Shadowed Peach: Devil's Iron MC Book 8

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Shadowed Peach: Devil's Iron MC Book 8 Page 11

by GM Scherbert

  Waiting only moments, the door starts to slowly open as I see my Peach come into view looking even more delicious than she was earlier tonight. Wearing jeans and a V-neck sweater, I don’t even pause as I pull the collar from my bag and fasten it tight around her neck. Asking her to belong to me without words. Bobbing her head in response, she raises her eyes to me, the twinkle that I see come to her eyes as I collar her is something that I hope never goes away. Taking my Peach by the hand, I nod to the other women standing inside the room as I turn tugging her towards the exit.

  Grabbing my helmet off the bike, I drop it onto her head, before buckling the strap. “We’ll stop and get what little you will need, but then we are heading north for a little bit. We need to get this shit between us sorted and we need to have privacy to do it.”

  Nodding her head in answer, her eyes drop down to the ground before I can catch the twinkle in them again, and something just rubs me wrong. Grabbing her chin, I demand her attention and eyes before continuing. When I see them, tears are slipping down her cheeks and my heart would break if I didn’t see the twinkle behind those tears. “Hear me now, little girl, you will have eye contact with me in all things. Those fucking twinkles that I just saw when that collar went around your neck, is something I always need to see. You will do this for me, little girl.”

  Squeezing her chin between my fingers draws a small gasp from her lips, stealing a kiss before I go on takes both of our breaths away. “I will not tolerate you sharing it with another man though. That twinkle in your eye is for me and me alone. What your Papi wants is what he will get. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes,” comes out breathy and she needs to steady herself with a deep inhale before going on, “Of course Emmanuel.”

  “NO!” is out loudly before I can help it and she is bent over my bike with my hand landing heavily before I can even finish my thought. “Not Emmanuel, little girl, Papi.”

  “Yes, Papi,” is groaned out shortly after the forth slap lands and I know that my girl is close to cumming.

  “Don’t you cum, little girl. You have had your freedom and done what you’ve wanted these last few years, while I have watched. It has eaten me up alive that I have not claimed you for my own, that you have been alone in this. That freedom is fucking gone, little girl. You will ask for every pleasure, and if you’re lucky, your Papi will give it to you.”

  The shiver that runs through my Peach at my words lets me know that she is right there with me. God, why the fuck did I wait this long to claim her? This thing between us could have been happening and in that instant I know that I will spend the rest of my days being her Papi and she will be my little girl.

  Throwing my leg over the bike, I motion for my Peach to get on behind me. Wrapping herself tight around me has me feeling at peace and I know this thing between us is fucking right. Pulling the bike outta the lot, I head towards her house. As we are pulling up I notice a car parked across the street and wonder who the fuck it could be. Pulling the bike into the drive, I take note of the license as the car pulls away. Knowing that I will need to get that info to Tank before we leave I grab for my phone and text it over to him before even cutting the engine.

  Taking her hand, I give Rebecca a little help getting off the bike, before following her off. Wrapping an arm around her, she snuggles into me as we walk to her door. Grabbing up for the key that she is fumbling for, I use it to unlock her door. “Hurry up and grab only essentials. What you might need for about a month, my Peach. Medicines, personal items, etc. You will not need much clothing because I plan on being buried in you most of the time, and anything else that you need we can buy.”

  “Okay, Papi,” is squeaked out as she catches my meaning. Running off in the direction of her bedroom, I make the call to Irene that I have been somewhat dreading for years. Irene, I’m sure however, has known it was coming and is gonna put me through the fucking ringer.

  Answering on the first ring, Irene doesn’t waste any time laying into me. “She better have that fucking collar on her neck, a ring on her finger, and ink on her before she comes back Emmanuel, or I will take your fucking dick off.” Only pausing long enough to draw a breath, she adds, “Do you understand me young man?”

  This being one of the few things that has scared me in life doesn’t stop my haunches from raising at her little speech. “Irene, I am only a few years younger than you for fucks sake. You know why I am calling it seems, so just take a step back and let’s discuss this like reasonable grown-ups.”

