Suite Embrace

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Suite Embrace Page 8

by Anita Bunkley

  His passionate outburst took Skylar by surprise, and she was embarrassed that he would say such things to her, yet at the same time, pleased that he felt comfortable enough to speak his mind. “Well, it sounds as if Scenic Ridge is the perfect place for you,” she lamely added, trying to fill the uneasy lull in the conversation.

  “Yeah. I look forward to working with the kids. Most of them have never seen snow or even seen a person ski, except on television. We get young people from all over the U.S., Mexico, South America and the Caribbean who are thrilled to strap on a pair of skis. A lot of the black ski clubs give scholarships for underprivileged kids to have access to lessons and experience the powder. Makes for very gratifying work. I feel as if I’m finally doing something worthwhile with my life. Up to now, I sometimes think I’ve been selfish with my talent…too focused on winning another competition, another golden trophy, another dose of my mother’s approval. It was never enough. Now I know what’s been missing.”

  When Mark remained silent for a long moment, Skylar couldn’t help asking, “Why are you telling me all of this?”

  Mark shook his head slowly back and forth. “You know…I’m not sure,” his voice had fallen to a whisper. “All I know is that I feel comfortable with you. I trust you. It’s as if you’re someone I’ve been waiting for, and for some strange reason, here you are, just when I need to talk to…to…” He hesitated.

  “To a sister?” she helped him out, thinking she knew what was on his mind.

  “Yeah, I think that’s it,” Mark softly acknowledged. “I’ve gotta be honest, Skylar. I haven’t had much experience with black women. My world simply didn’t collide with too many women like you…and that’s just a fact. But now that I’m living in the States, I know what I want and I want to know you, Skylar.” He paused, allowing Skylar to absorb his confession.

  “That’s very flattering,” she told him, suddenly feeling a little sorry for Mark, who had bravely exposed a vulnerable side of himself to her.

  “Can I give you a little test?” Mark went on.


  “If someone asked you who I am, what would you say?”

  A warning hammered in Skylar’s ears: Be careful…this is another one of his ploys to pull me closer, to test me again. “Well…” Skylar started. “I’d say that you’re an unusual man, being a black Olympic gold medal winner and all…that you were a famous skier who broke records…” Her voice trailed off, unsure of where he was headed and not wanting to say the wrong thing.

  “Exactly what I mean!” Mark reacted, lifting a finger to emphasize his point. “You focused on my career, as most people do. But what I want everyone, and especially you, to do is appreciate me…for who I am now…not who I used to be. Does that sound crazy?”

  “No, not at all,” she managed through a tightly constricted throat. She could see how frustrated he was, as well as embarrassed, for having revealed so much about himself to her. But still, he went on.

  “Skylar, the first time I saw you in the store in town, I was struck by your beauty, of course, but also your spirit. You really held your ground about those glasses, which was exactly what you should have done.”

  “Another one of your tests?” she teased.

  “Oh, hell no,” he laughed. “But I was impressed with your sense of confidence. There was something about you that got to me that day, and it’s still stuck in my head. If you’ll let me, I’d like to find out what it is about you that is driving me crazy.”

  Disturbed by his candid admission, Skylar pulled in a quick breath and blinked, knowing she ought to get up and leave, prevent him for going any further. After all, she had come to Scenic Ridge on a temporary gig to get over Lewis and decide what direction her future should take, not get tangled up in a rebound-romance with a guy who had a reputation as an international playboy.

  While her fears increased by the second, her eyes remained locked with Mark’s, boldly assessing the virile, vulnerable, gorgeous man who was making it clear that he wanted more than friendly conversation from her.

  When he reached out and covered her fingers with his, she stared down in awe at their clasped hands; his, strong and browned by the sun; hers, a shade lighter and small. She was unable to resist when he gently tugged her toward him.

  Skylar’s nostrils flared when his woodsy pine-scent drifted up and filled her head, making her tremble with a sudden urge to toss aside all apprehension and fully embrace the moment. An oddly primitive urge swept through her and all she wanted to do was savor the taste of Mark Jorgen’s lips.

