Unraveled (The Monroe Family Book 5)

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Unraveled (The Monroe Family Book 5) Page 12

by Nicole Dykes

  I gaze lazily at her naked body as she quickly reaches across the bed to her bedside table. She opens a drawer and pulls out a condom.

  She doesn’t hesitate as her hands find my zipper and she pulls it down, thankfully not scraping my hard cock not protected by underwear.

  I lift my hips up as she pulls my shorts down, letting my cock spring out happily.

  Her eyes scan over my dick and she looks up at me with surprise. “You’re pierced? Brooke never told me that.”

  Talking about my ex. Not really what I want to be doing right now. “I haven’t had sex with Brooke for over a decade. It wasn’t pierced then.”

  She nods her head and licks her lips with approval. I would love to have those lips wrapped around my cock, but all I can think about is having every inch buried deep inside of her.

  I grab the condom and slip it on carefully. Alex looks at me hungrily as she moves so that we are lined up, not a hint of clothing in our way.

  Alex looks down at me, not looking away. She almost defiantly looks deep into my eyes as I fist my cock and guide the head into her entrance. She moves herself down the rest of the way taking all of me in at an achingly slow pace. We both still, our eyes locked firmly on each other and my heart is pounding out of my chest at the intensity of it all.

  Time to change it up. I grip her hips and slide up so I’m in an upright position and my back is against the headboard. I break eye contact as I dip my mouth to her chest, taking her nipple into my mouth and nibbling just enough to cause a little pain. Alex moans with pleasure just like I knew she would. I do the same to the other nipple as she finally moves her hips to start riding my dick.

  Her pace increases, my cock is grazing her clit with each stroke out. The pierced head hits that perfect spot deep inside of her when it goes in, and I can feel her clench with her impending orgasm.

  My hands hold onto her hips as she comes so hard she can’t continue to move, and I take over the pace. Moving her so my cock moves in and out and I feel the buildup of my own orgasm.

  I pull her hair out of that damn bun, letting her dark red hair fall down her back. My lips find the skin on her neck before her lips desperately find mine as I come, our moans vibrating deep inside of my mouth.

  When we both come down from our orgasm, Alex collapses on my chest. Her bare tits press up against my chest with every pant.

  It’s not long before her breathing evens out, and I look down to see that she’s fallen asleep.

  I smile to myself. This is definitely not how I thought tonight was going to play out, but I’ll be damned if I would change a thing.

  Chapter 22



  y eyes slowly peek open the next morning. The first thing I see is Shriller's sculpted and tattooed chest. I’ve seen him shirtless countless times over the last few weeks, but last night I touched him. I traced every tattoo with my tongue.

  My eyes move down to the sexy V of his hips and see the hot pink sheet is barely covering his junk. I was shocked when I discovered it was pierced. Although, now that I think about it, it’s very Shriller. God, it felt good deep inside of me. It pushed me over the edge in record time.

  My cheeks flush at the thought, but then I hear Shriller chuckle, forcing my eyes up to meet his. “What’s funny?”

  He gives me that easy smirk. “Nothing. That’s just how you should look when you’re remembering being fucked.”

  He’s beaming with pride and it should piss me off, but he’s right. Last night was incredible. Still, I’m not going to feed his ego. “Last night shouldn’t have happened. It can’t happen again.”

  I pull the sheet up with me as I sit up and lean back against my headboard. Memories of gripping it tightly as Shriller used his talented tongue to bring me to an earth-shattering orgasm flood my mind, and I hope he doesn’t notice.

  Shriller rolls to his side and looks up at me. “Fuck, I was gonna see if you wanted another round this morning.”

  I look down at him, trying to decide if he’s serious. He totally is. “Shriller we can’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because we’re friends. We’ve been friends for a long time and I don’t want to fuck that up. Sex complicates things.”

