When a Gargoyle Awakens

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When a Gargoyle Awakens Page 7

by Price, E A

  “I gave him some sleeping pills and tucked him into bed,” she panted. “I’m getting tired of the fiancée routine, you said it would only be for a few months until we could find his uncle’s gargoyles – it’s been almost a year.”

  “His uncle was a lot more wily than we thought. He used magic to hide the gargoyles.”

  “Have you at least worked out that dumb hedge maze? My darling, Andy,” she sneered over his name, “tells me his uncle was always in there.”

  Holling growled and pulled back. Crud. His bad mood had returned. “Whenever I go in there I swear the hedges move.”

  Lara raised an eyebrow. It wasn’t that she didn’t believe him…

  “It’s true,” he snapped pushing her away from his body, roughly. “Those damn hedges move – that’s some powerful elemental magic. I thought all the elementals were dead.”

  She sighed and collapsed into a chair and grabbed a magazine. It was unlikely that her evening was going to go as well as she hoped. “Couldn’t you parachute into the center?” she asked, drolly.

  He stopped pacing and actually mulled the idea over for a few moments before shaking his head. “That seems a little excessive, the rest of the town might notice that. Besides, the damn hedges would probably move before I landed. It’s just a hedge, nothing a little fire won’t cure.”

  “You think Andy will go for that?”

  “He doesn’t even want to be here, he could care less what we do. Show him a little affection and he’d let us burn the house to the ground.”

  Lara scowled. She’d been showing him affection for almost a year. Enough was enough.

  “Don’t be like that,” he said, dismissively.

  “Before we came here he was badgering me about getting married again.” If she wasn’t careful, she might actually end up picking out china patterns.

  “So, get married.”

  Lara gasped and glared at him, incredulously. “You’re not serious?”

  Holling shrugged a shoulder. “Why not? If you’re married, you’ll inherit everything when he dies.”

  She gagged at the thought of forty years of marriage with Andy but then had a lightbulb moment when Holling waggled his eyebrows. “You think his death will be soon? You think we can get away with that?”

  “Worked with his uncle, no one suspected a thing.”

  “He was an old man with a bad heart,” she scoffed.

  “Well, perhaps Andy can meet with an accident. Andy’s useful for now, but see if you can work on getting yourself into his will. Maybe the marriage won’t be necessary at all.”

  “And what will you be doing while I’m playing the devoted fiancée?” she grumbled.

  He smiled, grimly. “Hopefully getting to know our little Kylie better.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Kylie’s jaw just about hit the ground. “Thanks to me?”

  The gargoyle moved slightly closer, edging toward her on his knees. “Yes, you awoke me.”

  “How?” she spluttered. “I didn’t… I wouldn’t…”

  His brows knit together at her reaction. “Did you use some kind of spell or enchantment?”

  “What?” Kylie briefly thought of Maggie’s shop and shook her head. Nothing in that shop would even be helpful at a kid’s magic show. “I wouldn’t even begin to know about those things.”

  He looked thoughtful. “You must have done something to will me back to life.”

  Kylie winced at her patchy memory of the night. “I was kind of drunk…”


  “Umm, I had consumed an inordinate amount of alcohol and I wasn’t sure what I was doing.”

  He breathed out deeply, and he fluttered his wings. “You did not intend to wake me?”

  She bit her lip. “I ah, I didn’t even know you were sleeping.” She threw her hand up in the air as his face dropped. “I mean, you’re a statue! You were a statue! Are you a statue?”

  He looked offended, and Kylie quickly leaned over and placed a small hand over his large, taloned one. She frowned as she realized that he was now in front of her, barely a foot away.

  The gargoyle looked down at her hand, curiously and she quickly removed it, blushing furiously.

  He ran a claw-tipped finger over the skin she had touched. “Did the professor not explain to you…”

  “Professor Hardcastle?”

  “Yes, he has been my caretaker for the last forty years.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said, softly. “He died about a month ago.”

  He looked at her for a few moments, revealing nothing. “I wondered why he had not visited me recently.”

