Eternally Yours

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Eternally Yours Page 4

by Anastasia Dangerfield

  The noise level in the room rises and everyone starts to pair up. I know who Shadow is, so I waste no time scanning the room to find him. He is leaning back against the wall with his arms crossed over his muscled chest, staring at the floor in thought. I start walking over to him but this bimbo girl Demon beats me to the punch. Everyone is paired up now except for the three of us and a Vampire boy looking around for his partner, which would be Bimbo Demon. I approach Shadow and Bimbo is flipping her black hair over her shoulder, flirting her brains out. I stop in front of him and smile shyly. Bimbo so courteously takes time away from flirting him to throw an annoyed glance at me. I smile at her, despite the raging inferno inside me that is begging to slam her head into the wall. Shadow doesn't even look like he's listening to her, so maybe I should just feel bad for the girl.

  “I hope you're Alexia,” he grumbles and nods his head at the dry erase board with our names on it.

  “Well it's your lucky day,” I say nervously, faking confidence.

  He snorts and then smirks, and oh, my heart falls through the floor. Now there are two hopeless girls with our tongues lolled out of our mouths panting for the same boy. I wish I was a Spirit girl and could turn invisible.

  I'm not sure what to make of that statement. If he's excited that it's me, or if it's just that it's not her. It's quiet now, kind of awkward because Bimbo is still standing here. We both turn to her and wait for her to speak up or leave. This is her hint. If she doesn't go, then she is just asking to be embarrassed.

  “Well Lilith, it was good catching up but you better find your partner before the usher comes back.” Man, that deep voice rumbles through my mind like a drug. It’s got a strange accent as well. And I really hate that I like it that much more.

  “Yeah, true…alright, well I’ll see you around, Baby.” She winks at him and says something in a different language with the same accent that he had. Then she turns around and catwalks to her partner, swaying those killer hips as hard as she can.

  “Ugh, finally,” he grumbles, “thanks for saving me, you walked up at the perfect time. She's driving me insane lately.”

  “Oh ha ha, you’re welcome.” I smile. I want to ask how she is but I can’t figure out how to do it without sounding nosy.

  “Do you want to sit down and go over all that stuff the instructor wants us to know?” he asks.

  “Yeah, good idea. I guess we can just sit here against the wall?”

  “Yeah, that's good with me,” he rumbles.

  We sit down side by side, both inconspicuously trying to sit far enough apart so neither our legs or our arms touch. I get out the small tech pad I brought from the Aerie so that I can record his stats. I probably don’t even need it to remember though; because I have a feeling I will remember everything about him that I find out.

  “Alright, I'm not sure what you need to know, so just ask me whatever you think will be important,” he tell me.

  “Hmm, I'm not sure either. Um... How much do you weigh?”

  “Two forty five.” Yeah, and it’s all muscle too.


  “Six, four.” Mmm. So he’s taller than Gabe.

  “Preferred fighting style?”

  “I like hand to hand mostly. But since you have to make weapons, I guess I'd like to have two swords.”

  I picture him sword fighting and really like what I see. His muscles straining under the weight of the sword and with the force he uses to wield them. I look at his arms and chest picturing this and realize he's waiting on me to ask another question. I don't know what else to ask. What else is important for sword making? Surely not the beautiful color of his dark eyes, or his attractive, really- tanned skin tone, or his sultry lips with those hot twin piercings. I could go on and on but he is still waiting on me to speak. He arches an eyebrow and I know that he knows I was checking him out, and liking what I saw.

  “So, what are those piercings called?” I ask staring at his lips. I ask because I really want to know, because they are my new favorite thing, and because maybe that will make him think I was just wondering that instead of how much I want to lick him from head to toe.

  He touches them with his finger, “these?”

  “Mmhm,” I nod.

  “Snake bites.” His tongue makes an appearance to wet his lip and nudge each little ball, making it gleam all shiny and attractive. I really like shiny things.

  “They’re cool.”Hello, understatement. You’re lame, Alexia.

