Arielle Rainbow

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Arielle Rainbow Page 12

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "Cold, Bru?" I asked, moving to press my head against her cheek. "BRU!" I immediately pulled back, not liking how frigid Celestia's skin was.

  I glanced at Hunter with wide, worried eyes. He gave me a sympathetic look, walking up to where I hovered and patted the pillow that I slept on.

  "Don't worry. I'm going to get Magnor and the others now. She'll be okay, but I want you to watch her and keep her warm. Can you do that?" Hunter asked.

  "BRU!" I puffed my chest and nodded my head, landing on the pillow. He smiled and stroked my head.

  "I won't be long," he reassured me before he glanced at Celestia. He leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. "Don't let the darkness win, Cutie Pie. We're gonna fix this somehow."

  I watched him quietly as he moved bits of Celestia's hair before he pulled back and headed towards the exit. Once his footsteps faded, I returned my attention to Celestia. I closed my eyes, feeling the flame inside me burn brightly.

  Focusing the energy outward, I aimed for it to come off as warm air, like a heater or furnace. After a few seconds, Celestia stirred before she turned over and snuggled closer to me.

  "Warm," she mumbled in her sleep. I watched her relax, her slow inhales and exhales telling me she was in a deep sleep once more.

  I sighed in relief, but it didn't stop my worry from mounting. So much happened in almost four months, it was hard to keep up.

  However, with the recent change in events, my growing concern was due to Celestia's recovery. She'd barely gotten any sleep the last couple of days That left her exhausted and groggy during the day, making it hard for her to function.

  It was hard to see Celestia, who was always energetic and ready to start the day, be so drained when she supposedly got eight to twelve hours of sleep.

  Her boyfriends were doing their part in comforting her while keeping the professors posted on what was going on, but with what just happened, I wondered if there was more going on.

  Celestia was here in the medical ward for her checkup with Ms. Arcadia after Magnor requested her to get another checkup. She'd had multiple tests done and they all stated she was healthy, so everyone was clueless as to what could be going on.

  Maybe Orion will have some answers with the information Hunter got from Celestia.

  I looked at Celestia's sleeping face and blinked back my tears that threatened to escape. I leaned in and nestled my cheek against her nose.

  Get better, Celestia. I can’t lose you now. Please, just get better.

  "Don't go too far, Arielle. I can't fly all over the forest like you," Hunter called out.

  "BRU!" I replied, my eyes focused on the vast forest and where I would explore first. The fresh air and feel of nature around me were already cheering me up.

  I knew Magnor would make sure Celestia was warm and with Orion and Finn watching over her, I wasn't as worried to take a moment to enjoy the forest that surrounded Aslan.

  I soared through the air, enjoying the different scents and sights of little lakes and ponds. There was a peaceful aroma about this place, and I was so excited to enjoy it.

  I flew around once to get a view of the area, noticing that Hunter was sitting back against a tree, his eyes closed.

  I lowered down to land on his lap. "Bru?" I asked. Hunter?

  He didn't budge, his eyes remaining closed as he breathed in and out quietly. He's asleep. With everything that had occurred, I didn't doubt the guys were exhausted.

  With Celestia's on and off sleeping patterns, none of the guys were getting much sleep. Orion and Finn had been sleeping in Celestia's bed at night and that had not made much of a difference.

  With how quiet the forest was, Hunter must have closed his eyes to relax and drifted off. Guess I'll explore while he naps!

  I hopped off Hunter's lap and gathered a few leaves, placing them on his toes and hands, and then tossing one on his head. I closed my eyes and cast a quick spell of protection. Once it was complete, I opened my eyes to see the thin amber barrier around Hunter's sleeping body.

  "There! No person or thing can harm him while he sleeps!" I said to myself. Whenever I was in the forest—even back in Versa—if Celestia fell asleep, I would always place the protective spell around her. Maybe it was due to my past and the way my family and Mary had died in the forest that made me take such precautions. Whatever the cause, it was better to be safe than sorry, something I learned as I grew up with Celestia's and Magnor's teachings.

  With that statement, I flapped my wings and lifted back into the air, glancing at Hunter one more time and ensuring the barrier was in place before I looked forward and set off to explore.

  The breeze was the perfect cool temperature, and the different scents of flowers made me curious as to if there was any rosemary close by.

