The Wishing Stone

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The Wishing Stone Page 11

by Allison Smith

  “We’ll be back before you know it.” Ethan chuckled in an effort to assure Lara, while his glance at Lucien was more suspicious.

  The frown lines on Lara’s forehead softened. “Well, if you promise to miss me, then I guess we could make it in a couple of days.”

  Slapping his palms on his knees before standing, Ethan announced, “It’s settled then. I’ll make our plane reservations for tomorrow, and before you know it, we’ll be home.”

  Lucien met Ethan’s gaze, silently acknowledging that they would talk later.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The plane left right on time with Lara and Ethan safely buckled in the first class section. Sadly, she watched the island become smaller until there was nothing but the blue ocean below.

  Turning to her companion, she asked, “Do you think he’ll be all right with us gone?”

  “Of course, he will,” Ethan answered matter-of-factly, but his thoughts seemed somewhere far away.

  Shortly before their arrival, the hospital had admitted many families struck down by an epidemic that Lara had only heard about as a child. Without the funds to buy the valuable immunizations most people received during their childhood, everyone in this small town was now susceptible to smallpox.

  Walking among the young and old, Lara was saddened that what Americans took for granted these poor people could only pray for. The cries of pain and suffering gave her a helpless feeling until the doctor allayed her fears that the new equipment would indeed save the majority of his patients. The list was long, extremely detailed, and meticulously printed, leaving no doubt the importance of every item needed.

  Turning to Ethan, she noted his relief that Lucien’s money would be used for the crowd of people occupying the many cots, haphazardly strewn throughout the ward.

  Lara peered optimistically up at him. “Do you think we came in time?”

  His mouth quirked up in a shadow of a smile; “I’m sure we have. Do you have the entire list?”

  At her nod, he settled his arm across her shoulders and they walked out of the small hospital, their job complete, to return to the airport and then home.


  Pacing in his room, Lucien missed the peace and companionship Lara gave him but was happy she was safely away. His business with his attorney completed, he decided that now was the time to take care of Marissa and Steven, before they had the opportunity to get their hands on his wife or Ethan.

  Thankfully, they didn’t know that Lara was now his wife. Heaven help his mortal wife when the news was spread. With firm resolve, he concentrated on Marissa’s favorite lair.

  As his image faded from the room, the doors to the bedchamber flew open and Lara excitedly ran in.


  “We’re back!” Lara announced gaily but drew up short when she noticed the room was empty. Thinking he would be back shortly, she opened her suitcase and began to put away her clothing before taking a shower.

  Lara showered quickly and turned off the faucets, grabbing up the fluffy towel and drying off her body. She hesitated at her abdomen. While she was at the hospital for Lucien, the doctor had confirmed her suspicions. She was indeed pregnant. She wanted to tell him as soon as she walked through the door, but it would have to wait.

  With her hand resting on her flat stomach, Lara stepped from the steamy cubicle and walked into the bedroom. Opening the closet doors, she pulled a pale peach sundress from a hanger and turned toward the bed.

  Steven stood before her, startling a gasp from her. She grasped her towel tightly against her breasts. As his teeth flashed in a bright smile, she took a hesitant step back. “What...what do you want?”

  “Is that the way to talk to your loving ex-husband?” He moved easily toward her.

  “Lucien said—” His mouth covered hers, cutting her off. She pushed against his chest and tore her lips from his cruel demanding ones. “I’ll ask you again before I call out for help. What do you want?”

  Anger flashed in his eyes, but after a moment he inclined his head. “I...or I should say we,” he motioned to Marissa, who stepped out of the shadows, “need your help. Like I told you before, I’m working undercover and would appreciate any assistance you could give us.” As if anticipating her refusal, he added dryly, “I would hate it if the police were to investigate your lover. I’m sure he has something incriminating to hide that you wouldn’t want anyone else to find out about.”

  At her skeptical look, he pushed further, “Like, why no one ever sees him in the light of day? Or where did all his wealth come from?”

