Submission for Skeptics [Club Libertine 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Submission for Skeptics [Club Libertine 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3

by Diane Leyne

  He grinned wickedly at her and then picked the book up and carefully set it on the coffee table, leaving it open at the spanking page. Then he sat down on the couch and patted his lap.

  Kris swallowed. She was feeling equal parts fear and arousal, and it shocked her. She’d always associated a man hitting a woman with abuse, but the women in the book all talked about how the endorphins from the spanking gave them a kind of high and the men talked about the limits and how they respected them and would never do anything that hadn’t been agreed to or might cause any damage to their partners. One couple talked about how a whip accident had caused a cut on the woman and how it had upset her Dom more than it had bothered her. She knew it was an accident. A sudden noise made when someone watching the scene had bumped into another member, causing them to drop their glass, had broken his concentration, but he’d been afraid to pick up a whip again for months.

  That so didn’t sound like her father or brothers, who always blamed the woman for earning what they gave her, and if there was blood or whatever, it was all her fault. It definitely didn’t sound like abuse. And the pictures didn’t look like abuse.

  She turned back to the picture of the man who reminded her of Damon spanking the woman. The chapter had unexpectedly turned her on when she first read it, and now she could feel her body responding. She could feel her juices dampening her panties, and her breasts seemed to tingle. She wanted to know what it felt like.

  Damon hadn’t moved or pushed her or grabbed her or forced her or anything. He just waited. She took a deep breath. She could do this. She wanted to do this. She had to do this.

  Slowly she walked over to Damon and stood beside him, not sure how to proceed. A startled gasp left her lips as Damon, moving quickly, draped her across his lap. She stiffened at first as she felt him tugging down her sweatpants, but then panic suddenly surged through her body, causing her to struggle.

  * * * *

  Damon paused what he was doing and held her still with one hand while the other ran down her back and caressed her buttocks, soothing her, almost petting her until she calmed down, his voice almost crooning as he soothed her. He was pleased that he had her exactly where he’d wanted her for ages. Well, maybe not the number one place where he wanted her, that was between him and Brad in bed, but this was a darned good start. He’d fantasized about spanking Kris’s perfect ass for months. He let his fingers trail lightly over the skin of her butt cheeks. She moaned and moved restlessly beneath him and he could smell her arousal. He bet if he dipped his fingers between her legs she’d be wet.

  But he also knew she thought he was gay, so she was probably trying extra hard to tamp down any arousal, thinking he would dislike it or maybe be repulsed by it. It was time to show her that it was just the opposite.

  But he had a higher purpose than just getting her aroused. He wanted to teach the first lesson of what he hoped would be many future lessons about the difference between consensual BDSM play and abuse.

  He found himself sighing as he squeezed her cheeks. He knew a bit about her upbringing and how she’d grown up seeing her mother suffering at the hands of her father. He suspected that there was more to her story but she hadn’t been ready to talk about it and he and Brad decided to give her room and time. She’d talk more when she was ready.

  It was one of the reasons he and Brad had been moving so slowly with her. Abuse and BDSM were not the same and they wanted her to get to trust them. However, they’d moved so slowly that she still even hadn’t realized that they also liked women and she walked around half-naked in front of them as if they were eunuchs.

  When this lesson was done, he hoped she’d see that there was a clear difference between impact plan, and even discipline, and punishment and abuse. He soothed his hand down her back again. He could feel her trembling, and a part of him wanted to change his mind and talk to her some more first, but he knew her well. She’d made up her mind to take the spanking as punishment for her misdeeds, and he’d only embarrass her if he changed his mind now. And maybe sometimes showing was more effective than telling.

  Finally, she was calm again.

  “Grab my leg,” he instructed, and he was pleased when she obeyed immediately. “And relax. It will hurt more if you tense your ass.”

  “Easy for you to say.”

  He laughed. Then, with one large hand, he pressed down on the small of her back. With his right hand, he caressed her naked bottom, squeezing the cheeks slightly.

