Later Gator (Southern Fried Sass Book 1)

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Later Gator (Southern Fried Sass Book 1) Page 8

by Julia Mills

  Pulling Beau to a stop beside me, something that was not part of the plan, I sneered, “Cut the crap, Wanda. You were as dirty as they come. You used your magic to cheat people, to steal, to hide from the law, and worse of all to hurt other Witches. At least have the balls to admit what you did.”

  “Stop it, Faith.” Beau's growl burned in my mind, but I ignored it. In the blink of an eye, it had become about more than just taking Wanda the Wench down, it was about standing up for what was right, for the people the old bitch had hurt, and most of all for my mom.

  Slipping my hand from Beau’s, I stalked forward. Ignoring his warnings, blocking out Daisy and Rosie, I moved ever closer to Wanda. “You know what makes me sick? What makes you a weak piece of shit?”

  Flames shot from her fingertips and landed right where I was about to put my foot. Dru growled on my shoulder, flinging back a bolt of fire as she roared. For a split second, fear crossed Wanda's face, before she schooled her features and whizzed another spell my way.

  Landing off in the distance, I heard the sizzle and crackle of a fire, but it didn't matter. I could see the whites of Wanda the Wench's eyes. She was scared…and I liked it.

  "What makes me sick at the very sight of you, is that everything you did was for that rat bastard, Nate."

  At the mention of his name, Wanda lobbed balls of fire, one right after another, at my head. Ducking and twisting, still ignoring Beau and my sisters, Dru and I pushed closer. I knew the only thing keeping Rosie, Daisy, and my Mate from rushing into the fight was the thoughts racing through my mind.

  I could feel them probing. Knew they were listening. Prayed they'd let me handle it.

  Wheezing like she’d run a mile or two in heels, Wanda’s magical façade started to slip away. She was using too much magic trying to take me down. There wasn’t enough to keep her mask of civility in place.

  Sliding off her bones like silly putty that was left out in the sun too long, her smooth, clear skin dripped into a puddle at her feet taking her dress and the mop of blond hair right along with it. Growing taller and broader with every breath she took, what had been a dead ringer for Marilyn Monroe had become a combination between Swamp Thing and the Creature from the Black Lagoon.

  Opening her enormous jaws and spitting what smelled like baby poop and burnt the tall, thick grass like acid, Wanda the Wench roared, "Faith. Must. Die."

  “What have you done?” Beau, Rosie, and Daisy’s voice bellowed in unison inside my brain.

  “What I always do, opened my mouth before my brain was engaged. I have no clue why you’re all so surprised.”

  Needless to say, their answers were less than complimentary, and I, therefore, refuse to repeat them. What I will tell you is that my Gator Mate and my wonderful sisters came running to my aid, along with a bunch of St Croixs and more Big Cats than I could count.

  Circling round Wanda as she continued to fire everything she had at my head, Beau was at my left side with Rosie at my right side and Daisy right behind me. Moving forward, whipping spell after spell at the ugliest thing on two legs that had ever walked the planet, (No, I don't know that for sure, but you weren't there, Wanda was one ugly mutha, and that U-G-L-Y.) nothing seemed to slow her down. I had pulled every trick and some I didn't know all that well outta my ass, and still, she came.

  FUBAR – that’s what I had done to not only myself, but the people I loved the most in all the world, and there was no way I could let them go down for my stupidity. Decision made, I called out to everyone, “Stand dow…”

  My words were utterly and entirely overshadowed and swallowed up as a massive wave of magic the likes of which I have never ever felt, heard of, or even read about. Thick green smoke covered the pasture, the strong scent of fresh cut grass and the sound of water rushing over rocks filled the atmosphere. It was spectacular, overwhelming, and frightening all at the same time.

  Struggling to see Beau and my sisters, the snap and snarl of seriously pissed off predators had me reaching out into the smog, trying to at the very least lay my hands on my people. Thankfully, I almost immediately found Rosie and Daisy and the Dragonettes were all accounted for, but I could barely catch my breath not knowing where Beau was.