  Not wanting anything to happen to Lucien, she hesitantly yielded, “I’ll help you. But you have to promise me that Lucien will be safe.”

  A feminine laugh pulled Lara’s attention from Steven to the blonde woman. Marissa glided toward them, scanning Lara’s figure with a discerning eye.

  “I still don’t see the attraction.” Marissa muttered rudely before walking over to the closet.

  Uncomfortable by the other woman’s frank perusal and comment, Lara became aware that she stood naked with only the towel as a shield from the calculating stares. Snatching up the sundress, she pulled it over her head and smoothed it down her body. Going back to the closet, she closed the doors with a snap, effectively cutting short Marissa’s rude appraisal.

  Ignoring the sparks of anger fairly shooting from the other woman’s eyes, Lara turned back to Steven. She stood with her legs braced apart, her arms folded across her chest. “Tell me what you want me to do, and then I don’t ever want to see you two again.”

  Steven smiled, and Marissa’s eyes gleamed, and for the first time Lara wished she had never agreed.


  A thick black scrap of material covered Lara’s eyes as Steven’s voice explained to her that this precaution was necessary. “Where we’re going is top secret. Many lives are at stake.”

  She hadn’t known they had left the house until the pair informed her. Blindfolded, Lara was led by Steven through the corridors of the building they had transported her to. She heard the rattling of a key in a lock and then the sound of a door opening. Then someone shoved her inside and slammed the door closed with a loud bang.

  Falling to her knees, Lara heard the lock turn, securing her in the room’s confines. She removed the blindfold and quickly searched her surroundings. The room was a small cubicle without windows. Dust from the floors covered her palms and knees as Lara stood. Brushing it off, she slowly turned in circles. Finding no way out, she called out for Steven.

  Her voice echoed in the deserted building, and with a sob, Lara sank to the floor, calling herself a fool for trusting Steven, again.


  Not finding Marissa at any of her usual haunts, Lucien returned home. The sight of his wife’s opened suitcase brought a joyful smile to his face as he went in search of her. The bathroom appeared as if she had indeed been there but had moved on. Out in the hallway, he ran into Ethan on his way to the kitchen.

  “How did everything go?” Lucien asked as he continued to search for Lara.

  “Everything has been taken care of, just as you wanted.” Laughing at his obvious preoccupation, Ethan responded, “She’s not out here, nor at the beach; I just came from there. Did you try your room?”

  “Yes, she’s not there. Where could she have gone? She couldn’t have just disappeared into thin air.” As soon as the words left his mouth, Lucien had a sinking feeling she had done just that.

  “Son of a bitch,” He ran back to their suite with Ethan close on his heels.

  As the men stopped to survey the room, the unpleasant odor of roses wafted through the still room, leaving no doubt who the mysterious visitor was.

  “No!” Lucien bellowed as he stalked to the closet where he kept a stash of weapons. He had to get his wife back alive. He turned to Ethan. “I don’t want you involved in any of this.”

  “You can’t stop me. Besides, I want to make sure Lara’s unharmed, too,” Ethan countered.

en nodded. “Just leave Marissa to me. I believe I know where to find her.”

  Together, they faded from the room.

  As their bodies began to form in his coastal home, Lucien wasn’t surprised to smell the roses. Facing Steven and Marissa across the room, Lucien noted that Lara was nowhere in sight. “Where is she?”

  Calmly inspecting her nails, Marissa took her time before lifting her gaze to meet his. Pushing up from her chair, she glided toward him. “I see you have your little lapdog with you,” she glanced disdainfully over at Ethan.

  “Where is she?” Lucien ground out, again.

  Long red nails dragged up his chest as she rubbed her breasts against him. “Who are you looking for?”

  Taking her shoulders in his large hands, Lucien flung her away from him with an oath.

  At the threat to Marissa, Steven advanced but Ethan cut him off. Steven gave the other man a cynical glare as he sized him up.

  “Leave him,” Marissa said to Steven. “They won’t harm either of us if they want Lucien’s little whore to remain alive.” Her last words were spoken with a smile as she stared straight into Lucien’s eyes.