  When he brushed his mouth softly over hers, she froze, desperate to control her reaction to his touch, but knowing she was already lost. The past year had been a journey of painful surgeries, excruciating therapy and a long difficult recovery, all without the support of the man she had loved, Lewis Monroe.

  Lewis had abandoned her both physically and emotionally when she’d needed him the most, had disappointed her while she had been at the lowest point in her life. Now, Skylar could not deny that she longed to be held, yearned to be touched, and hoped to be loved again one day. The full weight of her pent-up need to be with a man flooded back with a frightening rush.

  Shifting forward, a weak moan slid from her throat as she felt herself slipping under Mark’s entrancing gaze, unable—or unwilling—to stop his mouth from claiming hers. His lips smothered hers in a warm, insistent caress that set every nerve in her body afire, and when his tongue began to tease hers in a series of delicate, tender strokes, she responded by opening her mouth fully to the sweetness of his kiss and clasping both hands behind his neck to draw him even closer.

  Inflamed by his presence, his scent and her own selfish need to be caressed and loved, Skylar relaxed and tilted back her head, inviting Mark to move his lips to her neck, to the delicate skin along her throat and over the exposed flesh at the neckline of her fluffy, white sweater.

  He eased one hand down her back, searing her skin through her clothing, making his way to the base of her spine.

  Skylar shuddered when a current of electrifying need shot through her chest and plunged into that pulsing spot between her thighs that had been dormant far too long. She couldn’t suppress a cry of pleasure that sprang from her lips and hung in the air, echoing back to her.

  Mark eased his fingers beneath her sweater and touched the bare skin of her back. Again, a muted cry slipped out, her mind clouded with a mixture of joy, fear and anticipated relief. She wanted to feel his hands on her, hoped the wave of desire he’d initiated in her would strengthen and pulse and stay with her until it burst in a flash of heat. Silently, she urged his fingers ever deeper into her flesh, knowing it would be up to her to interrupt this journey—or live with the consequences of plunging recklessly ahead.

  When Mark moved one hand to the front of her chest and placed it very close to her breast, Skylar came back to her senses and pulled away, clearing her head with a shake.

  “Sorry,” Mark apologized, immediately releasing his hold as he sank back and shyly assessed Skylar. “That was wrong of me, I know.”

  Tugging at her sweater, Skylar untangled herself from Mark’s embrace and stood, her chin lifted high, knowing she had let him go too far. How had she been so stupid, courting disaster like that? “Yes, it was wrong, but I shouldn’t have let you…”

  “It wasn’t your fault,” he interrupted. “It won’t happen again.”

  With a vigorous nod, Skylar agreed. “No, it won’t.” She exhaled loudly, breaking the tension that strung them together like prickly barbed wire. “Mark, I came to Scenic Ridge to work. I didn’t come here to fulfill some fantasy of yours about being with a sister. And I’m not looking for a romantic interlude in the mountains. This little scene was a huge mistake, and you’re right. It definitely can’t happen again.”

  She picked up her car keys, went to the door and pulled it open. Turning back, she let her gaze linger on him for a moment, knowing she was doing the right thing by cutting off any romant
ic thoughts he might have. “I’m sure there are many, many women here at Scenic Ridge…in Aspen, for that matter, who would love for you to hold their hands and let you make love to them, but I’m not one of them. Sorry.”

  Mark rose, but did not approach her, as if afraid of making her run away. “I understand what you’re saying, Skylar. And I respect where you’re coming from.” He dug his hands deep into his pants pockets and looked up at Skylar from beneath lowered lashes. “But I’d still like to teach you to ski. How about it?”

  “Maybe,” was all she could manage before breaking her gaze and leaving.

  During her drive back to the main lodge, Skylar struggled to calm her heartbeat and get her breath.

  Chapter 12

  At ten o’clock the next morning, Skylar looked up from her computer monitor to see Mark standing in her doorway, dressed for the slopes and assessing her in a serious manner. He glanced away when their eyes met, but then looked back and held her gaze.

