Shadowed Peach: Devil's Iron MC Book 8

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Shadowed Peach: Devil's Iron MC Book 8 Page 1

by GM Scherbert

  Shadowed Peach

  Devil’s Iron MC Book 8

  By: GM Scherbert

  Copyright © 2018 by GM Scherbert

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  all readers. Please be advised. This book is intended for readers who are over the age of 18. This book contains sexual explicit material and may not be suitable for all individuals.

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing, 2018

  Cover Art: just write creations

  Editing: j&m designs


  The last year has been a rough one, miss you everyday momma… joyous as well, welcoming another baby girl to our crazy family. Thanks be to everyone for your support and understanding.

  Special shout outs:

  to Melissa- cause your crazy and I love me some crazy!

  To Rebecca- hope you enjoy your story… this ones for you lady!

  I would also like to give a special shout out to all the help I have had with promoting and getting the word out there about my boys and girls. Wynter, Nicole, Vicky, Yvonne, Amanda, and Michelle. you all rock me hard & long.


  ¤♥¤Oº° Thanks for everything °ºO¤♥¤


  I never was one to fake anything in my life, but the day that I first recognized him at The Dungeon I knew in an instant that would all change. It would have to if I was going to make it out of this. I couldn’t be with someone like him, I had to fight against the feelings that were struggling to the surface each time I saw him. I can’t have a man that looks at me with pity and such sorrow.

  He was older.

  He was demanding.

  He was dominant.

  His eyes were all-consuming.

  His stare ripped right through me.

  His voice made me want to hand myself over on a platter.

  His pain brought me beyond pleasure.

  He was just like the men that had ripped me apart all those years ago, and that is not the type of man that I can let in.

  I thought that I could keep him out, that I would never let him in. I will fight till my last breath against that though, no one will ever own me.

  He has other plans though.


  She was still so young that first night that I caught her looking at me across The Dungeon, seeing me for the first time since those long days we shared years ago. Those big doe eyes had me the first moment they were locked in on me. I knew that I should leave her alone, that we would not be a perfect fit. Not with the past that I had endured and the things I needed from her. Not with the past that she has had and the things that she had to endure.

  She was young.

  She was too giving.

  She was so submissive.

  Her eyes were too innocent.

  Her stare drew me in and wouldn’t let go.

  Her voice was like music to my soul.

  Her tears quenched my soul.

  She was everything that I never knew I was missing.

  She was mine the first time I saw her, and I don’t care how hard I must fight, how long it takes, what she and I must go through.

  She is mine.

  ~Chapter 1


  The best memory I have of growing up is that of my mother. My mother was tall, skinny, and very beautiful with long flowing dark hair and eyes to match. I remember bits and pieces from when she was still around and what our family used to be. Fond memories of the times that we were truly a family, and not the fucked-up shit it became.

  My mom was such a caring woman, she could never say no to anything that me or my little sister, Alison, wanted. I remember the day, I was maybe ten, we went out for a picnic and came back with two kittens that we found at the park we happened upon that day. My step-dad, Harold, was pissed, but somehow my mother calmed him down which seemed to always be the case. Harold said we could keep them as long as we took care of them. I named my little tabby, Sunny, and Alison named her little calico, Puzzle.

  As the weeks passed by, the kittens grew on us and we enjoyed having them around. Alison was only six, she was too little to help do much other than play with them, so I did almost everything for the cats. I fed them and gave them water to drink. I even cleaned their litter boxes without complaint. Having the kitties was something that really brightened up our days.

  It wasn’t until a night about two months later that all shit broke loose. The night that changed my life forever, a night that I have done my best to forget for the almost fifteen years since. A night that my life started down a path that no life should follow.

  The day I lost my mom and sister, was the day my world shattered around me, like any little girls would. When I got home from school, I sat down to do my homework as usual. It took only a brief time for me to realize that one of the kittens had gotten out the front door as I came in.

  As I sat at the kitchen table, I hear mewling and looked towards the window. Seeing Sunny outside, I dropped the homework I was doing and headed out the door to try and catch the cat. Rushing out the door, I didn’t notice that Puzzle slipped through this time.

  Trying to round up Sunny, I barely noticed the other one had taken off running towards the street. That’s when I saw my mom and sister walking up to the house, coming home from errands. My sister stopped dead in her tracks and turned around chasing after her cat without thought. Mom rushed behind her screaming for her to stop. The next thing I knew, I heard screeching tires and screams that I wish to never hear again fill the air.

  The loud crash drew my eyes in, and looking towards the noise, my feet started to move. I moved slowly to see my mother and sister both lying in the street unmoving. The group of neighbors that had come out of their houses were quick to help, but as it turned out, nothing could be done. Making my way closer to them old lady Irene from down the street grabs me up in her arms and holds me tight, turning me away from the scene. Her tight grip not loosening until the police arrived on the scene to take over for her.

