Wasted Time

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Wasted Time Page 16

by Mya O'Malley

  “She’s a good girl. Be gentle with her,” Declan ordered, half joking.

  “No worries, man. I really like her.”

  Side by side Morgan and Amber approached the table. Witnessing his two favorite women together, his heart soared. Why couldn’t it stay this way?

  “Everything okay?” Declan asked once Morgan had returned to his side.

  She gazed at him, nodding her head, and then focused her attention on placing her napkin on her lap.

  Everything wasn’t okay, that much was clear.

  Back at the hotel, they lay together on the bed snuggling.

  Declan knew her too well; that had always b een a problem. Now, it was no different. He felt like a lifeline, one that Morgan was terrified of losing. She didn’t want to let go.

  Mike had called when they were out earlier with Stephen and Amber. It broke her heart to hear Mike so upbeat, so full of happiness that she would be returning soon.

  Part of her loved Mike, but a bigger part loved Declan. Who was she kidding? Declan had always occupied more space in her heart, even when she thought he was dead. Now that he was alive, her heart exploded for him, but she would have a hard time letting go of Mike, for he had been there for her, tried so hard to make her happy for the past couple of years. Facing her was a decision of the worst kind. No matter what she decided, a good man would be hurt, let down by her.

  Amber was coming around now and it felt good to have a friend here. When she had first found that Declan was alive, she had wanted to call Elle and fill her in, knowing instinctively that Elle would forgive Declan for his foolish scheme, but right now it would have to wait, her mind needed rest.

  Knowing Elle, she would scream for Morgan to run back into Declan’s arms, she’d always liked them together. It still bothered her that Elle’s feelings about Mike had changed. Elle was biased; it would be difficult to get a sound opinion from someone whose scales were not balanced when it came to Mike.

  Amber, although completely on Declan’s side, could listen objectively and offer her some sound advice on her feelings about her relationship with Mike. Morgan now knew that regardless of the outcome, Amber would understand and respect her decision.

  “Kiss me, beautiful lady,” Declan tore her from her deep, troubled thoughts, making her heart lighter instantly. She obliged, giving herself over to the sweet sensation of him. Declan responded by pulling her closer to his body, she could smell him, taste the faint smell of wine from the restaurant, still on his lips.

  “Declan, stop,” she cried out, tearing herself away from him.

  She had to be crazy, thinking either of them could spend the night again, not loving each other. He groaned his disappointment, turning over so that his back was to her.

  “Oh, stop it. You’re acting like a baby now,” she teased, running the tip of her finger over his back. Declan stood his ground until her hand reached to turn his face toward her.

  “What am I doing?” she breathed, as he kissed her collarbone, slowly reaching her chin, then once again, devouring her mouth with his touch.

  They were hopeless; she should have known how impossible it would be for them to stay apart. It didn’t feel wrong as she wrapped her arms around him and surrendered to his touch. They were in trouble.

  “I love you too,” Morgan cried, tears falling softly through their kiss.


  FROM THE MOMENT SHE woke up that morning, she knew what she had to do. It was her last full day in Florida and as awful as the funeral would be, leaving Declan’s side tomorrow would tear her apart as well. Declan claimed he had a special evening planned for them tonight and he told her to pack a small overnight bag. Just what was he up to?

  It had been so hard to untangle her emotions on this trip; she was up, down, and everywhere in between. Declan must have felt the same, with the loss of his mother and the reawakening of their relationship; she just wished the timing had been better for him.

  Mrs. Blake had always had such a gift for matchmaking and was a true romantic; Morgan wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to know that she was scheming from above. You troublemaker, you, Morgan silently teased, but her heart filled with warmth at the very thought.

  She was by his side every moment, from the tears to the laughter as Declan said goodbye to his mother that day. Watching him, she couldn’t bear for him to have his heart broken twice. It was becoming easier for her to decide what she needed to do.

  The car ride was comfortably silent for the most part. Morgan felt that Declan needed some quiet since his day had been very difficult. Morgan also needed some time to sort through her guilty feelings regarding her actions with Declan.

  Mike would never understand, nor did she expect him to. How could such a love, one that connected her very soul to Declan’s, be considered wrong? That wasn’t what was wrong and she knew it. She needed to set things straight and she intended to do just that when she returned home. In the back of her mind, she was trying to work out her job responsibilities and Declan’s own ties to Florida. How would they even make this work?

  “We’re almost there,” Declan winked as he set his eyes back on the road ahead. They had driven nearly two hours north, and this area of Florida was starting to look vaguely familiar for some reason. Maybe it was just the landscape, it was so similar across this section of the state. As they pulled into the motel parking lot, Morgan nearly choked.

  “Oh my God, Declan!” Her seatbelt was off in an instant. “Oh my God!” She delighted in seeing the expression on his face.

  “Yup,” he shrugged, unable to mask his grin.

  He had taken her back to their special place, the one that they had visited so many years ago, on one of his last nights before he was deployed. She ran straight into his arms, basking in the salty ocean air.

  “Can we go to the pier?” Morgan felt like a fidgety child, she could hardly contain herself.

