Eternally Yours

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Eternally Yours Page 9

by Anastasia Dangerfield

  We were forced to memorize these vows when we were sixteen, and were quizzed frequently until now to ensure we remembered them. Gabriel says these to me, flawlessly, and very seriously. Each word rolls off of his tongue decadently. This is a rare side of him that I'm seeing, and I really like it. He's so serious about this as he stares me in the eyes, it intimidates me and I fight the urge to avoid his gaze.

  Soon it's my turn to say the same vows, and I do. Unfortunately, I can’t get Shadow out of my mind as I say them. I feel my hope plummeting toward its doom as I pledge my life to Gabriel.

  “Alright, you may now kiss to seal the vow.”

  He tugs me closer and releases one hand to cup the back of my nape. So very slowly he closes the distance between our lips. I shut my eyes last minute, anxious to find out what I’m going to feel when our lips meet. Nervous to find out if it’s going to be anything compared to Shadow’s kiss. His confident lips finally touch mine and it's a simple, pleasurable kiss. It’s not the kind of kiss that sends fire through my veins and stops my world on its axis. A deep growl reverberates through my mind, replacing my disappointment and confused musings. It’s very similar to the voices Shadow was projecting to me through mind-link and I can't help but think that it's Shadow as he watches me from the audience.

  I'm starting to wish I hadn't even went over the walls with Shadow, because then I wouldn't know what I'm missing out on. I also wouldn't be feeling guilty for thinking of another boy right now when I just pledged myself to Gabriel.

  “Congratulations angels! You may now go to your shared living quarters and start your month of courtship!” The Overlord starts a loud, powerful clap and a few seconds later a loud applause from the audience drowns out anything else.

  As we exit the stage hand in hand, the Overlord announces that he will now couple the demons and my heart lurches in my chest. I try not to let it show in my face when Gabriel looks to me and smiles.

  “Do you want to wait on your friend?” he asks. I’m shocked that he’s so thoughtful.

  “Yes, that would be nice,” I reply faintly and try to smile.

  Kaia and Wraith catch up to us, and we are all urged towards the exit before I can hear who Shadow gets paired with.

  *~*Chapter 10-Living Together*~*

  “So apparently we have the rest of today and all day tomorrow off from our jobs so we can get to know our mates,” Wraith says.

  We're all four standing outside of the auditorium, constantly shifting around to let the flood of angels and their new mates exit the building.

  “That's good, because it's not like a month of living together is going to do the trick,” Kaia snorts sarcastically and nudges my shoulder with hers, knocking me into Gabriel.

  “Sorry!” I say and then give Kaia a pointed look, making sure Gabriel sees that it was her fault. Surely he won't miss that guilty smile on her face.

  He gives her a wink and wraps an arm around me smoothly. So now she’s his accomplice? Knowing her, she's extremely pleased with herself now that Gabriel's praising her efforts.

  Wraith watches Gabriel put his arm around me and inconspicuously grabs Kaia's hand, earning a bashful smile from her. Bashful is not a look I see on her face. Ever. I raise my eyebrow questioningly.

  “I say we go to the condo and unpack and get situated. Pick our rooms and stuff,” Gabriel says.

  A big cheesy grin spreads on Wraiths face and Gabriel punches his shoulder playfully. “You guys better not be getting freaky already or I'll kick your ass, Wraith!”

  Kaia actually blushes. When Kaia blushes, you know something crazy's going on. However, there isn't a word to describe how hot my cheeks are. The word 'blushing' doesn’t describe it properly.

  “Uht oh! I haven’t heard a denial yet! Dang you guys, don’t you think it’s a little early for that?” Gabriel laughs, throwing his head back.

  I tune out their immaturity. The wind blows my hair back and the shirt I changed into flattens against my body, making me self-conscious. I didn’t feel self-conscious with Shadow, even with my tight flying gear on. I gaze toward the doors to the auditorium wondering about him and his new partner, when the doors open on a punch and demons come pouring out. For some reason, the majority of them seem to have red eyes now, and it’s probably because they all just got kissed. demons are a little more provocative (putting it lightly) than angels, but it might even be because they are anticipating what’s going to happen when they get back to their condo. That thought brings me right back to our conversation and I tune back in.

