Barefoot Bay: A Soldier's Surprise (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Beyond Valor Book 2)

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Barefoot Bay: A Soldier's Surprise (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Beyond Valor Book 2) Page 8

by Lynne St. James

  Logan nodded his head and murmured, “thank you.” As he placed Chloe onto a massage table, her eyes opened, and relief rocked him to his core. He realized he’d never been so scared in his life.

  “Hi, baby. Welcome back.”

  “Hey. What happened?”

  “I don’t know. I was hoping you’d tell me. One minute you were standing there and the next you were out cold.” He’d forgotten anyone else was with them until Joss placed her hand on his arm.

  “I’ll be right back, I’m going to get her some tea and crackers.”

  “Thank you, again,” Logan answered, never taking his eyes off his wife. Slowly the color was coming back, but she still looked pale as a ghost, and when he took her hand it trembled in his.

  “I don’t know. I think I’m hungry. I haven’t eaten in a while, and then I got the feeling something horrible had happened, and that’s all I know.”

  He nodded, she’d always been intuitive. But did he want to tell her now? Could he tell her now? He’d have to tell her something since he needed to be on the transport back to Bagram AFB at oh-three-hundred.

  As he looked into her clear blue eyes, seeing the worry, and the little laugh lines at the edges, it hit him like a punch to the gut. He didn’t want to leave her, the girls, and his unborn child to possibly never return. He’d been doing it for years, it was what he’d wanted, when had that changed? He’d have to finish this tour, but then he’d be done, if they wouldn’t station him stateside, then he’d put in for retirement. He’d find something to do. But now wasn’t the time for this discussion either. There were more pressing matters to deal with, and he needed to make sure she was okay.

  “Here, maybe this will help.” Joss was back with a tray with tea and some cookies. He helped Chloe sit up, and she reached for the cup.

  “Thank you. I hope I’m not taking up space you need.”

  “Not at all. I don’t have anyone scheduled for this room until tomorrow actually. Take as long as you need.” With a smile, she turned and left them alone, the scent of lavender and something else following her.

  “Do you want to get something to eat.”

  “This is fine.”

  “Tea and cookies? You’re pregnant remember. We can get something at the restaurant if you want.”

  “No, it’s okay. This really is fine for now. I want to know what’s going on.”

  He sighed, afraid she was going to ask. A tinge of pink had returned to her cheeks, and she didn’t look like death warmed over anymore. He’d take that as a positive. “I’d rather talk about it back at the villa while we pack. I’m afraid we have to go back now.”

  “What about the briefing tomorrow?”

  “It’s been canceled. Again, we can talk about it in a more secure area. But I want to make sure you are okay first.”

  “I'm all right.”

  “Sure you are. That’s why you fainted. Have you ever done that before?”

  She didn’t answer right away, and he knew she was stalling trying to come up with something he’d believe. Her lips turned down. “No, I haven’t.”

  “See. So something isn’t right. I’m worried about you, baby. You scared the ever living shit out of me.”

  She blinked and tears glistened in her eyes. He hadn’t wanted to upset her. Well hell. He was doing a piss poor job at taking care of her. “Please don’t be upset, baby. I am worried about you, you’re my wife, my heart. Without you, I wouldn’t want to live.”

  More tears, this time, one escaped and slid down her cheek. It tore at his heart, and he wiped it away with his finger. “We’re going to be okay, right? I’m sorry about last night. Please say we're alright.”

  She nodded. “Yes. We’re okay. You’re my world, Logan. You and the girls…” She looked down and patted her stomach. “And this baby. Now maybe you can understand a little of how I feel while you’re away.”

  He did. He knew exactly what she meant, but right now there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it.

  Chapter Twelve

  The tea and cookies helped, but the loud gurgle in her stomach gave her away. Logan gave her the ‘I told you so’ look and took the tea cup from her hand.

  “C’mon let’s get something to eat at Junonia. We haven’t eaten there yet, and it’s supposed to be amazing.”