  The growls and roars drew closer. I could tell my sisters wanted to get the heck outta Dodge, but there was no way I was going anywhere without my Mate. Reading my mind, Dru pushed her wings downward and lifted up off my shoulder.

  Flying up over the smoke, she exclaimed, “Holy Mother of Moses! You are not gonna believe your eyes.”

  Opening her miniature jaws, my Familiar, the greatest Dragonette the world has ever known, blew steam instead of fire from her throat, pushing away the smog and revealing Beau and his family in what I could only think of as Gator Men form. Quick to correct me, his low grumble vibrated my mind. “It’s called a Warrior Bull and you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”

  And my man was right.

  Standing at least nine-feet tall, up on two long legs with thigh muscles bulging with so very much barely contained raw power that I could see the striation through the thick bony plates that made up his skin. Front legs longer with bulging biceps and the paws at the end larger and more humanlike, Beau was spectacular.

  His snout was shorter than I knew it was when he was in his regular alligator form, his shoulders and chest wider and broader, and his feet although still sporting long, sharp talons were absolutely huge. The description ‘supernatural tank’ flew through my mind, to which my Mate chuckled, “Hell yeah, that’s my baby.”

  Taking off like he was shot out of a cannon, Beau led the way with every other St Croix Gator, all in Warrior Bull form, keeping step right behind him. Circling around Wanda the Wench, they ignored the acid flying from her lips and the fire she shot from her fingertips, their hardened skin utterly impenetrable to everything she had.

  Movement behind her caught my eye. It took a second for my mind to make sense of what I saw and when it did, I have no doubt I looked like a loon standing in the middle of a battlefield with my mouth hanging open and my eyes as big as dinner plates.

  It was literally something straight out of a George Luca movie. Four of the St Croix Gators, with Beau in the lead, were climbing the rickety columns holding up the roof of the front porch of the Marshall Mansion. At the top in less than a minute, waiting patiently as the Warrior Bulls on the ground forced Wanda the Wench backward.

  No sooner had the back of her grotesque head hit a low-hanging beam than did all five of the Warrior Bulls jump from the columns and hit Wanda straight across the shoulder. Inhuman screams and shrieks that caused the few windows that were left to shatter filling the night sky as the Creature from the Hairy Wart Swamp fell flat on her face.

  Piling on her and holding her down, the Warrior Bulls stood tall as Beau called to me, “You want the honor, my love?” His voice sounded funny through his mouthful of long, sharp teeth, but there was no denying that he was my Gator.

  Using our mental walkie-talkies, I answered, “Damn straight! This one belongs to the Southern Fried Sass Agency.”

  Running forward, Rosie, Daisy, the Dragonettes and I all took our positions around Wanda the Wench and as I counted to three, the Warriors Bull dove off before we hit the bitch with everything we had. Immediately engulfed in flames, she didn't even have enough fight left in her to scream as we all stood in silence until there was nothing left but a shitload of ashes.

  “That was for all the Witches you tortured and especially for Cletus. Nobody uses my friends for cannon fodder.” (Sorry, I forgot to tell you that Wanda had somehow magically killed Cletus and took his Shifter magic to create the vortex-thingy-mawhoozit she used to get Beau, Dru, and me to the CopacaNetherworld. There, now you’re all caught up. Tally ho! Or something equally as geeky.)

  Looking up, I was glad to see Beau’s handsome face and green eyes smiling down at me. Letting myself be pulled into his arms, I chuckled when Dru climbed up on his shoulder and teased, “Oh, I see how you are, Miss Dru. Alrea
dy changing sides.”

  “No way, Faith my girl, we’re all in this together.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  It took a few days for us to get everything cleaned up at the Marshall Mansion and Beau is still trying to talk me into letting him buy it and renovate it, but I’m not ready for something that big. Living in his house just two streets over from Rosie and Daisy is fine with me. Besides, Dru has to be near Fflur and Taffy.

  I found out what Joshua had given Beau before our fight with Wanda the Wench and it pretty much blew my mind. Sure, I'd asked Joshua to walk me down the aisle, but I figured we were a good twenty years or so from that. A ring was a whole different ballgame. Especially a huge emerald-cut diamond with emeralds all around and a perfectly elegant platinum setting. Talk about mind blow, I swear there was smoke coming out of my ears.