  My eyes picked up on something that twinkled in the light, the on and off glimmer piquing my interest. I flew down towards it and landed on the branch that held the sparkling item.

  I hopped over to look at it and, just as I lowered my head, it bumped into something fuzzy.



  I lifted my head to look directly into a pair of amber eyes. They looked exactly like mine, but as I scanned the purple and gold feathers, gold beak, and the little gold necklace that held a tiny amber stone on it, I realized I wasn't looking at my reflection.

  "Bru?!" I chirped, hopping a few steps back to look at the phoenix before me. No way, a male?

  "Bri?" The opposing phoenix tilted its head in confusion. "A girl?"

  "A boy, Bru!" I exclaimed, blinking my eyes a few times as if I was just hallucinating. "Impossible. I haven't seen another years."

  "You're not just a phoenix familiar, Bri," the phoenix pointed out. I lowered my head shyly, afraid to say anything about being a hybrid. The phoenix quickly continued.

  "I'm a hybrid too! I'm a phoenix-raven hybrid, Bri!" he revealed.

  I lifted my head to gawk at him. " me?"

  "Yes, Bri," he replied.


  He hopped up and glanced over his shoulder. "Bri?!" he called out.

  The female voice responded. "We have to go back and get Gabriel!"

  "BRI, BRI!" he replied and turned his head back to me. "I have to go, Bri." His response was filled with sadness and he lowered his head.

  "Meet again, Bru?" I asked with wide eyes. I'd never imagined I'd meet another phoenix, let alone a hybrid. Now that I had, I was afraid to leave. What if I never see him again.

  He flapped his wings and hopped over to the shiny jewel. He picked it up with ease and hopped over to me, placing it right in front of my talons.

  "Yes, Bri! Here. Hold onto this. It's my current Mistress shiny jewel. I like hiding it from my brother since it's his favorite one. When we meet again, you can give it back to me," He beamed at me, flapping his wings.

  "It's pretty. Wait, I don't know your name?! I mean, I do...I think, Bru," I pointed out.

  "Oh, Bri. My apologies. It'-"

  "Noah?! We're going. Don't complain when Gabriel eats your ice cream," the female voice called out.

  Noah puffed his chest, glancing over his shoulder. "My ice cream, BRI! Tell him to take someone else's!"

  I giggled at his fluttered feathers that began to flicker amber and purple flames. He glanced back at me, looking a bit stunned at my quiet laughter.

  "Noah, Bri. Sorry, my Mistress is waiting! We'll meet again...uh..." he trailed off.

  "Arielle, Bru!" I replied. He outstretched his wings and had a happy twinkle in his eye.

  "Arielle's a pretty name, Bri. Hope to see you around Aslan, Arielle. We'll go for an ice cream date, Bri!" he declared. With a wink he hopped off the branch; his wings spread out and were engulfed with vibrant gold and purple flames as he flew away and out of sight.

  I looked back down at the little jewel that continued to sparkle and saw that where Noah had stood was a purple feather with specs of gold.

  I grinned, hopping over to p
ick it up. It was then I noticed how fast my heart was pounding against my chest, and I felt the flow of happiness and excitement that thrummed through me.

  A male phoenix hybrid. Another familiar like me...


  "Bru?" I replied automatically and quickly caught the stem of the feather in my mouth. I lowered it next to the jewel and looked to see Hunter yawn as he rubbed his eyes. "You're hard to find. I thought I said not to go too far."

  "Bruuuuuu," I hummed, glancing away.

  He sighed, which caught my attention, and I looked back down to see him jump off the ground. Flaming wings appeared on his back in seconds, and he soared right to the high branch I sat on.

  I gawked at his movement and watched as he sat on the branch with ease, an inch away from me, my jewel, and Noah's feather.

  "Oops, did I scare you?" he asked.

  "A little, Bru," I replied.

  "I don't like using my phoenix form much, but it’s good for me to use my flame once in a while. Thanks for the protective spell," he explained, a broad smile on his face.

  "Bru..." I raised my wings to hide my face, feeling embarrassed that he noticed. I felt him stroke my head, and I lowered my wing to see his softened expression.

  "Feeling better?" he whispered.