  “Well, that isn't really true.”

  “What isn’t?”

  “I ate there this morning, and it was incredible. They make the most amazing French toast ever.”

  “So you’ve been sneaking out to restaurants behind my back, huh?”

  “If someone hadn’t been sleeping off his bender then maybe we could have eaten together.” As soon as they left her mouth, she was wished she could shove the words back in. The pained expression on Logan’s face stabbed at her heart. They needed to talk about last night but now wasn’t the time. “I’m sorry. You’re right, let’s get something to eat.”

  She followed him out of the spa room, and they both thanked Joss for her kindness, he also told her that they’d have to cancel her appointment for the next day. Logan told her they’d try to get back soon. She loved him for it but knew better. This place was no way in their budget, especially with a new baby on the way. It would probably be years before they’d be able to get away alone again.

  By the time they were seated, it was the beginning of the dinner service. They both ordered the special, sea bass with parmesan truffle risotto. Wine would have been a perfect complement but with her pregnant and Logan having to drive over four hours it was out of the question. After the first bite, she realized just how hungry she’d been, and it was probably the reason she’d fainted.

  Avoiding the conversation hanging over them like a dark cloud, she filled him in on her day instead. She even told him about the cranky woman at the Super Min. What a trip she was, it would have been fun to see how Logan dealt with Charity.

  Junonia really was everything you could ask for, not only was the food fantastic but the staff was perfect. They were there when they wanted something but then faded into the background to give them the privacy. While they ate, the restaurant filled up and soon there was the low hum of conversation in the background. It really would have been wonderful, except she couldn’t stop worrying about what Logan hadn’t said yet. It had to be bad, horrible even, or he wouldn’t be doing everything he could to avoid telling her.

  Logan was beyond antsy, and after he’d checked his watch for the third time, she was ready to leave. She knew he was trying hard to make up for last night and this morning, and give her some happy memories to take back with them, but they were just putting off the inevitable. It was time to face whatever it was.


  Relieved that dinner went so well, he was thrilled she hadn’t brought up the phone call. He wanted her to enjoy herself, even if it was only dinner. They rarely ate in fancy restaurants and even though the weekend didn’t come close to the romantic rendezvous he’d hoped for; he was happy to have had the time with her. The next few weeks would be hard for both of them, and he hoped she’d be able to think back on this weekend to make things a little easier.

  Walking hand in hand to the villa they were both silent, and he dreaded the conversation they were about to have. The villa was cool, quiet and peaceful. With a deep breath, he took her into his arms and kissed her with all the love he could. He needed her, to feel her against him, feel her love, to have something to hold on to for the days to come. He hadn’t planned on making love to her, just to pack and hit the road, but as they say the best-laid plans.

  Lifting her into his arms he carried her into the bedroom, gently laid her on the bed and stripped out of his clothes. Leaning over her he kissed each of her eyelids, then her nose, before taking her mouth in an almost frantic kiss. Desperation drove him, and she must have felt it too. She pushed him back and pulled off her clothes, pushing him onto the bed and straddling him. Neither of them spoke, no words were needed, they were two halves of one. He tried to be gentle
, take it slow, draw it out, but he couldn’t. The desperation was too intense, and he needed her. Rolling her over onto her back, he worshiped every inch of her, loving her with every fiber of his being.

  Cuddling was not an option. He wanted nothing more than to keep Chloe wrapped in his arms and make love to her all night long. But he’d put it off long enough. They needed to go, as it was they’d be cutting it close for him to make that transport. They had a long drive ahead of them, and then he had to face the girls—and Lily. He wasn’t sure what would be worse.

  “I’m afraid we have to get going. I have to catch that transport.”

  “Right. So what is the big secret you couldn’t tell me? Or is it that you don’t want to tell me?”

  “It’s both, really. You already know I have to cut the trip short. The briefing was canceled due to an incident at the base.”