  So far, I’ve been making him wait or ignoring him when he asks me if I’m ever gonna say yes. Living together is enough for right now. Marriage seems like such a big step. I love him. He loves me. We’re meant to be together. Isn’t that enough? Time will only tell.

  Speaking of living together, it’s taking some getting used to, but one thing that I had no trouble with was having my Gator right where I wanted him. Racing each other home, running in the house and waiting for him to come up behind me, it was better than sliced bread, chocolate cake, and peanut butter cookies.

  Turning as I heard the door open, I chuckled, “What took you so long? I was just about…”

  My words trailed off as his lips found mine with the beautifully sexy promise of things to come. Scrunching the soft cotton of the dress I’d worn to work at my waist, Beau stepped back, slid the fabric over my head and looked down at my nearly naked body with pure love and more than a little lust shining in his eyes. Not only was I deliriously happy, but I felt totally empowered and ready to show my Gator exactly how much he meant to me.

  To know that the man I had fallen crazy in love with while I was playing at being a snotty butthead and picking fights, loved me in exactly the same way, filled me up with glittering red bubbles and sparkling gold stars of the best kind of light magic that was ever created. After all these years, I'd finally found my place. It didn’t matter that it was in Hairy Wart, Louisiana, it only mattered that Beauregard St. Croix was there, ‘cause wherever he was that’s where I would always be.

  I belonged to someone, and he belonged to me. The Universe had made me for him and him for me. We belonged together like peanut butter and jelly, come what may, good or bad. He had my back, and I had his. It was Fate, Destiny, and most assuredly the Goddess’s will, all rolled into one big Snicker Bar of happy, happy, joy, joy.

  As if we shared the same thought, our lips met again, and this time there was no holding back. Our love exploded. Passion flew between us. Magic, the pure, beautiful kind that can only come from two people so much in love that they can’t help but shout it to the world filled the room.

  Beau's fingers wrapped around the silk waistband of my panties ripped them from my body and threw them over his shoulder with a sigh. "Goddess bless me, you are the most beautiful woman in the world, and you are all mine, Faith Annabella Fairyflower, for now, forever and always. All I want more than almost anything in this world is to add St. Croix right there on the end."

  Before I could come up with a smart-aleck comeback, his hands closed around the globes of my ass and lifted me off the floor until I had no other option but to wrap my legs around his waist. Turning to the side, he gently laid me on the bed, kissing down my body before standing and using his preternatural speed to get out of his clothes in less than a second. Donning a shit-eating grin with lust burning deep in his eyes, he waggled his eyebrows just to make me laugh. That was my Beau, always thinking of me, always making sure everything was perfect.

  “I love what you do with your talents, Sherriff St. Croix,” I purred, unable to take my eyes off the sculpted muscles of his chest and abs.

  Crawling onto the bed and over me, Beau growled, “Oh, sweet Faith, the fun has only just begun.”

  The feel of his hard, muscled body, like granite wrapped in silk, against my soft curves felt as if I’d come home for the very first time. His calloused hands seemed to touch not only my body but my soul. His hips pushing against mine held me in place, as his erection smoothly slid between the wet, swollen lips of my pussy.

  Rolling his hips, the head of his cock teased the tip of my throbbing clit on every pass. My hips flew off the bed, meeting his with every thrust, creating an erotic rhythm that pushed our passion towards Heaven itself.

  My excitement grew, the proof wetting the inside of my thighs and the front of his as Beau's lips left mine. Kissing down my neck and across my chest, he slid his hands under my butt, lifting my hips higher as his cock slipped from my body.

  Moaning at the loss, unable to form a coherent sentence, I begged, “Beau…No…Oh, Beau, please…”

  Knowing what I wanted even before I did, his lips wrapped around my hardened nipple as his teeth gently bit the base and the tip of his tongue teased my sensitive flesh. Shivering in unison at the sensory overload, Beau’s arm slid around my waist, while his opposite hand wound and curved its way south.

