Young Widows Club

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Young Widows Club Page 5

by Bridy McAvoy

  His touch was electric against her skin and, despite her misgivings, she could feel herself starting to melt into his embrace as he closed the small distance between them, the front of his shirt brushing against the skin of her back through the open vee of her dress. After a moment she allowed her hands to drop. The front of the dress hung for a moment on her bra-encased breasts then dropped to catch around her waist. She closed her eyes and wriggled her hands free from the tangle of the straps of the dress as he increased the pressure of his lips against her neck.


  The soft sigh escaped from her mouth before she could stop it as his hands dropped to her waist and she knew she had only seconds before the dress hit the floor, leaving her in her underwear. She stayed still, passive, allowing him to manipulate her body, and felt the thin cotton of the dress slither against her nylon stockings as he pushed it over her hips and let it fall. She stood there now in her black underwear, the lace of the strapless bra containing, but not totally concealing, her breasts. The front of the panties covered her mound, but the high-cut legs left the cheeks of her butt uncovered, something he would discover as soon as she moved away from him.

  She sighed again as his hands returned to caress her naked flanks and, as his touch intensified, she bent her head to one side, allowing him access to the soft sensitive skin under her ear. He chuckled, the sound seeming to reverberate through her flesh as he kept his lips in contact with her, then lifted them off to nuzzle her ear.

  “Minx. You’ve got more pool to play yet, and I can’t wait to see how you look, bent for a shot in just these skimpy pieces of lace.”

  He held her close as he whispered in her ear and she shivered as she too pictured how she would look. The idea was obscene, yet somehow exciting too, and the results of that excitement unexpected. He held her close for another few seconds before gently moving her away, his hands rising along her arms, sending tingles of delight through her system as they brushed her skin on the way to her shoulders. Once there, he gently pushed her until she took a step forward, his hands holding her at arm’s length. She knew without looking back at him that his eyes were drinking in the view of her from behind, only the tiny triangle of fabric covering part of her ass, and the thin strap of her bra bisecting her back. She’d already discounted the strip of matching black lace around her waist—the garter belt didn’t count as far as he was concerned—and she guessed that would stay on, regardless, even when events progressed to their inevitable conclusion.

  She kicked the tangle of her dress from around her feet and once again closed her eyes as he trailed his fingers from her shoulders down onto her back and then onto the outthrust curve of her rump.

  “Very nice. Now, please, turn around.”

  Angie swallowed hard. There wasn’t really much point in refusing his request. She’d come this far, and however she played it from here he would see her in just her underwear, even if she screamed and tried to leave. The final kick that had freed her from her dress had been harder than she’d intended and it now lay crumpled and remote, some four or five feet from her. It might as well have been on the moon, or even in orbit, for what little good it could do her now. When she didn’t turn immediately his hands rose back to her shoulders and he started to exert a twisting pressure, still gentle, but a pressure nonetheless. She wasn’t quite ready to face him, to watch as his eyes drank in the exposed expanse of her body, peering at her partially exposed nipples behind the lace of her bra.

  Instead of letting him complete the motion, she spun quickly and stepped forward, crushing herself against his chest, following an instinct as old as the hills surrounding their little estate. His arms closed protectively around her back, holding her close. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, and guessed he could too. Lower down she could feel a reasonable start of his erection, not hard yet, but well on the way. It pushed against her tummy and she felt an answering pulse of desire deep within her own core.


  His hand rose to brush the hair on the back of her head, a comforting motion that stilled her trembling as she clutched the front of his shirt with her fingers.

  “It’s all right. We’ll take it slowly. Okay?”

  She nodded, but didn’t raise her face to look at him, unable to bear the look of lust she expected to see in his eyes if she did so.

  “I know this isn’t easy for you, Angie, but…”

  Without finishing his sentence or waiting for her to reply he brought his hands back to her shoulders and eased her away from him. She had to take a step backward to preserve her balance then gulped as she realized there was now enough of a gap between them for him to look down and survey her body. She kept her own eyes downcast, still unable to look him in the eye as he held her at arms’ length.

  “You look fantastic. Really, really sexy. Thank you for taking the effort to put on such sexy lingerie for me. Gorgeous.” He chuckled before continuing. “You look good enough to eat, but we’ll get to that later.”

  The heat rushed to her face and she brought her chin up to look him straight in the eye. He was watching her face for her reaction as she took in his joke.

  “Now, young lady, we have some pool to play, and I think it’s my break.”

  She forced herself to take a deep breath then regretted that as the heave of her chest drew his eyes back down to her breasts. “I guess so.”

  “Good. Let’s play.”

  Robert turned his back on her and for the next minute or so concentrated on setting up the balls for the next rack. She stood there watching, feeling a bit like a spare part, as he more or less ignored her, set up the white where he wanted it, then bent and clattered it into the pack. His softly whispered expletive drew her attention to the table and she tried to smile as she realized he’d made a legal shot but nothing had dropped, and she now had a straight, albeit long, shot on the one-ball.

