Back to Her

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Back to Her Page 8

by Dani Wyatt

  I had no idea what fire roses were until Walker brought me the first dozen the day after I’d gotten home.

  They are red, with petals that are tipped with orange and yellow. And he’s brought me an additional dozen each day since we’ve been home.

  Inside the room, my breath stalls as I see Walker standing in front of me, naked with a full erection. That’s to be expected, I’ve discovered. It’s rare I see his penis in any other state, honestly, but when it’s fully engorged as it is now, it is a sight to behold.

  “Strip,” he orders, stepping toward me, a steaming cup of coffee in his hand.

  Without hesitation, I reach down and pinch the hem of my nightgown between the fingers of both hands and pull it up and off in one smooth motion. I know if I take longer than suits him, it will end up in shreds on the floor. I’m wearing one of my favorites today so out of self-preservation, I comply in haste.

  Don’t get me wrong, there is a certain appeal to having him tear my clothes off, but I’ve learned to calculate which clothes I truly wish to wear again when he’s in that sort of mood.

  Walker nods toward the bathroom, where the jet from the shower is still hissing and popping, steam gently floating our way. There’s no denying his urges, so I sashay that way, delighting in the knowledge that he’s watching my ass every step.

  “You do like to tease,” he whispers from right behind me and a shiver runs up my back.

  He reaches around me to open the wide glass shower door and I step into the steam and blissful heat. His body is hard against mine in the next moment, guiding us both under the water as it rushes over my skin, tingling over my shoulders, my nipples, between my legs. I feel his hardness against the crack of my behind and close my eyes at the image of us that runs through my mind.

  This has become our morning ritual. Walker takes charge in many ways, yet I know I always have a voice, that when he listens to me he really hears what I’m saying, unlike anyone else ever before.

  “Now.” His mouth is next to my ear, his breath hotter than the water on my skin. “Tell me anything you need to say today. Any questions, desires, dreams...”

  I sigh at his words. The same words that have met my ear each morning, just like this, and it gives me a sense of safety and comfort knowing every day starts with us.

  With this.

  “I dream we will always be like this. I dream of a life. I’ve never done that before you came to me. It’s a life filled with choices and love. Filled with you. With this.” I reach around behind me, palm the weight of his balls, then slip my hand higher and grip the base of his already rock-hard erection.

  “I dream of all of that too. Your dreams are my dreams. And so much more.”

  Behind me, his hands begin to work shampoo into my hair. It smells of lilacs and eucalyptus, and its calming scent gathers in the steam, making me close my eyes and rock back into his chest as he turns me into the water to rinse the bubbles away. He soaps my body and I do the same in return.

  I run my hands up and down the hardness of his chest, over his abdominal muscles, around his back. We wash and rinse each other until my fingers begin to prune, but I’m already used to this routine. I know we are not done.

  “Give me what’s mine,” Walker states as he brings a swift hand swooping down from my chest to cup my sex, slipping two fingers inside me without hesitation and my body accepts them without complaint. “Such a wet, good girl.”

  He takes my other hand in his and brings it around to guide me to stroke his steel shaft. I love when he does this, showing me how to please him, taking control of me in every way. I learn in these moments what he likes most and tuck the information away for later.

  “Like this?” I play along, listening to the low rumble that comes from his throat. “Is this right?”

  “That’s good. Just like I’m showing you. Just like I taught you.” His hand tightens over mine, gripping him harder, and I follow his faster strokes as his fingers move inside me. His palm spreads my outer lips as he rubs my clit with the base of his hand.

  My head falls back onto his chest as he adds a third finger inside me, stretching me painfully.

  “Take it for me. Show me you love me.”

  I grunt out a trembling moan as the orgasm’s tension begins to build. Falling silent, I relinquish any control, trusting Walker, knowing that he can read my body, read the signals in my whimpers and the way I sway against him. He knows I’m on the edge.