  “Gabriel, don't even act like you're all pure and innocent,” Kaia winks and smiles. “I've only been here a week and I’ve heard stories from your little posse of followers.”

  Gabriel stiffens beside me and color runs along his neck. He seems embarrassed and caught off guard. For once he doesn’t know what to say and that’s how I know it’s true. I despise finding this out but surprisingly I don't feel the surge of jealousy that everyone seems to be expecting from me as they look at me wearily. He risks a glance down at me and smiles cheerlessly. Just as I'm about to wonder how far my new mate has been, I sense a rush of jealousy inside me. I'm not sure where it’s coming from or why I feel it because I know it's not mine. I look back at the door and Shadow and Lilith are walking out, following the last of the demon parade. She's focused on him, smiling dreamily and looking him up and down as they walk side by side. I’m glad she doesn’t see that his malicious gaze is locked on Gabriel's arm around my waist. His eyes flash red for a second before going back to normal as his gaze follows my waist up to my eyes and I subtly shake my head and offer a sad smirk. I hope he understands that I'm trying to say a thousand things at once. I'm saying: It's not like that, don't cause a scene, It's not worth it, I don't feel that way for him, I wish it was you, where are you two going, what are you going to do?

  Gabriel squeezes my side gently and my attention is stolen from Shadow. “--hear me? Hello?” Kaia says.

  “O-oh sorry. I was just trying to see if everyone was out yet?” Yes, it comes out as more of a question than a statement and Gabriel frowns and looks to see what I might have really been distracted by. Hopefully he doesn’t figure it out, but I don’t dare look back to see.

  “Never mind, you missed it and now you will just have to wonder what I said forever,” she says in a sing-song voice with her hands on her hips.

  I roll my eyes. “Oh no! Anything but that! What ever will I do?” I put my hand to my forehead for dramatic effect.

  She glares at me and we all start walking. Gabriel's arm is still around my waist and I nonchalantly look around, but I don't see Shadow and Lilith anywhere. I feel a pang in my chest as my thoughts stray to where they might have went and an unwelcome feeling of jealousy seeps inside me. Oh, now! How inconvenient. I work to swallow a lump that seems too large for my throat as I head toward my suite with the wrong boy.


  We open the large wooden door with the fancy eye scanner and the boys are both still standing there jaw open, when we turn around to see if they're coming.

  “Pretty cool huh?” I ask.

  “Cool. Yeah.” Gabriel looks around with an astonished expression.

  “I think these are your clothes over here, Wraith!” Kaia exclaims from the closet.

  “Really?” Wraith walks over to her to check it out. “They must have known the matches already because these are definitely mine. I'm guessing Gabe's are in Alexia's closet?”

  Gabriel walks into our room and finds the closet. I follow him in there and now unfamiliar weapons fill up the metal display case built into the side wall of the closet.

  “Those weren’t here before,” I say.

  “These are my size clothes and it looks like they have all my Guard toys too, what about yours, Wraith?”

  Wraith and Kaia open their display case and it's empty. “Well, I'm not the Captain so I guess I don't get anything,” he says smugly.

  “Watch it, Commander or I’ll send you to the f
ire pit,” Gabriel jokes.

  Wraith just shrugs his beefy shoulders. “Yeah, whatever.”

  “Well I guess it's settled then? We'll take this room and that's yours?” Kaia asks.

  We nod and agree, mumbling different version of 'yes' simultaneously.

  Gabriel scans our room and his gaze stops on the balcony door with the view to the setting sun, “What time is it?”

  “It's ten till eight,” Wraith answers, gazing at his watch.

  “What should we do the rest of the night?” I ask, looking at everyone.

  “Duh, party!” Kaia exclaims. “I snuck some Angelspark in my suitcase. My older sister gave it to me as a goodbye present!” She smiles mischievously.

  I cross my arms. “Oh gods, you don't know what you've gotten yourself into, Wraith.” Poor guy.

  “Excuse me!” she says with a false attitude. “I don't know why you're such a wet blanket, Alexia, but you better dry off!”

