Hart Of Vengeance: A Danielle Hart Novel (Book 2)

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Hart Of Vengeance: A Danielle Hart Novel (Book 2) Page 5

by Gregory Sanders

  "Oh no, you're not done," the man informed him. "You look like you need to finish the bottle." Baxby picked the bottle back up and quickly finished it off. "Get another," the man smiled. "You still look thirsty to me." Baxby was about to protest, but the gun pointed at him made him reconsider. He removed a second beer from the refrigerator, popped the top, and drank it.

  "Now what?" He asked the man with the gun.

  "Now, you go sit on that couch," the man pointed to the sofa by the window with his gun. Baxby walked over to the sofa and sat down. Within minutes he could feel his eyes getting heavy and even breathing was taking effort. The man with the gun was watching him closely. "Go ahead and close your eyes. It'll all be over soon. You should have just kept your mouth shut. You tried to help Ridgeway once already, and you'd probably try it again. This way, you won't." Baxby tried to get up from the sofa, but his body wouldn't cooperate. His eyes closed, and his breathing became shallow. In a few moments, it stopped altogether. The man put the gun in a pocket and pulled out a pair of thin gloves. He felt Baxby's neck for a pulse and found none. He left the body on the sofa and walked back to the kitchen counter. He removed a piece of paper from his pocket and laid it beside the empty beer bottles on the counter. I just can't keep going. I miss Anna too much. I have no one now. The man gave the body of Simon Baxby one final look and left the room locking the door behind him.

  As the man entered the lift he took a comms device from his pocket and placed it in his ear. "This is Roscoe. Tell Tatsuda it's done." He returned the comms device to his pocket and exited the lift. He walked from the lift toward the building entrance. He removed the hat he was wearing and tossed it in a trash can just inside the door. He stepped out into the evening air and disappeared into the crowd.


  Lt. Lakeisha Johnson was going about her duties as a member of the Royal Guard for Regent Zhi. He would be giving a speech later that day with Gaelon, the Rylan Prime Minister, and her patrol group was handling security for the event. The Prime Minister had brought his own security detail, and they were going through their own security sweep of the stage area. Although the Commonwealth and Protectorate had long since been allies, it was still a rare sight to see other races in the capital city. So, it was even more unusual for an Androsan from their party to approach her.

  The hulking, stone-skinned man walked with a casual gait, as though this was all commonplace. He stopped in front of her and her partner-in-training, Ensign Monica Potter, where they had been examining a portion of the rear stage framework.

  "Lt. Johnson?" He asked with a formal bow.

  "Yes," she answered. "Can I help you?"

  He withdrew the note from a pocket inside his jacket. "A message from Prime Minister Gaelon," he answered as he handed her the sealed envelope. "Good day, Lieutenant," the Androsan said bowing, then turned and walked toward a pair of Protectorate guards.

  "That was weird," Monica stated.

  "Yeah," Lakeisha agreed. She stuffed the letter into a pocket. "Well, we need to get back to work."

  "Aren't you going to open it?" Monica asked. "A letter from the Rylan Prime Minister and you're not the least bit curious?"

  Lakeisha pulled the envelope out of her pocket and looked at it. Yes, I'm very curious why Gaelon would send me a letter directly. This violates the message protocols the Legion put in place by creating a direct link between the two of us. Such messages were only to be used if the matter was of such importance that secrecy was a secondary thought. Since Gaelon's aide, Haardath, had delivered it to her in public, it must be extremely urgent. She opened the envelope and removed the letter from inside. She quickly read the note, its meaning obvious to her. Gaelon needs to see me in person? He even used the 'bestow gifts' code that means he needs cargo moved. We are going to break all the protocols now. What could be so important that he wants me to move for him personally? She folded the note back and returned it to the envelope.

  "So, what does it say?" Monica asked eagerly. Her curiosity was about to consume her.

  Lakeisha handed her the envelope. "Read it for yourself." Monica took the envelope from Lakeisha and quickly retrieved the letter from it. Her eyes began quickly scanning the writing on the paper.

