Tempted by Brothers [Temptation, Wyoming 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Tempted by Brothers [Temptation, Wyoming 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 5

by Zoey Marcel

  His pale blue eyes twinkled with humor and his twisted little smile deepened the laugh lines bracketing his mouth. “I know of a way to get you in.”

  * * * *

  Amber sat in the car with folded arms, refusing to look at her irritating guardian. He’d gotten her into the E.R. by claiming someone had attempted to rape her and said he wanted to be sure she was still a virgin since she was too humiliated to tell him herself.

  Her cherry had been unharmed, but she was still ticked off at Stan over his lie.

  “Your orgasms are not yours, little one. They’re for your future husband, whoever he might be.”

  “Nobody if it’s left up to you,” she grumbled bitterly.

  “Watch your tone. You know I only want what is best for you. The McCann brothers are shape shifters. I don’t want you seeing them again.” Stan parked the vehicle and looked at her. “I mean it, Amber. They’re part animal. They could mess you up severely.”

  “They wouldn’t hurt me.”

  “How do you know?”

  “They seemed trustworthy.”

  He smirked and glanced down at the seat before looking up at her again. “So young and naive. Do you see how much you need my protection? If not for me you’d be pregnant and miserable with some worthless son of a bitch who doesn’t deserve you.”

  She refrained from rolling her eyes.

  “Was that your first orgasm with a man?”

  She blushed, unable to look at him. “Yeah.”

  “I blame myself for this. Perhaps I was mistaken to throw out your sex toys that I found in your room when you lived at home. Maybe using them to sate your feminine urges is a good way to stave off the temptation from any sly bastards who come your way.”

  “It would help.”

  It might help, but nothing took away the pain when her pussy ached and pleaded for a hot, stiff cock that she was forbidden to have.

  “You may purchase toys to play with to take care of those needs, but nothing goes in your vagina. I want your hymen preserved.”

  “Thanks,” she snorted.

  She’d bought new sex goodies after she’d moved out and had hidden them at her best friend Kate Kensington’s house so Stan wouldn’t find them if he started snooping through her things when he visited.

  Amber had caught him rummaging through her underwear drawer before when he came over, and he’d demanded to know why she had thongs and fancy bras. She’d been dating Oliver at the time and had admitted this to her guardian. He’d forbidden her to see Oliver again, but she’d stuck to her guns and told him that she and Oliver intended to get married when she turned thirty and she would remain a virgin until then.

  Of course she and Oliver had fooled around in plenty of other ways, and he’d been able to get her off with toys.

  She hadn’t loved him. It had been more of a friendship where both sides agreed to pretend they were engaged so she could get her inheritance and split it with Oliver.

  Now Stan forbade her to see Carson and Dane again and it was too much. She was ten months away from collecting her inheritance. If she pissed her guardian off now she could lose everything.

  Her eyes misted and her inhale turned into a mild sniffle.

  Stan took her hand in his. “Talk to me, little one. What are you feeling?”

  “Hopeless. Unloved.” A tear rolled down her cheek and he caught it with his finger. “You’re not unloved, Amber. You mean more to me than you know.”

  She managed a weak smile. “I know. I’m just so tired of holding out while everyone else has all the fun and falls in love.”

  “And you think enjoyable sex amounts to love?”

  “No. I mean sometimes they go together. I just want to know what it feels like to be with a man and be loved for who I am. I want somebody to look at me and not be able to keep their hands off me.” The tears came faster and her throat tightened with pain. “I know I’m overweight, but I’m working on it. I lost ten pounds.”

  Stan raised his eyebrows in a “you don’t say” expression. “You should be proud, but I don’t want you getting carried away with the weight loss. There’s nothing wrong with being a bigger woman. You’re perfect just the way you are.”

  “Thanks, but you’re my guardian. You’re supposed to say that. I need someone else to see that.”

