The Alpha's Prophecy (Werewolves of Boulder Junction Book 3)

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The Alpha's Prophecy (Werewolves of Boulder Junction Book 3) Page 30

by Martha Woods

  As the plane takes off and begins its journey to Germany, I reach across my seat and take Elizabeth’s hand in mine. “Everything is going to be okay. I promise, Elizabeth. I won’t let anything happen to you,” I tell her. She tilts her head towards me and gives me a weak smile. “I have traveled across the realms and have destroyed every being that has ever threatened me.” I can’t help but smile as she tries to subdue a wave of giggles. At this moment, she is still unaware of the creatures that walk this earth. She doesn’t understand what I’ve recently gone through or that my uncle died in the process of me escaping my first token trap.

  Elizabeth has no idea what could possible happen next.

  Chapter 10

  We sat quietly at a café in the train station, almost three o’clock in the morning, enjoy our last good meal before the train arrives and carries us to the foothills of the Kingdom.

  “I don’t even feel like eating,” John says as he rests his head on the table. We were all exhausted but Morgan and I both understood the living conditions we’d experience once we returned.

  “Eat while you can, John. It will be stale bread and canned goods from this moment on. Fresh food is only delivered once a week for an entire army to feed,” I explain as I quickly eat the salad in front of me. It’s not as fresh as what I had in America, but it would have to do for now.

  “Is there really an army where we are going?” Elizabeth asks as she takes a few bites of her sandwich and then passes it to Darien to try.

  “My people are raised to be warriors from the moment the can walk and talk. It is simply our way of life,” I explain between bites. I lavish in the warmth of the room, despite the fact that I have started to sweat in my new fur coat and hat. When we had stopped in Germany, I had taken the time to outfit everyone in the proper clothing that would keep them warm when traveling to and around the Kingdom. I wasn’t excited to feel the constant cold on my skin again. I had even begun to dread wearing the dull gray and red uniform I would have to change into as soon as we arrived.

  “And what is this army training for?” Darien asks, the most exhausted of us all. Though the children were able to sleep during the plane rides, I couldn’t remember him actually sleeping since the last time we lay in bed together.

  “We train to destroy the gates between the supernatural realm and our own reality. We want to secure our world from those who might want to pass through with their own army.” I glance down at John the moment I hear him snoring. It was a small blessing that he wasn’t awake to hear my words. I could only imagine how scary this whole trip had been for them as they traveled day after day towards an unknown destination. I tried to emphases to them that they would always be safe, but I can’t save them from their own fears.

  The sound of the train pulling into the station forced us to wake up and move once more as we left the café and boarded the train. Its whistle sounded loud and strong into the empty terrain as the machine lurched forward. It would be another seven hours before we would depart the train and finally arrive on the edge of the Kingdom. From there, it would be a short journey by car to enter into the inner dwelling center of the Kingdom.

  Morgan offered to give the children a tour of the train once we had left the station and the train had fallen into a rhyme. Excited to get up and do something besides sit, they took Morgan’s offer and quickly left our small cabin. Alone with Darien, I wasn’t sure what to do or say. I tried to focus on what was passing by outside the window, but it was too dark to see anything.

  “Why do I feel like I’ve made a terrible mistake,” Darien spoke up as he came and sat next to me. I looked over at him as I begin to realize the depth of his worry and fear.

  “It’s a lot to take in, Darien. But it will be easier to understand once you spend some time around my people,” I say as I place my hand over his and tighten my grip. He places his other hand on top of mind and begins rubbing the back of my knuckles through the gloves I’m wearing.

  “Is there a way to cure Elizabeth?” he asks after a while.

  “It has been theorized that the flames within has can be extinguished. Since this ability comes from the supernatural realm, most believe once we’ve destroyed the gates and sealed our realm from theirs, our powers will be removed as well,” I say as I lean my head on his shoulder. It would be foolish of me not to get any sleep before arriving home.