  * * * *

  He was aroused. She could feel his erection against her stomach. He was gay, but she guessed a naked bottom was a naked bottom. Or maybe he was turned on by the fact that she was letting him spank her.

  Smack. Ouch. That hurt, but not as much as she expected. She was more startled than anything and determined not to cry out. She was going to show him how sorry she was by letting him spank her, but ouch, that hurt a lot more than she expected. She felt his hand come down and smooth the spot it had just hit, spreading the warmth and creating a strange tingling between her legs. Smack, smack, smack. Three more times he spanked her, pausing each time to caress the place he’d hit. She tried to hold back a moan of pleasure but couldn’t when she felt his hand slip between her legs, caressing her clit lightly before dipping inside her pussy. She heard him laugh softly when his fingers found her wetness.

  She made a sound of displeasure when he removed his hand, but then she stopped thinking as his hand came down hard on her ass. These ones were harder, with no pause in between, his hand moving so no two strikes in a row were in the same place. She was moaning harder now as her arousal seemed to be growing with each strike. All rational thought was driven from her head as she just knew she wanted more. She could feel a climax growing, but she wasn’t sure how to make it happen.

  And then his hand was burrowing between her legs again, two fingers pushing roughly inside her as his thumb found her clit, and his moving inside her before they curled, reaching her G-spot. Her climax rippled through her as she bucked in his lap. He didn’t stop though. He removed his hand from her pussy long enough to deliver another half dozen painful strikes to her ass, and then he shoved three fingers inside her this time, moving in and out of her quickly before he ground the heel of his hand down hard on her clit. This time she really flew, her climax slammed through her hard, leaving her limp and spent, and she lay bonelessly across his lap.

  She felt him lift her carefully, setting her on the couch on her side. She moved to pull up her pants, but he motioned her to stay still. He disappeared for a few moments and returned from her backroom with a damp washcloth that he used to clean her up before pulling up her pants and setting her on his lap.

  He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Very good, sweetie. Now, you were saying something about questions?”

  “I still want to do an article on BDSM, or rather a series of articles. I’ve already pitched them to my editor by e-mail tonight. He’s actually in London this week and already e-mailed me back that he’s on board. In fact, he’s enthusiastic and wants the first article in ten days.”

  She saw his face darken for a moment before his expression became carefully neutral as he waited for her to continue.

  “I’m not going to write what Margo wanted me to write. No sensationalism, but facts and the story of my own personal journey. I want to understand and do it justice. I owe Jillian and Joshua and the members of the club that I embarrassed.”

  “Is that the only reason?”

  She colored under his gaze, but couldn’t lie. “No. I want to learn for me as well. The book, well, it wasn’t what I expected at all. I pride myself on being open-minded, and I realize that I let my personal history interfere with my journalistic integrity. I need to make sure I’m unprejudiced when I write my articles.”

  He looked at her, and she had to fight the urge to turn her gaze away.

  “The book, it turned you on,” he stated flatly, almost daring her to disagree.

  “Yes.” She held eye contact
even as her cheeks turned bright red. “Yes it did.”

  “And so did the spanking.” It was a statement not a question. He looked at her consideringly. “And how did you plan on doing your research?”

  “I hoped you could put me in touch with Dr. McClain and he could direct me to some resources, maybe someone who could teach me…” Her voice trailed off at his expression. She wasn’t quite sure how to read it, but she felt the impact clear down to her pussy, which was now clenching helplessly as the moisture seeped out. “I think I need to experience it for myself in order to be able to write about it. I don’t just want to wander into a BDSM club. I need someone I can trust, and I don’t have a lot of time, so if he can refer me to someone…” She stopped talking, unsure how to continue.

  “Not necessary. Brad and I will train you.”

  She noticed that he’d used the word train rather than teach. She felt a shiver go through her.


  “Train. That’s how a Dominant handles a submissive or slave. The Dominant or Master trains the sub or slave to accept their Owner’s commands, to respond automatically to any order until obedience is second nature.