  “Come here.” He pulled her into a hug as she moved into him, weeping softly. “You are lovely inside and out. The right man will see that. Your abstinence has made you desperate. That’s why you need me to see what you can’t and help you find a mate.”

  “I appreciate your help. I do, but the McCann brothers told me I was their mate.”

  His arms stiffened around her and the silence felt cold and dangerous.

  “Stay away from them, Amber,” he murmured in a frigid hush.

  She pulled back and met his austere expression. “Why? They seemed nice.”

  “Do you not think a man will behave himself and claim that you’re the one to get what he wants?”

  “I know some men are like that, but I really think they’re different.”

  “Amber, look at them. Men like that are a dime a dozen. If they were decent men they would have made you choose between them or walked rather than sharing you with each other. Do you think your parents would want their only daughter rolling around naked and panting with two men?”

  Amber moved away from him, feeling embarrassed. “No. I’m sorry. I just really thought they were different.”

  “Men can be good actors. They’ll break your heart, little one. That’s why you need me to help you guard it.”

  She nodded, trying not to get depressed over never seeing Carson and Dane again.

  Stan popped the locks for her, but he touched her hand before she got out. “Everything I’ve done for you has been because I love you.”

  She smiled and kissed his aged cheek. “I love you, too.”

  She got out of the car, looking back at him when he said her name.

  “You look beautiful in that dress. I can see your mother in you.”

  Amber gave him a fond smile. “Thank you.”

  For a man of sixty Stan Edwards had aged well. It wasn’t that he appeared younger than he was, but simply that old age looked good on him. His light-gray hair graced his head like a near-white halo of sophistication, and his stunning light-blue eyes drooped with age or perhaps a romanticized look of tragedy. Crow’s feet framed the profound serenity in his eyes, and his calming voice and elegant way of speaking sometimes gave off a distinguished vibe.

  She wished he would stop worrying about her so much and enjoy his golden years with some lucky old gal. He’d dated on occasion in the past, but in recent years he’d turned down her attempts to set him up with women. Her schemes to play matchmaker with him stemmed partly from her desire to see him happy with a woman and also because she hoped someone would come along and distract Stan for her so he quit hovering over every aspect of her life like a circling vulture.

  Amber waved good-bye to him and then headed into her apartment building. His speech had given her false hope that there was some perfect man out there that would somehow be everything she wanted in a husband and someone Stan would approve of her being with.

  Now that she was alone again she sank into a depression. She didn’t want Prince Charming. She wanted her two shifter mates.

  Chapter Six:

  Subtle Domination

  Carson walked into the coffeehouse, pleased to see his Amber standing behind the counter. She quickly looked away and pretended to be busy when she saw him walking toward her.

  “Good morning, baby.”

  She cringed and glanced around like she was ashamed of him or something. It annoyed him, but she was his precious one so he overlooked it.

  “Didn’t you get my text?”

  “Oh, you mean the one you sent to Dane and me about how you liked us, but you couldn’t see us ever again? That bullshit?”

  Her eyes dropped in apparent sadness, but his
kinky mind made believe the gesture was done in submission.

  “Yeah, that one,” she said quietly.

  “You like us, right?”


  “Then what’s the problem?”

  She ran the upper portion of her forefinger over her thumbnail as she peered down at it in a futile attempt to hide. “I shouldn’t date shape shifters.”

  Brenda walked over to Amber with her angry eyes. “Did this prick not tell you upfront that he was a shifter?”

  “No. He told me,” Amber replied.

  “Damned right I did,” Carson said defensively. “Dane and I don’t hide what we are.” His focus returned to Amber. “Or what we want.”

  Brenda relaxed and got her customary naughty smile. “Okay, good. Amber, hon, the man is hot and he likes you. Go out with him.” She gave him a warning glance. “But don’t you or that hot-ass brother of yours claim her until she’s ready.”

  Carson wanted to spank the broad for ordering him around, but he heard Dane’s voice in his head, telling him to relax since Brenda only wanted to look after Amber like any good friend would.

