A Brief History of Science with Levity

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A Brief History of Science with Levity Page 19

by Mike Bennett

  However since the 1970s, experiments have been performed repeatedly, demonstrating that a single electron fired at a pair of slits will produce a diffraction pattern on the far side. An explanation was offered by Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. This states that as a particle gets smaller its position is more difficult to establish. Once you get down to the atomic and subatomic levels, a single particle will take all possible paths simultaneously, and therefore produce the diffraction pattern.

  Some concepts in physics are difficult to understand. I think this is because they defy our common sense. However common sense is only gained as a result of the experiences that we have built up by observing the world around us throughout our lives. As we have no experience at all of events occurring at the atomic and subatomic levels, it is understandable that we cannot apply common sense to the observed behaviour of these particles.

  The particle/wave duality of light is currently better addressed by quantum physics, but there are still unanswered questions.

  Today, physicists are talking about particles named bosons. It is currently believed that many fundamental particles are in fact bosons at lower energy states, and that bosons are the fundamental building blocks of the universe. This theory is still being researched, and at the time of writing remains unproven.

  I would now like to discuss an incident that took place a number of years ago regarding UFO sightings in the airspace over Belgium. This was widely reported in the press at the time. I personally do not believe in extraterrestrials having visited us from other star systems. I believe that this is just a convenient cover story for the advanced and secret activities of the US military.

  We already know that the Americans looted the Skoda works near Pilsen in 1945. Not only did they take the entire hoard of top-secret scientific work and research of the Nazis, but they also got virtually all of their top scientists as well. This vast pool of advanced technology was then shipped back to the US.

  We know that gravity can be artificially manipulated, as attested to by the many repeatable experiments performed and patents that have been awarded in this area. However many credible witnesses in the 1940s reported that the Nazis had developed this propulsion system to the point where large disks were observed flying silently in the skies around western Czechoslovakia.

  As the Americans have been in possession of this technology for about seventy years now, it is not difficult to imagine the advancements that they achieved considering that the Germans reached this point after a matter of just a few years’ research.

  Many people who believe that extra-terrestrial beings have visited Earth point to examples such as the construction of the pyramids, and say that the ancient people of that time did not have the technology to build such structures on a perfectly level base etc. I cannot agree with this, and many of the assertions made can be explained away simply.

  In order to make a perfectly level base for a pyramid, you simply need to mark out your square on the ground and then dig a ditch along the edges of the square. If the ditch is then lined with clay and filled with water, the base can be adjusted until the level of water in the ditch is the same all around the periphery. This is one of the basic techniques that some bricklayers still use today in order to build level walls.

  Now let us return to the discussion of the Belgian UFO incident. This occurrence was again observed by many credible witnesses from many different locations, and was considered serious enough that the Belgian Air Force scrambled F-16 fighters to investigate. The various eyewitness accounts corroborated each other, and people observed these objects accelerating from stationary to supersonic speeds in just a second or two. They were also observed to make almost ninety-degree turns virtually instantaneously while travelling at supersonic speeds.

  This incident was explained away by the authorities as atmospheric phenomena, and the corroborating radar evidence was allegedly due to malfunctioning equipment. When this incident was subsequently investigated by knowledgeable journalists and scientists in this field, it was obvious that the explanation offered by the authorities was completely untenable.

  Recordings of the radar tracking data of the incident were examined in great detail. Data was obtained from one civilian ground-based air traffic control radar, and also from a military ground-based radar which used a completely different system and was made by a different manufacturer. In addition the air-to-air interception radar data from the warplanes scrambled during this incident was also evaluated. Again this was yet another type of radar system from a third manufacturer, but the data from all three separate radar systems matched perfectly.

  I believe that the only realistic explanation of this incident was the testing of a highly advanced type of aerial vehicle. We already know that gravity drive propulsion exists, and the huge accelerations and violent high-speed turns recorded would be quite possible provided that this system had been developed in order to act as an inertia cancelling system.

  Should an air vehicle attempt to perform any acceleration or a change in direction that would generate forces of hundreds of G, this would obviously destroy any conventional aircraft and kill any pilot using our current disclosed understanding of materials, science and medicine. However if a second gravity drive is on board the craft, and instantaneously creates a 100 G field against the craft and its occupants as a 100 G turn is executed, the aerial vehicle and any occupants would feel no effect from this. It is only a small step in terms of theoretical physics to develop an inertia cancelling system from an artificial gravity propulsion system.


  The one thing in particular that confirms to me the secretive nature and disinformation that has, for a long time, surrounded government activities can be summed up by one word that has recently entered the English language in a new context. The word is “redempted”.