  “I have a two-hour break until my next student,” he hesitantly began, head tilted to the side, an expression of uncertainty on his face. “How about that lesson you promised you’d take?”

  A giggle burst from Skylar’s lips. From the distress on his face she had thought he had come to deliver some very bad news, not ask her out on a ski date. She pressed her hand to her mouth to regain her composure, not wanting to embarrass him. “You’ve got to be kidding!” she finally blurted. “Going skiing is the last thing on my mind.” She picked up her yellow legal pad and waved it at him. “I’ve got tons of work to do, so please. Go! Leave me alone.” She shooed him away with her pad of paper. “I’ll let you know when I’m ready to strap on a pair of skis and hurl myself down a hill. Okay?”

  “Okay,” Mark replied, shrugging. “I’ll check back. Soon.” Without another word, he was gone.

  Three days later, while standing outside watching the ice-skaters twirl and glide across the slick surface, Skylar realized that Mark was sitting beneath the sheltered stands on the opposite side of the rink. Feeling a bit rattled by his unexpected presence, she sucked in a short breath, wondering how long he had been sitting there, watching her.

  On most mornings, when she took a break from her work, she strolled along the foot paths at the base of the mountains, with only the crunch of snow beneath her boots to break the serene silence. She was getting used to life in the mountains, and now better understood why her sister, a tropical girl like herself, had been drawn to this beautiful place to start married life with Jerome.

  Had Mark been watching her like this for the past three days? she wondered, trying not to feel impressed with his determination to get to her.

  Mark tensed his jaw when he realized that Skylar had seen him. Things were working out just fine. He had hoped to catch Skylar outside today, after noticing that she usually took a short break outside in midmorning and was always alone. She didn’t hang out with other staff members very much, or socialize with the male guests who made no effort to hide their interest in her. He wondered why she preferred to keep to herself so much. She always seemed preoccupied. What was on her mind? Why did she seem unhappy some days, and very upbeat on others? And why wouldn’t she let him teach her to ski? Women rarely turned down an opportunity to ski with Mark Jorgen. What would he have to do to make Skylar want to be with him?

  Skylar turned her face fully toward Mark and boldly held his attention. When he lifted a gloved hand and waved, she was unable to keep from smiling and waving back. Immediately, he started around the ice skating rink toward her and she exhaled, unaware that she had been holding her breath.

  “Hey,” he said, stopping to prop one arm on the metal rail that enclosed the circle of ice. “I hoped I’d see you out here today.”

  “You’ve been waiting for me?”

  “Sure have.”


  “Because I know you sometimes take a break and come out here alone and I wanted to see you…talk to you.”

  “About what? Not about that ski lesson I stupidly agreed to take, I hope?”

  Mark lifted both hands and stepped backward a few feet. “No pressure. I promise.”

  Skylar nodded. “Good. Because I’m not in the mood for a hassle. I get enough of that from the guests.”

  “I’ll bet you do,” he agreed with a light laugh. “I hope you know that I’d never deliberately hassle you; however…” he started.

  “Oh, no. Here it comes,” Skylar groaned.

  “Since tomorrow is Tuesday, and I know it’s your day off, why not spend it with me?” A beat. “What else do you have to do? Kathy will be covering the concierge desk, and Deena agreed with me, you’ve been working here almost three weeks and haven’t strapped on a pair of skis yet. Not a good thing, Skylar. Tomorrow, we ski.”

  Skylar shot Mark a glint of a scowl, her lips parted in surprise. “You sure are into my business. Monitoring my breaks, scheduling my free time, consulting with my sister, who is also my boss. I’m not sure I like that.” Her tone was sharp, but secretly she was enjoying this pursuit and not surprised that Mark wasn’t letting her off the hook. “Remember, I said maybe I’d let you teach me to ski. I didn’t agree to anything. But, if I have time tomorrow, then maybe we can,” Skylar finished, trying to sound noncommittal.

  “Then, I’ll take that for a ‘yes,’” Mark said, sounding very satisfied. “But I don’t want to wait until tomorrow to spend some time with you. What are you doing tonight?”