  Lucien clenched his teeth. He dare not risk Lara’s safety by losing control.

  Turning away from him, Marissa spoke over her shoulder to Steven, “I do believe he would do just about anything for her.”

  Lucien stood perfectly still waiting for her to make her demands.

  Marissa seemed annoyed at his stubbornness. “Would you be willing to devote your entire life to me?”

  Forcing a grim smile, Lucien walked up to her and put his palm on her cheek. “Yes, I would. But before I do, I want to make sure Lara is still alive and unharmed.” Removing his hand, he lowered it to his side, his fingers curling into a hardened fist.

  Lucien walked away from the sultry blonde. His eyes meeting Ethan’s, he silently asked for enough strength to keep from attacking the other two vampires before locating his wife.

  Finding that deep inner strength for his plight, Lucien turned back to Marissa. “You will let Lara go unharmed?”

  “You don’t have to worry about your little mortal,” Marissa responded flippantly.

  Lucien nodded. “Before the night is finished, I need to feed. So if you’ll excuse us both, we’ll be leaving.”

  “I understand,” Marissa pouted, seemingly pacified with his submission. “But I will see you tomorrow night at the farmhouse in Paris.”

  “We’ll be there.” Lucien nodded.

  On silent agreement, he and Ethan traced back to the master suite on the island of Maui. Lucien paced as his mind whirled around different strategies of finding and saving Lara. Ethan paced with him.

  “I’ll contact my father,” Ethan said. “He’ll help you with this bitch.”

  “No,” Lucien stated in clear precise tones. “I don’t want Damien involved in any of this. He needs to keep his distance from both of us. One of his enemies might take advantage of him.”

  “The idea that you would still protect my father against his enemies now when you now need his help just irks me. It’s about time that he faced his responsibilities.” Ethan just shook his head as he left the room.

  Sitting at the foot of the bed, Lucien knew what he would do. First thing tomorrow night, he would head for the largest hospital and prowl for anyone and everyone who needed his help. The more he fed, the stronger he would become. There would be no caution this time.

  He had come to terms with his leaving this existence long ago. When he had sent Lara and Ethan away, Lucien had made sure his attorney held his new will that would give all his possessions to his wife. Upon her death the remainder would then revert to Ethan since there were no children.

  There had been no time to plan for offspring.


  Huddled on the floor of her small cell, with her knees tucked up under her chin, Lara shivered as another chill shook her body. The cold stone floor held no warmth, and without any windows, there didn’t appear to be any hope for heat. Tugging the knee length dress over her legs, she tried to warm her flesh. A small spider skittered across the floor in front of her face, but Lara ignored it, wishing it would just disappear while in her mind she screamed out for Lucien. The certainty that he was attuned to her mind kept her repeating the litany of words in her brain. “Be careful, Lucien! They mean to harm you!” The fear for her own life was the farthest thing from Lara’s mind. If they had wanted her dead, she would be dead by now.

  No, they wanted Lucien.

  The thought of the blonde woman had her gritting her teeth. How a woman’s jealousy could carry through for centuries was beyond her thinking. All Lara could ascertain was that this woman had changed Lucien into the vampire he hated. With that conviction was the scarier notion that Marissa had to be mentally unhinged.

  Fear clawed at Lara as she imagined what could happen to her husband. Again, her mind screamed for Lucien to be careful.


  Alone in their bed, Lucien was startled from his sleep as Lara’s voice echoed through his mind.

  Be careful!

  Relief that she was still alive; prompted Lucien to check his watch. Sunset was approaching.

  He rose from the bed and shrugged into the usual black garments, then began to ready himself for what could be his last night on this earth.

  Minutes later, he materialized in a New York hospital. With his mind fixed on Lara, he went from patient to patient checking for any hopeful signs of recovery. The ones who held no hope, he swiftly drained their bodies, not caring if anyone walked in on him, his need was so great.

