A Royal Continuum

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A Royal Continuum Page 12

by Marie Harte

  Ava felt as if she watched from above. Her heart soared as her body wept for them both, needing to come more than she needed to breathe. Fullness, completion overtook her as a sense of claiming lay over the trio. Matthias's strong scent overwhelmed her, and Tanner was whispering something she didn't understand.

  "Now, Matthias, now," he groaned and began coming, rubbing against her clit with enough pressure to set her off.

  Ava joined his ecstasy, pulling and pushing at Tanner as she absorbed his seed, and then Matthias shouted and spurt, washing her with his cum. They lay locked for what seemed like forever, as both males jetted into her hungry body.

  The moment her last shudder stilled, Matthias and then Tanner pulled out of her and laid her gently on her belly. Matthias left the bed only to return with a warm, wet washcloth. As he tended to her backside, Tanner pressed kisses over her shoulder and mouth when he leaned closer.

  "Okay, Ava?"

  She mumbled something, but didn't know what she said. Her lethargic body felt like jelly, her limbs refusing to do more than lay against her body.

  "I think we wore her out, Matthias." Tanner laughed, his joy enough to waken her. The sheer delight she saw in his gaze had her heart hammering. Though their connection had faded, she could still sense a part of him that she'd never before felt, and a part of Matthias as well.

  But she focused on Tanner, awash in his heady satisfaction, his sense of belonging.

  "Oh, Tanner. You're so beautiful to me." Light shone like a star around him, and she looked at him with her Dracon sense, immersed in the feelings around and through them. As if a mystical switch had been thrown, Ava felt everything Tanner wanted to say but couldn't. "Oh, Tanner. I love you, too."

  Silence descended before Tanner crushed her in his arms, kissing the breath out of her. Stunned by the passion that flared again so quickly, she kissed him back, belatedly realizing she'd declared her love for another man in front of Matthias. When Tanner moved from her mouth to her neck, she turned to see Matthias's reaction.

  But all she saw when she looked at his face was happiness. The Dracon radiated with contentment, his eyes surprisingly wet with unshed tears.

  "Thank you, love," Matthias said softly and bent down to kiss her, running his hands over her hair. "Such a beautiful gift should not go unrewarded, hmm, Tanner?"

  Tanner paused to stare at Matthias in bemused wonder, his uncertainty both understandable and heart-wrenching. "You, ah, you don't mind?"

  "Mind that Ava loves you? Why should I? You're a worthy enough mate, aren't you?"

  Tanner glanced down into Ava's face. "I pray to God I can be."

  As Ava returned his somber stare, she couldn't help puzzling over this new development, much as she was pleased to have found someone, finally, to love. Her feelings for Tanner matured, but her feelings for Matthias stayed the same. She loved Tanner, yes, but she still loved Matthias. And the prince had no problem with Tanner loving her, was even, in fact, hinting at a mating?

  But the sheer satisfaction coming off of Matthias in waves told her she'd missed something. Considering Matthias had wanted her to help lure Tanner closer, why then was he so happy to have lost out to Ava? And why didn't she feel worse that she loved another Dracon? Because Ava didn't feel bad. Ecstasy consumed her at the reciprocal love flowing between her and Tanner...and Matthias.

  Her mouth agape, she stared at the prince. "But that's impossible." Two mates?

  Matthias gave her a small frown and smiled widely at Tanner. "Isn't it amazing what good sex can bring? Truth in the form of a loving Dracon."

  Tanner stared from Matthias to Ava, but he couldn't seem to stop touching her. He held Ava in his arms but continued to stroke her, a sign of possession and belonging that only secured her notion that Tanner had indeed claimed her as a Dracon did his mate. Why then, did she sense a second, subtler claim already on her? And more, one that lingered over Tanner as well?

  Trust me, Ava. Matthias voice in her mind gave her an even bigger shock. All will be well. Tanner loves you. Believe in that if you will nothing else.

  Apparently, Tanner could hear Matthias as well. "It's true, lefne. I don't know what just happened between us, but I know it's real. The connection I felt as soon as I met you has become something more, something true. I love you, Ava." He sounded both surprised and awed, and his amazed laughter was infectious.