  "He wants you to come to Rylos to visit him," Monica grinned, "so he can personally thank you for uncovering the V'drellians. You're such a celebrity!"

  "I wish I wasn't," mumbled Lakeisha in response.

  When Gaelon, Th'arn, and she had originally formed the plan that was now in motion, the lives it touched seemed so distant. She was a true believer in Kamseth. She knew that the average person in the universe didn't have the intelligence to do what was right. She knew that individual greed would always hurt the collective good if given the chance. Now, the Legion had killed thousands of lives in the name of Kamseth, and before it would be over, more would have to die. She knew it had to be done, but a part of her still regretted it. It had cost her the friendship and respect of Danielle, her former best friend. She had been the one that helped Lakeisha survive the academy. Yes, she had targetted Danielle for friendship, using her as a means to an end, but that didn't make the bond they formed feel any less real. She didn't regret her actions, but she did wish that the plan could have moved forward without hurting Danielle. What's done is done. You knew what the end would be before it ever began. Let it go. She would probably kill you on sight now if given the chance.

  Now she was a celebrity. The lone survivor of a vicious attack by the V'drellians against the Commonwealth. An attack that the Legion staged and carried out to look like the V'drell Dominion was behind it. It had been designed to bring the V'drellians out of hiding and force them and the Commonwealth into a war. It was also to help her get in the position where she was now, close to the Commonwealth ruler. Everything was going exactly as they had planned, but somehow their success felt like it had eaten a part of her soul.

  "So, are you going to go?" Monica asked, bringing Lakeisha back from her wandering thoughts.

  "Go to Rylos? No," she replied. "I am flattered by the invitation, but we are members of the royal guard. We don't get to travel the universe at our leisure. Our duty is to serve the monarchy, not our own self-interests."

  "I suppose you're right," Monica agreed, somewhat downheartedly.

  "We've still got work to do here," Lakeisha reminded. "Let's get finished, so we can call it a day." The two of them went back to checking the backstage area for anything out of the ordinary. While they worked, Lakeisha's thoughts returned to the letter. I'll have to get Zhi to let me leave without telling him why. It may be time for his friendly shadow to pay him a visit again.


  Prime Minister Gaelon was sitting in a straight-backed chair waiting to give the speech that he and Regent Zhi would deliver in moments. He was restless. Not about the speech, but rather the chair he was sitting in. Terran craftsmen couldn't make a truly comfortable piece of furniture if their lives depended on it! He looked across the room to where the Terran regent was seated, going over his speech notes. Yes, Zhi, go over your notes. This speech will unify our nations, and ultimately bring the Commonwealth under my control. Memorize every word!

  Zhi looked up from his notes and directed his gaze to Gaelon. "I expected to see your aide with you today. Hardaath isn't it?"

  Gaelon had instructed Hardaath to meet with Lakiesha Johnson to deliver a sensitive message from Gaelon. A message that could not be trusted to the usual network of communication, even that of the Legion. "He is traveling with me," Gaelon answered. "I asked him to coordinate my security with your Royal Guard. I believe he was speaking with a Lt. Johnson."

  "That was unnecessary," Zhi said with an air of slight insult. "My security is the best in the Commonwealth. You are as safe with me as if you were in your own home."

  Their conversation was interrupted by a knocking at the door. "We'll be ready for both of you in five minutes," the Royal Press Secretary, Charles Rawson, said through the closed door. Rawson had prev
iously been the Sr. Vice President of Operations for the Terran New Channel network for years. He was a perfectionist, obsessing over every detail of every press statement and public appearance of the Commonwealth ruler.

  "Are you ready, Prime Minister?" Zhi asked his guest.

  "Most ready, Regent," replied the Valuvian rising from his chair.

  The two leaders made their way to an area just off stage. The stage had been prepared for the speech the day before. Everything was in place. The flags of both nations were displayed and both podiums had been evenly spaced from the center of the stage. Even a step had been placed behind the podium for Zhi to minimize the height difference between himself and Gaelon. Rawson was standing beside them just inside the side curtain. He was holding a set of headphones to one ear listening to the voices of the news anchor back in the new studio on the other side of the capital city. He turned to the men standing beside him. "It's time, Regent. Mr. Prime Minister, your podium is the one closer to us. Regent, yours is the farther one."

