by Leanna Adams
My only regrets about China are that I didn’t go sooner, stay longer or learn the language completely. The Chinese were good to me. I am so grateful that they invited me into their country and let me see how they live.
Many wonderful friends and family members made this travelogue possible. And one stranger – Dave Sperling, owner operator of Dave’s ESL Cafe (, an invaluable resource to ESL/EFL teacher travelers.
To my early readers, Mom, Dad, Roi Tamkin, Beth Young, David Goldsmith and Alix Rice, thank you for slogging through. And to my latest readers, Masha Dowell and Shannon Leach, I owe you both. And Manning Fairey, thank you for your public relations savvy and a lifetime of good advice.
Linda Wu, you helped me get to China, tour around and make it home safely. Thank you for that and for everything else, too.
So many other students and officials helped me and made me feel welcome in China including: Eva, Dean Li, Dean Lu, Mr. One, Mrs. Gu and all the Directors.
Eilish, Jean, Pavolina, Paul, Brian and Jessie, wherever you are in the world, I am so grateful I had your support and guidance in China.
To my patient and kind travel companion, Margaret O’Callaghan, you had to put up with me for an entire semester, which is more than most people could take. Thank you for your friendship.
Mom, you always encouraged me to see the world and be understanding of others. Dad and Jennifer, you visited me in China and have always supported and encouraged me. Kristan, your advice it so sound and suggesting I get out of my comfort zone and go to China was the best thing you’ve done for me yet. Thank you to my entire family for loving me. I know it can be hard, especially when I break out a windowpane in the back door or do some other insane thing.
To my adoring husband, George, thank you for waiting for me. And for understanding when I told my stories from China over and over…and over again. Thank you for loving me these last six years and being my best friend and travel companion now.
Last, but certainly not least, Charles, you took such good care of Dianne in her final months in this world and Margaret and me after. You showed me what China is all about. I wish you the same care from others that you so freely give. I am so thankful and fortunate to have you in my life, even though you’re halfway around the world.
Leanna Adams believes the Chinese are like Southerners – they love tea and rice and force-feeding guests. Born and raised in Spartanburg, South Carolina, Adams knows a thing or two about small-town America. She earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from Emory University, but still couldn’t figure out what life path to take. So she up and moved to Wuhu, China, and taught English and American culture at a rural college in the Anhui Province. It was the best move of her quarter life. A freelance writer since 2006, Adams moved to Atlanta in June of 2011 and has been pursuing an acting career ever since.