  He moves his body up so he’s sitting next to me. “Maybe in romantic comedies or in high school, But hell Alex, we’re adults. We aren’t in love with each other, and we know that. Last night was just a dirty, dirty night between two friends. You know, clearing out the cobwebs.”

  He sure has a way with words. “Asshole.”

  He chuckles, “I don’t think there is anything wrong with what we did.”

  I bite my bottom lip subconsciously going through the events of last night. “God, you really don’t follow any normal rules, do you? I just got out of a relationship.”

  “Fuck rules. Look Alex, it can just be that one time we fucked or we can go at it whenever we feel like it. Either way, I’m good, but don’t regret last night. We didn’t do anything wrong.”

  I think about his words and decide it’s way too tempting staying in this bed right now. “I have to get ready for work.”

  He nods, “All right.”

  I’m totally naked still. “Turn around.”

  He cocks an eyebrow in confusion. “What? Why?”

  “Because I have to get up and I don’t want you to see me naked.”

  He full on laughs at that. “Are you fucking serious? You do realize I saw you naked last night, right? I studied every single inch. Committed it all to memory. Let’s face it, Alex, if I want to see you naked, all I have to do is close my eyes.”

  Well damn. “Shriller,” I say, not sure why I’m shocked by his words.

  He shakes his head at me. “That asshole did some serious fucking damage. Be that confident, sexy woman I know and get your fantastic naked body out of bed. Don’t hide.”

  Man, he really knows how to push my buttons. He’s right though, for the hundredth time lately. I am not this shy, delicate little flower. I look him dead in the eye as I throw the sheet off of me and stand up and strut out the door to the bathroom.

  I get ready in record time and leave the apartment without saying goodbye. I can’t be here right now.

  I drive to my salon and go about my day, unable to keep the dumbass smirk off of my face. Missy, the thirty-five-year-old woman I hired to be my salon’s manager notices, and when we are folding the towels in the back that evening, she finally asks about it. “So what’s up with you, girl? You definitely have a spring in your step today.”

  I laugh at that and put away a stack of towels. “Nothing.” I’m still sporting the goofy smile and she gives me a look, knowing something is up. I sigh and give in. “Ugh. Okay, I just had sex last night, really great sex.”

  She nods her head like that’s what she was expecting. “With Stephen?”

  Wow. It’s then that I remember I’m no longer with Stephen, and it was just yesterday I was engaged to him. I feel a little slutty and suck in a breath, “No, actually we broke up.”

  Now Missy's eyes widen, “Holy shit. When?”

  “Yesterday,” I admit.

  “I’m so sorry, Alex. That’s terrible.”

  I brush it off. “It was for the best.” I think. I haven’t really had time to process it.

  “So who was the guy last night then?” she asks with an intrigued smile.

  “It was a stupid mistake.”

  “Uh huh. That’s why you have been walking around all day with that silly smile on your face.”

  “It’s kind of complicated,” I say. Complicated doesn’t even begin to cover it. I mean, this is Shriller. He’s been in my life for over half of it. I don’t want things to get all messed up, no matter how calm he is about it or how hot the sex is.

  My mind flashes to stripping for him in my bedroom. Shit. Everything reminds me of last night.

  I’m gonna have to find a way to forget about last night, and fast.

  Chapter 23
/>   Shriller


  can’t keep the stupid grin off of my face today. I tell myself it’s because I finally got laid after a month hiatus and not because it was with Alex. Fuck, that was hot as hell though.

  I scheduled my next knee surgery for next week and decided Alex was right. The doctor was still a good one and he did the best he could. So, I’m sticking with him and even had my manager have his assistant ship me a t shirt and poster I can sign for the doc's kid.

  I called Dick today for the usual check in and actually decided to fly to L.A. in a couple of days to go over a more intense plan for the future. He prefers to meet in person and was going to fly here, but I decided I would rather go there and pick up some more of my stuff and check on my house.

  Amazing what one good night of fucking can do for the soul. I haven’t been in this good of a mood for a while.