  "Thank you, Charles," Zhi acknowledged the executive. Gaelon and Zhi walked out together to center stage and turned to face each other. They placed their hands overlapping over the center of their chest and then offered a formal bow to each other. It was a traditional greeting of peace used by many Rylans. Upon completion of the bow, they extended their right arms and shook hands heartily, as the handshake was the preferred greeting of the Terrans. Every word and action was choreographed to present an image of unity to the viewers. The last time these two nations held a joint speech, former Prime Minister Hobarth had been assassinated, but Gaelon knew that was not going to happen this time. After all, I helped plan the assassination. His face showed a slight smile at the thought, though if anyone noticed it they would probably assume he was just in a good mood for the event.

  It had been decided that Gaelon would speak first since the event was being held on the Terran homeworld of Mars. "Citizens of the Terran Commonwealth and Rylan Protectorate, we stand before you today on a very somber occasion. Our hearts are saddened by the memory of the recent senseless death of Prime Minister Hobarth during the last joint address given by our two worlds. Prime Minister Hobarth was dedicated to seeing that all people in the Protectorate received justice, and his death is a loss for the universe. He will be missed. We also stand here united as one in the affirmation that justice knows no boundaries, no borders, and no exceptions. Today the murderer Zachary Ridgeway will be officially transferred from Commonwealth custody to the custody of the Rylan Protectorate as per the agreement made prior by Queen Constance and Prime Minister Hobarth. Even though neither of them could be here to witness this event, we will honor them by fulfilling their wishes. It was their wish that the peoples of the Protectorate and the Commonwealth do not allow this tragedy to hamper the beneficial relationship our nations have had for over one hundred of your Terran years. We must be committed to preserving the peace not just when it is easy, but more so when it is difficult."

  Zhi began his portion of the address. "I cannot overstress the value of the words offered by Prime Minister Gaelon. It is of utmost importance that we not let the actions of one man turn our nations against each other. With this thought in mind, both the Protectorate Parliament of Ministers and the Commonwealth Congress of Barons have mutually agreed to allow a non-voting representative of the other lawmaking body to be seated during all sessions. The Prime Minister and I believe that such representation of each other's people will remind us all that we are not alone in the universe, but merely pieces of the greater whole. This new arrangement will take effect immediately with Ambassador Yves St. Croix representing the Commonwealth in the Parliament of Ministers and Ambassador Quelzan representing the Protectorate to the Congress of Barons. It is everyone's hope that we never have another tragedy like the Rylan Starburst, but if such an event does occur I know that our peoples will rise above the hatred and join hands and hearts to ensure that the actions of madmen will not dictate the lives of the peaceful majority. The transfer of Zachary Ridgeway will serve as not only justice for this incident but as a warning to those who would try to destroy the peace and prosperity enjoyed by our continued standing under the treaty that has served us faithfully for over one hundred years. May the Creator, and the gods of the Protectorate keep us safe and bless all our endeavors of peace." At the completion of address, the two leaders stepped towards each other again bowed and shook hands before exiting the stage. The speech would be carried by every major news outlet in the Commonwealth and Protectorate.

  They left the stage area used for formal addresses and returned to Zhi's office, their respective guard details in tow. Gaelon noticed that Zhi seemed to have an air of satisfaction about him. It seems that giving speeches puffs up his ego. That may very well play to our advantage later on.

  "That went quite well, I think," Zhi announced after the door was closed.

  "Yes," Gaelon concurred. "I believe it accomplished our task. My staff is coordinating with yours as we speak regarding the transfer of Ridgeway. Once he is in our custody, he will be transported back to Rylos where my people eagerly await to hand down his sentence."

  Zhi looked at Gaelon perplexed. "He's not actually going to make it to Rylos is he? I thought..."