  Kylie fidgeted awkwardly. “He died in his sleep.”

  The gargoyle nodded. “Over the years I have had many caretakers. When one died, another took over.”

  “I don’t think there’s anyone to take over,” she muttered, uneasily, thinking of Andrew Hardcastle. She was slowly thawing toward the man, but she doubted he had any idea about his uncle’s secret hedge maze gargoyle.

  His mouth curled. “I am awake now, I no longer need a caretaker.”

  Kylie gave him a half-smile in return. “Have you been up to the house?”

  Since they started talking the gargoyle had slowly inched towards her, by small increments. Now she found that they were sitting on the ground, knees to knees, and she had forgotten all of her fear.

  “No, since I woke I flew over the town, and I hunted for food, but I sought you as soon as I could.” He almost looked a little embarrassed by his admission.

  “Me, why? And how exactly did you find me?”

  “I am an experienced hunter, and you emit a very distinctive scent.”

  It was a good job she had not been drinking at that moment. She would have choked – long and hard. Instead, she just spluttered the word ‘what’ while trying covertly to sniff her armpits.

  “You smell of lavender and honey. I could recognize your scent anyway.”

  “Oh.” She could feel the flush creeping over her skin and was grateful that it was dark.

  “I found you to ensure that you had recovered, and I am glad I did. I do not wish to think what that male may have done to you if I had not.” His huge, muscled chest vibrated as he let out a rough grunt. “I regret he was left unharmed.”

  “I think just seeing you would have made him wet his pants or maybe given him a heart attack.”

  “Am I that horrifying?” he asked, wryly.

  “No!” she cried, instantly mortified. “I didn’t mean… I’m sorry.”

  “You have nothing to be sorry for,” he rumbled, staring at his hand, thoughtfully. “Do you mean to say that the knowledge of my kind has been forgotten?”

  “Your kind – you mean, gargoyles?”

  He nodded, slightly.

  “I’m sorry, but, ummm, everyone just thinks you’re statues.”

  “I see.” He stared into the sky, his face unreadable.

  This is all so confusing she thought lamely. “I don’t really know what’s happening. Are you saying there was a whole race of your kind? Why were you a statue, then? What happened to you?”

  He dragged his attention back to her. “I can see you have lots of questions. You are as confused as I am by this situation. However, dawn is getting closer, and I fear we will not have enough time to say everything that must be said. I will return you to your home, and tomorrow night we will meet again.” He paused, and then added, “If your situation will allow.”

  Situation? “Umm, yes, I haven’t got any plans.”

  He nodded and stood up, muscles rippling and massive wings stretching. She felt like a tiny, little speck compared to him. Kylie felt a renewed pang of fear that she desperately tried to tamp down.

  Given his disappointed look, she doubted she was altogether successful. “I should have known by your reaction last night that you were not expecting for me to come to life. You are afraid of me.”

  “No… well, yes. Maybe a little. But, I don’t want to be.”r />
  He gave her a smile, displaying plenty of sharp teeth. She burst out laughing.

  “Forgive me, in our discussion I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Lucifer, but you may call me Luc.”

  “I’m Kylie,” she said, shyly.

  “Ky-lee, it is an honor to meet you. Now please, allow me to take you home. The dawn is getting closer, and I must rest during the day.”

  Luc held out his hand to her, and with only a small hesitation, she reached out and allowed her small pink hand to be swallowed by his huge, red one.

  Gently, he pulled her to her feet. She marveled at the warmth and smoothness of his skin. It wasn’t like human skin, but it was buttery soft like the smoothest of leather.

  “Will you allow me to carry you?”

  “You’re asking this time?”

  He gave her another grin, full of teeth, and she felt a thrill of heat course through her. He scooped her up in his arms, and she squealed and wrapped her arms around him. Her fear of being dropped now overrode her fear of him.

  “Hold on tight,” he whispered before launching into the air.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Kylie flinched as a French fry hit her forehead. “What was that for?” she griped as she patted the grease away.