  “And how are these gates going to be destroyed,” Darien says after a long yawn.

  “With an army,” I respond as I close my eyes. The rhythm of the train rocks us to sleep and I only wake when the train comes into the last station.

  * * *

  “What are they going to do to her?” Darien asks as he stands with me in the doorway of a large conference room. Elizabeth is seated in a chair as three masters circle her and closely analyze her features. From time to time, they ask her a few questions and every few minutes, one of the masters looks at me and then back at Elizabeth.

  “They are searching her through and through. She won’t feel anything of course. They simply want to see the boundaries of her powers at this moment,” I explain. I look over Darien, secretly admiring the way he looks in a traditional uniform. I explained to him how everyone wears this same uniform in order to create equality amongst our people. Since arriving at the Kingdom and being situated in the visitor’s wing, Darien, Elizabeth and John have quickly discovered how differently things operate within these stone walls. They were quick to realize how cold it always feels and how meals are received on a schedule and are not normally as flavorful as what they are used too. But I planned to acquire a few sweet treats for them to enjoy before the end of the week.

  Elizabeth remains posed as she keeps her focus on me. I told her to appear confident and to keep her eyes focused on a single object while she was examined. I should have known that object would be me. She finally brings her focus away from me when the masters announce that they are finished with their examination and she can go. She quickly leaps from the chair and makes her way over to me, sliding her fingers into my hand like a scared child.

  “Are you okay?” I ask as I tilt her head towards me with my free hand.

  “Yes. I just didn’t like the way those old men were looking at me. It felt creepy,” she explains as she looks over at Darien. I couldn’t help but chuckle as I release her hand and push her towards her brother.

  “You two run along and find John and Morgan. I’ll come collect you for dinner, which I’ve arranged especially for us and my family. I can’t wait for you to meet my mother and brother,” I say as I step into the room. I already know the elders must be waiting for me to devote my attention to them. Darien gives me a simple nod as he looks over at the masters and then back at me.

  As they walk down the hallway and around the corner, I close the door and walk to where the masters are seated. Before them I kneel to show my deepest respects before I stand and take a seat across from them.

  “Anastasia Juravinski, ever since your birth we’ve known that your life would be filled with uncertainty and great trails,” the master in the mild speaks as he glances between his two companions. They both nodded in agreement as they turn their focus on me. “You’ve survived not only one token trap, but two, and now have presented us with a carrier of your unusual powers.”

  “Can she be released of my powers? After all, she is just a normal human girl.”

  “We are human as well, Princess. Always remember that. We just have been gifted these abilities and responsibilities by our parents. At this time, we have decided what resides inside of this young girl possesses no threat to herself or anyone or around her.”

  “But can she be released from them?” I ask again, afraid of what the answer may be. After a moment pause, I receive the answer I’ve been dreading.

  “She cannot be released from these powers, no more than we can. We must continue forward and find a way to close the gates in order to eradicate everything supernatural in our realm.”

  I let th
e words sink before I stand and kneel again. I say a polite ‘thank you’ before I rise and leave the room. I feel defeated as I slowly walk down the hallway to the sleeping quarters that have been assigned to Darien and his family. I wanted to return to them with good news and a quick solution, but instead I am only delivering them new decisions to be made.

  I’m pulled by my thoughts as I hear John’s laughter filling the hallway. I look up and see him and Morgan racing down the walkway with small packages in their hands. They quickly disappear into the bedroom and I can’t help but quicken my pace to find out what all the commotion is about.

  “Look what we got!” John calls to get everyone’s attention. I stand in the doorway as I watch Darien and Elizabeth turn to see what he is so excited about. John plops his package on the table and Morgan follows his motion as John quickly unwraps the package to reveal freshly baked donuts.

  “Those were meant to be a surprise for tonight,” I say, making my presence known. I look at Morgan who tries to ignore my stare. I have a feeling that he is responsible for getting something special for John. A part of me wonders if Morgan is starting to grow an attachment to the young boy.

