Unraveled (The Monroe Family Book 5)

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Unraveled (The Monroe Family Book 5) Page 15

by Nicole Dykes

  Brooke and Jax line up next to my car and I stare into Alex’s eyes, bright with excitement. “You sure about this?”

  She smirks over at me with total confidence. “You’re a professional.”

  I grin and start the engine. The sound bringing me back to my first race. It was on this very track. In this very car. I’ll never forget how fast my heart was racing, my body pumped full of adrenaline, my mind was clear. I was first place that night and I never looked back.

  That is until I wrecked this time.

  I wipe my sweaty palm on my jeans, trying like hell not to think about that day. Just focus on that first race.

  Charlotte calls out, “Ready, set, go!”, in her southern twang, and we all take off.

  One thing is for sure, I have one hell of a group of friends.

  Chapter 31



  everal hours later, all of the cars are parked and we all sit in the bleachers around the old track.

  I know Shriller was nervous to be back behind the wheel, but he handled that car like the pro he is. He’s just always had a natural ability to race. He was made for it.

  Jax cracks open a cooler and passes out beer to all of us. We crack them open and toast to Shriller.

  “Jesus, that was fun,” Shriller says afterward, staring out at his car with wide-eyed amazement.

  Brooke lights up too. She’s always had a thing for fast cars. “We should do this more often.”

  “Yeah, well next time you’re bringing your own damn car. “Dylan says as he sits behind her, casually rubbing her shoulders.

  “Hey, how many times did you two bump uglies in that backseat?” Jax asks as he tips his beer and nods toward Shriller and Brooke.

  Brooke rolls her eyes and Shriller grins like a fucking idiot. The thought crossed my mind when I came up with the idea to get his old car back, but why the hell would I care about that? Brooke and Shriller have history, but it’s ancient history.

  Dylan punches Jax in the arm. “Last ’Shriller fucked your wife’ joke, today, asshole.” Then he looks over at Shriller with a shit eating grin, “Besides we rectified that situation already.”

  Jax laughs really hard at that and agrees not to bring it up again.

  At that same time, it dawns on Shriller what Dylan meant and he groans, “Aw, you guys fucked in my car?”

  Brooke and Dylan exchange a mischievous glance that makes it damn clear they did. Dylan shrugs, “Only on the hood.”

  “Nice.” Jax nods his head in approval, and I can’t hold back the laughter. Shriller tosses the cap to his beer at me, playfully.

  Brooke sets her barely touched beer down on the cement ground and stands up. “Well this was fun, but I gotta get home. I promised Gabby I would help her with her homework.”

  She gives Shriller a brief hug and Dylan stands up to shake his hand. Shriller thanks them both and they make their exit.

  Shriller looks over at Jax and Charlotte, “You two fuck in or on my car?”

  Charlotte, who I would say is the most innocent out of the group, blushes at his blunt question. How she can have any innocence left after being with Jax, I’m not sure.

  Jax answers with a simple, “Nah.”

  Shriller looks relieved as he takes another swig of beer. “Good.”

  Jax stands up and holds his hand out for Charlotte, who takes it. “Well we better get out of here and let you two christen the new car.”

  He winks at me and I glare at him, noticing that Charlotte looks away from me. He totally told her.

  Of course, it doesn’t faze Shriller in the slightest, and he just shakes Jax’s hand and gives Charlotte a big hug. They leave and it’s just Shriller and me in the stands, sitting in silence.

  “So, this was your idea, right?” Shriller asks, not looking at me, but at his car.

  I smile as I watch him looking at his car, his face still in awe. “Maybe, but I couldn’t have pulled it off without them. Brooke was the one that remembered that your grandma sold the car to her neighbor. Jax and Dylan did all of the work after that.”

  He finally turns back to me and his face is serious, his eyes don’t have the usual playfulness dancing in them. “What made you think of this?”

  I’m getting more and more used to the serious side of Shriller. “You needed to be reminded of who you are. Where you started.”