  Alex should be home soon so I order dinner and it arrives at the same time she does. Damn I’m good.

  I pay for dinner and we both sit at the table. Alex hasn’t said anything but a quick “hi” since she got here.

  She takes a bite of orange chicken and I have to ask, “You all right?”

  She takes a sip of her wine and seems on edge. Shit, she should be relaxed after last night. “No. Of course I’m not okay. How the hell can you be so casual?”

  I stare dumbly at her. I thought we ironed this out this morning. I shrug my shoulders, “I told you this morning, I don’t regret what happened. It felt damn good and I’m not ashamed that it put me in a great mood.”

  “Okay, so maybe stop thinking with your dick and switch over to your brain for a minute.”

  I chuckle and take a drink of my beer. “Why the hell would I do that? My cock is way more fun.”

  She groans in frustration and takes the hair tie off of her wrist and uses it to twist her hair up into a quick bun. That’s even sexy. Her look today is a stark contrast to the ugly dress and uptight look she had on last night. Her piercings are back in, and she’s wearing a blue tank top, with her pink bra straps peeking out and ripped jeans. Now this is Alex.

  “All right, Alex. Let me have it.”

  She takes a deep breath and then let’s out every worry. “We have been friends for a long time, Shriller. Yeah, you were Brooke’s boyfriend, and then you disappeared for a while when Brooke and I went to college. hen you moved to L.A., but still somehow you were always someone I could talk to.” She takes another breath after that mouthful and looks away and continues. “When Brooke and I would get in a stupid fight, you were there. When my parents were pissed when I came home from my first month at college with dyed hair and two tattoos, you were there. When I thought I had feelings for Jax and it was clear he didn’t feel the same, you were there. You have just always been a person I can talk to, even if you drive me fucking crazy and you’re an asshole most of the time.”

  I smile at her honesty. The fact that she is staring straight at the wall and not at me, shows just how uncomfortable this makes her. “Alex, none of that has changed.”

  She turns back to face me, “Not yet.”

  “It won’t.”

  “Last night was amazing.”

  I grin. “Yeah it was. So, what are you saying, you’re in love with me now?

  She rolls her eyes at me. “Hell no.”

  She wants to do it again. I’m ninety percent sure that’s what this is about. Now, how the hell can I convince her that we can do just that without messing everything up? “Exactly. Last night was fucking great, but we aren’t in love. I love you and always will, but we aren’t a couple. If we want to fuck, it’s safe. I mean, we were just acting on fifteen years of pent up tension.”

  She looks at me with her eyes wide. “What? That’s not true. You’ve thought about me like that before?”

  I chuckle at that, “Of course, I have.”

  “Since when?”

  “The day we met,” I answer honestly, because why the hell wouldn’t I?

  “What? Shut up. You did not.”

  I laugh again at her genuine surprise. “Of course, I did. I’m a guy, Alex. We think about every hot chick. Hell, every chick.” I swear she’s turning red which only makes me want to push her further. “Let’s not pretend you haven’t thought about me before last night.”

  Her mouth falls open and then shuts quickly like she’s thinking about her response, but it’s too late, she’s busted. Her face totally gave her away. “I…no. I mean, maybe I thought about what it would be like once or twice. But it’s not like I thought about you all of the time or anything.”

  “I never said I thought about you constantly. Just said I’ve thought about it off and on since we met. Especially the first time I saw you in a bikini out at the lake. I had some pretty great nights after that.” I wag my eyebrows at her to really push her buttons.

  “Okay, seriously stop.”

  I laugh at the effect I had on her, but decide to move on from teasing her when her face turns serious.

  “Look away from me for a minute.” She orders and I decide not to argue and instead just look away. “I don’t want to lose you. I’ve been thinking about last night all day, but I’m just not sure we should do it again. I think you are oversimplifying things.”

  Maybe I am a little bit. But if I thought there were a chance it would hurt our friendship, I would scrap the idea. “You aren’t ever going to get rid of me Alex. No matter what, we will be friends. You have my word.”

