A Brief History of Science with Levity

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A Brief History of Science with Levity Page 15

by Mike Bennett

  At the time of writing he is still holed up in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, knowing that if he steps outside he will be arrested by the British police and extradited.

  Edward Snowden, who was a former intelligence analyst for the American secret service, is also in a similar position. He revealed details of their unauthorised covert surveillance of the American public, which also went far beyond their remit.

  While I was working in the Middle East, my colleagues and I often went to Dubai at the weekends in order to get a drink and relax. There are a lot of other expats to be found in Dubai at the weekend for similar reasons. One evening we were talking to a couple of English guys who were in the same place as us. As the conversation progressed, I told them that I was based in Aberdeen, Scotland. I asked them if they had ever been to Scotland. They replied that they had both only been there once, and had stayed in Arbroath for two years. You then immediately know that they were with 45 Commando of the Royal Marines without them needing to tell you. No Englishman would go to Scotland once and stay in Arbroath for so long for any other reason.

  When I told them this, they admitted that they were indeed ex-45 Commando, and were now working for a private security firm protecting people in Iraq. Although they never said so, I assumed that they were working for the main private security firm operating in the Middle East. I still keep in touch with them. I have since been told that following the Arab Spring uprising several years ago their company has created an independent commando unit of almost 1,000 troops based in Dubai. They consist mostly of mercenaries from South Africa and South America. This is because the UAE feel that should serious unrest arise within their own country, the local security services may not be willing to fire on fellow Muslims.

  Let us now look at a CIA operation in the UK before we start to discuss the activities of Mossad. I was in Aberdeen at the time of the bombing of the Pan Am 747 over Lockerbie. I watched the whole thing unfold on TV and it was quite horrific. I was subsequently informed by a friend of mine who works in the Scottish police force that within hours of the crash, the Americans (presumably the CIA) were on the scene. He said that they took control of the initial stages of the investigation and recovery from the Scottish police force. I find this incredible, as they were reported to have been bagging and removing certain items from the crash scene.

  It was later reported that e-mails had been sent from the US State Department to the US embassy and consulates in Germany advising that their personnel and their families returning home just before Christmas should not use this flight. The only explanation that I can think of for this is that either they knew something would happen to the aircraft, or they knew that something was on board that should not have been there.

  Before I sold my first company I spent a lot of time in the Middle East, as a large proportion of our business came from this area. During that time, I was attempting to obtain new contracts in Iraq. This was immediately following Operation Desert Storm, and almost every part of their infrastructure needed to be rebuilt. I attempted to get contracts from many angles, but was always told that I must speak to a major US corporation operating in the region, which is widely believed to be the main overseas operating arm of the CIA. Although my company had been operating successfully in the Middle East for many years, we were unable to even get on the tender list for a single contract in Iraq.

  A few years later, when I was back in Dubai again, I uncovered the reason for this. When in Dubai I usually stay with a friend who lives in the five-star Al Murooj Rotana complex just across the road from the Burj Khalifa tower, which was under construction at the time. While drinking in one of the bars in the complex one evening, I got talking to an American who was an extremely interesting gentleman. We got on well so he invited me up to his apartment for a party later that week. I saw a box of his business cards during the evening, and asked if it was okay to take one so I could contact him the next time I was in Dubai.

  I then got one of my friends with the necessary security clearance to obtain information on him. He was indeed a US Navy Commander, as stated on his business card. However, I was informed that he worked at an Air Force Base in the desert nearby. I saw him leave the hotel one morning, picked up in a Humvee by men dressed in desert camouflage. I am almost certain that he must have been an important figure in US military intelligence. He did not live on the base but in a penthouse suite in a five-star hotel in Dubai. I have since been told that as he agreed to give me a business card and disclosed no information to me, I am permitted to name him as Commander B. Trout of the US Navy.

  I subsequently spoke to another man from his base who I cannot name due to the information that he disclosed to me. I told him about the problems I was having even getting on the bid lists. He informed me that the company concerned was indeed the main commercial operating arm of the CIA, and the way it worked was as follows.

  Before the Gulf War even started, the American military had precisely planned the key elements of the Iraqi infrastructure that were to be destroyed. He informed me that this company had already awarded the contracts for rebuilding all of the Iraqi infrastructure before the first bomb was even dropped. He told me that if you are not a US company, don’t even bother to try to get the work. I should have suspected this, as during my many attempts to contact them I was often referred to an Admiral Cash (US Navy retired). He never did return my calls.

  Now let us move on to Mossad. My knowledge of their activities stems from information that I was given by an Israeli friend who I’ve known for over twenty years. For the purposes of the book, I will call him Yuri. I trust him, as we have both helped each other on many occasions regarding business contacts etc.