  “Of course. That’s part of the plan.”

  “The way I see it is that we have just enough time to head inside to relax before showering and heading out,” Morgan winked.

  “Oh, I seriously doubt there’ll be any relaxing,” he chided.

  But then his smile slowly faded as she watched Declan’s eyes focus on her engagement ring. It would be useless to try to hide it, but she slipped her hand by her side for the moment. Was it proper to remove it? Somehow that seemed worse.

  “Come on.” She pulled him toward the motel lobby so that they could check in.

  She had forgotten that he couldn’t keep up as quickly as he used to, so she slowed her pace for him.

  The door chime rang when they entered and caused a pleasant looking older woman to look up from her newspaper.


  Something about the woman made Morgan feel comfortable and safe. Returning the woman’s smile, Declan gave his name as the woman looked them over, nodding her approval.

  “When’s the big day?” The woman’s eyes were kind as she took in Morgan’s engagement ring.

  Turning to glance at Declan, she waited for his response. He had his head down, his deaf ear toward the woman. So he hadn’t heard. That was a small blessing.

  The silence must have tipped him off that he had missed something. He cocked his head to the side, grinning. “What was that?”

  Morgan tried to reach the woman with an unspoken message. Please don’t repeat that. Please don’t.

  “It was nothing, honey. Come on, let’s grab our bags.” Morgan nodded at the woman who now looked her over with scrunched brows and a disapproving line set on her mouth.

  There wasn’t much relaxing that had taken place, as Morgan couldn’t get enough of him. It was as if she had to make up for every single day that they had been apart all at once.

  She planned on surprising him tonight with her news. The more she thought about it, the more she knew she could never be apart from him ever again. Whatever cruel trick fate had played in keeping them apart before, she felt was now pu
shing them together again for a reason. It was fate, it was meant to be. Even Declan, who once scoffed at her feelings regarding fate and destiny would be hard pressed to disagree.

  The night was breezy, not unlike the last time they stood here, nearly four years ago, at this very pier, taking in the amusement rides. Country music filled the air and she was in the mood to dance, slow dance, fast dance, whatever. Gazing up at Declan, she knew that she was making the right decision.

  “What do you want to do first?” Declan spread his arms out, taking in the pier and all of its attractions.

  “I want to dance,” she blurted. He squinted at her, trying to conceal the grin that was now spreading over his face.

  “Dance? Okay, I think we could do that.”

  “Let’s go over towards the rides. I hear music playing.” She was so excited she could barely contain her emotions.

  “No, I have a better idea.”

  He led her down to the darkest section of the pier, completely isolated and close to the ocean. Fumbling in his pocket, he produced his cell phone.

  “What are you doing?” she wondered aloud as she watched him flip though his phone, searching.

  “Ah, here it is.”

  Suddenly, Declan’s eyes grew serious as he placed his cell on the damp wood railing. At first she didn’t recognize the tune, it had been so long, then the pieces of the puzzle fit together. It had been ages since she had allowed herself to listen to this song. Someone like you…

  “Come here, my lady, and dance with me.”

  Declan bowed properly, as if he were a gentleman courting a lady with a first dance. Cautiously she approached, afraid to ruin the moment. This was their song, the one that was to become their wedding song so long ago. She remembered dancing with him before; this time she led as his leg fumbled a bit. She loved every bit of him, more with each passing day. “I won’t cry, I don’t want to dampen the magical mood.”

  His eyes bored into hers, glistening.

  “Oh, Declan,” she sighed.

  “Hush,” he ordered softly, before pulling her in, placing his soft mouth on hers.

  Neither said a word, just listened to the sound of the music, their song, the lyrics and the sound of their heartbeats blending as one.

  When the song ended, she didn’t want to pry herself away from him; she was pinned to his side until he spoke.

  “I have somewhere I’d like to take you,” he whispered into her ear.

  The Ferris wheel, it had to be. This pier had played itself out so many times in her dreams. It was surreal, just standing here with him now. Like two kids, they made their way over to the amusement area.

  “Are you hungry?”

  The scent of fresh popcorn filled the air and she was suddenly ravenous. “Want to share a popcorn and then we’ll grab something for dinner after?”

  “You bet,” Declan stated, pulling her over to the snack stand to order.

  The buttered popcorn melted in her mouth, her senses on high alert. She and Declan shared the bag as they made their way to the Ferris wheel. They settled onto the unsteady seat, clutching hands.

  “Do you remember when you were afraid of this old thing?” Declan began, speaking slowly.

  She nodded, recalling that at the time she had been more afraid of losing him to Afghanistan.

  “Well, last time, in this very spot, I helped you to overcome your fears. Now, Morgan, I want to help you again.” His voice wasn’t cocky, far from it. His voice quivered, shaking slightly. “Morgan, what you’re doing, what we’re doing is right, you should know that. Don’t be afraid to follow your heart. If you don’t want me, I won’t be angry, but I think you do. I think you love me.”

  What else could she do but nod in agreement? He knew her so well; they fit together like old gloves.

  “I do love you, Declan, so very much.” Morgan had never been more certain of anything.

