The Alpha's Prophecy (Werewolves of Boulder Junction Book 3)

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The Alpha's Prophecy (Werewolves of Boulder Junction Book 3) Page 8

by Martha Woods

  "No, it's... the witch that we met, she mentioned a prophecy."

  That got his attention, "A prophecy?"

  He nodded, serious, "Yep. A second in command shifter and a witch from that specific coven. The exact same that Hayley belongs to."

  "And I'm assuming that no other shifters and witches have been getting together?"

  He shook his head, "We're the only ones." He narrowed his eyes, "I think anyway, either way she specified second in command."

  "Well I don't know what to tell you Michael." He sighed, "I don't care about it, but there's plenty of other people who would. There's gonna be a lot of pressure on you two from the pack and the coven. Can you take that?"

  Michael nodded, "Yeah, yeah I can take it, no problem."

  "Then just... Go with it. Don't worry about this prophecy just enjoy your time." He groaned, "You know this is not what I signed on for."

  He chuckled, "Then what did you sign on for?"

  Liam threw his hands in the air, "I wanted to bring change, the kind where we stop thinking everything that isn't a wolf is bad, the kind of change where we can have a life outside the pack if we wanted. Options Michael, I wanted to give people options!" He ran a hand through his hair, "Instead I get my brother trying to kill me, my wife having a supernatural birth, and now we have to deal with some prophecy about your interspecies romance. I wanted change, not the whole fucking world tearing itself apart."

  Michael sniffed, "It's kinda fitting though. Just look at what's been happening lately, everything being a disaster here just fits in perfectly." He clenched his fist, "To tell you the truth, it just feels... wrong you know? Like everything is just setting up to be taken down."

  Liam nodded, "Like we're in the eye of the hurricane, and it's going to pass over soon. Christ, what a mess."

  Michael stood, "Well, whatever it is, I've got your back. Everyone does, we'll sort it out." He smiled at his brother, "Thanks for the advice."

  He smiled and waved him off, "Don't worry about it, just don't screw it up."

  Michael snorted as he left, "No promises."

  The room was silent after the door closed, Liam sitting at his desk deep in thought. Michael was right, the last few months had felt completely wrong. His brother, his father, the coven, Skylar's mysterious pregnancy... something was wrong, something was building. Maybe something was already here.

  He pulled his phone out again, dialing the contractors, "Hello, it's Liam Conway again. I was wondering if you would be available for another job."

  "Of course sir, can I ask any specifics?"

  He looked out the window at the forest, "I want to have an underground bunker built, something sturdy, able to withstand tremendous forces."

  "An... underground bunker sir? Sorry for saying this but that's highly unusual."

  He shrugged, "I have a child on the way, I'd rather not gamble on their health. There hasn't been a tornado or a hurricane in this area for a very long time, but that doesn't mean it can't happen."

  "Of course sir, I understand. I can send someone to discuss specifics in a few days."

  He nodded to himself, "Very well, thank you." He ended the call.

  Liam stretched his neck, exhaling slowly, "If something does happen, the women and children of my pack will be safe. I will accept nothing less. Not while I'm still breathing."

  Chapter 7

  "God Michael, where are you?" Hayley had been waiting in his cabin for hours, desperate for a chance to talk to him, really talk to him since they left the witch. They hadn't talked much on the way back to Skylar's, and since then both hadn't been able to so much as look at each other, much less hold a conversation. Everything was going so well, they were getting along, building a friendship. They were making progress, and then hormones came along and potentially screwed everything up.

  Part of her was mortified, a witch mating with a shifter was something unthinkable, something to be shamed. She was horrified that she could slip like that. But the other part of her couldn't help but feel that was ridiculous, that love and desires come to everyone, you cannot choose who you feel them for. If only they hadn't learnt about that prophecy, then they might have been able to work things out between them, they could have talked things through and gotten past the awkwardness.

  Instead they learnt that their coupling was a deeply important, decades before foretold event, something that was so miraculous that it warranted magical precognition.