  He looks down at his calloused palm, and starts picking at it. If I didn't know better I would think he's avoiding looking at me. “Thanks,” he smiles a little.

  “Hey...” I attempt to get him to look at me, “you okay?”

  There's a long pause where he just keeps picking at his palms and ignores me. Then he finally looks up at me with eyes that glow like embers.

  “Yeah ...I’m fine.” He looks down again with a depressed demeanor.

  Now I remember the faint glow I thought I saw in his eyes at the auditorium and I remember Aaron telling me that their eyes glow when they need to feed or with intense emotion. However, there is one thing I do wonder: why was he so on edge in the smelting room? Demons are used to fire; in fact they are made to live in the hot, fiery conditions of Hell.

  Centuries ago, all of the Demons lived in Hell. One day, a war broke out between them, and some of them left Hell to come live up here. They say it's because they were the “good” ones and they didn't agree with how Lucifer was running the place. At least, that's what I heard, from my parents.

  I always thought of Demons as evil. They were supposed to stay in Hell under Lucifer's command in my mind, and none of them were “good”. But he doesn't seem evil, or bad. In fact, when I even compare him to Gabriel, an Angel, he wins my vote. Shadow seems so humble, shy, insecure, and the total opposite of cocky. I think I like that better about him and it makes me want to save him in some small way. In fact, the way he stares at his hands and his embarrassment over me seeing his eyes glow makes me want to kiss him all better and show him that I accept him. That I like him, just the way he is. I get the feeling he doesn't even accept himself and he's already written me off as someone who will judge him for being a Demon.

  “So have you been taught to fly yet?” he breaks the silence. His voice is really quiet now, still seeming sort of intimidated.

  “No, we have to wait until we are matched with our betrothed, and then we're put on a waiting list. It could be a while.” I act like nothing is different, because in my mind the fact that he's a Demon hasn't changed anything. That's something I will have to worry about later.

  “That's good I guess. I saw an Angel's first flight once. I hope you do better than he did. It wasn't pretty.”

  “Really?” Oh great, and here I thought it would just come naturally. “What happened?”

  He takes a deep breath and looks right at me with his red eyes.

  “Well, it's a long story, but to make it short, he thought it would just come natural to him, so he jumped off the side of a five hundred and eighty foot cliff, and fell. He fell so far so fast, and he just kept falling. He thought his wings would just expand and carry him off into the clouds, away from the rocky river below. He didn't know that you had to have someone make that first fall with you because no one ever told him that.”

  I can’t hide my curiosity. “So what happened to him? Did he die?”

  He looks down again. “No he didn't die, but it was close. He fell into the river, on the side where it was only a foot deep. He was unconscious for two days; the next thing he knew he woke up in his bed, with his mom standing over him, dripping blo-....water...into his mouth.”

  I think he was about to say ‘blood’ but I don’t mention anything. I know he probably wasn’t thinking and since it’s what he drinks he accidentally said it instead of water at first.

  “That's crazy! I'm glad he was okay, poor thing. Do you know who it was?”

  He pauses for just a second, seeming to think a
bout whether or not to tell me. “No... I don't. Hey did you know we're paired to our mates today?”

  Okay...nice change of subject. What the heck? “Yeah that's what I heard. I wish we could pick who we wanted spend the rest of our lives wit though...” I whisper.

  I don't know why, but I feel like I can trust him. I don't think he would tell anyone I said that. Everyone knows betrayal of the society starts in the mind. If they knew I had rebellious thoughts, I would probably disappear and everyone would wonder where I went. Although, it would be to a containment cell in the prison, and I would be condemned for traitorous thoughts like conspiracy.

  I just hope I get paired to someone kind, thoughtful, tall, handsome, and caring... my eyes veer to Shadow as I describe my perfect mate to myself; one that sounds a lot like him.

  At that moment he puts his hand on top of mine, and so quietly that I wasn't sure if I really heard him say it, he whispers, “So do I...”

  I see him look at someone to the left right before he says it, so I look in that direction and Bimbo gives me the evil eye. I smile sweetly and give her my most innocent look. She really doesn't appreciate that. Her eyes turn red and she gives me the middle finger. My heart starts pounding with rage.

