Wrede, Patricia C. - Magician Series 1 - Mairelon the Magician

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Wrede, Patricia C. - Magician Series 1 - Mairelon the Magician Page 17

by Mairelon the Magician [lit]

  ting his animals under control, but his angry cry startled

  them into another round of sidling and head-tossing "You

  can't mean to go back to Austen and claim you UJOM'"


  "Why not? Just because your driving was so bad that you

  overturned instead of merely losing by an inch or two?"

  "Enough," The man from the coach spoke with a quiet

  deadliness. "I have no interest in your disagreements, and you

  will oblige me by saving them for another time and place."

  He turned to Robert Choiniet "You will go by Bramingham

  Place and inform them that Lord St. Clair has met with an

  accident on the road. I trust you are capable of giving them

  sufficient directions. Beyond that, all I require of you is that

  you do not return."

  "I understand perfectly, sir," Robert said coldly "Give you

  good day."

  He raised his hands a quarter of an inch. His horses sprang

  forward, eager to be away, and the phaeton swept off down

  the road. George Dashville stared after it, spluttering in-

  coherently, while the Baron straightened his cravat and

  brushed at his coat and breeches Kirn shook herself out of

  her daze and eased herself farther down the slope of the

  ditch. A low stone wall ran along the far side; if she could get

  over it, she had a good chance of getting around the entire

  muddle of men and carriages without being seen,

  Her luck held- The chestnut horses took exception to the

  Baron's abrupt movements, and George's efforts to keep them

  from bolting occupied both his attention and St. Clair's while

  Kim slid over the wall unnoticed- She bent over and crept

  along it, keeping her head tow despite her curiosity. She

  didn't want St. Clair to catch her, even if he wasn't Dan Lav-

  erham. From the way Mairelon acted, St. Clair was as bad as

  Dan. She didn't straighten up until the Baron's caustic obser-

  vations regarding George's horsemanship began to fade with

  distance -



  ~^-yk^" -vr im's back was sore and stiff from her long,

  jtjL'^^ j^. crouched-over walk to avoid Baron St.

  f r Clair, so she took things easier on the last mile

  to Bramingham Place. Once she reached the drive leading up

  to the house, she slowed even further. She enjoyed looking

  about at the bushes through which she and Mairelon had

  dodged the night before, though the manicured lawn and me-

  ticulous placement of the trees made her nervous. Besides,

  she was in no real hurry to complete her errand.

  Slow as she went, the house drew inexorably nearer- Kim

  sighed and straightened her jacket. She had better get this

  over with before her nerve failed her. She went up to the

  door and knocked.

  The door opened at once, and Kim thought she saw a

  faint, fleeting expression of surprise on the face of the butler

  who had opened the door "Message for Miss D'Auber," Kim

  said, touching her cap respectfully -

  "Very good." The butler held out his hand.

  "The master said I was to give it only to her."


  The butler's features stiffened into cold disapproval, but all

  he said was, "1 will see that she is informed Wait here "

  The door closed, leaving Kim standing on the step outside.

  Kirn frowned at it. She had a vague idea that there was some-

  thing not quite right about the butler's action, but her knowl-

  edge of gentry kens was limited to the most likely location of

  the silver. She shrugged Wait, the man had said; well, she

  would wait, then. She sat on the step and stared out across

  the drive.

  Several minutes later, Kim heard the door behind her

  open. She could practically feel the butter's disapproving stare

  digging into her spine, and smiled to herself. She twisted her

  head and shoulders around without rising and looked up with

  an expression of hopeful inquiry

  "Miss D'Auber will see you," the butler said. His mouth was

  turned down at the corners and he was standing rigidly erect,

  as if to make up for Kirn's informality.

  "Good," Kim said cheerfully, and scrambled to her feet.

  "How soon will she get here?"

  The butler winced, "She will see you in the green saloon. [

  would not presume to say how soon- This way."

  Kim tried to suppress a grin as she followed the butler. She

  was only partially successful, but as the man's back was to-

  ward her it did not really matter. He led her down a short

  hall and showed her into a large room with pale green walls

  and spindly-legged chairs covered in green-and-gold-striped

  silk. There were two gilded pier tables between the windows,

  each with a large gold-rimmed mirror hanging on the wall

  above it, and at the far side of the room stood a small writing


  As the door clicked shut behind her, Kim eyed the chairs

  dubiously. They did not look as if they were meant to be sat

  on, but the two footstools did not look any sturdier and she

  couldn't sit on the pier tables She finally settled herself on a


  footstool, reasoning that if it collapsed under her she would

  be closer to the floor. She had hardly sat down before the

  door latch clicked again, and Renee D'Auber walked into the


  "I am Mademoiselle Renee D'Auber," she announced,

  frowning at Kim. "You have a message for me, yes?" Her

  auburn hair shone in the sunlight and her figured muslin

  morning dress was the height of elegance- Looking at her

  made Kim feel small and rumpled and unpleasantly aware of

  the dust and grass stains her clothes had acquired on her walk

  to Bramingham Place-

  "Yes," Kim said shortly. She rose and reached into her

  jacket for the letter Mairelon had given her. As she did, she

  saw Renee's eyes widen.