  She cursed that witch, things would have been fine if she hadn't opened her mouth. But what could be so important that she saw fit to tell them about it? Was it a blessing, or was it a warning? Did she tell them out of the goodness of her heart? Or as a cruel joke? Or perhaps both?

  She groaned as she tried to work through the motive, but without the woman herself in front of her it was pointless. She decided to think of why it could be important, but couldn't come up with any answers there either. Was it a statement of unity? Possibly, if it went well then the two factions would join and be stronger than ever. But it could just as easily be an omen of bad luck, a lover’s quarrel turned deadly, and possibly igniting a shifter-witch conflict all over again, with renewed anger.

  Hayley put her head in her hands, sucking in air and letting it out harshly through her nose. "What could this possibly mean?" She stomped her foot, "Why can't people ever give a clear answer for once?"

  She heard footsteps approaching and snapped her head to the door, eagerly awaiting and utterly dreading the conversation she was about to have. The door opened slowly, the person on the other side clearly deep in thought. Michael looked up as he entered, a startled look covering his face when he saw Hayley standing there.

  He froze, one foot still out the door. He started to turn away, "Sorry, I have to go."

  She ran forward, grabbing his wrist in her hand, "No! Please, we need to talk."

  Michael looked like he wanted to argue, snatch his wrist away, slam the door. But he didn't. Instead he just sighed and stepped in, closing the door behind him, "Alright, I'm all ears."

  "Thank you." She smiled quickly before sitting down, "I've been thinking about this prophecy. About us."

  He blushed, but nodded, "It's been hard to think of anything else honestly."

  She chuckled, "Tell me about it. I've been trying to come up with a reason why it would focus around us, and the only thing I can think of is some sort of unity. Like we'd be a mark of good fortune or something."

  He shrugged, "Or we could be a disaster waiting to happen, and it'll destroy everything and everyone we care about."

  She sighed, "That was another possibility."

  She looked up at him, "What do you think? Good tidings? Or ill fortune?"

  He snorted, "What about an error?"

  When Hayley raised an eyebrow he elaborated, "What if it's not about us? What if it's somewhere else in the country, or in the entire world?" He threw his hands up, "Shit, what if it wasn't even true? What if she was just screwing with us for a laugh?"

  She studied him, clearly he was panicking, "You don't believe that."

  "What does it matter what I believe? It's probably just a bunch of bullshit, I wouldn't be able to figure it out anyway!"

  "But it's important!"

  He threw his head back, "I have no idea how to even work out how it's important then!"

  Hayley stood, walking over to him and grasping his hand in hers, "Then please, let me try. And please, help me figure it out. I need your help."

  "But how? How would we even start, where would we even start?" He ran a hand through his hair, "Trust me, I don't like not knowing this either, but let's be realistic. How do we stand a chance of figuring out what this prophecy means?"

  She shrugged, "We could always go back to the witch, see what she has to think."

  Michael's eyes hardened, "No, absolutely not. I'm not seeing her again."

  She sighed, "Michael..."

  "No. I will do anything else, I mean anything else. But I'm not going to where sh
e was again, I don't trust her."

  "She might be the only way we can find it out!"

  Michael closed his eyes, a small growl in his throat, "I said no. That's my condition. Otherwise I walk."

  She breathed in slowly, exhaling through her nose. Goddamn stubborn... She considered for a minute, then nodded slowly, looking him in the eye, "Ok, I think we can go through the books that they have at the coven. I'm sure there is something hidden there, maybe we can find together what I couldn't find on my own."

  He nodded, "I... I don't have any problems with that."

  "But listen to me." He looked at her, "If we don't find anything, then I want to go back to the witch." He started to protest, but she cut in, "No! This is more important than either of our fears ok? This could have potential impact on the coven or on the pack, and I know you don't want that, do you?"

  He shook his head, "No, my duty is to protect the pack."

  "Exactly, and my duty is to protect the coven. And I won't let either of us stand in the way of that, not for something so stupid as fear." She squeezed his hand, "You're not the only one who's scared, I am too. I'm terrified actually, but we need to do this. And I think we need to do it together."