  “But there’s a condition. You must come with us to Club Libertine and make a very public apology and act of contrition.”

  “No problem with the apology, but what kind of ‘act of contrition’ will they expect?” Her tone was wary.

  “You will have to do a scene on the main stage. You’ll accept your punishment in public, and then Brad and I will fuck your brains out, also on the main stage. Can you handle that?”

  Kris laughed without much mirth and then sighed. She looked up at Damon. She trusted him, and she trusted Brad. “I guess it’ll be a case of ‘when in Rome.’ I offended the BDSM community, so I guess it’s appropriate that my apology is on their terms. I agree.”

  Damon had to force himself not to react to her easy capitulation. He managed to keep the joy from his face, but his cock immediately tried to stand to attention.

  “We’ll start tomorrow.” She saw him check his watch. “You’ll come up to our place. I have to discuss schedules with Brad. As you know, in his job, he is twenty-four hours on and then forty-eight hours off, but with that unexpected call out today, I’m not sure when he’ll be off. But let’s agree to this. We’ll start you off with some intensive training to get you ready and then take you back to Club Libertine where you can demonstrate what you’ve learned about submission to the members of the club as a part of your apology.

  “After that, if you want to continue your training either for your article or for your own personal enjoyment, we’ll discuss that at Club Libertine. But think carefully before you decide to accept this training offer. BDSM isn’t a game to either me or Brad. Your training won’t be easy, but I think it will help you put everything in perspective.”

  “Intensive training?” She felt her mouth go dry as her pussy got wet, as if all of her lubrication had moved south at his provocative words.

  “Are you working today?”

  The abrupt change of subject threw her for a second.

  “Yes, ah, no. No I’m not, not exactly.” She couldn’t believe how flustered his words made her, still reverberating in her brain. “I have a couple of articles to finish this week, but I’m working on them at home. I don’t have office hours to keep if that’s what you mean.”

  “Good. We’ll have to compress a lot of work into a short period of time, but I am confident you can handle it. It’s already Tuesday morning, and neither of us have slept. How about we get together for a late lunch tomorrow? I will double check with Brad as to his schedule, but let’s tentatively say we will meet you at Cafe West at two. I’ll text you if this has to change. We have a lot to talk about before your training starts.”

  He got up and walked to the door. “Don’t be late for lunch tomorrow, or you’ll have earned your first punishment.”

  Deliberately ignoring Damon’s use of the word punishment, she found herself blurting out the question that had been in the back of her mind since she first realized that Damon was into BDSM.

  “You and Brad…” She hesitated, not sure how to phrase her question and not give offense.

  He waited, not helping her out.

  “You and Brad.” She made her voice firmer as the words came out in a rush. “I had no idea. You two live this lifestyle? Is Brad your Master? Will he be okay with you wanting to, er, train me? I mean, I’m a woman and all.”

  “Firstly, I know you are a woman, and so does Brad. Secondly, we’re not gay. Both of us have had relationships with more women than men before we met each other and fell in love. Also, we’ve already discussed the idea of asking you to play with us, but weren’t sure how to approach you. And finally”—his face lit up with a wicked smile—“Brad isn’t my Master. He’s my slave. Now get some rest. You’ll need it.”

  Chapter Three

  Damon closed the door behind him and started slowly up the stairs, his hard cock pressing uncomfortably against his zipper. Luckily Brad was home from the fire. They’d texted earlier. By the time Brad’s engine had arrived, things were finally under control and he’d just helped with the cleanup. Damon had texted him a quick overview of the Kris situation, but hadn’t given him any details.

  By now he should be asleep in their bed, but not for long. Damon needed to feel Brad’s mouth on his cock, and then they had to talk about Kris.