  The thought of my sister and mother dying because of me never strayed far from the front of my mind during the rest of my days living in Burlington with my step-daddy.

  My step-daddy, Harold, does his best every day to make sure that I never forget that I am the reason that they’re gone either. Which kicked off with a bang, less than two weeks after my momma and sister’s death. I hear Harold screaming for me, which I try my best to ignore. My ability to ignore the situation only lasts until screams of a different kind started to move through the house. Those of what I was to learn were the kittens that we had brought home from the park.

  Sneaking down from my room, I see step-daddy waiting for me to turn the corner as he is burning the fur off of one of the kittens. Running towards him, I don’t see his hand fly out to connect with my face. As I fall to the floor, my eyes shoot up to see him snap Sunny’s neck, throwing that body at me before moving towards the other kitten. The screams that I realize are coming from me are quickly silenced when Harold again slaps my face hard before grabbing up the other kitten. Smashing its head against the kitchen table three times, I feel something splatter against my face before Puzzle’s limp body is tossed at me.

  Hitting a pile of flesh that used to be Sunny, Harold looks at me while grabbing for his bowling bag and his whiskey. Taking a large swig from the whiskey he steps closer before speaking, “Clean up this fucking mess girl. I knew that these fucking cats wo
uld be more trouble than they were worth.” Looking towards me, he pokes at me with the whiskey bottle, before taking another swig. “You wanted these fucking cats, they are the reason that you let your momma and little sister die.”

  Cleaning up the kitchen, I gather up the cats putting them into a Kleenex box that I empty out from my room. Burying them in the backyard is much more of an undertaking than I had thought. But, as soon as Harold has left for his bowling league, burying them is exactly what I do.

  For the next six years, not a day goes by that he doesn’t remind me that I am the reason we were left here together like this. The only nights that I feel safe are those that he heads to his bowling leagues, because I know he’ll come home too drunk to yell, smack me around, or throw things about. Those nights I trick myself into thinking that this life is normal, that the way we are is the way that everyone lives.

  Throughout those years, the days that he is home I frequently think about leaving, this house or this world. He screams at me constantly, blaming me for everything from him not getting a raise, to the paper not being delivered on time. Six years of constant questions and doubts about the person that I am, has led me to having problems in school on almost a daily basis.

  The night I finally leave he is drunk, which he does every day, and is going into another one of his rants after finding something out of place in the living room. And like what has become a constant during the last two years, he starts to slap me around. As I begin to try and fight back, his fist connects to my jaw causing me to black out. The first time that has happened since this whole thing started those long years ago. Waking back up long minutes later, I scramble away from Harold’s fumbling hands. He has been looking at me as more than a kid for a few years. I guess he finally decided that me being passed out would be a good time to try and fuck me.

  Causing me to do something that I had been thinking about doing since the day this shit began.

  I leave.

  My only saving grace during those six long years was the old lady down the block. Momma Irene was a heaven-sent angel who always seems to be there when I needed someone. Through those six years, I leaned on Irene more and more, and she became someone I knew that I could trust. When the day came that I finally decide to leave, its Momma Irene that I trust to confide in. She gives me some money, and sends me on my way, letting me know to always keep in contact with her, never hesitating to reach out when it was or wasn’t needed.

  I did exactly that five years later, a few weeks after I turned twenty-one, when I have finally had enough of trying to get by, enough moving from one man to the next, one shitty situation to the next, one rat infested place to another. I wanted to be able to settle in one place, and my mind thought that Irene would be just the right place to start.

  I had sent notes and letters to her over the years. Sure, they were few and far between, but I always wanted to make sure that she knew that I was safe and that I was doing okay. I know that she moved out of Burlington and into Chicago after her husband passed away. Finding out that Sara had been watching out and over her as well. One of the few times I reached out by phone, was right after Sara took off three years ago, and I found out that a few members of the MC that she interacted with were watching over Momma Irene. I was happy knowing that she wasn’t alone, that someone was watching over her, even if it was a bunch of old burly bikers.

  I am not sure what if anything she has told any of them about me, but I know that it is time to head back. She answers on the first ring the night that I call. Hearing her voice is like a punch to the chest and I’m taken aback by her voice.

  “Momma Irene,” was all I could croak out before the tears started to fall. The sniffles don’t stop, only slowing before I hear that voice again.

  “Rebecca? Is that you sweetie?” There is a long pause before she goes on, “I have hoped you would reach out soon. It’s past time for you settle down and get away from where you are, sweetie. Can you get to me in Chicago? Do I need to send some of the boys to pick you up?” Pausing again, she steadies her voice before saying again, “I can send Preach to you if you just let me know where you are.”

  “I’m in Georgia. Have been since we got back from the rally in Florida. If you could send someone that would be good.” Pausing I take a deep breath and go on, “I’ll need some money too. I have been staying with some guys that won’t be all that happy to see me leaving. And the guy that I am with-”

  “No worries, sweetie. Send me the address and I’ll send him on his way. He will probably bring one or two of his brothers with him, so don’t fret when they pull up. Know that they are there to help get you home safe.”