  “Reasonable grown-ups,” she spits at me through the phone. “Reasonable would have been claiming that girl the moment you knew. Reasonable would have been showing her what a man, what a good man, can do for her. Reasonable would have been showering that girl with the things that she has been working hard for. Reasonable would have been supporting her through all the doctors and therapists and years of shit that she has been going through. Reasonable would have been what I have been doing. Picking up the pieces each time her world crumbles from whatever happens between you.”

  I can’t help the venom that I speak with, “I would watch the way you are speaking to me, woman. Men have been put to ground for less and I don’t think she would like for that to happen.”

  “Don’t raise your voice to me, boy. I have lived through enough not to be threatened by the likes of you.” Then I hear another voice, and this one has little but wrath laced through it.

  “Shadow, I would watch your next words. I will fucking lay you out and put you under for speaking to her that way. I have little patience for that shit and you damn well know it. Don’t make me get up and come over there to fucking do it.”

  Growling out at the words Preach speaks, I know exactly what he means. That man will fuck anyone up that disrespects a woman- if she is known to him or not. “Sorry, brother, I apologize for speaking outta turn, I am just pretty riled up still from claiming Rebecca and I…”

  Irene is quick to cut me off, “It’s about fucking time. When is the wedding?”

  “Jesus, Irene, I just collared her. We are heading up to Milwaukee for a month and we will have answers to all those questions when we get back. I was just calling to let you know and make sure that you weren’t worried about her while we were gone.”

  “Thanks for that, Emmanuel, I guess. You will be sitting down with me as soon as you get back and you will give me the answers I have been looking for since the day you brought her back. No ifs, ands, or buts about it, you hear me?”

  Answering the only way I can, “Yes, Ma’am that can be arranged.”

  “Safe travels, give her my love, and Shadow”

  “Yeah,” I grunt in reply.

  “I’m so happy for you, finally.” is the last thing I hear before the line goes dead.

  “She went easy on you, you know that right,” comes out softly behind me. Turning I see my Peach smiling wide, wearing traveling clothes with nothing but a small bag in hand. Cutting the distance between us I scoop her up in my arms before taking her mouth with my own.

  “I would battle the devil himself to have you here with me like this, little girl. Irene is as close as I have come in my life, though.” Smiling at my words, I bring my head down again, claiming her mouth with my own in a lazy kiss. Knowing that this is only the beginning of our story, the beginning of us.

  ~Chapter 22


  Knowing that he has spoken with Irene sets my mind at ease. She is a tough old lady to say the least, but I know that she loves me like no one else. Knowing that she is okay with this, with me and Emmanuel does something to help the nerves that have been fluttering around since The Dungeon. Since he put this collar around my neck, my Papi.

  The trip up to Milwaukee is quick, having my arms wrapped around Emmanuel the whole time ain’t half bad either. As we exit the freeway making our way through the city, I notice a chill in the air and quickly realize why as we move through the streets. Lake Michigan comes into view as we continue on and a brief time later pull
into a driveway right along the lake. Looking up to see a huge old house I am speechless to see where we will be for the next month.

  As Emmanuel cuts the bike off, I make my way off the bike and wait for him to do the same. Turning I look towards the lake as he comes up behind me slipping an arm around my waist. His voice is low and deep as he speaks. “Let’s go take in the view, Rebecca, because once I get you into the house, naked, and at my disposal we won’t be coming back outside for a while, little girl.” Looking into his eyes I see a devilish spark in them as I lean into him for a kiss, before we head towards the back of the house.

  Spending about an hour gazing out over the lake is calming to the nerves that had started to show themselves. Emmanuel does nothing except hold me, we don’t exchange even a single word the whole time. As the sun starts peaking its head out over the horizon, I can’t hold back the yawn that escapes my lips.