  In both Europe and the US, recent legislation has been enacted regarding the release of information to the public under the Freedom of Information Act. This obliges government authorities to release any known information that is legitimately requested by journalists, researchers and other groups.

  The problem with this is that they get around the legislation by one of two means. Firstly, if no known information on the topic requested has been released previously, an information request will normally be returned saying that no records on this subject exist. The second method is if information is known to exist, the information is released to comply with the law but it has been redempted. This means that much of the information released has been blacked out and is therefore impossible to read. However the department releasing the information has complied with the letter of the law, but certainly not spirit.

  There are ways of getting around this. Much of this information was originally typed in Times New Roman script. This script compresses or expands the text depending on the length of the individual characters. For example, “I” takes up the shortest line width, and “W” takes up the longest. By using this analysis of the text, it is possible to reinstate some of the redempted information.

  During my research for this book, I made many requests concerning any data available regarding numerous different topics. When the redempted information arrived I used this approach, but I also took the blacked-out papers received to friends of mine who were working inside the atomic energy and weapons programmes during the 1960s and 1970s. These scientists are now retired and in their eighties, but they were able to fill in the great majority of the information that had been censored. Although they were all originally bound by the Official Secrets Act, I do not think that the UK government would gain any public sympathy by taking any action against such elderly gentleman for releasing information that is now decades old.

  Before we get into this, the other amusing phrase that the British government has recently introduced into the language is “fiscal easing”. This is apparently the politically correct way to disguise the fact that you are printing banknotes as fast as you can in order to temporarily ge
t yourself out of the brown stuff. It didn’t work for the Nazis (just look what happened to the Reich’s Mark), but it does sound more palatable to the public than bailing yourself out of a hole by printing money.

  Everyone knows about the Trinity nuclear tests and the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but the subsequent development of nuclear weapons has been the subject of Western disinformation for decades.

  Throughout my life, I have listened to and read reports in the British media attempting to convince the public that we were way ahead of the Soviets in terms of advanced technology. As the years progressed, and I was in possession of the full facts relating to the cases reported at the time, it was apparent that these early press releases were disinformation of the highest calibre.

  The West has always claimed that the Soviets and Russians are the masters of disinformation, but from my own observations and my interviews with retired former government nuclear scientists, I believe that the Western governments are every bit as guilty.

  We all know that the CIA used the U2 spy plane to detect the Soviet missiles being located in Cuba with a capability of striking the US mainland. This event was probably the closest that the world has been to nuclear war since the development of the atomic bomb. What transpired later, and was not reported at the time, was that the Soviet action in Cuba was in response to the US positioning similar short-range nuclear missiles in Turkey, capable of striking the Soviet Union. This important piece of information conveniently went unreported at the time, and the Western media declared a great victory for JFK.

  Another very significant piece of history that was never reported in the UK press, and I believe has never been publicly disclosed before this book was published, is the development of Delta Plutonium. During the 1960s and 1970s the Western public were continually assured that we were well in advance of the Soviet Union in terms of both weapons technology and delivery systems.

  The Soviet Union successfully tested its first atomic bomb in 1949. They then successfully tested their first hydrogen bomb in 1953, which was only one year after the first successful test of a hydrogen bomb in the United States.

  The difference between the early atomic bombs and the hydrogen bomb is as follows. The early atomic bombs were constructed using two targets of either uranium or plutonium, which were made to combine as a result of a conventional high explosive detonation. Both uranium and plutonium have what is known as a critical mass. This means the mass at which spontaneous fission (detonation) will occur when a sufficient quantity of either fissile material is combined.

  Therefore the two targets must both be below this critical mass within the weapon, otherwise it would detonate during construction. The hydrogen bomb uses a completely different principle. It uses a conventional atomic explosion to compress a core containing the hydrogen isotopes of deuterium and tritium. The compression within the detonating bomb causes the nuclei of the hydrogen isotopes to fuse into helium, releasing huge amounts of energy.

  This principle, the nuclear fusion of hydrogen, is exactly how energy is created within the sun and other stars. As the core size of a hydrogen bomb will not affect the critical mass that limited the size of conventional atomic weapons, the explosive power that a hydrogen bomb can generate is virtually unlimited.

  After the Soviet Union detonated its first hydrogen bomb in 1953, the Americans overflew the detonation site with a U2 spy plane. They collected atmospheric samples for analysis. They discovered that the atmosphere around the blast site contained a high level of the element osmium. Osmium is the densest material naturally occurring within the Earth’s crust. At the time, the Americans believed that the Soviets surrounded the core of the bomb with an osmium jacket in order to concentrate the fusion reaction, and to increase the yield of the detonation.

  The US and British believed at the time that any highly dense material could be used for this purpose, and that the Soviets had chosen to use osmium only because significant deposits of this element are available in the Ural mountain range.