  Embarrassed for Gabriel to think I'm a 'wet blanket', I rush to defend myself with something witty and fail miserably. “I am not a wet blanket. I'm just respectful of the rules. You know, the ones that say you aren't supposed to drink Angelspark until you're twenty one?”

  “Now, now ladies. Settle down. We've only been with you two for like thirty minutes and at this rate I'm going to need two bottles of Angelspark,” Wraith jokes and Gabriel bursts out laughing.

  “I know how you two can settle this,” Gabriel says seriously. “You can kiss and make up!” The boys both die of laughter. Kaia smiles and shakes her head like she doesn’t know what to do with them, and I’m still standing here feeling like I’ve missed the punch line.

  So help me, gods. Shadow is not nearly this irritating. But don't think about him or what he's doing with Lilith right now.


  I am the unfortunate figure in the room that just got splattered with Angelspark fizz. Yes, that’s me. Lovely.

  Kaia takes a giant swig of the highly alcoholic, highly forbidden drink and passes it to Wraith. He also takes a giant swig, and then one more to chase it. On around the circle it goes to Gabriel who grabs it from Wraith and offers it to me. He tisks at Wraith shaking his finger. “Ladies first,” he says.

  “Ah...” I try to decide what I should do, surely not the right thing, especially after my record so far today. “Hand it here,” I huff. Peer pressure is a bitch.

  “I knew you'd see things my way, eventually,” Kaia says, satisfied.

  Instead of acknowledging her I tilt my head back and gulp. One. Two. Three. I wish counting to three didn’t remind me of Shadow. Why does everything remind me of him? Why do I think about him so much? I don't even know the guy that well and he has me wrapped around his finger. Does he feel it too?

  “Dang girl, slow down! You trying to get yourself sick?” Gabriel asks. “Either that or you’ve done this before,” he looks at me suspiciously.

  I feel like I have swallowed acid. My tongue burns and the putrid drink burns down my throat. Why would anyone drink this stuff for fun?

  “Ugg! This stuff's poison!” I screech.

  Laughs erupt around the room. “I guess that answers my question,” Gabriel replies. He tips the despicable bottle back and swallows four giant swigs. “Whew!” he yells and squinting an eye and scrunching up his face. “Stuff's strong, that's for sure!” He pounds a fist into his chest. I’m not sure why.

  “Stop hogging the good stuff; hand it here,” Kaia demands.

  Kaia starts round two and my head is spinning by the time it gets back to me, so I refuse it. I feel warm and tingly, and a lot less inhibited. My tongue and throat are no longer raw from the ‘acid’; instead they feel numb, just like the rest of my body. This stuff works really well. If I'm feeling this way from a few sips, I worry for my friends. They may be crawling to their beds after this and passing out.

  After a few minutes the noise level in our condo has increased significantly and it's mostly from laughter. My friends, I guess Wraith and Gabriel are now my friends, are acting pretty stupid, swaying on their feet and laughing at each other’s stupid jokes. I decide to go to my room and shut the doors. Gabriel doesn't seem to notice when I walk off but Kaia shakes her head at me disappointingly. She's acting really strange lately, like she's mad at me or something. I'll talk to her about it tomorrow and see what's going on, I decide.

  I go the huge master bathroom to brush my teeth, and I stop when I see my reflection in the brightly lit gold mirrors. It's a blurry representation of a brunette with light blue eyes. I rub my eyes with my fists and try to refocus but it's no use. That stupid Angelspark has messed with my entire body. I dim the light because it's starting to make my sensitive eyes water. I search the bathroom drawers for a toothbrush. Bingo! In the drawers to the right there are two toothbrushes, one is pink and one is blue. How stereotypical is that? Just because I'm in the mood, I pick the blue one up and use it, leaving Gabriel with the pink one. I smile to myself for a job well done. After brushing my teeth and rinsing my mouth of that awful drink, I go to the closet to find some pajamas. I look through all of the hanging clothes, the folded clothes, and the ones in the drawers. No! Surely this is not happening to me on top of everything else today. All these tiny little translucent, lacy things are not nightgowns. I stand here dumbfounded. I can't decide if this means that I'm sleeping in my jeans or something else I haven't come up with yet. I pick up the least provocative one that I can find. It's black with lace trimmings, but at least it's not see-through. It's got spaghetti straps and it seems long enough to reach my thighs. Maybe. This is the one I will grudgingly wear, I decide. However, something in the back of the drawer reflects the light as I am about to step into the lacy scrap of material and I do a double take. It's hot pink and black with embellishments that look like diamonds. Ooh pretty. I pull out the sparkly material from the back of the drawer. It's a bikini top with a very risqué, small bottom piece. There is no way I would ever even dare to wear this, but I hold it out in front of me, appraising it. The door opens swiftly, startling me and I whip my head towards the offender. Gabriel stops with one foot mid-air, eyes locked on the sparkly little scrap of an outfit I have held up.