  "BRU!! Bru, bru, bru," I replied, hopping in place. Hunter lowered his gaze to the feather and jewel.

  "Are you gathering stuff again?" he asked.

  "Bru," I replied, hopping over my jewel and feather to protect it. Hunter chuckled. "I know how protective you are with your stuff, but it's going to be hard for you to carry that and the pretty feather. Want me to carry the jewel? I'll give it back the moment we get back to our place," he suggested.

  I took a moment to think about it and nodded my head, hopping back to my previous spot. Hunter took the jewel and placed it in his pocket, then watched me grab the stem of the feather with my talons and flap up to hover in the sky.

  "Ready to go back? They should be done with Celestia by now," Hunter suggested.

  "Yes, Bru!" I replied. He nodded and pushed off the branch, his wings reappearing in seconds. I watched him lower to the ground, the large amber wings spread out as he stretched. They finally disintegrated, and it looked like nothing had happened, as Hunter stood there in his human form.

  He glanced over his shoulder at me. "Let's go, Arielle."

  "Coming, Bru!" I replied, flying down to follow Hunter as he began to walk. I was curious as to what Hunter's backstory was. Just from the fire he'd demonstrated, I realized right away he was an extremely strong phoenix shifter. Yet, I'd never seen him shift before.

  I decided to let it go, knowing I wouldn't get my answers. Hopefully, Celestia would learn more about him and eventually find out why he hid such power that would be such an advantage at Aslan.

  My thoughts trailed back to Noah, and I tried not to ignite my flames in joy. A phoenix familiar. Maybe he'll be my friend! I really hope I get to meet him again.

  The thought made my heart beat faster, causing me to sing in delight. Hunter looked at me and lifted an eyebrow.

  "Did I miss something? You're way more happy than normal. Is your jewel limited edition or something?” he asked.

  "Bru!" I sang and moved to rub my cheek against his. "Thanks, Hunter, Bru!"

  It was thanks to him I had gotten to meet Noah. I'd have to thank the others as well when I got the chance.

  "I'm assuming you're thanking me for something, though I don't know what I did. Hmm, okay. You're welcome, Arielle. I guess the fresh air was a good idea," Hunter replied with a grin. He returned to looking forward as we walked towards the main path that led to the school gates.

  I continued to hum happily, thinking about Noah and his beautiful feathers. I didn't want to admit it yet, but I felt a warm tingling when my eyes landed on his. Just the thought made me giggle, and I sang all the way back.

  Maybe this was what love at first sight felt like.

  "Arielle, this is totally not working."

  "I didn't burn anything today, Bru! I will keep these comfy soft things you call swats, BRUREE!" I declared, running over to the kitchen island to hide from Celestia's wrath.

  "Arielle. That's my LAST pair of SWEATPANTS. NOT SWATS! Don't you dare ruin them!" Celestia snapped, coming down the stairs.

  "I'M INNOCENT!" I shouted, running closer to the door. At least if I had to escape, I'd do it before facing the wrath of my Mistress.

  "You two are so loud." Cairus yawned and rubbed his temples.

  "Isn't it like the afternoon? Why are you even napping?" Caio asked.

  I looked over to the three-seat sofa where the twins, Cairus and Caio, were relaxing. They both had books in their hands, but Caio was sitting up actually reading on the right end of the sofa versus Cairus, who was lying with his opened book resting on his chest, taking two spots of the couch.

  "I'm tired," Cairus mumbled, closing his eyes once more.

  "Cutie Pie, what are you shouting about?" Caio asked, looking at Celestia standing on the last step of the stairs.

  "Arielle won't give me back my sweats. I'll need them for tomorrow's class," Celestia replied before a yawn escaped her. She rubbed her eyes and stretched, and I glanced at Caio and Cairus.

  "Maybe she won't burn this pair?" Caio suggested.

  Cairus opened one of his eyes. "Cutie Pie, come over here when you're done taking your sweats back."

  "Why?" Celestia asked.

  "He just wants to cuddle with you. Say no." Caio rolled his eyes. Cairus kicked Caio's rib. "OW! Hey! You said you wouldn't kick me if we sat on the same sofa together, you ass."

  "Serves you right for trying to steal my nap time with Cutie Pie," Cairus grumbled.

  Caio sighed. "You're so grumpy today."