  Osmium is normally found alloyed with noble metals such as platinum, gold and silver, and also as the compound osmium tetroxide. Osmium tetroxide is a toxic nonmetallic substance that is used as a solution in biology, known as osmium acid, for staining fat cells for examination under a microscope.

  The information obtained from this U2 mission was shared with the British Atomic Weapons Research Establishment (AWRE) at Aldermaston, and the British agreed with the conclusions of the Americans at that time. It took several decades before the true reason for the Soviet use of osmium was discovered by the West.

  Plutonium is a very unusual metallic element. Virtually all other metals remain as a solid with a certain crystalline structure until they are heated to their melting point. They then become a liquid. Plutonium does not behave in this way. When plutonium is heated, and as a certain temperature is reached, instead of melting it just changes its crystalline structure (slumps) and then re-crystallises as a new solid structure as the temperature continues to rise.

  It took another thirty years for the British and Americans to discover that the best usable and temperature-stable form of weapons grade plutonium was a special alloy known as Delta plutonium. Delta plutonium is an alloy of plutonium and osmium. Yet during the Cold War the Western governments deceived the public into thinking that we were so far ahead of the Soviet Union in terms of weapons technology.

  Today, plutonium/osmium binary alloy phase diagrams and allotropic transformation data with orthorhombic, face-centred cubic and other crystalline transformations etc. can be purchased from the web.

  Plutonium has six crystal structures. At room temperature, pure plutonium is hard and brittle and difficult to machine. In addition to its temperature stability, Delta plutonium with its cubic crystal structure may be cast and machined readily.

  My source for this information was a retired UK government scientist who attended the 1985 Geneva conference on the peaceful uses of atomic energy. He quoted to me:

  “The Russians published a great quantity of information regarding plutonium alloys that amazed the UK and US with their details. We did not use osmium for this purpose, and at the time the composition of our attempts to make a stabilised alloy was a closely guarded secret.”

  Probably the greatest scientific and engineering advances that I have seen since the 1970s have been in the area of semiconductors and computing. When I was at school in the early 1970s, I had never seen an electronic calculator. We had to bring our slide rules to the maths and science classes, and if we forgot our slide rules, we received a rap across the knuckles and were issued with log tables.

  I remember the first time that my father bought an electronic calculator to show us I was absolutely amazed. My father worked at a major nuclear research facility, and they had just purchased these calculators for around $400 each (and that was forty years ago). They were only capable of performing the four basic mathematical functions, and were about half the size of a typewriter with cold cathode display tubes as opposed to using a screen display. Today people give away calculators the size of credit cards that can perform these functions and more just for opening a bank account.

  It is generally accepted that the first electronic calculator/computer was the Colossus machine built by the code breakers at Bletchley Park during World War II. Its purpose was to help in decoding the highly complex Enigma cipher used by the Germans at the time. The scientists who worked on this project summed it up by saying that instead of looking for a needle in a thousand haystacks, with Colossus they were now looking for a needle in just one, but still a mind-boggling task as the Enigma cipher settings were changed so frequently.

  The Germans believed this code to be unbreakable, but it was successfully broken by the scientists at Bletchley Park. Winston Churchill famously said that the data provided by Bletchley Park probably shortened World War II by two years, and saved millions of lives. For the readers who have not seen the film Enigma, it is enthralling and f
actually based, and I highly recommend watching this film.

  By the early 1980s, the advance in semiconductors and computers had reached the point where their use was becoming commonplace in the work and office environment. When I started my first business in 1984, the computers that we initially purchased were the Vectra model manufactured by Hewlett-Packard. At that time, IBM pretty much had the market cornered with their PC AT desktop computer.

  These were fairly bulky machines that still used cathode ray tubes for the display. However this machine became the industry standard at that time, as you could easily open it up and there were many spare slots on the motherboard to insert additional cards for the specific tasks that you wished the computer to perform. At that time, I remember that for a Vectra computer fitted with the additional data processing and signal evaluation cards that we required, the cost was around $15,000 per machine.

  Today, for about $1,000 you can purchase a laptop or tablet with the computing power and speed of a roomful of 1980’s mainframe computers that would have been cutting-edge at the time. In addition to the vast increase in clock speed (computing speed) that computers gained over the years, I think the most amazing advances have been made in data storage and memory capacity.

  All 1980’s office computers had extremely limited memory, and to backup anything you needed to use the internal 3.5 inch floppy disk drive. Each disc had a paltry memory of only 1.44 MB. Therefore in addition to your computer, you needed to purchase an external zip drive if you wanted to backup and store any reasonable amount of data. These drives had an initial capacity of 100 MB, and then subsequently 200 MB on each removable disk.


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