  He finally broke down and told me about what actually happened with his manager and that bitch, Tiffany, a few days ago. He said Dick is managing a young kid that just broke into the scene. I know he’s scared of being replaced. We started looking for his car right after the accident, but I was grateful that everything fell into place in time for his birthday and when everything seems to be falling apart.

  He moves so he is sitting right next to me in the stands and his face is inches from mine. He puts his beer down and his hands move to cup my face in an intimate embrace. “No one has ever done anything even remotely close to this for me before.”

  My heart is pounding so hard in my chest, I can feel it in my throat. “Don’t read too much into it. We just wanted to get you motivated again.” He’s looking at me so sweetly so I, of course, have to add, “You know so I can get my place back to myself.”

  He laughs at that and gives me a quick peck on my lips before pulling back and picking his beer back up without another word.

  The sun starts to set and the sky turns a beautiful purple and pink framing his car on the track in a gorgeous picture.

  Shriller turns his head to me and asks, “So any chance of fucking in that car?”

  I laugh, “Where you and Brooke had sex numerous times? Probably not.”

  He grins and stands up, offering his hand to me with a devious smile on his handsome face. “You know we never fucked in the front seat.”

  I laugh at that and take his hand standing up. “Lead the way.”

  I think this plan was a success. It’s raised his spirits and got him back on the track, even if it was a in a car. Hopefully, it will give him confidence and hope that he will race a bike again.

  Of course, that means he might be leaving soon.

  Chapter 32



  wo weeks after Shriller’s birthday and I’m hanging out with Brooke, Gabby and Sylvie in the living room at her house. We are having a girl’s night, complete with a movie and drinks. Funny how things have changed in the last year though. What used to be just us watching a cheesy romance flick, guzzling wine and talking about sex has now turned into us with Gabby and Sylvie watching the newest animated craze. It’s not a bad change though.

  Gabby is laying on her stomach on the plush carpet and Sylvie is sitting happily on the floor next to her, while Brooke and I sit on the couch.

  “So how is Shriller recovering from surgery?” Brooke asks.

  “Well, it’s only been almost two weeks so they don’t know for sure, but he seems to be in less pain already and can put weight on it.” I smile to myself thinking about this morning when he joined me in the shower. He really likes to do that and I can’t say I mind it in the slightest.


  Shit. I gotta stop zoning out like that. Brooke is looking at me like I’m crazy. “Yeah?”

  “I asked how you are doing after your breakup.”

  “I’m doing good.” Almost too good. I haven’t really mourned the loss of my relationship because I’ve been having too much fun fooling around with Shriller.

  “Okay, don’t hate me.” That can’t be good. Brooke says that as she turns her body to face me on the couch.

  “What did you do?” I ask cautiously.

  “Well, I kinda set you up.”

  I stare at her blankly. “For?”

  She grins and shrugs het shoulders trying to seem casual. “A date, Alex.”

  “You did what? With who? When?”

  She laughs like this isn’t a big deal and checks to see that Gabs is, in fact, entranced totally by her movie. “Calm
down. You’re my best friend and I’m just looking out for you. It’s been what, like five months since you’ve had sex? You have to be dying inside.”

  I just continue to stare at her, she has no idea that I’ve had more sex these past few weeks than I’ve had all year.

  “Anyway, there is this super hot guy that is always at the shop. I talked to him, and he’s single, so I told him about you, and he wants to take you out Saturday. No biggie.”

  I fold my arms over my chest and look at her in astonishment. “You set me up on a date before even talking to me first? I may not be ready to move on. I mean, I was with Stephen for three years. Jesus, Brooke.”

  Her eyes go back to check on Gabby and then back on me when she sees she is still preoccupied. “Look, he’s a good guy, and I think you guys will click. But seriously there is no pressure. You go, have a good time and keep seeing him. Or you go, have a terrible time and you never have to see him again. Hell, even if you don’t click, you could use him for sex. A quick rebound. He’s hot.”