  As usual, my friends with good security clearances looked into him. Mossad is very secretive, which is probably why they are so effective. The most I could find out was that he was listed as a Colonel in the Israeli army, but I am almost certain that he is a former Mossad operative due to the incredible detail that he told me about some of their operations. He never admitted to this, and said that the information came from a military liaison officer who had contacts inside Mossad. Whatever.

  One of the most fascinating operations that he revealed to me was the detail of the Israeli strike on Saddam Hussein’s nuclear reactor. At the height of his power, Saddam Hussein decided that Iraq needed a nuclear reactor for peaceful energy generation. Nobody was quite sure why he needed this, as Iraq pretty much floats on oil.

  Obligingly, the French, who are notorious for selling just about anything to anybody so long as they can make a buck, agreed to build one for him. Yuri told me that Mossad agents were quietly laughing among themselves, as they knew more about what was going on than the Iraqis themselves.

  I think that Mossad may well have been in cahoots with the French on this one. They waited until the construction of the reactor was completed, and the French received their final staged payment. Following the completion of the reactor, and before the fuel was actually shipped from France, the Israelis decided to take it out.

  They sent in a squadron of F-15s to do the job, but they needed to fly through Saudi airspace. They therefore put an Arabic-speaking interpreter into one of the warplanes. As they entered Saudi airspace they were confronted by the Saudi ground controllers. The Israelis told them that they were a military training flight, and the inept Saudi controllers fell for it.

  The attack was timed so that they would approach the reactor at dawn out of the rising sun. The first wave of aircraft demolished the protective concrete dome over the reactor, and the second wave completely destroyed the reactor itself. All of the aircraft returned safely to Israel.

  Everybody knows about the raid on Entebbe due to the books and films that have been produced on the subject. However, another episode that Yuri related to me that I did not know about was further details of the Iraqi supergun story.

  When in power, Saddam Hussein realised that he had no chance of penetrating Israeli airspace with warplanes, so he
bought scud missiles from the Russians. The Israelis had a good deal of success in intercepting them, so he decided to build the world’s largest gun so he could shell Tel Aviv from within Iraq. The gun was supposed to have a calibre of around one metre, and be capable of firing shells weighing several tons.

  At the time, there were only two companies in the world capable of building a gun barrel of this size. The contract was given to Forge Masters in Sheffield, and the construction of the barrel began. Due to its size, it had to be constructed from many sections, which would be joined together once the gun was on location. The order was allegedly for pipeline parts for the Iraqi petroleum industry, but the technical specification was so tight that people within the company started to question what the actual purpose of this heavy-duty pipe really was.

  The man who designed the gun turned out to be Dr Gerald Bull, who was the lead engineer of the HARP (High Altitude Research Project) team, and probably one of the world’s foremost experts in the design of long-distance artillery. When Mossad got wind of the project, Dr Bull was quietly murdered one evening, and the British Customs were alerted to the real purpose of these pipes. They were promptly impounded before leaving England, and Saddam Hussein never got his supergun.

  I believe that this type of thing goes on all the time. I believe that it also happens in the UK if you are perceived to be a serious risk to upsetting the status quo. Although I have no independent knowledge other than what has been reported in the press, I remember the case of the hapless scientist who had been summoned to be an expert witness on weapons of mass destruction at a parliamentary hearing.

  Although he had done nothing at all wrong himself, and had no history of any type of mental illness, we were told that he committed suicide just days before the hearing. His only mistake was to advise the government on WMD, the evidence of which was used as the basis for Britain going to war, and then be required to reveal what he actually told them under oath.

  My initial direct encounter with the Secret Services themselves came soon after the superconducting turbine became operational. One afternoon I was visited by two men and a woman. The men were dressed in dark suits, and the woman was wearing an expensive-looking business jacket and skirt. I initially thought that they were Mormons or some other sect canvassing for money. However, without showing any identification, they started to question me about the turbine. I told them that without identification, I was not prepared to speak to them and they should leave.

  How could they know about this? I was so concerned that after they left, I removed and hid the key components from the turbine under the insulation in the roof. Within hours, uniformed officers from the Grampian police force entered my premises with a warrant. The entire turbine (they thought) complete with all of the ancillary control equipment was confiscated. I was informed that my activities were in breach of radio communications legislation, and that the equipment was allegedly causing serious disruption to important communication networks in the area.

  The next day I distributed the key components of the turbine to my friends around Aberdeen. I suspected that when their experts examined it, they would discover that key pieces were missing and return.

  As already discussed, prior to designing the superconducting turbine, I examined the other patents that had been awarded in this area to establish the current state of the art in this technology. The most significant work that I found was a German patent awarded eight years previously (DE 198 32 001 A1). I then tried to think outside of the conventional box in order to develop this basic concept. The inventive steps that I incorporated were accepted by the international patents authorities, allowing me to proceed with my own patent application.