  “I do love you,” I mutter as the coil tightens and he guides my hand up and down his shaft, all the while slamming his fingers inside me until I’m gone.

  “Good girl.” I hear his voice in my ear as I convulse, white light taking me over. I’m screaming into the shower as Walker bends down to growl and bite into my neck, sending another enormous wave of pleasure through me. He leaves my hand in place on his rigid shaft as his moves to my breast, pinching and pulling my hard nipple, making the orgasm rise to another level of intensity until I’m only standing with his support.

  As I pant and lose myself, Walker leans in, grips my wrists and plants my hands against the cooler marble of the shower wall.

  “Spread your legs,” he orders, his fingertips now digging into my hips, pulling me back as I move my feet apart. “That pussy is mine, now push it back here.” A smack on my ass makes me yelp as I adjust myself for what I know is coming.

  I twist and arch my hips as I feel the head of his cock line up with my entrance. He pushes inside me in one motion, taking my breath away as his hands move under my body, one on each breast, pulling and playing as he seats his cock deep inside before pulling half way out.

  I’m gasping for air as I drop my chin and take what he’s giving me. My body is at his mercy as he holds himself still, half inside and half outside my body. My core clenches and tries to pull him deeper.

  “You want more? Then take what you need, Cricket. Fuck yourself back on me. Show me who you are.”

  Something clicks inside of me and I’m suddenly crazed. I rise up on my tiptoes and begin to move up and down, back and forth on his cock as he holds onto my tits and simply allows me to ride him from the wall. My movements become furious, sounds of pain and pleasure filling the steam as I’m vaguely aware of him, his hands running down my belly, around my waist, up and down my back until they finally settle on my hips and grip tighter, slowing my orgasm, easing me down.

  “Shh, baby, slow down. It’s okay.” He’s soothing me and I realize I’m crying. Not just a soft tear weeping from the corner of my eye, but sobs shaking my body as another orgasm builds in the wake of the first. Walker slips one hand from my hip, bringing it around to press flat on my lower belly, once again slowing my movements. “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere. Ever again.”

  His words speak directly to my heart. I need him. If he were to ever disappear again, I do not know if I could go on.

  “Thank you,” I weep as he takes over, stroking himself in and out of me, slowly now. His cock massages that perfect spot inside me just right. His tempo increases gently until we both come together, clutching each other and knowing there is no power in heaven or earth that will ever separate us again.

  After our shower, Walker dries me off and picks out my clothes for the day, the way he always does. Then he has me tell him all my plans, how I’m going to spend the time when he’s away, while he dresses and readies himself for the day ahead.

  “I’ll start my online classes at 9 a.m.” I continue telling him about my day as we finish getting ready. Walker’s encouraged me to pursue the idea of being an editor and even has some ideas on how to get my little business up and running as soon as I’m ready.

  “Awesome. I can’t wait to hear about it. You’re going to be a star, baby. I’m so proud of you.”

  As Walker turns at the bedroom door and meets my eyes, a blanket of gratitude covers me. In a week’s time, I’ve gone from being as alone as I’ve ever been to as loved as I’ve ever hoped to be. And I have no intention of going b

  When he winks, my stomach does a little flip. I bring my hand to my lips, feeling the need to cover the half smile and stifle the slight tremor of my bottom lip as a realization hits me. I’ve fallen for him in all the ways fairy tales could explain. Not just in a fleeting way, but wholly and completely. I’m his.

  “I love you,” he says, uncannily echoing my thoughts. “You know that, right?” The timbre of his voice deepens, and he lowers his chin as his eyes drill into mine.

  I nod, unable to say it back to him as my throat tightens and I swallow hard.

  I need him. And not in a way I can undo. I feel him down in my bones.

  “I’ll be done as soon as I can today. I hate being away from you. I’m going to move my office just as soon as I can, but I don’t want the kind of assholes I’m currently having to associate with here at Tensfield. When I get going, I won’t need these low life investors, and we can be here together all the time, but for now...”