  “We won’t do anything until she’s ready for it. Brenda, you have a customer,” he informed her.

  Brenda waved him off, not bothering to check who had come in. “They can wait. This is interesting.”

  “It’s a fireman in a uniform.”

  “Oh hell yeah!” Brenda flew toward the register, grinning at the husky blond man who had just come in. “Hello, Marshall.”

  Marshall Keaton’s lips formed a lopsided grin. “Hey, Brenda. I’ve only been in here a couple of times. I’m surprised you know my name.”

  “I know the names of all the firemen and cops in town.” She winked at him, broadening his grin.

  The firefighter was a black bear shifter as far as Carson could tell. He sensed a fateful pull between Marshall and Brenda and figured the barista was Marshall’s mate. From what Carson gathered it didn’t seem like Marshall had told her this and Brenda seemed oblivious to the animal counterpart in the fireman’s nature.

  Carson turned his attention back to his own mate. “Is this about your fucking guardian?”

  Amber nodded, appearing down in the dumps. “Part of the will dictates that he has to approve of who I marry.”

  “What will?”

  She closed her eyes and heaved an annoyed sigh. “Damn it. My parents died a long time ago. My mom died giving birth to me, and my dad made this hateful will to ruin my life before he was killed in a car accident.”

  “What did it say?” Carson glanced over his shoulder when another customer walked in. “Sorry about your parents.”

  No one was keeping him from talking with his mate at such a critical moment in their budding romance.

  “Make me a frozen German chocolate mocha so they think you’re helping me,” he instructed, getting hard when she obeyed him. His sweet little Amber obeyed him…because he was a paying customer, but he could pretend it was for sexier reasons.

  “My dad left me money, but I don’t get it unless I get married.”

  Carson shrugged, barely hearing her because of how breathtaking her face was and how massive those perfect tits were. His cock swelled in his jeans when provocative images shuttled through his head, memories of fucking those soft, gargantuan breasts. His dick had been in heaven.

  “So get married. Dane and I would be happy to tie the knot with you.”

  She gaped at him and he watched fleeting hope glimmer in her eyes before they dimmed and she frowned, pulling her attention away from him.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She shook her head. “Your coffee will be ready in just a second.”

  He took her hand, his concern growing. His job was to make his mate happy, not bring her down, or God forbid, piss her off. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

  “I can’t get married until I’m thirty. It’s only ten months away, but my guardian has to approve of whoever I pick. If he doesn’t and I was to marry the guy anyway I’d lose my inheritance.”

  Carson caressed the top of her hand with his thumb, smiling when she shivered. “It’s just money, Amber. Dane and I aren’t rich, but we’re not bums either. We’ll take good care of you and spoil you when we can, but if you turn into a brat we’ll be forced to spank you.”

  She bit her lip in a cutesy grin and then her eyes heated with want when she watched his thumb brushing lightly over her skin.

  “We’ll date you and then marry you ten months from now,” he decided. “We don’t mind waiting.”

  There it was again, that confusing-as-hell union of happiness and then sadness passing over her pretty face. He was going to have to brush up on his understanding of lady moods. He knew women were complicated, but right now his little Amber was behaving like quite the puzzling little Crock-Pot of emotions. What was she keeping from him?

  “There are some other conditions to the will. It’s complicated. I should just do what he says.” Her eyes shimmered with mist and her voice came out soft and strained with pain she tried to hide behind indifference. “Besides, it’s not a winning situation for you guys. I lose the money if I ever get a divorce. Whoever marries me will be stuck with me. You guys are hot and need to be free. I get how it is.”

  “What?” he growled.

  People must have been watching them if the sudden flush of pink in Amber’s cheeks was anything to go by. Frankly, he didn’t notice or care. He placed both hands on the counter and leaned in toward his woman.