  In the next chapter I include the full description, operating principles and drawings of the superconducting turbine as they were originally filed with the patent office (UK IPO). I have been informed that this is acceptable, as this information was already in the public domain prior to my first direct encounter with the security services.


  The original patent with a detailed description and drawings are now shown. The documents and technical drawings pertaining to this patent are shown in Figures C to H.





  The present invention relates to a device for moving a mass and/or generating a force effective for modifying the gravitational field, and in particular to a turbine adapted to generate a propulsive force or thrust, induced by interaction of strong coupling between electromagnetism and gravitation and electron-positron annihilation in a superconductor exposed to a rotating electromagnetic field. Furthermore, the present invention relates to a method for generating such a force.


  Gravitation, or gravity, is a natural phenomenon by which physical bodies attract each other with a force proportional to the mass and the reciprocal of the distance between the two bodies. A typical example of the effect of gravity is an object with a mass falling to the surface of the Earth when dropped from a height above that surface. Gravitation is also responsible for keeping planets or satellites in orbit around a larger mass. For example, planets of our solar system orbit around the sun and the moon orbits around the Earth due to the gravitational effects between these masses.

  Furthermore, gravitation is one of the four fundamental interactions of nature, along with electromagnetism and the strong and weak interaction. In modern physics, gravitation is described using the general theory of relativity in which gravitation is a consequence of the curvature of space-time, which governs the motion of inertial objects. Thus, in the framework of quantum field theory, it is possible to describe gravity analogue to the other fundamental forces, such that the attractive force of gravity arises due to exchange of virtual gravitons, in the same way as the electromagnetic force arises from exchange of virtual photons. That said, this approach fails at short distances of the order of the Planck length (1.616252×10-35 meter), where a more complete theory of quantum gravity is required. However, the simpler Newton’s law of universal gravitation provides an accurate approximation for most calculations.

  Therefore, it is generally understood that when moving any object with a mass in a direction other than towards the direction of the gravitational field (i.e. the gravitational field of the Earth), a force has to act on the object to overcome the effects of that gravitational field.

  For example, in order to move an aeroplane up and through the air, sufficient force has to be generated by its engine(s) to overcome the Earth’s gravitational field. The required force is provided by aerodynamic lift generated from the aeroplane’s wings moving through the air at a speed above a predetermined threshold. The required speed may be provided by thrust that is generated by the aeroplane’s jet engines. Jet engines are, simply put, internal combustion engines powered by a turbine in which fuel combustion is used to generate mechanical energy. From this example, it is clear that overcoming the Earth’s gravitational field is one of the major factors responsible for the engine’s fuel efficiency. Thus any means that could either shield or modify the effects of the Earth’s gravitational field would have a considerable effect on the fuel consumption of any engine utilized to oppose gravity and may therefore significantly decrease the costs of transportation.

  In the currently available state of the art, various aspects of gravity control have been hypothesized, theorized, tested and examined by numerous research groups and individuals in order to find alternative means of propulsion.

  For example, in the first half of the 20th century, Prof. Biefeld and T.T. Brown discovered that a high potential charged capacitor with dielectrics exhibited unidirectional thrust towards the positively charged plate when the atoms of a material are placed within the electric field of a capacitor. This phenomenon is called the Biefeld-Brown effect, which suggests a strong coupling be
tween electricity and gravitation. Subsequently, the term “electrogravitics” has been widely used in connection with the Biefeld-Brown effect since the mid-20th century.

  It is hypothesized that electrogravitic processes use an electric field to charge or, more properly, polarize an object and counteract the effects of gravity.

  More recently, Bernard Haisch, Harold E. Puthoff, and several other physicists have shown connections between electromagnetism, notably the electromagnetic zero-point field, and inertia, and have speculated about possible further connections with gravity. Physicist Ning Li and engineer Eugene Podkletnov have, respectively, shown theoretically, and reported observing experimentally, anomalous gravitic attenuation effects above a superconducting disk spinning in a strong magnetic field, such as is produced in a Meissner effect demonstration apparatus. Giovanni Modanese has conducted further experiments on the phenomena seen by Podkletnov and has reported some additional, much stronger, but transient, anomalous gravitational effects.

  However, according to the current state of the art, none of the above experiments or calculations were able to demonstrate a local decrease of the gravitational field that could practically be utilized for generating a propulsive force.

  Accordingly, it is an object of the present invention to provide a propulsion engine or improve the efficiency of propulsion engines by modifying the gravitational field.


  Preferred embodiments of the invention seek to overcome one or more of the above disadvantages of the prior art.

  According to a first aspect of the present invention, there is provided a device for generating a force suitable for moving a mass and/or modifying the gravitational effect of masses, comprising:

  • a layer assembly rotatable about said centre axis, comprising at least:


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