  “Okay Momma Irene. It’s so good to hear your voice again. Thanks for helping me out, bringing me back-“

  “You’re family little girl, there is nothing I won’t do for family and the same goes for the men that are coming to get you. Nothing like that step-daddy of yours or from what I can tell those men you have been keeping company with. You will see Rebecca. We will see you soon.”

  With that I hang up the phone and hope that life is starting to look up for me. That thought is quickly pushed aside as Jackson and James storm into the house quickly after I have gotten off the phone, high as hell and looking for a fight. And lucky me, their eyes are set on me.

  ~Chapter 2


  Seeing the call coming from Preach, I’m not sure what the fuck he might need. I head outside The Dungeon, it’s a quiet night and I got no worries about the crowd inside right now. Pulling the cell back outta my pocket, I answer gruffly, “Preach, what’s up?”

  “I need to head out on a run tonight and was told that you might be available to come with.”

  “Oh yeah, who the fuck told you that?” I say holding back a laugh, knowing damn well that Prez would be the only fucker to dare send me on a run at this time of the year.

  “Prez said you might not mind heading down with me and Gun, we got business.”

  Racking a hand over my head, I am quick to ask, “Where we heading to? You know I ain’t got a lot of fucking patience for a run this time of year if we ain’t going somewhere warm. I’m getting to fucking old to be going anywhere during winter in Illinois.”

  “Warm is where we are heading, Shadow, don’t worry. I gotta head down to Georgia to pick up a girl.”

  Intrigued, I am quick to ask, “A girl, now that is interesting, Preach. I thought that you and Irene had something going on. Maybe, I wasn’t seeing something right though, because if I was, what on Earth would you be heading down to pick up a girl for?”

  “Fuck, Shadow. Why do you always gotta be digging further into shit that ain’t got to do with you? I’m picking up the girl for Irene, they go back. Before Irene even moved down here, I guess the girl got herself into some shit and I’m heading down there to bring her home. Prez is letting Gun come along, but I think he will be off taking care of some “business” as we get the girl and her shit packed up to head out.”

  “Lucky fucking us, we get to do all the fucking grunt work too. Great, sign me the fuck up.” Seeing a bike pull into the lot, I recognize Tank in a second. “What time are we leaving, brother?” Is all I can get out as Tank moves towards me and cuts me off.

  “Now, Shadow. I got this shit and we got your shifts covered for the next few days. Keep Prez in on your progress and when you’re thinking that you’ll be heading out.” And with that the decision is made, I am heading out on a rescue job.

  I hear Preach say, “I’m coming to you, brother. Be at your house in fifteen, Gun will meet us there.” With that his phone disconnects and I head back inside toward the security room. Grabbing up my shit, I head to the locker room, changing into my jeans, cut, and ridding boats. Glancing towards the clock, I see that I have less than ten minutes to make it to my house and kick it in gear moving quickly towards my bike.

  Reaching the house in eight minutes I head in, packing a bag quickly, resetting the alarm as I make my way back outside. While
I am locking up the door behind myself, I hear bikes and know that Gun and Preach are here. Nodding towards them, I throw my leg over the bike, fire it up, and head out without another word. I have ridden with these fucking men long enough that we know each other’s riding styles, even though it is pitch black out as we leave, I have no fear about us being able to make our way with no problems.

  After almost two days on the road, we finally make it to our destination and the sight before us is something that I will never forget. None of us thought that what we were walking into would be as bad as it was. We thought we were just going to pick up this girl and get her back to Chicago with us. Thankfully we brought some heat with us, or it might not have ended as it did.

  The house that we pulled up outside was rundown and shitty to say the least. In a rural area with no neighbors at least, thank fuck. Getting off our bikes we draw our weapons and come up with a plan. I head straight to the front door, putting my gun back into the waistband of my jeans. Knocking loudly on the door, I am greeted a few moments later by the most gorgeous set of brown eyes. Those eyes, however, are hollow and filled with so much sorrow and pain that it is too much for me to take, and I drop my gaze from hers.

  Seeing my cut, this girl knows why we are here and instantly her face flashes a smile before a noise is heard from the other room.

  “Who the fuck is it at the door, bitch?” A loud male voice booms from another room making this girl shiver.

  As she goes to answer, I reach out with a finger and touch it against her lips hushing her and sending a jolt between the two of us. The shock in that touch making me pause for only a moment, before I’m able to get my thoughts together. Moving forward, I move her behind me swiftly before turning towards the voice.

  “Well, fucker. I’m not sure who you were expecting, but I will tell you who you found.”

  At my voice the man is up and off the couch quickly, diving towards a gun that is laid out on a side table. With quick steps, I get to the table first, and grab the gun before he has the chance.


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