  “I don’t know which I find more offensive—that you keep slamming your fuckable body, or that you think Dane and I only feel with our dicks.” He glared at her until she lowered her eyes, this time in respect, he was sure of it. Her sad little-girl face warmed his heart toward her.

  “I didn’t mean to insult you. Your coffee is ready,” she said in a muted tone.

  He nodded sideways with his head. “Walk it around to me.”

  She walked around the counter with hooded eyes and handed him the chilly plastic cup. He placed his hand over her enclosed fingers, holding the cup without taking it, ensuring that she must keep her hand there in his.

  “You’re exactly what we want, baby doll. You’re our mate, and no overprotective guardian or shoddy self-esteem is going to stop Dane and me from taking what’s ours.”

  Her eyes sparkled with heat and the way she licked her lips made his penis stiffen and ache. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the red lace panties he’d bought for her only an hour ago. She let out a breathy gasp when he crammed them into her pocket, making it a point to rub her crotch with his finger while he was in there.

  “When you get a chance, steal away to the bathroom and put these on. I got them for you this morning. They should be roughly the right size.” He kept his tone low and sensual, loving the obvious effect it had on her. “On your lunch break I want you to go somewhere nice and private and rub your little clit and pussy all over for a half hour without coming.”

  Her mouth fell open like she didn’t think it was possible to hold out for so long. Oh, they would have a blast with her and teach her all about the heightened pleasure from drawing out the pre-orgasmic teasing.

  “After thirty minutes call me, then Dane and I will listen while you get yourself off inside your panties.”

  “Okay.” She mewled when his grasp tightened around the cup and consequently her dishy little hand. “People are going to look.”

  “Amber, when I’m talking to you there’s no one else in the room, just you and me. Understand?”


  “After you come you’re going to stick the panties in an envelope and bring them to Dane and me tonight at the club.”

  Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. “I’m…not a member.”

  “It’s Friday. It’s open to the public tonight. Be there or we’re coming to get you.” He stifled a growl when he smelled the sweet nectar oozing from her cunt. She was every bit as aroused by his demands as he was dish
ing them out to her. “Be a good girl and say you’ll obey me.”

  Damn it, he would explode if her hot little pussy didn’t stop leaking dampness into her panties. The musky scent of her lust was stronger now.

  “I’ll obey you, Sir,” she whispered.

  He smiled and let go of her hand, grabbing the cup in a different spot so he could take it from her. “Good girl.”

  His lust ratcheted at the whimper she smothered and the wet desire her cunt emitted for him. He threw her a playful wink as he turned to leave. “I’ll be thinking of you while I drink this.”

  Amber gave him a bashful smile, bubbling with giddiness. “I’ll be thinking of you, too.”

  He grinned. “I know you will.”

  Her blush was endearing. Carson felt himself falling for the cutie when he saw her do an excited little bounce and butt wiggle when she thought he’d left. His adorable little mate was doing a happy dance. It was the cutest thing he’d ever seen a woman do.

  * * * *

  Frustration. Delicious anticipation. Amber maneuvered her fingers around in her panties. She’d parked her car out in the woods and didn’t see anyone. She left her top on, but her pants were pulled down to her calves as she rubbed her pleading clit and squirmed in her seat. Her pubic curls were soaked with dew and her slit was warm and moist from all the stimulation.

  She rimmed the entrance to her vagina with a finger, soothing the sensitive flesh without plunging in. She’d stuck a digit partially in on occasion, but never deep enough to do her hymen any damage.

  Her clitoris bulged with blood, pulsing its fervent plea to her teasing fingers. She couldn’t believe the maddening impatience denying release brought her.

  Thirty minutes. She survived. She dialed the number Carson had given her, heart catching when he said her name.

  “I teased myself for a half hour without coming.”

  A horny growl rumbled from deep in his chest. “Good girl. Dane and I are here. Now get yourself off.”

  “Be vocal, girl,” Dane encouraged from on the other end. “We want to hear all your wicked sounds.”


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