  “No, Bagram. I don’t know all the details, but there were a lot of injuries and damage, and the captain wants me back asap.” He was trying to lessen the blow, but from what he said it was a disaster. Over fifty soldiers injured or dead, and then there was Alex. As if just thinking his name triggered the universe, Chloe’s phone rang. Logan knew without seeing the screen that it was Lily. She’d probably just been notified. The delightful dinner turned to a flaming acid bomb in his stomach.

  Chloe looked at him and then the phone. As if she could read his mind, her eyes clouded over with unshed tears. “Lily…”

  Logan couldn’t hear what Lily was saying, but the horror on Chloe’s face told him all he needed to know. The captain hadn’t been able to fill him in on Alex’s condition because he didn’t know enough yet, but he’d bet Lily had heard a lot more in the last two hours. He hated that his best friend had been there to deal with this without him. But at the same time he dreaded the thought of it being him and Chloe getting the call, and because of that, he felt like a total asshole.

  Tears slid down Chloe’s cheeks as she listened to her best friend. Logan couldn’t watch the torment on his wife’s face, and he gathered their belongings and packed their bags. She eventually went into the other room after shooting him an accusing look. He understood her irritation, but he’d only wanted to shield her from it for as long as possible. He was the protector, he always had been, always would be, until he met his end.

  After checking all the drawers and closet one more time, he carried the bags out to the living room. Chloe sat on the couch staring off into space. The phone lay on the coffee table. Totally silent as the tears still slipped down her cheeks unchecked. Dropping the bags on the floor he lifted her into his arms and sat down with her on his lap.

  She buried her head in his chest and cried, heart-wrenching sobs that wracked her body. Listening to her, holding her, his eyes misted. He wasn’t ready to lose Alex; they’d been through so much. Then he remembered she had the girls.

  As if Chloe felt his thought, she looked up at him, her cheeks flushed and her eyes red-rimmed. “I called mom, she’s running over to get Lily and the girls and bring them back to our house. I didn’t think Lily should be alone, and I didn’t want her to have to deal with the girls until we got back.”

  “Good call. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Alex. I don’t want to believe it myself. What did Lily say?”

  “That he’s been severely injured, and he’s in surgery.”

  “Fuck. Not much more than I was told. I was hoping they’d have more information for her. I know at least twenty guys are dead, and about thirty others are wounded. I should have been there.”

  “You couldn’t have stopped it from happening, you know that. And then I’d be getting a call too. It’s selfish of me I know, but I’m glad you weren’t there. And I already feel guilty for thinking that, especially since my best friend may lose her husband.”

  Logan nodded. This was the harsh reality of war. He and Alex had been lucky, only sustaining minor injuries over the course of their careers. But it looked like Alex’s luck might have run out.

  Chapter Thirteen

  They made it home in record time. Chloe had called the house, and her mom let her speak to the girls. They couldn’t understand why Aunt Lily was crying so much. She hated having to explain about their Uncle Alex when she wasn’t there. They were probably too young to fully understand anyway , but she asked her mom to check on them more than usual.

  Lily was another story. Her mom said she’d refused to come back with her and the girls, so she was home alone and not answering her phone at least not for Chloe. This was the nightmare they’d hoped to avoid. Her heart was breaking for all of them, Alex and Logan had been best friends before she and Lily met them. They’d been together since the beginning, and he was more like a brother to her than anything else. Logan was hiding his pain behind anger, and it was probably for the best. She just hoped he’d be careful and not do anything stupid to get himself killed. The thought of him leaving her to go back there took her breath away. But as he’d said earlier, they had no choice. All she could do was pray he’d make it back home to her and their children, as soon as possible.

  After they had checked on the girls, Logan dropped her at Lily’s while he went to the base to check on his orders. She knocked and then tried the door. It was locked. Luckily she knew where the spare key was hidden, and let herself in.