  I can’t help but to laugh at that and nudge her arm with my own. “Damn Brooke. It’s like you think I’m a slut.”

  She laughs too and shakes her head. “Hell no, but you’re a strong, single woman. You can do whatever the hell you want.”

  She’s a damn good friend. Guilt washes over me, and I take a deep breath and say quietly so the kids don’t hear. “I kinda already had a rebound. Or am having.”

  She looks at me with confusion. “Really? With who? It seems like you’ve only been spending time with us and Shriller since you guys ended things.”

  My eyes must tell her everything because hers get huge with utter shock. “Shriller?”

  I shift in my spot uncomfortably. “Yeah.”

  My answer comes out like a guilty child. Brooke looks at me in disbelief, “Since when? How many times? How the hell did that happen?”

  Her questions shoot out of her mouth quickly and I know this is how Brooke processes things. She has to get the whole story. “Pretty much since Stephen and I broke up. I have no idea how many times and it just did, Brooke. He was there.”

  She scoffs, “So it’s just a convenience thing? That’s really nice.”

  I take a deep breath not wanting to get in a bitch fight with my best friend. “Not exactly. He was there for me and things just escalated.”

  “He drives you insane.”

  “Not in bed” I smirk and tease, “Well, not in a bad way anyway.”

  Brooke shakes her head and grimaces. “Gross. You guys are like my siblings. I don’t want to think of you two screwing.”

  “Okay, Brooke you know you two have slept together, so I wouldn’t say siblings.”

  “That was a lifetime ago.”

  I nod my head. “I know. Look, it’s not a big deal.”

  She rolls her eyes and leans back into the fluffy couch. “So, let me guess, you two are doing the whole no strings attached thing. Convinced you won’t get feelings for one another. Which let’s be honest, Shriller is totally capable of.”

  I’m starting to get annoyed now. “And I’m not?”

  She shakes her head. “We both know you aren’t wired that way. I mean you want kids and marriage. You’ve always had a strict three dates rule before you sleep with someone. Hell, you tried this with Jax and failed miserably.”

  “This is different.”


  “It’s Shriller. We both went into this knowing damn well there is nothing between us Brooke. We’re friends, but I have no delusions about him changing and wanting the things I want. We are just having a good, no, great time. That’s all. In a few weeks or months, he’s leaving.”

  “And you’re fine with that?” she questions and I can tell she still doesn’t believe me.

  “I’ll miss him, like I would miss any of you moving across the country, but that’s it. I really have it under control.” I mean that. The sex has been incredible, but it’s true that I know it’s not love or a relationship. I’m honestly a little surprised myself, so I guess I can’t blame Brooke for doubting me.

  She looks unsure and then challenges me. “All right. You have it all under control with Shriller then I’m assuming you can date other people?”

  Uh oh. She has me there. “I suppose so.”

  “Great. I’ll have Chris pick you up at eight on Saturday then.”

  Damn it. If I say no then she will think I’m falling for Shriller. I guess I’m going on this date.

  Chapter 33



  lex walks into her apartment a little after ten while I’m sitting at the kitchen table on my laptop checking out the latest news in the racing world. I can instantly tell she’s in a weird mood. “What’s up?” I ask.

  She plops down across from me. “Brooke knows about us.”

  “Shit,” I say and look up from my computer. “So, you guys are fighting now?”

  They are like sisters. Their fights never last long but they are frequent and can be intense. Alex shakes her head. “Not really. She thinks I can’t handle it, but I guess that’s to be expected.”

  Hmmm, it seems like everything is actually cool with them. “Well, all we can do is prove her wrong.”

  She grins and nods her head with determination. Brooke may be worried, but from what I’ve seen, she doesn’t have anything to be worried about. Trust me, I’ve been keeping an eye out for any sign that things are getting twisted for Alex. Not one. She really is just using me for my body.

  That thought should make me fucking giddy, but the problem is it’s me that’s getting hazy. Now, don’t worry, I’m not head over heels and about to confess my love for her. But I’ve had to keep myself in check.

