but it’s also been the most difficult time to immerse myself in fluffiness. At times I didn’t know whether I’d write a single word at all. But what has gotten
me through and continues to, is the unwavering encouragement and chaotic cheering of my readers wanting more from the bikers. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. More than ever, this book is for you. The Butcher and his Roux got their story finished because you were all so incredibly supportive.

  Be safe, babes. Wear your masks, don’t lick anyone (yet) be kind to everyone. And remember, a book boyfriend is always there when you need him.

  Love always. Xoxo

  Also by V. THEIA

  Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Series:

  Dirty Salvation

  Preacher Man

  Tracking Luxe

  Hades Novella

  Filthy Love

  Finally Winter

  Mistletoe and Outlaws Novella

  Resurfaced Passion

  Intimately Faithful Novella

  Indecent Lies

  Law Maker Novella

  Taboo Love Duet:

  It Was Love

  It Was Always Love

  From Manhattan Series:

  Manhattan Sugar

  Manhattan Bet

  Manhattan Storm

  Manhattan Secret

  Manhattan Heart

  Manhattan Target

  Naughty Irish Series:

  Naughty Irish Liar


  Website: HERE

  Author Facebook: HERE

  Readers Group: HERE

  Be the first to know when V. Theia’s next book is available.

  Follow her on Bookbub to get an alert whenever she has a new release.




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