  “Morgan, I would be the happiest man alive if you would fulfill my destiny, stay with me, and marry me.”

  Marry me? Did he just mention destiny? Declan, the nonbeliever in such nonsense? She swallowed hard, blinking and reaching over to touch his face to make sure this wasn’t a dream.

  “I will stay and even marry you, Declan, like I was meant to all those years ago.”

  Right now it didn’t matter when, it didn’t matter if she was indeed, still technically engaged to another man and due to be married in mere days. She sealed the deal with a kiss, so full of passion, that it could only be fate, right there, working its magic right on the very top of the Ferris wheel.

  How was she going to tell Mike? Harsh reality was slapping her in the face, now that her perfect night with Declan was over. It didn’t help that she had powered down her cell phone last night and now Mike’s numerous edgy messages had all come streaming through at once.

  Where are you?

  Call me.

  What are you doing?

  Now I’m worried.

  I’m getting really upset.

  Call me.

  Call me.

  Call me…

  Did she agree to marry Declan last night? What had she been thinking? Of course, eventually she would marry Declan, but to discuss this now, when she was still engaged to another man? Yes, it must have been destiny, or perhaps Mrs. Blake had a part in last night’s magic on top of that Ferris wheel, making reality seem like a faraway joke. It wasn’t that far away now. She frowned.

  “You okay?” Declan glanced at her for a moment, his face lined with concern.

  Nodding in response, she was at a loss for words.

  “Sweetheart, it’s all going to work out, I promise you,” Declan rubbed her thigh gently. “Do you want me to come home with you? I can be there for you.”

  God, she could just imagine that — Declan and Mike together in the same room…

  “There you go again. You look like you’re going to cry,” Declan stated softly, running his hand through her hair. “Do you remember the things we said to each other last night? The promises we made?”

  Of course she did, how could she forget? Aside from their first night at the Ferris wheel, last night had been one of the most memorable nights of her life.

  Now she felt afraid. She was afraid to tell Mike, afraid of his reaction, afraid to hear the inevitable screams, the accusations, afraid of hurting him. He wouldn’t take the rejection well.

  Taking in a deep breath, she gazed at Declan driving. It was their last few hours together; she had nothing but time on her hands to think about this on the plane ride home, so she figured it was silly to waste this time now agonizing over her quandary. Reaching for Declan’s hand, she attempted to brighten the mood.

  “Yes, I’m sorry, Declan. How could I forget?” She offered him one of her brightest smiles.

  “I meant every single word. You can hold me to it,” Declan offered, his own smile bright. “Now, just relax and enjoy the ride.”

  The remainder of the ride back to her motel was pleasant, just two people madly in love, enjoying one another’s company. Before long, they had arrived. Declan steered his truck toward an empty parking spot right next to her rental car. She unbuckled her seat belt and opened the door. Declan was at her side before she knew it. He kissed her lightly on top of her head and pulled her close, whispering for her to stay strong.

  “Do you want me to come in?” Declan raised his eyebrow.

  “I wish you could, but I have some packing to do and I could use a shower. Tell you what, let me take care of everything, and then I’ll check out here and head back to your house before my flight tonight.” Morgan’s flight was an early evening one, so that gave her the day to spend with Declan.

  “I can’t wait.” He kissed her again, softly at first, but then the intensity increased, causing Morgan to sigh deeply and kiss him like her life depended on it.

  “I love you, Morgan.” He finally broke their kiss, but his hand was still on her bottom, pulling her close.

  “I love you, too. Now go,
so I can get back to you.” She swatted him playfully then grabbed her small overnight bag from the backseat. She missed him already. This was love; this was what true love was really like.


  DECLAN’S TRUCK SPED OFF, spewing dirt and pebbles with it. She would need to hurry in order to get back to him. A wide grin took over her face as she fumbled for her hotel key card.

  She knew something was wrong before the door opened; she actually felt it in her bones. The air was filled with tension as she felt a tug on her shirt.

  “Well, well. It all makes sense now, doesn’t it?”

  “Mike!” she stammered, clutching her chest. He had been waiting for her, outside of her hotel room, lurking just out of sight around the corner.

  Oh my, how much had he seen? Trying to recapture the past few minutes in her mind, images of her and Declan kissing… oh, this wasn’t good.

  She found it hard to catch a breath in this Florida heat. With him standing before her, she saw his tears, anger, and betrayal. What had she done? She was playing with feelings here — real people, real feelings. Fate and destiny did not look so pretty from where she stood now.

  “Oh, he’s such a cruel person. I didn’t speak to him again. I just needed some quiet time… need I go on?” Mike was gasping breaths, sobbing like she had never witnessed before.

  “Mike, I didn’t mean for it to happen, it just…” She didn’t know what to say. Any excuse would be utterly ridiculous right now.

  “The wedding, Morgan, the wedding! I have the honeymoon planned, a special suite for just the two of us, our friends are all coming. Our wedding is taking place in three days, Morgan! Three days!”

  She couldn’t even attempt to speak at this point. This was a conversation that should be continued indoors. “Come inside, Mike.”


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