  I’m tired of not looking at her so I focus back on her pretty face.

  “You promise? Because it’s not just our friendship at stake you know? We are a part of a family now. Those kids have been through hell, they can’t take another loss.”

  “No matter what we will always be Uncle Shriller and Aunt Alex. It’s totally up to you. I’m all for it and when you decide you want another taste you let me know. But no matter what, we will always be friends. But we could be naked friends, which is so much better.”

  Alex finally smiles at that and I think maybe I’ve won her over. “You’re an idiot.” See to most that would seem like an insult, with me and Alex that’s a term of endearment.

  “I’m going to L.A. Thursday.”

  She goes back to picking at her food. “Oh Yeah? Why?”

  “Just to meet with Dick. Figure out if my career can be salvaged.”

  She shakes her head, “Your career will be fine. You want me to go with you?”

  I shake my head. “Nah, it’s just one day, and although my knee is still fucked, it’s healed enough I can manage.”

  She nods, “All grown up and going on a trip all by yourself.”

  I smile and flip her off. When her phone rings, I’m surprised when she looks at it and doesn’t answer it. “Not taking calls?”

  She shakes her head, “It’s my mom. My parents love Stephen. I don’t know how to tell them.”

  I’ve only spent a little time with Alex’s parents. But they have a close relationship, although they do seem to have their own plan for her life and always have. “They will get over it.”

  She shakes her head adamantly “You don’t understand, they really loved him. Stephen is exactly the type of guy they wanted me to marry and my mom is getting anxious as hell about becoming a grandma.”

  “Jesus, Alex. That’s a lot of pressure.”

  She shrugs her shoulders, “They mean well.”

  Her parents are good people, but they are uptight. I wonder what they would think about Alex and I? That thought makes me laugh out loud. Pretty sure they would shit a brick. They aren’t huge fans of me.

  I couldn’t care less. The only thing I want right now is for Alex to embrace her badass spirit and do whatever the fuck she pleases.

  God let that be me.

  Chapter 24



  t’s Thursday afternoon and I’m totally exhausted from the day at the salon. Everything that could go wrong today has. Our computer system crashed and all of
appointments are booked through there. The new girl messed up one of my favorite client’s hair by coloring it blonde instead of her usual chestnut brown.

  To top everything off, Stephen just walked in. He looks good as usual in his crisp suit and he greets me with a warm smile. “Alex, how are you?”

  I smile at him. I’ve been doing okay beside the fact that I’ve pretty much been avoiding everyone I care about. I haven’t even told Brooke or my parents about the breakup and I have been staying away from Shriller because I don’t trust myself not to hop back into bed with him. Luckily, he’s in L.A. until tomorrow.

  “I’ve been okay,” I answer Stephen simply, curious as to why he’s here.

  “That’s good. I was on my way to dinner and thought I would stop by and check on you.”

  He really does care about me. There is something so comforting about him. “I’m really doing fine. I’m sad, but I think we made the right decision.”

  He nods, “I think so too.”

  “Did they make you partner?”

  He beams with pride and excitement. “Yes they did. So my life has been even crazier, but it’s what I wanted.”

  “I’m glad.” I really am. I was worried that my scene at dinner might have made it more difficult for him.

  “Yes, well I’m glad you are okay. I’ll see you around, I hope.”

  I’m pretty sure that won’t happen, it’s just something you say, but I go along with it. “Absolutely.”

  After a quick hug, Stephen leaves and I start to go about my day again when my phone vibrates in my back pocket.

  I pull it out and see a picture of my mom’s smiling face on the screen. Damn it. I guess I have to come clean someday. I hit the answer button. “Hi, mom.”

  “Alexandra! Where the hell have you been?”

  Wow. My mom never curses. “I’m sorry. I meant to call you back sooner.”

  It’s amazing how fast parents can make you regress back to being a teenager again at any age. “You had us worried sick. Are you okay?”


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