  “But I feel like I’m starving,” John is quick to defend. I can’t help but smile as I walk over to the table and break a donut in half, handing a half to John before I take a bite.

  “So, what did they say?” Darien asks, ignoring the food on the table.

  “Let’s wait till dinner,” I start as I finish the donut. “That way I only have to repeat myself once.”

  “And will you be requiring my assistance this evening?” Morgan ask as he steps away from the table. I look at him and glance over at John who has stopped eating to watch what will happen next.

  “I think we can manage without you for a small time. I’m sure you’ve complete whatever task my mother has assigned you. But if I find a need of your services, I know where to find you,” I explain as I tilt my head towards John. Both of them exchange a knowing smile before Morgan leaves the room. John seems to relax as he sits down at the table and offers Elizabeth a donut.

  “I’m not hungry,” she says quietly as she stands and walks into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. Darien stands to follow her but I quickly grab his hand and stop him.

  “Just give her some time, Darien. It’s a lot to take in, for everyone,” I say, trying to comfort him with my touch. I hand him a piece of donut and finally he sits and enjoys the small morsel of food.

  We sit at the table for a few minutes as John tells his brother of all the things he’s been seeing with Morgan throughout the day. He’s seen the kitchens, the arena, the school rooms, and has even been able to see a few of the races the dwell inside the Kingdom. John mentions how Morgan reacted when he came across a group of werewolves who had stopped by to deliver a new shipment.

  “Werewolves make excellent traders. They are not as nearly effected by the cold like we are,” I pipe in.

  “And what exactly is Morgan? I’ve noticed his eyes are black. Does that mean something different amongst your people?” Darien asks as he takes another donut and splits it between him and John.

  “Has Morgan told you what he is, John?” I ask instead. John gives me a swift nod as he eats.

  “Morgan is a vampire,” I tell Darien after I have confirmed that Morgan has shared his identity with this family. I let the words sink in as Darien considers them, his mouth agape at the realization.

  “I guess that makes a lot of sense,” he says after a while. Finally, Elizabeth comes out of the bathroom, her face freshly scrubbed but I can tell she has been crying by the red skin around her eyes. She comes and stands next to me as I loop my arms around her and bring her close for a tight hug. I can feel her chest heave as she fights back the tears.

  “Well, let’s head to dinner,” I suggest as I stand and lead Elizabeth after me. In the hallway, I receive several greetings from the people we pass. I try to be polite and return their looks but I also can’t ignore the way they stare at the family around me. Never have I ever seen a normal human in the Kingdom, so I know it’s an unusual sight. At least my title and position will give me a little leverage of what I can get away with.

  I lead them to a well light dining room where a fire is burning in a large fire place. The room is exceptionally inviting as I offer Elizabeth a chair at the table and instruct John to sit next to her. I have Darien sit towards the head of the table and I sit directly across as I wait for my mother to take the head of the table.

  “Well this is nice,” Darien comments as the double doors open and my mother and brother appear.

  “Anastasi! I’m so glad your back,” Marcus exclaims as he rushes into the room and swoops me up in his arms.

  “And I’m glad to see you’ve gotten your strength back. Does this mean you have finished your research?” I ask but before he can answer my mother motions for both of us to have a seat at the table. I relinquish the seat next to my mother to my brother as I sit next to him at the table.

  “Anastasi. Would you be so kind to introduce your guests for this evening,” my mother suggests as she takes her seat.

  “Of course. Melinda and Marcus Juravinski, may I introduce you to Darien, Elizabeth and John Mathews. They have traveled with me to receive council concerning Elizabeth’s coming of age,” I explain as I settle down into my seat.

  “It is an honor to meet you Mrs. Juravinski,” Darien speaks as he extends his hand towards my mother. My mother smiles as she shakes his hand and then begins dinner by folding her napkin across her lap. Prompted by my mother’s gesture, dinner is quickly served and we fall into an awkward silence as we enjoy a few simple dishes.