  Matthias and Ava joined in his joy, and ignoring Matthias's scheming for the moment, Ava not only accepted Tanner's hug but returned it. "And I love you, Tanner. Now how about we try that Ava-sandwich thing again?" Just the thought of it had her juices flowing. "But this time you and Matthias switch places."

  "My thoughts exactly," Matthias murmured, watching Ava and Tanner with a hunger his body couldn't conceal.

  Not quite all your thoughts, Ava acknowledged to herself. You manipulated both me and Tanner, and not that I would even want to be angry about it, but why? Do you really think you can have two mates? Or am I just imagining your part in this?

  Matthias winked her way before pulling her from Tanner. "Now aren't you glad I came for you? If I hadn't, you never would have met Tanner."

  Tanner chuckled and watched Matthias lower Ava onto his body. Thoughts jumbled, but the puzzle of Prince Matthias wasn't enough to overcome the sexual frenzy beginning anew. And then Matthias and Tanner were inside her, and everything else could wait.

  Chapter 12

  * * *

  They stretched the return trip to Dracon Mount into another week, playing more than driving. The trip proved unexpectedly enjoyable, conversation with Ava stimulating as always. But Tanner had been pleasantly surprised to find how much he enjoyed Matthias's quick mind. The awkwardness that had been present between them might never have existed. Though they still shared Ava at night, both men found pleasure in her body, and not with one another. If the urge to touch Matthias plagued him, Tanner tried to ignore it and focused on Ava, the first person to ever truly love him.

  And even after he'd confessed that he was half-human.

  She had shrugged, not caring in the slightest, and talked about getting a pizza! Ava really did love him. Tanner. A Dracon with human blood. A half-breed lowly security guard.

  He never would have believed it if he hadn't felt her mind and soul, bonding with her. The feeling was one that occurred between mates, what he'd often heard described by other Dracon. Ava made him happy. Tanner could have easily stared at her or listened to her voice with his eyes closed the rest of the trip. For once he didn't question fate, but accepted it wholeheartedly. The joy in just being near her astounded him, and he wanted too much for it to continue to doubt the inconsistencies surrounding their mating.

  To doubt why he didn't mind Matthias being so near all the time. Why he always wanted the prince to touch him, or why he found pleasure in being touched by the male. The possessiveness that should have turned him into a raving monster, watching Matthias fuck Ava, was never there. Instead, he felt their pleasure as if it were his own. And the longing to hold Matthias as he held Ava, to touch the prince with the love Ava and Tanner shared...

  The thoughts gave him a headache, and he once again locked them deep in his mind, not willing to dwell on anything that might mar his contentment.

  "And there it is." Matthias pointed at the large stone appearing like a mountain as they drove past the opening gates into the heart of Dracon Mount. The surrounding trees' leaves were caught between yellow, orange and red, and fell in gales as the autumn wind blew. Mountains beckoned them home, providing concealment and the wonderful swell of welcome as dragons flew in the sky, glimmers of gold, red and green that swooped and dove in ragged bursts of playful fun.

  "Funny, but I didn't miss this place until we arrived." Ava sat up in the backseat, a silly grin on her face that touched Tanner at his core.

  Even he felt the pleasure of returning to the keep, and it was more than just delivering Matthias safe and sound. Perhaps his mating with Ava had skewed his reasoning, but it f
elt as if he too were returning home. Tanner, a Dracon who'd never lived anywhere longer than two years at most, suddenly felt welcome and warmth from stone walls and the thought of Dracon he'd barely met a month ago.

  "I want you two to come with me, if you wouldn't mind." Matthias turned to them both, his gaze somber. "Ava, I know that you want time before you see your uncle, and that you're concerned there might be some unwelcome reception from those not familiar with what really happened between Emmaline and the Draka.

  "And Tanner, you'll no doubt want to see Lucas and give him a report. But do me a favor and keep Ava company while I let Ferin know I'm back, okay?"

  Tanner and Ava shared a puzzled glance. Matthias seemed to be closing himself off from them, and that joy in their return faded with it. Almost as if... Tanner stared at Matthias through a narrowed gaze.