  "But what is this? You are a girls Of what is it that Monsieur

  Merrill is thinking?"

  "You ask him, if you want to know," Kim said. French or

  not, this woman was altogether too fly for comfort. Kim

  scowled and tapped Mairelon's letter with her forefinger.

  "And how'd you know this was from him?"

  "It is of all things the most likely," Mademoiselle D'Auber

  replied- "Who else would know 1 was here? Also, I have been

  asking for him, and he would of course hear of it. It is unim-

  portant. Give me the message."

  Reluctantly Kim held the letter out to her. Mademoiselle

  D'Auber took it and tore it open at once without stopping to

  took at the seal. She turned away as she began reading; a

  moment later Kim heard a brief exclamation in what was pre-

  sumably French, Kim had no idea what the words meant, but

  the tone in which they were spoken was one of surprise rather

  than anger or annoyance-

  Renee D'Auber glanced over her shoulder at Kim, then

  returned to the letter, this time studying it with evident

  care. Kim wondered what Mairelon had said about her


  and what this Mademoiselle D'Auber thought of it She

  shifted u
ncomfortably, wishing she could sit down again but

  not danng to do so for fear of offending Mademoiselle


  Mademoiselle D'Auber finished reading and turned back to

  face Kirn "Of a certainty, this is not at all good," she said,

  waving the letter

  'That's what we thought," Kim said, emphasizing the "we"


  'To find the real platter becomes a thing most necessary,"

  the Frenchwoman went on as if she had not heard "! do not

  at all see how we are to go about it "

  "We?" Kim said

  "But of course! It is why 1 am here, to help "

  Kirn's frown returned "Hold on! I thought you was the one

  that nicked the real platter Mairelon said nobody else could

  of got to it before we did "

  "Monsieur Merril! is not altogether right," Mademoiselle

  D'Auber replied "1 looked at Monsieur Brammgham's so-re-

  markable platter yesterday afternoon, yes, but at once I saw

  that it was only a copy I thought, me, that Monsieur Mernll

  had been very clever, but now 1 find that it was not him at

  all, but someone else It is most annoying This business is

  not well arranged, 1 think "

  "It ain't no fault of ours," Kim muttered

  Renee had crossed to the writing desk and did not hear "I

  shall write something for you to carry back to Monsieur Mer-

  rilt," she said, taking out a sheet of heavy, cream-colored pa-

  per "And you must take his letter with you as well I will

  allow Madame Bramingham to persuade me to stay here for

  another day or two " She made a face as she spoke, then

  shmgged and bent over the page

  "Why do you want me to take Mairelon's message away

  again?" Kim asked


  "But it would be most awkward if it were found!" Made-

  moiselle D'Auber said, writing busily "Monsieur Bramingham

  would of a certainty call the Bow Street Runners He has

  already spoken of it It was very foolish of Monsieur Merrill

  to take the copy of the platter, I think"

  So Mairelon's letter had not included all the details of the

  previous night's events! Kim considered the implications of

  that while Renee finished her letter, and she began to feel

  more cheerful "Why did you come—"

  "A moment " Mademoiselle D'Auber sanded her letter, then

  folded it neatly and sealed it with a blob of wax, muttering

  under her breath as she did. Her voice was too soft for Kim

  to hear what she was saying, but each word had a sharp,

  crystalline quality that distance and muttering could not dis-

  guise Kim remembered the spell that Mairelon had cast to

  test her tmthfulness, and backed up a pace

  Mademoiselle D'Auber finished and straightened up with a

  smothered sigh She studied the paper for a moment, then

  turned and held it out to Kim along with Mairelon's unfolded

  letter "Here; take this to Monsieur Merrill and tell him that I

  wilt be at the inn down in the village tomorrow morning at,

  oh, ten o'clock precisely "