  “You’re not listening to me,” complained Maggie, before squeezing some more ketchup onto her plate. She didn’t like ketchup that much, but she enjoyed the fact that the loud farting noise the bottle made pissed off Deirdre from Crafts, Crafts, Crafts.

  Kylie scooped up the French fry and shrugged before popping it into her mouth. One couldn’t hurt. Mindful of the fact that her thighs were a little thicker than she liked, she ordered the Caesar salad with low-fat dressing. Luc hadn’t complained about her weight when he was flying her over town, but wouldn’t he be pleasantly surprised if she were a little lighter the next time he did. If there was a next time.

  She eyed Maggie’s double cheeseburger and fries with longing. Maggie was the type of woman who was naturally slender and stayed that way no matter how much she ate. Ordinarily, Kylie would refer to this kind of woman as a freaking lucky bitch. But Maggie was a friend. So she was just called a freaking lucky sweetie.

  “I’m sorry, what were you saying?”

  No, she wasn’t really listening. No offence to Maggie, but she couldn’t listen to how Maggie had almost smacked down Deirdre in the grocery store after they got into an argument about who got the last box of pop tarts. She wasn’t even bothered by the fact that Gary had followed them into the diner and was now casting surreptitious glances in her direction. Two days ago, that would have really irked her. No, the only thing on her mind at that moment was Luc. How could it not be? How often does something extraordinary happen like a statue coming to life? Until a couple of nights ago, she would have said never.

  Kylie looked at her watch again. Only twelve-fifteen. She still had so many questions she wanted answering, but she was actually excited. Well, still a little fearful, too, if truth be told. But it was like fifty percent excited and fifty percent fearful. Or maybe forty/sixty, possibly thirty/seventy, but that didn’t matter. She was practically buzzing over the fact that she was going to see him again that night. She just couldn’t tell anyone. So to Maggie, she was preoccupied and edgy for no darn reason.

  “Hey, look.” Maggie threw another fry at her, to get her attention. Kylie growled at her but then dutifully ate the fry. “That guy Holling’s over there.”

  Kylie flicked her eyes in his direction, and instead of the simpering adoration his good looks usually elicited from her, she felt queasy. She certainly hadn’t liked the way he had almost interrogated her after the party the other night. Now, she was worried that if he did start asking her questions she really would crack and tell him everything about Luc. She had a very bad feeling that if Holling knew about Luc, it wouldn’t end well.

  “I still say he should get a nose ring,” commented Maggie, as she took a predator size bite out of her cheeseburger. Seriously, where did she put it all?

  Kylie blushed and looked down as Holling caught her staring at him. Suddenly, her salad was incredibly interesting.

  Maggie kicked her under the table. Kylie looked up, ready to give her an earful, and started as she realized Holling was standing next to their table. The man moved like a freaking cat.

  He smiled in what he clearly thought was a disarming manner. Maggie agreed with him on that matter, or at least she must have because she was actually fluttering her eyelashes and touching her hair. To Kylie, his smile was just chilly.

  Holling said hello to Maggie before turning to Kylie and giving her his undivided and unwanted attention. “Kylie, how are you?”

  “Ummm, fine,” she replied, mystified.

  His eyes didn’t leave her. In fact, she didn’t think he was actually blinking. “I heard you were in trouble last night.”

  Maggie looked at her curiously and belatedly Kylie remembered about her mugger or thwarted mugger at least. With all the excitement about Luc, she had completely forgotten about him. Huh, she wondered what happened to that guy. Hell’s underwear! She hoped that damn idiot didn’t run off and mug someone smaller and weaker than her. No, if that had happened, she would have heard about it by now. Things like that didn’t stay quiet for long. After a couple of kids stole one of Ms. Perkins’ chickens everyone heard about it within an hour. They were drunk and wanted eggs. It all ended well, for the chicken at least. Ms. Perkins clobbered the boys with her purse. She keeps bricks in her purse in case of rapists. She just turned sixty-five and sported a moustache that Tom Selleck would envy, but she didn’t take any chances.

  Kylie smiled in polite confusion. “Oh, I don’t know where you heard that,” she bluffed.