  After eleven bodies lay pale and lifeless, Lucien straightened over the last. Heat flooded his normally cool face, proof that he had had his fill. The grim reminder of Marissa and her evil had him turning his back on the room as he traced to the farmhouse in Paris.

  The crowd of vampires mingled with their unwary human guests. The room swelled with noise. At the far corner, Lucien surveyed the layout, searching for a glimpse of his wife. She was still alive; her thoughts rang in his head. And right now he knew she was afraid. Her terror almost had him tearing the place apart, but that would be folly.

  No doubt Marissa was planning on that as her lackeys kept him always in their sights. Calmly, he drifted among the people, exchanging pleasantries while inside he was exploding with rage.

  Chapter Fourteen

  In the small cell, Lara felt as if the walls were closing in on her. The sound of the lock turning brought her head up, straining to see who was there. Steven stood in the doorway. His hard eyes travelled over her as he approached. He halted with his feet splayed and stared down on her.

  She valiantly scrambled to her feet, brushing the wrinkles and dirt from her dress and legs. She lifted her chin, silently challenging him.

  A smile curved his lips, but his eyes never softened. His hands went to her breasts, squeezing their fullness, eliciting a whimper from her. She beat ineffectively at his chest.

  Laughing, Steven cruelly dug his hand under her dress between her thighs. With no time the previous night to slip undergarments on, his goal was unhampered. His fingers wound ruthlessly in the thatch of curls that covered her womanhood as Lara bit her lip to keep from crying out. Just as brutally, he shoved his fingers up her dry passage and ground his mouth into hers. He wanted her to beg him for mercy, but she refused to give him the satisfaction.

  Gagging when he shoved his tongue into her mouth, Lara futilely fought to push him away. The nails on his fingers cut into her tender flesh as he pushed his fingers further up into her tight opening. Salty tears fell from her eyes, and Lara prayed for this torture to end soon, but Steven wasn’t finished yet.

  Grasping her hand, he held it against the front of his pants. His heavy arousal pushed against the restraining material, making her angrier and more desperate as she pummeled her fists until she was free of his embrace.

  Calmly lifting the hand that violated her, Steven began to undo his trousers while st
alking Lara.

  The purring voice from the opened doorway halted him in midstride. “Darling, you know I can’t let you have your fun yet.”

  Folding her arms across her chest, Lara backed into the corner of the room, glad that Steven had stopped but uncertain of what they had planned to do next. After a few private words with Steven, Marissa left them and Lara waited for his next move, her hand hovering protectively over her baby’s nest.

  Refastening his trousers, he walked toward Lara with a hand outstretched. “Take my hand and we’ll leave this place,” he coaxed, softly.

  Ignoring his words and his hand, Lara started to back away but the solid wall stopped her. A cunning smile wreathed Steven’s face as his hand clasped hers. She closed her eyes in despair.


  As he strode a second time through the room, Lucien still found no sign of Lara’s presence. For that matter, he hadn’t noticed Marissa or Steven either. The volume in the room suddenly died down, alerting Lucien to scan the area for the cause of that silence.

  On a platform high above everyone’s head, he saw the slim form of Marissa. Dressed in a bright red sheath, she smiled at her audience and waited for their full attention.

  “I am happy to see you came tonight, my friends. I want you to join me in celebrating a dream that has finally come true. This evening you will witness the high and mighty Lord Lucien Saint become what he was truly meant to be, mine.

  “In fact, to insure this binding contract, I have taken the liberty of requesting the presence of a judge to perform our marriage vows.” She smiled at the somberly dressed vampire at her side. “I don’t believe there is any problem with the judge being one of us?” Marissa directed the question to the austere man.

  “There are none at all,” the Supreme Court judge answered.

  Several men clapped Lucien on the back with words of encouragement. Ignoring them, he again searched the room, still with no results.

  “To celebrate this great turn of events, I have invited a special guest.” Marissa purred as Steven appeared with a blindfolded Lara on the platform. Walking to their captive, Marissa snatched the black cloth from her eyes.


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