  “Lily?” No answer. The house was eerily silent as if no one was home, but Chloe knew her friend was there, if for no other reason than her car was in the driveway. She went from room to room until she finally found her lying on the bed curled up with a stuffed teddy bear. Alex had brought it home the last time. Now she hugged it like it was a lifeline.

  “Sweetie, I’m here now. Can I get you anything?” She wasn’t sure she’d get an answer. As she moved closer, she saw tears rolling down her cheeks, but she wasn’t making a sound. “Lily?”

  “I’m okay.”

  “No you’re not, and that’s okay. I’m not either. Please come back to my house. I don’t want you staying here alone.”

  “I can’t leave. What if Alex comes home?” Chloe sucked in a breath. Not quite sure what to say.

  “He won’t be home tonight. He’s in surgery, right? That’s what you told me.”

  “But I have to wait for him. He might show up.” Shock, denial, all the things they were told to be prepared for if the worst happened. Chloe sat on the edge of the bed and pulled Lily into a hug. The two of them rocked back and forth their tears mingling for a long while.


  Logan picked up his orders and verified the transport was still leaving as scheduled. He had tried to call the captain while he was driving over, but couldn’t get it to go through. When he arrived, he found the colonel was waiting for him.

  “Lieutenant Mitchell”


  “At ease, soldier. Come to my office. I’ll fill you in on what I know.”

  “Yes, sir.” Logan followed the man who his captain called a pompous bastard when he referred to him, and it made him grin thinking about it, but it didn’t last long. The colonel explained what they knew, which still wasn’t as much as Logan wanted to hear. Apparently, someone had managed to get a bomb on one of the transports and detonated it once it was back on base.

  They were sending reinforcements back with him, and he had mixed emotions about it. Odd really when he’d originally been sent home to give a briefing to hopefully convince them to go along with the colonel’s request for more troops.

  It was a bold move, getting a bomb on a transport truck considering how often they were checked. It was also the first time anything like that had happened, and it caught them off guard. It was going to be a long plane ride wondering what he was going to be walking into.

  Dismissed, he drove home filled with dread about leaving his family. For the first time ever he didn’t want to go. Not that he liked leaving them behind, but it was his job. Until now. It was horrific that it took Alex’s being wounded to see what Chloe had been sayin
g all weekend. Life was short, way too short. He’d missed so much of his daughters’ growing up, did he want to miss the new baby’s as well.

  Arriving at the house, he was relieved to see Lily’s car in their driveway. It meant Chloe was able to get her to come over. At least, he hoped that’s what it meant. He let himself in through the kitchen door and found Chloe making a pot of coffee. She ran to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. He tilted her chin up with his finger and kissed her.

  “Did you get any more information?”

  “Not really. It’s a fuckin mess is what it is. A bomb went off inside the base, they’re still not sure how it got on a truck without security finding it.”

  “What about Alex? Any news?”

  “No. I wasn’t able to get ahold of the captain. I promise you if I find out anything I’ll let you know. But with protocol, they’ll probably let Lily know first.”

  Chloe nodded. They knew all about protocol. They’d been given packets when they’d first deployed.

  “How is she?”

  “Not good. I had a hell of a time getting her to leave. She kept insisting he was coming home, and she had to wait for him.”

  “Shit. Where is she?”

  “I have her in the spare room. Mom can sleep in our room tonight. I don’t think I’ll be sleeping much.”

  “I’ll check on her when I go upstairs to pack.”

  “How are you? How much time do we have?”

  “I’m fine. About two hours. How are you holding up?”

  “I’m not but I have to for Lily’s sake. I wish I knew what to do to help her. But I know I’d be in worse shape if our roles were reversed.”

  Logan nodded, he didn’t want to think about it either. He’d thought Sherm’s death had hit him hard, but this was so much worse. He was torn between wanting to stay home and protect his family and going back and getting the people responsible. Instead, he poured a cup of coffee and went to pack his duty bag.



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