  "What?" Matthias blinked innocently at him.

  No, it wasn't possible Tanner had mated with both Ava and Matthias. Dracon took one male or one female to mate. Never two. No doubt Ava's reminder that her uncle awaited her had dimmed her enjoyment in being back. And that's why Tanner no longer felt so glad to return, which made sense since Dracon Mount had never been his home to begin with.

  "Tanner? You'll stay with Ava in my chamber?"

  "Your chamber?" Ava eyed Matthias with suspicion. "Why can't I have my own room?"

  "You will, love. But Shino won't think of intruding in my personal space, even if he knows you're back."

  "Oh." She deflated and, with a nod, grabbed Tanner's hand.

  He squeezed it, but couldn't stop worrying about Matthias. The three of them left the dirty truck by the side, private entrance into the stronghold. An actual castle, Dracon Mount had been built over five hundred years ago and stood as a testament to the Dracon that it had never fallen.

  Buried deep in the mountains of Asheville, the castle protected the Dracon from invaders, and gave many of them a sense of community living together within the stone walls. Matthias bypassed the updated security guarding the outer door, and once inside, he reset the code. They walked through the darkness using their Dracon sight, and saw enough to make their way up several flights of stairs into the easternmost turret of the keep itself.

  The estate spanned nearly sixty acres of space, a rock wall surrounding an interior of gardens, hothouses and cottages in which many Dracon lived and worked. The central keep belonged to the royal family, as well as their personal retainers and business personnel who worked closely with Ferin, the king.

  Tanner had used the private, royal entrance into the castle once before, but he'd never entered the royal family's wing. He'd dealt with Lucas in the central offices on the main level of the keep. Now, however, he stared in awe, along with Ava, at the polished marble floors leading toward Matthias's room.

  "It's a bit much, I know." Matthias apologized, and Tanner and Ava glanced at each other, savoring this small show of humility. "But it was done way before we came into power. Personally, I'd rather have hardwood or carpet than cold marble."

  They passed a few Dracon, all of whom gave the three of them puzzled greetings. But Matthias only waved and continued walking hurriedly toward his room. They reached a large oak door that Matthias pushed through and closed behind them.

  Upon entering, Tanner froze at sight of the largest bed he'd ever seen. "Holy shit, that's a monster."

  Matthias flopped down into it with a tired sigh. "Man, I missed my pillows."

  Ava and Tanner looked around, and Tanner didn't know why he felt so much comfort in the room. It looked nothing like his own spartan accommodations, yet the hominess of the space could not be denied.

  The mammoth bed was surrounded by a mahogany armoire and dresser, and two mismatched end-tables that should have looked out of place but didn't. Large oriental rugs covered the floors, leaving minor portions of the white marble floor visible. On the walls, medieval paintings of dragons and knights covered sections of rock, reminding Tanner that they did indeed stand inside an honest-to-God castle. The lone window in the room was shuttered, covered by thick wood and draped with a velvet swag that fit the rest of the décor. Warm yet masculine, and he noted Ava's obvious approval as well.

  "Gee, Matthias. I hadn't realized you were such a neat freak." Ava wiped a finger over his dresser that came away clean, bypassing the stack of books and magazines that seemed the only personal touch to the otherwise pristine room.

  "Ah, one of the women comes through once a week to clean."

  "Only to 'clean,' hmm?" Ava asked airily. Tanner could see she was only teasing, and was therefore stunned when Matthias snarled and jumped out of the bed to glare down at Ava.

  "Just to clean, yes. I haven't fucked the hoards of women you think I have."

  Ava blinked up at him and turned helplessly to Tanner.

  "Matthias, calm down. She was just joking."

  The look Matthias turned on him made Tanner want to take a step back. "Oh? Do you think it's funny? Because I don't." He paced, rubbing his temples as he confused the hell out of both Tanner and Ava.

  "Matthias?" Ava walked to Tanner and linked hands, as if needing his support.

  Matthias stared at their connection, grimaced and strode toward the door. "I have to see Ferin. I'll be back soon. Please wait for me here, and I'll have something to eat brought up. Just...just wait for me, okay?" He looked to Tanner for affirmation, and Tanner nodded readily, wanting to ease Matthias's odd state.