  “It’s fine. I’ve finally got something to focus on for just me. I want to be the perfect student. Only straight A’s will be acceptable.” I mean it, too.

  Walker and I decided I would take online classes for now, which suits me fine with my current phobias. I’m also not quite ready to leave Nana and Tensfield just yet. They both need me. I just got home, and I’m honestly still finding my feet after so many years behind the walls in Mexico. So you can understand that the world outside is unfamiliar to me, and as much as part of me would really like to get out and see everything, the larger part feels safer tucked away here.

  “Good girl.”

  “Hey, play me something before you go.”

  He smiles and steps to the drawer on the nightstand and starts to hum into the harmonica. I don’t know the name of the tune, but it’s cheerful, bluesy and he closes his eyes as he works the small instrument between his lips until he finishes on a long, low note.

  “There you go baby.” He smiles and puts the harmonica back moving toward the door.

  Walker said to give it time for me to get comfortable going out. We will explore the world together and when I’m ready, I can go to the community college that’s only a few miles away if I’d like. Although, he said he’d be happier if I was safe here at home as well, and if I do go anywhere else Walker said he may just register for every class that I do, just so he can be with me the entire time. His protective streak occasionally borders on stalker obsession, but as much as I fuss at him, it does make me feel safe. Secure. And that’s a feeling I do not ever wish to give up.

  “Have a good day, Cricket. The first day of class, be good or the principal will paddle that sweet ass of yours when he gets home.” He smirks. “He may just do that no matter what though.”

  With that, he turns on his heel and leaves me flushed and grateful for a life I’d never imagined.

  C H A P T E R E L E V E N


  IN THE SPAN OF A COUPLE weeks, I’ve gone from my darkest moment—stepping out of that prison with no idea if I would find her again or even if she was alive—to everything I now have.

  Tensfield, and my own heart are full of life as Mia dances around the bedroom, singing off key to Aretha Franklin’s ‘Respect,’ playing on the speakers I just installed. Mia told me that she had trouble concentrating on her online classes with the house completely silent, so I suggested a bit of music. She took quite a shine to classic R & B and she’s completely unashamed of the fact that she cannot carry a tune. It’s cute though, and at least her moves in the dancing department are just about perfectly matched to her singing ability.

  But, honestly, to me, those sounds are worthy of a Grammy and her moves rival Janet Jackson. I’m that far gone over her.

  Leaning down to tie the laces on my black dress shoes, I catch a glimpse of the shreds of Mia’s little lingerie number she’d worn last night. It didn’t last long. There are times when something takes me over and I have to tear her clothes off, and last night was one of those times.

  “Hey.” Mia pauses mid-step with a light in her eyes. “I wanna cook tonight.”

  “Baby.” I stand, brushing my hands down the front of my black suit jacket. “I’ll gladly eat whatever you cook.”

  “You love me that much?” She eyes me with suspicion, but the curve of her lips tells me she understands.

  I step over and slide my arms down her back. She’s wearing just my T-shirt from yesterday. She loves the scent of my clothes and I love seeing them on her. She comes up on her tiptoes and her hands settle at the back of my neck.

  “I do. I love you enough to eat your cooking every meal for the rest of my life.” I bend down and cover her mouth with mine, stifling her giggle.

  Our tongues come together and the little sigh she releases in these moments never gets old. The kiss builds quickly. There is something between us that ignites no matter the time or place.

  But this morning, I’ve got to focus. So, with my hard-on already fighting to get at her from behind my trousers, I force myself to break our contact and lower each hand to the swell of her ass, giving both ripe cheeks a loud smack.

  “Oww!” Mia yelps, grinning, and that only drives me to do it again. “Hey! You’re a mean guy.” She pouts.

  “Yeah, I am. But I bet if I checked I’d find that pussy is soaking wet right now.”