  “Marcus, I’m dying to know how your research is going,” I speak up after I have made sure my plate is completely cleared before I speak.

  “Actually, I am hoping what you have to report will shed some light on my work. I’ve come to a standstill with my research and I’m hoping a new perspective might help me out,” Marcus replies as he glances over at our mother. She gives me a swift nod, inviting me to continue speaking.

  “When I was inside the token trap, there was a djinn and his slave muse. Together they created a powerful token. During my time there, the djinn betrayed his muse, tricking her into thinking she would be free. Once she realized what had happened, she told me about the reality of the trap we were in. She explained that we had been pulled into my subconscious and that I was only dreaming. When I had touched the token, we all became trapped in my mind. I simply had to wake up to escape. She explained that when we travel to the supernatural realm, our spirits travel through and our bodies are left behind.”

  “So, your saying that you were able to reach the supernatural realm through dreaming?” Marcus asks as he finishes his food.

  “The more I think about what happened, the more it makes sense. When I let my powers burn everything around me, I woke to the same position I had fallen unconscious in. Only the token was no longer active. I’m thinking that if we can find a way to trigger an unconscious transition into the supernatural realm, we may be able to destroy the gates without having to go through them,” I explain.

  “But how will this help me?” Elizabeth speaks up. I look over at her and realize she has hardly touched her food.

  “By closing the gates and sealing the supernatural realm from ours, the fire we control may be sealed in that realm since our powers originate from that place,” my mother explains. I wait to see if she is going to say anything more but eventually she turns her gaze back to me.

  “The masters agree. There is nothing we can do at this moment to withdraw the powers from our beings. For now, we must precede with finding a way to destroy the gates and the remaining tokens on Earth,” I conclude. I can’t look up at Darien, afraid of what this news might affect him. My mother looks pleased as she dabs the edge of her mouth with her napkin and lays it across her plate.

  “I will inform the generals in the morning. I’m sure they would ap
preciate your rendition,” my mother says as she stands and pushes in her chair. I nod in agreement as Marcus stands and follows my mother out of the room, leaving me only with a weak smile for encouragement.

  “So, that’s it then,” Darien says harshly as he tosses his napkin on the table. “We just sit around till your people can defeat this unseen evil so my family can return home?”

  I’m not quite sure what to say because I don’t have a different option to give them. “There is a school Elizabeth and John can attend while they are here. And if they choose too, they can attend the training session with the other children their ages,” I offer.

  “I don’t think they should be around your people,” Darien scoffs as he stands and motions for Elizabeth and John to do the same.

  “You’ve been around my people your entire life, Darien. You just didn’t realize it till now. Your parents dealt with antiques and always sent token our way anytime they found them. They knew of this world and so should you,” I say sternly. I feel Darien is over reacting, but I can neither blame him or try to change his mind. Before he can speak I raise my hand to silence him. “We can talk more about this in the morning. For now, please get some rest. Tomorrow I’ll take you around the Kingdom so you can become more familiarized by your new surroundings.”

  The three of them leave without saying another word. As I stare into the fire in the fireplace, anger boils within me as I throw my plate against the wall. I see the blue flames rising from my skin as I remind myself to calm down. I take a few deep breaths before leaving the room and returning to my chambers. I quickly undress and pull on a simple black nightgown before climbing into bed where I disappear under a thick layer of furs.

  I can’t help but sob as I think of the way Darien looked at me once he realized he wouldn’t be leaving any time soon. A part of me felt betrayed compared to the way he had kissed me and held me in his arms just a few nights ago. Eventually, I coax myself into calming my breathing and stilling my shaking body. Now that I have returned to the Kingdom, I need to start acting like the warrior I was raised to be. I remember my mother’s council. I need to forget my emotions and focus on the most logic path to follow. If I am ever going to have a chance of being with Darien, I need to help my people find a way to destroy the gates and banish the supernatural realm, and our powers, forever.


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