  With a nod, the prince left them.

  "What do you think that was all about?" Ava asked him, staring with wide eyes that caught at his heart. She looked so innocent, and so incredibly beautiful. And Matthias wanted her for his own before you stole her from him. Had he been so preoccupied with his feelings he'd missed what was right in front of him?

  Tanner felt sick and sat in a plush chair, taking Ava with him. He settled her into his lap and stared into her eyes, wondering what to do. "I think I know what's eating at Matthias."

  "Well? Spill it." She chewed on her lip, a sure sign she was worried.

  "He, ah..." Matthias had asked for his help in confidence. But now that Tanner was mated, he had a duty to share with Ava, didn't he? "Matthias wanted my help with you."

  "How so?"

  "He wanted me to... Well, it's like this." He flushed, knowing he probably wouldn't say this the right way.

  "Just spit it out, Tanner." Their week together had brought Ava and Tanner to a closeness he'd never had with anyone else. And he loved the fact that she said what was on her mind.

  "He wanted me to fuck you, to make you fall in love with me."

  She blinked, astonished.

  "Except I fell further in love with you." His confession jolted a smile out of her. "But he wanted you to fall for me, so that I could convince you to look at him the same way."

  "That doesn't make sense." She studied him with a wondering expression. "He wanted you to make me fall in love with you, to gain my trust so I'd somehow fall in love with him?"

  "Well, uh, yeah." Tanner agreed with her. "It does sound stupid, but it made sense at the time."

  Ava shook her head and muttered, "That sneak."


  "He told me to help him with you. Since he figured you planned on leaving as soon as we returned to Dracon Mount, he wanted me to convince you to stay with him."

  Tanner couldn't understand what he was hearing. "He wanted me? As in, wanted me like a lover?"

  "I don't know why that surprises you. I saw you two together, and you can't deny you desire him."

  Tanner stared, wanting to deny her yet was unable to do so. Instead, he frowned at her. "It doesn't bother you that I might want to fuck him?"


  "Yeah, well, it hasn't bothered me that you've been having sex with him either. But we're mated."

  Ava's nostrils flared, as if catching the scent of something very wrong. "You know, that's been bothering me, too. All week, we've been loving one another, all of us together. And it all fe
lt right. Anyone else looking at you or Matthias made me angry, and I'll admit, jealous. Like that trampy waitress at the Smithfield Diner." She glared.

  "And that truck driver and his buddies off the last exit in Tennessee." He'd knocked two of them into unconsciousness before the others had seen the wisdom in a hasty retreat.

  Ava gasped, her mouth open in sudden shock.

  Tanner stared into her wide, black eyes. "Ava? What's wrong, lefne? You okay?"

  "That underhanded, green-scaled weasel."


  "We're mated, Tanner." Anger and laughter mixed in her gaze. "That princely bastard mated with us right under our noses."

  "But--but that's impossible."

  "Apparently not."

  "I'm mated with you and Matthias?" Tanner's mind boggled at the thought. But as he pondered her words, the odd incidents that had been bothering him this past week all came to resolving halt. The lack of possessiveness when it came to Matthias and Ava. His emotions felt the way he'd expect Matthias to feel about things, most notably their return to Dracon Mount. The ever-present need to touch Matthias, not just as friends, but more, as lovers.

  "He's a prince," Tanner said stupidly, still coming to terms with what she'd said.

  The rage that had been brewing in Ava waned, to be replaced by soft understanding. "And he's too good for us, hmm?"

  "Not for you. For me, hell yeah."

  Ava stared at him, hard. "So he's too good for you, but not for me? Then what about you?"

  "What about me?"

  "Well, if you're so below me, what am I doing mated to you? I guess I'm not good enough for the prince either, right?"

  "No, no." He shoved his hands through his hair, wondering how the hell they'd gotten off track. "I'm not sure where you're coming up with this shit, lefne."

  "I'll tell you where I'm getting it, lefne." She shoved the endearment right back in his face. "It pisses me off when you put yourself down. You might not be a prince, but you're my prince." Her lips quirked. "Mine and Matthias's."


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