  She squints at me and pulls those plump lips to the side. “I cannot confirm or deny, mister.”

  “Don’t need to. I know what I know.” I kiss her forehead and bring my hands up her back, caressing every memorized inch, from the indent just above her ass cheeks to the valley between her shoulder-blades.

  “Good luck today.” Mia smiles. “I never knew what arbitrage was before you. I mean, you basically make money, trading money.”

  “That’s basically it.”

  “Your mind is a scary place. How it can see those tiny fluctuations in the seconds they exist and then profit off of it. The focus it must take. I’m still not completely sure how it works.”

  “Just how I’m wired. For example, if there is a three-cent discrepancy between the exchange rate of the Yen and the U.S. dollar and I buy up let’s say a million dollars in Yen, then trade it right back, I’ve just made thirty grand in a matter of a few minutes. Now, the discrepancies can be fractions of a cent as well, but it all adds up.”

  “You make it sound so sexy.”

  “I never knew having a college student in my bed could be so sexy either.”

  She rolls her eyes. “I already told you, I’m going to be a straight-A student, just wait and see.”

  Mia has her first test today in her online classes. I’ve built up almost enough profit already to take care of the Tensfield tax issue. Only a few more days and the funds will be accessible, and then we can move on with our lives. I’ve already started my plans to move my office back here to Tensfield once I’ve paid back my initial investors.

  My mind is sharper than before, somehow more focused. My sense of purpose is stronger than it’s ever been.

  After I pay off these initial investors, I should be fine on my own. I won’t need to bring anyone here to disrupt our lives. It will just be us. Well, not just us. I’m hoping that soon there will also be a growing family, but that will only drive me harder to secure our future in more ways than one.

  As well, I decided during the night that today is going to be special. Mia doesn’t remember this date, but I do. It is the very day that, ten years ago, I saw her for the first time. Fell in love with her in that split second. We’ve come so far, gone through so much to be here now. Today has to be a day she will never forget.

  “Okay, Crik. You got this. I want to know how the test goes, okay? You text or call me as soon as you’re done.”

  “I will.” Her hair hangs down over her shoulders in clear black waves.

  “By Friday I’ll be down at the property tax office and Tensfield will be in the clear, baby. I promised you I would take care of you and I will.

  She licks her bo
ttom lip and folds her arms across her chest. “I know you will. Take care of me, that is.” The little vixen comes out. “And I’ll be right here. Waiting with a special surprise for you later.”

  Her sultry voice speaks directly to my dick, which reacts with an impatient jerk.

  “Maybe I’ve got a surprise for you, too.”

  With that, she’s rubbing her palms together in front of her with hopeful eyes and I flash her a grin.

  “Bye for now, Cricket.”

  She waves and I’m out the bedroom door, ready for one of the best days of our lives to unfold.

  WHEN I RETURN TO TENSFIELD around six o’clock, I walk in and the scent of something awful hits my nose like burning rubber. I’ve talked to Mia on and off all day, but even her warnings didn’t quite prepare me for this. She’s on cloud nine, feeling she aced her first test, and she’s done all the planning for a special celebration dinner for her success. That was her surprise for me.

  We also both feel that little bit of relief that comes with knowing Tensfield’s troubles are nearly behind us.

  All day I’ve been fighting to concentrate, too, knowing how excited she is but also knowing I’ve got a surprise for her.

  Work went better than ever. I made more money today than I have since I’ve been back. Right now, all that money is tied up in limbo while the final stages push through, but I’ll have access to all the funds I need to put us back in the driving seat by Friday. Everything is now coming together, and it’s just the cherry on top of the cake I’m about to serve to Mia.

  All day, I’ve been consumed with the images of our future life. Images of her body round with me. Images of making love to her with her belly ripe, carrying our first child. It’s had my dick hard all fucking day. She could be carrying that first child right now, and that’s driving my obsession to make sure we’re safe and financially solid, to make sure our life is as perfect as possible.


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