  Shadow sees our exchange and interrupts our immature little one up game, “Hey, don't worry about her. She’s my ex and she’s not exactly happy about that right now. She's had a pretty messed up life though, and she tries to cover up her insecurities by acting tough and confident.” He lowers his voice back to a whisper for that last part. He’s smirking now and it looks gentle and caring. He gives my hand a pat before he returns his back to his lap. Although when it’s gone I still feel the warmth from it and my hand tingles.

  I wonder how long they dated for, and why they aren't together anymore? Does he miss her? That thought makes me sit up straight and analyze why a little surge of jealousy and anger just shot through me. Before I can finish thinking about it, he looks at me with a questionable expression and then his eyes widen in shock.

  “Demons can feel emotions,” Aeron had said. Oh crap. This day can't get any worse. Now I'm embarrassed of feeling jealous over a Demon! And now he’ll feel my embarrassment, and finally my frustration. Gr!

  He clears his throat but I see that he’s trying not to smile. I try to find something to say to fill in this awkward silence, anything at all.

  “I'm not scared of her. I was just curious why she keeps looking over here, but I guess that's obvious if she's still into you.” He didn't see me teasing her did he? It was just an innocent, huge, eat-shit-and-die-smile, no big deal.

  “I guess she thinks she still likes me, but as far as I'm concerned we're water under the bridge.”

  Not good for her. She's losing out big time. Shadow seems like a decent guy, especially for a bitch like her.

  “So anyways, if you need any help with flying,” he switches to a whisper, “I'm your guy.” Then he winks at me!

  Now he's acting more like Gabriel. I wonder where his sudden confidence came from, and then I remember he felt my emotions. Also, I have no idea how he could help me with flying, but already I want to ask him. I want to spend more time with him, get to know him. Don't fool yourself Alexia, you’re starting to like him, and you want to be with him for other reasons, reasons that are against the rules. I roll my eyes at my own conscience, because we don't get along. It's more like my mother than my moral mind.

  “O-okay, yeah thanks. Actually I would like some help. I've already waited eighteen years; I don't think I can wait any longer. Although, I don’t see how you could help me if another Angel has to be release my wings.”

  He smiles at me, a beautiful, straight, white, fang-less smile. He really should smile more often. It lights up his whole face; there isn't anything anyone could deny him when he smiles like that. Then I picture other girls seeing his smile, not being able to deny him. Suddenly, that mental picture turns into Bimbo, and I have to douse this thought like water snuffing a flame. Later, I will have to analyze my jealousy, for a Demon, again.

  “I will explain that when we’re alone. After we leave here you can go get your flying outfit and then just meet me next to the wall behind the Aerie.” His voice is full of expectation, like he is just as excited as I am. This is crazy! I think. First day here and I am going to end up sneaking outside of the walls to fly solo, with a Demon somehow helping me. Apparently, I am just full of bright ideas!

  “I'll be there,” I whisper through my smile.


  The instructor comes back a few minutes later and he talks a while, explaining how to make weapons perfect for your partner. He reaches into his shirt pocket and puts some huge glasses that magnify his yellow eyes. He's also pretty tall with white hair, so I think he's a Spirit.

  I can't really pay attention because my mind is on Shadow, and our plan to meet. It turns out that I have a special skill for making weapons and my first two pass the instructors approval, so I get to leave after that. Shadow can leave as soon as he weighs the weapons I made him, and agrees or disagrees on them being the right weight. He ends up liking them all, whether it's just to be nice or to get out of here, I don't really know. I look around to find Kaia and she's still trying to make her first weapon pass inspection, so I figure it would take too long to wait on her. Decision made, Shadow and I leave The Battalion together.

  “So go put your flying gear on underneath your clothes and meet me in thirty minutes,” he says once we’re outside.

  “Alright,” I whisper shakily. My nerves are already getting the better of me.