  Holling stared at her. It wasn’t an angry stare, no, it was a stare that could see into her very soul and the stare knew that she was lying. He crouched on the ground next to her and took her hand as tender concern crept over his face. Kylie stiffened at his touch in surprise. His eyebrows furrowed at her reaction, but he soon smoothed them back into his endearing, puppy dog face.

  “How’s your head?”

  “Hmmm?” All thoughts were currently directed on coming up with a plan to get her hand back.

  “You hit it the other night – I was worried about you.” There was that tender concern again.

  “I’m fine,” she shrugged.

  Hmmm, what was with this reaction? He wasn’t worried enough to visit her yesterday, nor did he send flowers with the motto ‘hope you get better soon’. This concern was a little leftfield and a little unsettling. For the past four weeks she had been, a little pathetically, trying to get his attention and hinting about wanting to go to dinner with him. Sadly – or maybe un-sadly, all of her hints had fallen on deaf, uninterested ears. Even at the party he had only talked to her because he seemed bored. But what? Was she was supposed to believe that because she hit her head two nights ago he was suddenly desperate for her company?

  Her eyes slid past Holling and his look of almost mocking earnestness and saw that Lara was glaring at her with hatred. Well, that was new – what had she ever done to Lara? Oh, gawd! Was she getting into the middle of some tedious love triangle between Lara, Andrew and Holling? Well, with her presence it would be a love square. She giggled, and a brief stab of annoyance passed over Holling’s face.

  Kylie felt a rush of impatience. She didn’t invite him over to ruin her day – really, he had no right to get annoyed. “Really, Holling, I’m fine. I’m just having lunch with my friend.”

  He pouted ever so slightly at the brush off, and Maggie had to hide her smirk. She doubted Holling had ever been turned down by a woman, and certainly not by a chubby woman he usually wouldn’t even give the time of day.

  “As long as you’re okay,” he murmured, reluctantly standing to his feet. He stretched out his tall, gloriously muscled body, deliciously highlighted by a tight t-shirt. Kylie swore she heard a few sighs from the female patrons of the diner.

  “I’m sure I’ll see you around town.” He flashed a ten thousand volt smile. “Enjoy your lunch, ladies.”

  He sauntered over to the disapproving Lara, garnering lots of lusty stares from the pink ladies from the local salon – all over sixty and all sporting pink rinses. A moment later he escorted Lara out the door. Gary gave Lara a love-sick pup stare – a lot of that going around – and then resumed pretending he wasn’t furtively watching Kylie and Maggie. He was acting very oddly. Or, more oddly than usual. Or, slightly more oddly than usual.

  “That was great!” cried Maggie.

  “Shhhh!” admonished Kylie, picking at her salad.

  “That was great!” she whispered, with no less enthusiasm. “He’s into you and you turned him away. Arrogant tit thinks he can have any woman he wants. Well, you showed him – ha!”

  “I’m sure he was just being friendly,” muttered Kylie, not at all pleased with this turn of events. Couldn’t he just go back to not even caring if she was alive?


  “No, I can’t believe he’s actually interested in me.” That was a world that involved unicorns, flying pigs and used car salesmen you could trust.

  Maggie scowled; she looked like a pixie who’d been told they’d run out of gumdrops. She was too cute to look really angry. “Why not? You’re curvy and cute, and much more interesting than the brain-dead twinsets they grow around here.”

  Martha, one of the brain-dead twinsets, and Maggie’s cousin, snorted as she walked past.

  “He’s been ignoring me for the past month, and now he’s interested? No, something fishy’s going on here. And did you see the look Lara was giving me? Something tells me they’re more than just friends.”

  “So if he asked you out, you’d say no?”

  “Well… it depends on how hungry I was.” She couldn’t be the first woman to go out on a date just because she wanted to eat. “Plus, I might be a little curious to find out just why he’s suddenly interested in me.” Although she wasn’t happy about the twinge she felt at just the thought of going on a date with anyone.

  “Plus, you should see what you can make him do for you. To prove how interested he is, and to prove how much he’s willing to put up with.”


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