  Taking as much of my breast into his mouth as he could, Beau continued to torture first one and then the other until I was a writhing mass of want and need beneath him. Sliding first one, and then almost immediately, another finger deep inside me, I screamed his name as he drove his digits in and out with unrelenting precision.

  Increasing the speed on every pass, bumping my excited clit and rubbing that special bundle of nerves deep inside my core that made my eyes cross and all rational thought fly from my mind, his two fingers soon became three. Faster and faster we moved in unison, chasing the orgasm that was barreling towards me. Beau’s thumb found my clit, rubbing frantic circles, pressing harder with every swipe.

  “Faith, open those gorgeous blue eyes and look at me. We’re in this together. Wherever you go, I’ll follow, forever and always, my sweet Witch.”

  My eyes snapped to his. The world stopped on its axis. Love, our love, something only Beau and I could share, flowed freely between us, an invisible tether tying us together forever and always. Pushing his fingers deeper, he used the palm of his hand to tease my swollen clit at the same time that he bent all three of his fingers inside me and expertly worked the bundle of nerves at my core until I couldn’t catch my breath.

  My orgasm came over me like the waves of a tsunami crashing over the sand. Every push and pull of his fingers sent a whole new set of tremors through my core, extending my orgasm until little black dots danced before my eyes. Slowly removing his fingers from inside me, my muscles jumped and shivered, my pussy so tender that just that small movement set off a new wave of shivers.

  Caging me in, his palms on either side of my head, Beau looked deep into my eyes as he kissed the tip of my nose and smiled, “I love you, Faith, so very much that not even death will ever keep us apart.”

  Lying down beside me, his erection rubbed my thigh causing my libido, the sexy little ho that she was, to jump back to life, ready to make love to my husband like the last few moments hadn’t happened. Waiting for Beau to get comfortable and just as he reached for me, I rolled into his embrace, up onto his body, and straddled his thighs. Grinning from ear-to-ear as I carefully took his extremely hard cock into my hands and worked one up towards the tip, while gliding the other gently downward, I applied extra pressure to the base before repeating the action.

  Beau’s eyes rolled back in his head while he fought hard to maintain his control. Breathless, struggling to speak as I worked him like a Stradivarius, the sounds of our beating hearts the only music I would ever need, my Gator finally wheezed, “Y-you are abso…absolutely amazing. I…I l-love…you, s-so very m-much.”

  “And I love you, more than I’ll ever know how to tell you,” I smiled, working his erection through my fists just a bit faster. “Even better than chocolate kisses straight f
rom the freezer and white chocolate mocha frappucinos and baby, that’s a whole helluva lotta love.”

  Sliding my butt down his legs until I was lying on my stomach, I positioned the head of his dick right against my lips and lightly breathed across the slit. Beau’s back bowed up off the bed as he bellowed, “Faith! Oh. My. Sweet. Lord. You’re driving me mad.” Loving that I excited Beau as much as he excited me, I licked the tip of his erection like a lollipop, savoring the warm, salty flavor as a single drop of his arousal hit my tongue.

  With my lips hovering just above his cock, the promise of untold pleasure within our grasps, I whispered, “Forever and always, Beauregard St. Croix, forever and always.” Waiting until he looked down at me, I added, “And the answer’s yes, I’ll marry you.”

  Until Next Time…

  Remember…A Gator’s snap is only as good as his bite,

  And if your Gator is anything like mine, you’ll be beggin’ for those chompers.


  “I heard what you said, and I don’t agree. I think…”

  Blah, blah, blah, I swear since my half-sister found her Mate, she is even bossier than before, and let me tell ya', that's a capital B-O-S-S-Y. I understand that she put up all the money for our Private Investigation business, Southern Fried Sass, and that is waaaay older than either me or Daisy, but just once, I mean one single time, I'd like her to listen to me, smile and nod, and let me go about my business.

  Walking out the door and down the steps, I made a quick right into Miss Bunny’s diner for a big glass of sweet iced tea with extra ice and Meyer lemons. It was the only thing that would cool my temper after my latest ‘discussion’ with Faith.

  “You okay?” Taffy, my tender-hearted little green Dragonette asked as she landed on my shoulder.


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