  I dig through my drawers and find one of the many flying outfits they have for me. I choose the light blue one that sparkles a little; maybe it will bring out my eyes. The flying gear is made like a t-tank. The t in the back goes between the shoulder blades and wings. It's all leather and straps though. You only wear it and nothing else, so you will glide perfectly, without clothes catching a strong wind and sending you plummeting down in the wrong direction. However, the bottoms cover nothing more than my own underwear so I decide to leave my shorts on for now.

  After trying for at least ten minutes to buckle the straps on my back, I decide I'll just have to bring it along, maybe Shadow can help me. I get nervous thinking about it though. How will he help me without seeing anything personal? We're barely more than strangers. Can I call him a friend yet? I think so. I mean he is helping me fly for the first time...

  With my mind made up, I stuff the harness into a small satchel and head to meet Shadow.

  *~*Chapter 6-The Island*~*

  “You made it,” he says with that charming smile again.

  I'm such a sucker for that languid smile.

  “Of course,” I say faking excitement, because now I'm nervous.

  We're standing right under a tree next to the giant city wall.

  “We have to go somewhere outside the City...” He looks to me and pauses, maybe to object, and when I don't he continues, “for obvious reasons of people seeing us, and because there’s only one place inside tall enough for it to work, and there’s always authorities using it. What I show you outside the walls may change your opinion about everything...”

  It’s just what I've always figured. I nod, seemingly indecisive but he doesn’t question me anymore.

  He seems to think about something and his he frowns, then seems to make a decision and holds out a hand to me. “I know we just met, but I need your trust with this. If anyone found out, I'd be killed.”

  With wide eyes I nod my head. “I swear, I won't say a word.”

  He leads me toward the thick shrubbery beneath the wall. His hand is trembling a little; at least I think it’s his. His grip is not tight but it feels a little unsure so I give it a gentle squeeze and he stops abruptly and straightens. What’s going on with him? He looks wearily at me and this slowly and unsurely, he tightens his grip and continues leading me.

  The thick bushes and small trees surround the C
ity right next to the wall. I'm not sure why, but I think it's so that no one can dig a hole under the wall because with all the roots from the bushes and trees it would be impossible. He ducks down and pushes aside the limbs and disappears inside the shrubbery; I follow with my hand still in his. Once we're inside, it's just tall enough for him to stand, with his head bowed a little. He pauses and turns to me, “Alright, I'm a pretty good judge of character, and I think you're a pretty trustworthy girl. You’re an Angel after all.” He smirks, while attempting to make a joke. I just stare at him with a straight face.

  He continues. “So I'm going to show you something that I've never shown anyone, except my parents. This is where I really need your trust.”

  I want to be the girl to keep his secrets, anyways. “You can trust me. I promise.” I already told him I wouldn’t say anything about the world outside the wall. Geez.

  He releases my hand after a pause for thought, and I immediately miss it and want it back, but then he grabs the bottom of his black shirt and slowly pulls it off. I don’t know if I drool or not because I can't really control my actions right now, I feel frozen in time. This seems to happen in slow motion, like I'm in a dream. My eyes latch on to one fine little ab muscle square at a time and count them on my way up in pairs of two. Is it possible to have twelve? I thought eight was where they ended but I thought wrong. Either that or my anatomy book was missing two muscles.

  Finally, the shirt is over his head and he balls it up in one of his fists. He has some really nice pecs, firm and perfectly shaped to fill my hands. A barbell gleams from each nipple and I immediately look elsewhere before I start thinking about my tongue and barbells. He turns sideways and watches me, hinting that he has something to show me. Then I see something I never thought possible.

  His back ripples and flexes and I find it hotter in here than it was before. His head falls back slightly and his eyes close with what looks like pleasure as beautiful black wings unfurl. He has wings? Black wings? I have never seen black wings. He looks at me sheepishly with fiery pupils, waiting on me to say something. I close my mouth and try not to act so flabbergasted. They are so beautiful. I want to say something to make him feel more at ease, but nothing comes to mind. So instead of speaking, I will just show, after all, actions speak louder than words.


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