  Kim nodded and took the letters, doing her best to hide

  her reluctance Renee D'Auber had put some sort of spell on

  that letter, Kim was sure of it And she, Kim, was going to

  have to carry the thing all the way back to Ranton Hill at

  least, and maybe farther, if Mairelon had given up waiting at

  the inn and gone back to the wagon Kim wasn't normally

  squeamish, not even about magic, but she didn't like not

  knowing what kind of spell she was carrying

  Mademoiselle D'Auber watched closely as Kim stowed the

  letters away beneath her jacket, which did nothing to im-

  prove the state of Kirn's nerves "There is one thing more,"

  the Frenchwoman said She fixed her eyes on Kirn's face and


  said with great seriousness, "It is of all things the most impor-

  tant that Monsieur Mernit not leave before I see him You

  understand^ So if he thinks to go, you must try to stop him 1

  think he will listen "

  "Be the first time, if he did," Kirn said, shrugging "I'll tell

  him, though "

  "Good " Renee D'Auber gave Kirn a long, measuring look,

  and Kim found herself wondering once again just what Mair-

  elon had said about her in his letter Then the Frenchwoman

  went to a long, embroidered bellpull and gave it a vigorous

  tug A few moments later, the door opened and a footman

  stepped into the room "Mademoiselle^"

  "See this boy out," Mademoiselle D'Auber said

  "Mademoiselle " The footman bowed With a single, side-

  long look at the enigmatic Frenchwoman, Kim followed him

  out of the room and down the hall to the door of Bra-

  mingham Place

  When Kim arrived back at the inn late that afternoon, she

  found Mairelon in the public room playing cards with Freddy

  Meredith They were the room's only occupants, and judging

  from the litter of coins near Mairelon's left elbow, they had

  been at it for some time An empty wine bottle lay on the

  floor beside the table, a second bottle, barely a third full,

  stood next to the pile of coins that had been wagered on the

  current hand

  Kim paused in the doorway, wondering what the magician

  could want with a cloth-head like Meredith Her eyes nicked

  from one to the other, and she frowned Both men were im-

  peccably turned out, from the stiff folds of their cravats to

  their gleaming Hessian boots, they looked the perfect picture

  of a pair of gentry That, Kim realized, was what was bother-

  ing her She had seen Mairelon in his gentry togs before, but


  she had never realized how well they suited him No, not

  quite that, either She had never realized how well the whole

  role suited him

  Still frowning, Kim stepped into the room As she did,

  Meredith looked up and saw her He blinked bleanly in her

  direction He was, Kim saw, more that a little bit on the go

  "Who's this, Mernll^"

  Maireton turned "Kim' What news^"

  "Message for you, sir," Kim said, remembering }ust in time

  that she was still playing the part of an errand boy

  "Can it wait?"

  Kim hesitated What on earth was she supposed to say to

  that? "I think you should look at it, sir," she answered at last

  "Ah, well Let's have it, then " Mairelon held out a hand


  Kim froze "Uh—" She couldn't tell him straight out that

  Renee D'Auber had set a spell on the letter, not with Freddy

  Meredith sitting there, but she couldn't let him open it with-

  out warning him, either "Sir, I, urn—"

  "Bailey didn't write it down? I see " Maireton shoved his

  chair away from the table and rose, tossing his cards faceup as

  he did Kim was relieved to see that there was nothing wrong

  with his balance or his speech, she had been afraid that he

  would be as bosky as his companion "Sony, Meredith, but

  duty calls "

  Meredith muttered something and began gathering up

  the coins from the center of the table Mairelon scooped

  his own winnings into his hand and thrust them into one

of his pockets, then turned and followed Kim out of the


  "That's a retiefi" he said as the door shut behind him "I was

  wondering how to get out of there without winning too much

  from him You caught on very quickly Where's Renee's mes-



  "Here " Kirn took the sealed paper out of her jacket "She

  put a spell on it "

  "What? Nonsense' There's no reason for her to do that"

  Mairelon twitched the note out of Kirn's hand and reached for

  the seal He stopped, frowning, and set his forefinger gently

  against the dull red wax "You're right, though," he said after

  a moment's concentration

  Kirn let out her breath in a soundless sigh of relief "Can

  you do anything about V>"

  "Not here We'll have to take it back to the wagon "

  "You sure we should?"

  Mairelon looked irritated "There's no other way to find out

  what she's done I'd also like to read whatever she's written,

  that is why you went to Bramingham Place, after all "

  "I was Just askin' "

  Mairelon tucked the note into his breast pocket and started

  for the door "There's no point in waiting You can tell me

  what happened on the walk back Come along "

  Kirn rolled her eyes, shook her head, and followed

  Between Kirn's desire to include every detail of her journey

  to Bramingharn Place and Mairelon's periodic interruptions,

  Kim's tale took up most of the walk to the wagon Mairelon


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