  “I’m driving into town to see a play at the Morning Star Theater.”

  “Alone?” Mark asked, scowling.

  Skylar nodded. “Sure. Why not? I know my way into town from here.”

  “That may be true, but the road’s gonna be very dark and icy. Could be tricky. I wouldn’t chance it if I were you.”

  “Well, you’re not me, are you?” Skylar tossed back. “Don’t worry, I won’t have any trouble.”

  At 6:00 p.m. it was already dark, but Skylar set off toward town anyway, feeling fully in control and looking forward to an evening at the theater, away from the resort and all of its pressure. Since her arrival, it seemed as if she had done nothing but take care of other people’s needs ten to twelve hours a day, and now she was going to do something nice for herself.

  The road was narrow, but clear of snow and her Jeep was the only vehicle buzzing along the isolated road. With her CD player blasting Mary J. Blige, she relaxed, and let her thoughts slip back to Mark, as they seemed to do far too often.

  “I just might give in and go skiing with him tomorrow,” she whispered into the empty car. “What else do I really have to do? If I’m gonna work at a ski lodge, I’d better learn to ski and why not learn from the best?” Having made that decision, she relaxed and settled back in her seat to concentrate on the road.

  Mark, who had pulled up to the main lodge seconds after Skylar left Scenic Ridge, was uneasy. He watched her Jeep disappear down the road, fearful about her decision to take off alone like that. She was new to the mountains and didn’t understand how quickly the weather could turn nasty or how easily a complication could arise. Chunks of ice and snow often tumbled down the mountainsides, blocking the highway, smashing into cars and even killing small animals that got in the way.

  He couldn’t let Skylar go off like that. He’d never forgive himself if something happened to her. Impulsively, Mark turned his Range Rover toward the road and took off after her, trying to stay far enough behind her so that she would not know that he was following. “She’d hate me for that,” he told himself, keenly aware of just how independent and stubborn Skylar could be.

  Though the road was dark, the sky was lit with stars, creating an atmosphere that was almost festive. Skylar glanced up at the thick blanket of shiny, bright lights strung across the sky and marveled at the sight. The heavens had certainly blessed Colorado with a show of light that she’d never seen over Florida, causing a surge of joy to shoot through her, making her thankful to experience it.

Tampa to work as a concierge had been a risky move, but also the best decision Skylar had ever made, after dumping Lewis Monroe, of course. Change had always been difficult for Skylar, but this was one change that she did not regret. She felt liberated, stronger, more competent and useful than ever, an indication that something must have been missing before now. She was enjoying the close ties she and Deena were rediscovering. She liked her job, even though it could be quite demanding. And she was getting over her obsession for the cheating man who had stripped away her happiness and left her reeling in regret. The clean slate that spread out before her now was both challenging and tempting. It would be up to her to fill it, any way she wanted.

  “And my happiness has nothing to do with a fat bank account,” she murmured, realizing that money was not the reason she was filled with such happiness. However, it sure brought peace of mind.

  Mark suddenly pressed down harder on the gas pedal, feeling that he ought to catch up with Skylar, whose red taillights glimmered up the road. He could see that there was one car between himself and Skylar’s Jeep, and the driver was tailgating her. Mark watched the scene in fear. The driver behind Skylar was determined to pass her, inching closer and closer to her bumper at a high rate of speed. Mark held his breath as the two cars approached the narrowest section of the road where it shrank down to one lane.

  Skylar cut her eyes to her left side mirror and frowned. The vehicle behind her seemed to be closing in on her very fast. She checked the right shoulder and calculated that there was just enough room to pull over and let him pass.

  She switched off the music, which had suddenly become a distraction, and concentrated on getting out of the way of the fast-approaching headlights. Cautiously, she swung her Jeep off the road and onto the rocky shoulder, gripping the steering wheel hard with both hands. It was pitch-black outside and her only guide was the strip of yellow light that beamed from her headlights into the black unknown that lay ahead. She prayed she had made the right move. Immediately she heard the crunch of hard packed snow and ice grinding under her wheels and began to relax. She’d made it.


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