  He sighed, standing there contemplating every aspect of the plan he could. She was right, it could affect the pack, it could mean that harm comes to those he swore to protect. What kind of second would he be if he allowed that to happen?

  Slowly, begrudgingly, he nodded, squeezing her hand back, "Alright. Alright we'll go see her if we can't find anything." She started to smile, "Don't. We are going to be thorough, we are going to go over every single book they have in that library before we go back. I don't want to ever see that woman again if I can help it. Ok?"

  She nodded, "That's fair enough, I wouldn't suggest any less."

  She surged forward before she could stop herself, wrapping him in her arms and squeezing tightly. Just as she realized, he ripped himself out of her arms, a look of revulsion on his face.

  "I... I'm so sorry." Seeing that look on his face... is that how he really saw her? How all of them saw her? Not as a woman, but as some vile creature, some sick abomination of nature? Suddenly the room was unbearable to stand in. "I'm sorry."

  She turned to leave, her footsteps echoing in the quiet of the cabin. Her hand was already twisting the doorknob when he grabbed her elbow, "No! Wait, I..." He turned her around, "I didn't... I was just surprised and..."

  "Are you really so disgusted by me?" He shook his head, "Then why do you look at me like you are?"

  He sighed, "I was raised to hate you, to treat you like an enemy. Every instinct was telling me to just kill you on sight. But that was before."

  She tilted her head, "And now?"

  "Now? I..." He sighed, "Fuck it."

  He flew forward, his lips crashing into hers, his hands instantly threaded into her hair. She grabbed at his shoulders, her fingers digging into them as she clawed at his shirt. He dropped his hands from her hair, grabbing the front of her shirt and tearing, the ruined garment falling to the ground in tatters. She did the same, finally getting a good hold and pulling, the already taut fabric shredding easily.

  They looked at each other’s bodies, arousal building in them, and threw themselves back in, their lips fighting a battle for dominance. Soon they found themselves on the bed, frantically trying to climb on top of the other. Right as hands started to slip below waistbands however, both pulled back.

  "Wait I... I don't think this is such a good idea..."

  Hayley nodded, "There's too much riding on this right now, I... We need to stop."

  Michael chuckled, "I don't want to, but we need to." He threaded his hand into hers, "In case that didn't show it... I am attracted to you. God, so much it almost hurts."

  She nodded, "I know what you mean..."

  He smiled, stroking her stomach lightly, "I... I think I want more from this. But we can't... Not until we find out more about this prophecy. I don't want to go all in on this and just find out it's some destined tragic disaster. I don't think you do either."

  Hayley laughed, "No, I think I'd rather avoid the tragic disaster type of romance." She smiled, "Thank you. For being honest, and for... well... everything else that's been happening between us."

  He snorted, "You don't have to thank me there. Trust me." He looked at her hesitantly, almost shyly, "Do you... want to just lie here for a while? Forget what's happening out there and just... be?"

  She ran a hand down his cheek, a soft smile on her face, "I think I'd like that very much."

  * * *

  Farah sat staring out the window, watching the cars pass by and the people go about their days, a cup of coffee warming her palms and pleasing her senses. She requested a few days off from being a housekeeper, telling Sky and Liam that she needed time to process everything that's been happening lately. Being kidnapped, this whole situation with Leah, Skylar's baby... it was all becoming too much to keep track of, she needed time to breath.

  One of the biggest things on her mind was the issue of the witch who poisoned Leah. If she tried anything again, on Leah or otherwise, she was fully prepared to kill her. But somehow, she just knew that the woman was being genuine, she didn't want to commit evil, when she got her first taste of it she turned and ran away. It was likely that she would never be a threat to anything ever again, so there was need to visit the woman any time soon, possibly ever.

  She sighed and went to pick up her coffee when someone slipped into the booth across from her. She froze, staring at the person in front of her like she'd seen a ghost.