  Robert turned from the table and looked at her again. “Be my guest.”

  She tried to force a smile to her face as his eyes swept over her, drinking in every detail of the flesh she now displayed. Angie strode past him and retrieved her cue from where she’d left it leaning against the far side of the table then moved around to the end she would be playing her shot from, all the while conscious of Robert following her. She bent over for the shot, conscious of how this made the panties taut across her ass, how her breasts fell forward in the cups of the bra, straining against the lace as if they wanted to pop out. The lace scratched against her nipples. She knew he would be able to tell they were swollen already. Since the room was warm, it couldn’t be from exposure to cold air. She shivered as she felt him move closer to stand next to her.

  “Are you sure you’ve got the right line on the shot?”

  “Yes.” She knew her terse reply sounded as if it came through gritted teeth but she fought the desire to move away and stand up again. She felt his fingertips running up and down her back, tracing the line of her spine and, shivering, broke her stance and stood up.

  “We’re going to be here all night if you don’t stop that.”

  He shrugged then grinned. “We’ve got all night, anyway.”


  His meaning was obvious and she struggled to control her reactions, mixed as they were. She bent to her shot, and this time she felt his hand touch the outside of her thigh but below the lace top of her stocking.

  “How am I supposed to make the shot while you touch me like that?”

  He bent over until his mouth was next to her ear, his hand still tracing circles on the outside of her naked thigh, now above the stockings, as he breathed his answer to her. “You’re not.”

  He straightened, chuckling, but left his hand there, his other hand returning to caress her back.


  “Not at all. I told you any exposed flesh became fair game and uncontested territory. Now, play your shot or concede a penalty.”

  Furious with him, she hurriedly drew back the cue an
d fired the white toward the one-ball with way too much force. The inevitable consequence came and she missed the pocket by several inches, and had to concede the table to him. Robert promptly sank three balls in quick succession then missed the four-ball, leaving her control of the table again.

  This time he stood a few feet away, watching her as she stretched to make the shot. Angie guessed he’d deliberately left her in a position where she had to really reach to make the shot, and he could admire the lines she made as she stretched. Blotting him out was easier seeing as he wasn’t touching her, so the four-ball disappeared into the hole and she executed the right-hand English perfectly, lining up the next ball in such a way as the five would be a natural pot too.

  The five, six, and seven-balls disappeared just as quickly, and Robert maintained his distance as she bent over a difficult eight-ball. When that went down he applauded, then came close to her, standing behind her as she bent over to take on the tricky nine-ball for the rack. She knew that standing right behind her as he was gave him a great view of her butt, and she trembled at the thought of him looking at her in that way. Although the front of the panties was opaque, the rear triangle was just lace and he could probably make out every detail from his vantage point. She had to broaden her stance to be balanced enough to take the shot on and squealed in surprise when she felt his fingers touch the sensitive skin on the inside of her thigh.


  “Exposed flesh, remember.”

  His fingers rose up her leg and she trembled as they approached, but didn’t quite reach, the gusset of her panties, the only layer of fabric preventing him from exploring even more intimately. Angie forced herself to stand still, trying not to react any further as he continued to torment her with feather-light caresses with just the tips of his fingers. She could feel her nipples crinkle against the lace of her bra as her body responded to the stimulation and her breathing grew harsher the longer it went on. It was obvious to her that he wouldn’t stop unless she stood up, and if she stood up without taking the shot he would start again the second she bent down.

  Trying to calm her thumping heart, she concentrated on the shot but was unable to shut out the way he continued to stroke her thighs. Even so the nine-ball hit the middle of the back of the pocket and dropped out of sight, the white coming to rest in the middle of the table. She put her cue down and used both hands to push herself back into a standing position, rising on suddenly unsteady legs as he broke the contact and stepped back.

  “I believe that’s fifty dollars you owe me.”

  Robert inclined his head in acknowledgement and drew his wallet from his pocket, counting out two twenties and a ten, and handed them over to her, a solemn look on his face, although his eyes still sparkled with a mixture of amusement and lust. She’d left her purse upstairs so had nowhere to put the money. In a fit of devilment she couldn’t explain, she thrust the folded notes inside her bra. Robert’s eyes widened in surprise as he watched her. She grinned at him, her confidence returning despite her relative lack of clothing.

  “Rack ‘em up again, kind sir. I’m quite partial to taking this kind of money from you.”

  Her giggle spoiled the air of nonchalance she’d strived for but was rewarded with an answering one from him.

  * * * *

  The next two racks went a similar way, with Robert taking every opportunity to touch her, putting her off her shots as well as teasing her into a higher state of arousal. As she added the third fifty dollars’ worth of notes to the growing stash of itchy paper inside her bra, she had to admit he was achieving at least half of his aim. She wasn’t missing her shots. He wasn’t successful in putting her off, but her level of sexual heat was on the rise. The combination of the exposure to his eyes and the almost constant touching and caressing was having an inevitable effect.