  "Tired and grumpy are different," Cairus mumbled, closing his eyes once more. Celestia stared at the two with a smile on her face. This is my chance to...

  "Ah...ACHOO!" I sneezed, and just like that, my pants were on fire.

  "I'M ON FIRE!" I exclaimed.

  Celestia, Cairus, and Caio glanced my way, but they stayed where they were, all three of them with dumbfounded expressions at the scene before them.

  " we need to do anything?" Caio scratched his head, eyes wide.

  "Well...she's a phoenix, right? Isn't fire like her thing?" Cairus asked.

  "Um...I don't know. I couldn't find a manual in the library on 'How to Train your Human Familiar for Dummies.' Do we help her at this point?" Celestia questioned with worry as she studied me.

  "BRU-REE, I'M ON FIRE. HOT HOT!" I shouted, pulling the sweatpants off and throwing them as far away from me as I could.

  "AH!" the twins screamed, both scrambling off the couch to catch the flaming pants.

  "WATERLASHUNA!" Celestia cast the spell, pointing her hand at the pair of sweats that began to fall right when the twins both pushed off the ground to try and catch them before they hit the ground.

  A flood of water appeared above where the pants landed in the twins’ hands, drenching the pants, Cairus, and Caio in one swoosh. Celestia gawked at the soaked men, and they groaned.

  "I think we should make our own handbook," Cairus huffed.

  Caio blew out a stream of water before he shook his short orange locks in an attempt to rid himself of the excess water. "Ya. Add ‘Human Arielle can catch on fire’ to it."

  Celestia sighed. "Sorry guys." She then turned to me and raised an eyebrow. "Arielle Rainbow."

  I slowly backed away, and the sound of someone knocking on the door filled me with relief. AN ESCAPE PLAN!

  "Oh look, the door! I'LL GET IT!" I screamed, running to the door.

  "You're not wearing pants! You can't get the door!" Celestia shouted, but I didn't care. No pants were better than my Mistress' wrath. At least I was wearing red underwear and a white tank top.

  "Arielle!" Celestia huffed and was literally on my tail. AHHH!

  The door opened on its own, and I didn't have enough time t
o skid to a stop before I crashed right into someone, both of us falling to the ground.

  "OOF!" a voice exclaimed, arms wrapping around my waist as the person cushioned the impact of our fall.

  "You students are so energetic." I heard Ms. Arcadia, whose real name was Miona, state.

  "I'm so sorry, Miona!" Celestia apologized, sounding out of breath.

  "I'm alive!" I exclaimed, sitting up and trying to gather my bearings. I looked over my shoulder to Miona and Celestia at the doorway, the two of them staring down at me.

  "I'm not. Jeez. Miona, you didn't tell me opening the door would lead to my death," a low voice whined.

  "You're so overdramatic, Noah," Miona replied, placing her hands on her hips. "I told you as a human you don't need to open the door when YOU knock."

  "No...ah?" I whispered, slowly looking back down at the male I was sitting on. His amber eyes locked onto mine before they grew wide and his jaw went slack.

  "Arielle?" he whispered. My eyes scanned his human appearance while my heart skipped a beat.

  He had shoulder-length hair, the dark purple strands transitioning to a marvelous orange-yellow shade. His complexion was light, but not too pale, and his skin was flawless; not a pimple in sight. His pink lips were smooth, and his cheeks began to tint a light rose color as he continued to stare up at me.

  I lowered my gaze to his dark navy blue t-shirt and noticed the familiar gold necklace that had an amber stone dangling in the middle. I lifted my gaze back up to meet his eyes once more, realizing he was checking me out just as I was checking him out.

  "It is you! Noah, Bru!" I accused.

  "Huh? Arielle, you know him?" Celestia asked.

  I looked back at her. "Uhhhhh," I replied, unsure how to explain.

  "What's the holdup?" Cairus and Caio came out to stand next to Celestia, both of them shirtless. I looked back at Noah who raised an eyebrow at them before he looked back at me.

  "Boyfriend, Bri?" he asked, his phoenix accent coming out.

  "Huh?! No, no, no, no, Bru! Mistress' men. Not mine!" I squeaked, lifting my hands to wave defensively.

  "Are you two going to get up or are you too comfortable?" Miona questioned with an amused smirk on her lips.


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