  Cayden smiled at her, "Hi there."

  She didn't say anything, couldn't say anything, all she could do was sit and stare blankly at him while he got more and more confused. Of all the men in the world, it had to be this one, the ex-boyfriend of her best friend, who of course Farah met while he was picking her up for their date. The date never ended up going anywhere, but the damage was done, he was head over heels for Skylar.

  Meanwhile Farah was left nursing a frustration attraction, Farah, who had never been with anyone before in her life was left to deal with budding feelings for a hunter. Someone who just one year ago would have tried to kill her, likely slowly, just for the crime of existing. It was hard to reconcile that image with the man who sat in front of her, eyebrow raised and a confused look on his face, looking like he was two seconds away from calling an ambulance for her.

  She sighed, what could possibly be his purpose in being here? They go on one outing together and suddenly they're best friends? Or could he be attracted to her? She snorted, even if that was true, he was likely still in love with Sky.

  It wasn't fair, Skylar didn't even want him, and yet she still had him. She clamped down on that line of thinking right away. You don't need to start having doubts and envy for your best friend, not over some man. There were plenty more where that came from.

  She tilted her head as she looked at him, sighing deeply.

  What a shame it would be to have to choose another though.

  He reached across the table, as if to take her hand. He tilted his head, "Are you ok?"

  Screw this.

  "Are you attracted to me?"

  His eyes widened almost comically, "Am I... what?"

  "It is a simple question. Are you attracted to me?"

  He fidgeted, his hand squeezing open and closed as he considered his answer. He closed his eyes and looked to the ceiling, taking deep, calming breaths. When he looked back at her his face was very carefully neutral.

  "I've honestly never thought about it."

  Of course not.

  "Well... I'm sorry to have asked then, how embarrassing." She took a final drink of her coffee, by now cold and stale. The liquid washed down her throat in an almost sickening flood of bitterness, a grimace coming over her. She gathered her things into her bag and stood, "I think I'll be going now, enjoy the rest of your day Cayden."

  "Wait!" He stood, holding his hands out in a
move that looked desperate, "Don't go I... Can you sit? Please? I think we need to talk it over more." He scratched the back of his head, "And honestly? I think I did a terrible job of explaining myself then."

  She considered for a second, her eyes narrowed in thought, but she decided to indulge him. After all, everyone deserves a chance to explain themselves. She sat and gestured for him to continue.

  He groaned, "Alright I... I am attracted to you. Pretty heavily in fact. It's just... I feel like I shouldn't be."

  "Because of Skylar?"

  "Because of everything!" He rested his head in his hands, "I'm a hunter Farah, everything I have ever been taught by any person in my life has told me, demanded of me that I spend my life killing people like you! And now I'm attracted to you!"

  She huffed a small laugh, "I can see how that would be confusing for you."

  "I mean, you were always attractive, it's just that we met when I was into Skylar..." His expression darkened, "And then the witches got to me..."

  Slowly, carefully, she extended her hand, placing it over his. She squeezed down, "It's ok Cayden, we got rid of them all."

  He nodded, "I know. It's just hard to forget something like that." He looked up at her, "Especially when you can't help but think of it when you see something beautiful."

  She laughed, "Well you're a charmer, aren't you?"

  He grinned, "I try my best."

  "But... What about Skylar?"

  He shook his head, "There never was anything there. I just wish I'd gotten that through my head earlier. No, she belongs with Liam." He scowled, "As shitty as that is for me to say."

  She chuckled, "Well, I think it's the mature thing to do. Not everyone does that."

  He shook his head, a small smile on his face, "I guess not huh?"

  They were both silent for a while, before eventually she starts shaking. He looks at her in mild alarm, but smiles when he sees she's laughing. She turned to him, wiping a tear from her eye, "A hunter and a witch. What are the odds?"

  Cayden snorted, "What are the odds indeed." He looked into her eyes, "Do you want to go on a date with me? Not one where we're chasing down some witch, but a real one, dinner, candles, the whole deal?"


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