  “Uh, sorry--” he stumbles on words, scratching his head, “I should've knocked... I didn't mean-- I didn't know--” he clears his throat. Splotches of red are showing up on his neck and cheeks. I'm not sure if it's because he's got Angelspark in his system or because of what he sees me holding.

  “Oh, no. It's fine.” I dismiss the silly thought with a swat of my hand. “No. I wasn't- this is not something I would wear. I was wondering whose- well what it was doing in here.” I turn and stuff it back in the tiny drawer. I would lock it and throw away the key if I could, but there is no lock.

  “It's fine if you were, or whatever,” he coughs. “Fine either way.”

  “I bet so,” I smile, jokingly.

  He grins so wide he shows dimples I've never seen and looks down. He shoves his hands in his pockets and shrugs his shoulders. “So apparently Wraith and Kaia are going to bed, I guess it's late.”

  “Yeah I think so, my eyes are so heavy right now it feels like lead weights are tied to them,” I say.

  He looks at the bed and then darts his glance somewhere else, seeming embarrassed. “Well, I guess we'll go to bed then, my head is spinning like a top.”

  I can tell he's buzzed because he laughs like a dork after everything we say. I nod my head and hold up the black nightgown I have balled in my fist. “I'm just going to change into some pajamas.”

  “Alright, sounds good,” he replies.

  After I come out of the bathroom, he is standing next to the bed in a pair of black cotton pants with a white, angel emblem sewn on the pocket. He folds the comforter and sheet back and smiles sweetly at me. Now that we're away from people again, I have a sneaking suspicion that he's going to be that sweet Gabriel from the Arrangement Ceremony. I walk lightly over to the opposite side of the bed and slide in, pulling the covers back a
s I lay my head on an unfamiliar pillow. He punches the side of his pillow to fluff it a few times as I try to reposition my head for a comfortable spot.

  “Here,” he says offering me his fluffed pillow.

  I lift my head up to switch with him. “Thanks, Gabriel.”

  He nods. “You can call me Gabe if you want to. It's what my family calls me.”

  “Oh, okay. Gabe,” I smile.

  He slides in bed next to me and neither of us says anything. The only sound in the room is the sound of our breathing. I try desperately to breathe quietly but no matter what I try it’s just too quiet in here to work. He turns the reading lamp on his bed-stand off and we lay in blessed darkness. I shut my eyes and relax because it feels so good to finally lie down and rest my body. When I open my eyes again they have adjusted and I can see fairly well thanks to the pale moonlight streaming in through the curtains.

  “Can I ask you something?” His voice is very quiet.

  “Of course,” I whisper.

  “Do you think you'll be happy-” he pauses, “with me?”

  Shocked, I take a moment to fumble through my thoughts. After putting something that may resemble a complete sentence together in my head, I turn to look at him.

  “I don't know. I think you're great, Gabe. I know I am extremely lucky, in the words of your father, to be vowed to you. Even you know how popular you are,” I smile. “So it's nothing against you, but I’ve always thought that all of these rules and how they control us are unfair. I wonder what it would be like if it wasn't forced. Do you ever wonder what it would be like if-- if we chose?” My voice started out normal but by the end of my question it was barely a whisper.

  He turns onto his side to look at me. “Yes, I have wondered that since Dad started the domain,” he says, eyes wide.


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