  He unlocked the apartment door and then headed straight for their bedroom. He smiled at the sight of the man he loved sprawled across their bed. It was a king, but still Brad managed to take up most of it. He was naked, and the covers were pushed down low, almost but not quite exposing his magnificent cock. Giving over to impulse, Damon pushed the covers off Brad and then licked the exposed dick from root to tip before taking it into his mouth and sucking hard. Brad moaned in his sleep before sitting bolt upright as the pleasure clearly rocked through him.

  “Lay back and grip the headboard,” he ordered, pausing in his ministrations until Brad obeyed. “And don’t come without permission, or I won’t be sucking you off again for a good long while.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Brad leaned back and gripped the headboard. It wasn’t often that Damon went down on him, and he seemed determined not to disappoint if it killed him.

  Damon paused and watched Brad move restlessly, his cock engorged and already leaking pre-cum. He slid his tongue over the slit and enjoyed Brad’s moans before going to work with his tongue and his lips. Resting his weight on his left forearm, he used his right hand to massage Brad’s sac, enjoying the feeling of squeezing and massaging his balls before closing his lips around one and sucking it into his mouth.

  He knew Brad wouldn’t last long now as he felt his lover’s balls drawing up. He slid upward slightly until he faced Brad’s cock again.

  “Come,” he ordered before sliding the cockhead back in his mouth and sucking greedily, and the ropes of cum shot into his mouth almost immediately. Sucking hard, he drained Brad dry before moving up the bed and pulling the bigger man close.

  “I love you.” Damon stroked Brad’s hair. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  * * * *

  “What about you?” His voice was slurred with sleepiness, but he could feel Damon’s hard cock pressing against his back.

  “Don’t worry about me. You get some sleep. I’ll be fine.”

  Brad snuggled in tight, sleep close to reclaiming him. “Did you talk to Kris?”

  “Talked to her, spanked her naked bottom, and gave her two orgasms. She’d agreed to let us start training her tonight using the excuse that she’ll have to do a scene before she can apologize at the Club, and also to help her research BDSM for a series of articles setting the record straight, but really just to buy us time to get her to fall in love with us and join us permanently.” He leaned down and kissed Brad. “Now it’s time to get some sleep. I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be another late night.”

  Damon pull
ed Brad close, spooning his larger body, and fell asleep almost immediately. But his words had jolted Brad awake. Holy shit. They were going to train Kris? He and Damon had discussed this and fantasized about it for months. They’d both fallen in love with their beautiful downstairs neighbor soon after she moved in, but hadn’t been sure how to get her to see them as anything but the friendly gay couple upstairs.

  He couldn’t believe it was actually going to happen, and now the bastard had fallen asleep after dropping that amazing bombshell. Brad wanted to wake him to talk about it, but he knew what would happen if he did that. Damon would probably put him in restraints and make him watch while Damon had all the fun.

  Sighing, Brad snuggled back into Damon. He could count on the fingers of one hand the number of times Damon had sucked him off. It had been an amazing way to wake up. He’d actually thought he was having a particularly vivid sex dream at first, but then he realized there really was a mouth on his cock, and his arousal had skyrocketed. He’d almost lost it right then and there, but he managed to control himself until Damon gave him permission. It had been a close thing, though.

  And now he tried to get some more sleep, but he kept thinking about what Damon said. He realized he was jealous that Damon got to spank Kris first. Maybe he could be the one to fuck her ass first? He settled deeper into Damon’s arms as he felt sleep steal over him. Yes, he’d try to dream about her luscious ass and what it would look like with his cock embedded in it.

  * * * *

  Kris watched her living room door close behind Damon. Her mouth was still hanging open as she tried to process Damon’s words. Not gay. But they lived together and kissed on the lips. Once, when they had come over for dinner and she was in the kitchen, she’d come out unexpectedly to ask about their choice of salad dressing and she’d seen Damon with his hand inside Brad’s pants and squeezing his cock. Brad’s eyes had almost rolled back in his head from pleasure, but Damon had answered her question like nothing unusual was happening as he continued to caress Brad before casually removing his hand and then heading to the bathroom to wash up for dinner.


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