  The next rack went wrong for her again at the break. This time, though, she potted two balls, but the white ricocheted off the eight-ball straight into the middle pocket for a scratch. From the resultant ball in hand he potted every ball and she had to return fifty dollars to him as per the terms of the wager. The next rack was even worse. Robert had a good break and ran the rack dry without her even getting a shot as she nervously stood in the corner sipping her wine. She wasn’t sure if it was the wine or just the nerves, but this time when she fished another fifty dollars out of her bra cup, she accidentally pulled the lace too far down and her breast popped out.

  “Oops! Sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry on my account.”

  She couldn’t prevent the red flush that covered her face and, she guessed, down her neck onto the upper slopes of her breasts as she sorted out her wardrobe malfunction. She was still blushing when he finished re-racking the table and handed her the white, enabling her to break off once again.

  This frame was cagey, with neither of them getting a run at the balls, but when she missed the six, leaving it close to the pocket, the result was inevitable, and a minute or so later Robert leaned his cue against the table and walked over to her.

  “Are you going to hand me the rest of my money back, or would you prefer me to fish it out for you?”

  The memory of her inadvertent flash was still high in her mind and she blushed again at the not unpleasant prospect of him putting his hand in her bra to extract the money. In fact, despite the embarrassment, she almost said yes to him getting it himself but thought better of herself at the last moment, and pulled the last three notes from her bosom without a word, handing him the money which she belatedly realized was warm from its close contact with her skin.

  “Thank you, but my break I think.”

  She nodded glumly, remembering how on his last break he’d run the entire rack without giving her a shot. If he repeated the feat this time, something she had yet to manage herself, she would be losing one of her last two pieces of clothing. She struggled to remember but thought he’d said the bra would be next. The idea of playing pool with her naked breasts swinging in the air wasn’t a prospect she felt comfortable with. Given both the purpose of the evening and the wager she’d agreed to, she couldn’t back down. As he broke off and potted the three-ball, she shuddered at the way the balls had opened up for him.

  “Nice break.”

  “Thank you.”

  She tried hard not to let her nervousness start but then remembered something else—the way he’d been interfering, or trying to interfere, with her shots by touching her exposed skin. Once she’d lost her bra there would be a lot more exposed skin for him to touch and, given his actions so far through the evening, there was no way on earth he wouldn’t be touching and fondling her breasts and sensitive nipples as soon as they were out in the open.

  She gulped and reached for her wine glass before realizing it was empty. Refilling the glass took her attention away from the table, although the almost metronomic thump of balls hitting the pockets reminded her how close she was to that moment of exposure when she’d be losing one of the two items she still wore.

  There was a moment of silence following the clack of two balls hitting each other and she waited for the seemingly inevitable thud as a ball hit the bottom of the pocket but there was nothing. She turned her attention back to the table just in time to hear Robert vent his frustration.

  “Shit! I thought I’d got that one.”

  The six-ball had wobbled in the jaws and spilled out, rolling about a foot along the cushion with the white at virtually the other end of the table, also close to the cushion. Even worse from Angie’s point of view, was the position of the nine-ball, blocking three-quarters of the six from where the white was.

  Robert looked at her and shrugged. “Sorry, that wasn’t intentional. I can take it again if you like.”

  She shook her head. “No thanks, I’ll shoot from there.”

  Since she hadn’t been paying attention, she had no idea where the balls would be replaced, and she couldn’t be sure if he was trying to honestly help her, or hustle her into premature nudity.

  She picked up her cue from where she’d left it leaning against the wall, walked around to the same end of the table as Robert and crouched down to look along the line from the white to the six.

  “Not exactly a gimme, is it?”

  “No, but I’ll retake my last shot as I said, if you like.”

  “Nah, I’ll take this.”

  She rose to her feet and took a pace back from the table, having to stand well back in order to bend for the shot. As soon as she did, Robert was up to his usual trick, this time standing right behind her, his stomach pressing against her ass. She gasped when she realized it wasn’t his stomach pressing against her. Rather, it was his trouser-blocked cock, standing rigidly to attention and trying to fit into the crease of her butt. Part of her wanted to stand up, outraged, but part of her also wanted to tease him a little. The teaser won out and, as she considered the best way to play her shot, she wiggled her ass from side to side, just a little. She heard him grunt softly, and knowing she’d scored a point with him, felt him grind his dick harder against her ass. His hands weren’t idle either, moving to her waist. She expected him to pull her back in to him, increasing the pressure of his cock against her ass but he slid his hands up her back, caressing her skin until he reached the elastic strap of her bra.

  “You want to concede now? It won’t take me a second to undo this.”

  He toyed with the catch and she shook her head, then remembered he couldn’t see her face from where she was, and would be looking anywhere but at the back of her head.

  “No thanks, I’m fine.”

  One hand pressed on the middle of her back, holding her in place, as the fingers of his other hand trailed down her back. She felt him touching the elastic of the waistband of her flimsy panties, then move out to the flare of her hip and gently tug them down an inch.


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