  Squeezing his arms around my stomach tighter as he speaks, “My Peach, you should have told me you were getting tired. We will head inside, and grab some sleep before we start.”

  “Start?” I barely get out before I find myself turning in his arms.

  “My Peach, so innocent to the things that your Papi wants from you.” Running a finger down my cheek he stops it on my lips. “What your Papi wants to do to you,” as my mouth slips open he doesn’t waste the opportunity and puts two fingers deep in my mouth, “but you will learn.” Popping the fingers outta my mouth, he turns our bodies towards the house, as we slowly walk back towards the front of the house.

  “Blaze and Tank have been nice enough to give me the month and this house so that you can learn what it is to be mine. And Papi will enjoy teaching you.” Pulling me closer into his side, “You will learn how my little girl is to behave, how she will be worshipped, how she will be pleasured, how she will serve her Papi.” Pulling my body back against him, I can feel his hard cock pressed up against my ass, “how she is to treat herself, and her Papi in all things.”

  He must enjoy the smile that comes to my face as he speaks because he abruptly reaches his free hand down between us to adjust himself. As my head turns, my eyes follow his hand down, I catch a glimpse of the cock that was only moments ago pressed against me and can’t stop from licking my lips.

  “Little girl, get those thoughts outta your mind. We need to get our rest and stock up on a few supplies before we begin. I have a prospect bringing my truck up so we can run a few errands after we wake up.” Seeing a frown come to my face he tsks me before going on, “Training will start when I say and not a moment before, you will do well to remember that, little girl.”

  Heading into the house, Emmanuel gives me a short tour before we find the master suite upstairs. Hopping into the shower at his request, I shower off the road before wrapping the towel around myself. Stepping back into the bedroom, I find Emmanuel has gone downstairs and showered in one of the other bathrooms. He stands by the bed completely naked, eyeing me like the fresh meat he makes me feel like. Reaching towards the bed, he grabs for a pair of jeans and steps into them. I can’t take my eyes off of him as he brings them up his legs, then carefully tucks his cock in before zipping and buttoning them up.

  Catching me checking him out, the chuckle that leaves him has a blush creeping across my face. It also has me moving towards the chair my bag is in. Picking it up I reach for a fresh change of clothing before I hear a sharp and resounding, “NO,” from behind me.

  Quickly moving my eyes to his, the quake I felt only moments ago at the sound of his voice starts to fade. Seeing his face has me feeling nothing but cherished and I know the nervousness I felt at the snap in his voice should not be there. That this man would not hurt me like the others, like the seven that were before him.

  “You will not wear clothing in our bed, little girl. That is the first thing that you are to learn it seems.” Moving towards me he cuts the distance between us right quick before scoping me up in his arms, after tugging the towel off of me. “This beautiful body will always be bare for me while you are in bed, my Peach. I should be able to do whatever I like to it, to you, without clothing in the way.”

  Balancing me with one arm, Emmanuel throws back the covers before plopping me onto the mattress. Pulling the blankets back up and over me he stoops down again, taking my lips with his. “The prospect just texted he will be here in a few with my truck, so I’m gonna head down and get it from him before I come to bed.” Pulling back a fraction, he looks longingly at me before continuing on, “Get some rest, my Peach. You are going to fucking need it.” With that he is striding from the room and my thoughts are racing at his words.

  ~Chapter 23


  Seeing the way she was staring at my dick, licking her lips like that made it hard as fuck for me to walk out. Especially to that fucking prospect, I wanted nothing more than to slip into that bed and have my way with my little girl. I knew after that bike ride, she was fucking wet and needy. Then looking out over the lake, and the way she was moving that fucking tight body against me, had my patience being tested. I know that my little girl wants to cum but that is something that will not be happening until her Papi sets down a few rules. Until her Papi gives her permission, buried deep inside her, burning myself into her forever.

  Grabbing up a pack of smokes, I head outside to wait for the prospect. Lighting one up as I move through the garage to the driveway I see the truck turning in, with another right behind it. Taking a drag, I wait for the prospect to step outta my truck before moving towards him. “Prez told me to bring your truck up to you, Shadow,” tossing the keys to me, “You need anything else?”