  "Of course he will make it to Rylos," Gaelon cut him off. "We will not allow vigilante justice to have a part of this matter." Gaelon glared at the man in front of him. Fool! Your office is no doubt bugged as are most rulers' offices! Do not give away our plans! "I think it best that we change the subject. How is Queen Constance recovering?," Gaelon said, steering Zhi away from the Ridgeway matter, using the topic to remind Zhi that he was a ruler by opportunity, not by right.

  Zhi's jaw tensed for a moment, then he replied. "Sadly she has become more withdrawn in recent days. Her physicians are still hopeful for a full recovery with time and rest. I will tell her you asked about her when next I see her."

  "That is good to hear," Gaelon responded, "and the people of the Rylan Protectorate wish her a quick recovery. In the meanwhile, our people rest well knowing that the Commonwealth is in your capable hands, Regent Zhi."

  The intercom on Zhi's desk buzzed. It was his personal secretary, Irene Blankenship. "Regent, the Prime Minister's aide sent a message. Prime Minister, your aide says that everything went perfectly and that there were no incidents. He is returning to the ship to await your arrival."

  "Thank you, Irene," Zhi acknowledged the message, then terminated the intercom. "I told you that my security could handle everything. You worry too much, my friend. Try not to overthink things too much."

  "One can never 'overthink', Regent," Gaelon chided. "Especially when one is a ruler of a great power in the universe." Gaelon walked toward the door. "I have enjoyed our time today, Regent. Perhaps next time we can meet on Rylos? It is such a beautiful planet, and the capital city is even more beautiful. I'm sure you would enjoy it very much."

  "Indeed, Prime Minister," Zhi acknowledged the invitation. "I would love to see your world some day. I do hope that you have a safe and uneventful journey back to your homeworld."


  Zachary Ridgeway was getting nervous. He had awoken this morning expecting for someone from the Office of Fleet Justice to come by and tell him that his transfer to Rylan custody had been suspended pending an investigation into the testimony of Baxby. When he heard Regent Zhi and the Prime Minister Gaelon give their speech at noon, he was puzzled that they would give such a speech under the circumstances of evidence of his innocence. Now, it was mid-afternoon and still, he hadn't heard a single word that the transfer was being stopped. He heard approaching footsteps and saw Cmdr. Walter Bridger, his defense counsel come into view.

  "Commander, I was starting to worry," Ridgeway gave a sigh of relief. "So, when do I get out of here, and what is our strategy for the re-trial?"

  Bridger looked at him and seems to be confused. "I don't understand, Zach. What are you talking about? There isn't going to be a re-trial. I'm here
to tell you that you will be transferred to Rylan custody within the hour."

  "Are you serious?" Ridgeway exploded. "Even after what Baxby told you? They are still going to ship me off to die when there is proof that I am innocent? Baxby said that chip would prove it."

  "Baxby?" Bridger was trying to understand what Ridgeway was talking about. "Lt. Simon Baxby? I haven't spoken to him since before your trial. He didn't have any evidence that would have helped your case then, so I'm not sure what you think he could do to help now."

  Ridgeway stood facing the military lawyer dumbfounded. "He came to see me yesterday. He told me that he programmed a probe to mimic the V'drellian signal using data from our systems and a chip the conspirators gave him. It then latched on to the passenger ship which is why we targeted it. He left here, and said he was going directly to your office."

  Bridger shook his head. "Zach, I don't know what Baxby might have told you, but he never came to my office."

  Ridgeway thought back to the conversation he had with Baxby the previous day. "They must have known that he came to see me. Baxby said that he and his wife had been threatened, but she died last week and that he was going to tell what happened on the Dauntless regardless of what happened to him."

  "If that is true," Bridger thought aloud, "he must have got scared and had a change of heart. The fear of dying can cause a man to bury his morals pretty deep. Still, it's worth looking into. A conspiracy of this size would have to leave a trail now that we know where to start looking. I can't stop the transfer, but if I can get something definitive I can present it to the Rylans in hopes they release you. Now that this matter is out of the Commonwealth court system, I don't have many options."


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