  Like on my birthday. She did that for me to give me confidence to race. She knew I was losing who I was, so she found a way to remind me of my roots. Who does that?

  She’s amazing.

  I close the laptop and grin over at her thinking about how clean this table is and how it could use a little “dirty”. “Oh yeah, you have plans for Saturday, because Jax and Dylan talked my ass into going to a club. It’ll be better if you are there.”

  I swear she looks almost guilty. “Uh, Saturday? I can’t.”

  “No? You have a hot date or something?” I joke.

  She’s not laughing. Fuck. “Actually, yeah.”

  Keep your cool, asshole. You aren’t her boyfriend. And you don’t want to be. “With who?” I ask that in my best nonchalant voice.

  “Some guy Brooke knows. I guess he hangs out at the shop a lot.”

  Fucking Brooke. “Oh. So, she set you up on a blind date?”

  She nods her head slowly, her eyes searching mine. “Is that cool?”

  Here it is. The first test of this arrangement. This is just sex with a friend. We can fuck other people. “Of course.”

  She looks pleased by my response. “Okay. I’m going to go then.”

  “You don’t need my permission. You are free to boink whoever you want.”

  She stands up from the table and cocks an eyebrow at me. “Boink?”

  “Screw, do, hook up with, fuck…”

  She interrupts me. “Yeah, I know. And I wasn’t asking for your permission.”

  “Good because believe me I won’t ask for yours on Saturday.”

  She folds her arms irritated with my being an asshole. Good, I gotta make it even more clear that we are still the same.

  “I’m taking a bath.” I start to stand to offer to join her when she adds, “Alone.”, before heading off down the hall.

  I sit back down at the table and open the computer again, unable to stop thinking about what kind of asshole Brooke set her up with.

  I run my fingers over my face in frustration.

  This isn’t good.

  Chapter 34



  y Saturday, I am more than frustrated by Shriller’s attitude. I don’t know what the hell is up with him, but he’s been
moody since I told him about my date tonight.

  I slip on my dark green dress over my head and add a few touches to my makeup, when Shriller limps into my room. “So, you’re really going?”

  I sit down on the edge of the bed to pull my heels on and look up at him. “Why wouldn’t I?”

  He shrugs his broad shoulders. He’s going out tonight with Jax and Dylan and is freshly showered thanks to the new waterproof cast. He looks damn good in his plain t shirt and ripped jeans with his hair styled just right. “You just don’t seem like the blind date type. I mean what do you even know about this guy?”

  I stand up and use the mirror to check my appearance one more time. “Brooke knows him from the shop. Which means Jax and Dylan like him enough for him to have been in the shop more than once. Brooke wouldn’t set me up with an asshole.”

  “He picking you up?”

  I smile. “Yes.”

  He nods his head in approval and his eyes scan over me. “Good. I’m glad you left in all of your piercings.” His fingers graze over the tattoo on my bare bicep sending an intense tingle through my body. “And you aren’t covering these.”

  I grin proudly at him. “I’m never doing that again.”

  He bends down, letting his lips nearly touch mine. “Good, because the real you is sexy as hell.”

  I’m not sure how he can make my heart speed up so fast with mere words and close proximity, but luckily I’m saved by a knock on my door. “My date’s here.”

  He clears his throat and backs away from me, “You gonna introduce us?”

  I shake my head. “Hell no. You stay here. Have fun with the guys.”

  He gives me a quick wave and sits down on my bed, signaling he’ll be good.

  I smooth my dress down and walk down the hall to answer the door. I open it and am pleasantly surprised by the guy on the other side.

  Holy hell, Brooke wasn’t lying. This guy is hot. He’s tall and built, with short brown hair and intense blue eyes. He has just the right amount of scruff and he isn’t wearing a suit or dress slacks, no this guy has a t-shirt and jeans on. The short sleeves of the t-shirt showing off full sleeves of tattoos.


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