  “No, prospect, I don’t need nothing else. If I do I got your number,” nodding to him, I spin around raising my keys to him in thanks.

  Making quick work of the rest of my smoke, I snuff it out before turning to head back into the house. Washing up in the downstairs bathroom, knowing that my Peach will be fast asleep upstairs when I get there has my nerves tingling. The next thirty days will be nothing but me teaching my little girl to be mine and I for one can’t wait for them to start, in a few short hours they will. Taking a calming breath, I make my way upstairs and into our room. Taking off my jeans I move over to the bed and pull the blankets back to get into the bed. It’s like we have been doing this for years, that my Peach knows my body, moving back against it, fitting herself to me instantaneously.

  Wrapping her up in my arms, I feel a peace that I have never known before. A peace that I hope she finds with me as well. A peace that I look forward to both of us getting used to, forever.

  Nodding off, it’s a few hours before I wake, feeling her move against my body. Pulling away from my tight grip around her body has me growling out my displeasure. Tugging her tightly back against my body, I wrap my arms tighter, but she is still wriggling against me.

  “Peach, calm down I got you now, and I’m not letting go.” I say trying to roll her around to face me.

  “Emmanuel, stop.”

  “Never,” Is all I can get out before she finds herself nose to nose with me. Taking her mouth with my own, I start with a gentle kiss, that turns heated in mere seconds. Pulling back slightly I make sure that she understands, “You are mine, little girl and I will never stop when it comes to you.”

  Seeing confusion in her eyes, I am about to go on, but she beats me to it. “Emmanuel, I’m not trying to run away. I just gotta go.”

  Feeling loss at her words, I tug her closer again reaching up for the collar that is around her neck. I speak without thinking, “You should have thought about that before you took my collar last night, little girl. You will not be going anywhere without me, my permission, or protection again.”

  The smile that creeps to her face has me confused and slightly pissed off. Thinking of taking her over my knee, when a gentle hand lands on my chest, those brown eyes begging me until I catch a hint of laughter spilling from her lips and that twinkle in her eye again.

  “I have to use the bathroom
for fucks sake, Emmanuel. I’m not going anywhere, except maybe to the laundry room if you don’t let me up.”

  Releasing her right quick, she gets up scampering towards the bathroom giggling as she goes. The sound of her laughter calms my anger instantly and a smile comes to my face. Something I can see happening much more in the years to come. That noise also has my dick getting hard, well that and seeing my girl scampering naked to the bathroom. There is new ink that I can’t wait to explore, and add my own to as well.

  Reaching down I tug on my hardening cock a few times, trying to calm it down, before deciding that the day has started. Knowing that we need to run a few errands before starting this and being able to taste my girl again, I get up. Throwing on jeans, I grab a t-shirt outta my bag pulling it over my head as my Peach makes her way outta the bathroom. Seeing her standing there bare for me, has my cock right back to where it was, and me knowing that we won’t be getting outta here without me tasting my little girl.

  “Little girl, that body is too much for me,” Tugging at the button on my pants, “Get over here on the bed, on your hands and knees.” Pointing towards the bed I tug at the zipper before reaching in to grab out my cock. Stroking it a few times, my Peach has her eyes glued to me, well my cock, and hasn’t made a move for the bed, which just won’t do.

  “Little girl, I’m not going to ask again. If I do we will be spending more time here than I want to, and I will have to give you a crash course on listening to your Papi the first time.” I tug again at my cock, stroking it a few times before going on, “If that happens I will be making the errands that we are going to run a hell of a lot harder on you by tanning your ass red. And that can’t happen until we talk and discuss more about your limits and such. We have only touched on them at The Dungeon, and that will take too much time. You haven’t even started to grasp the things that I will do to that tight little body of yours, to your mind, heart, and soul. I will etch myself onto your soul and there won’t be a day that you can go without me.”


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