The Journal Keeper (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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The Journal Keeper (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 11

by Leerene Evans

  Still, she knew any attempt on her part to try to argue that point to Dorin and Nikolas would be met with a stubborn refusal. Their faith in the bond between the three of them far outweighed her own, but then they had grown up with the knowledge of what mating was. Even after talking to Visess and Carme, she was still unsure about what mating involved. Was it like a marriage, or was it something different entirely? She knew from Carme that it wasn’t all sexual, but sex had to be involved on some level.

  She noticed the other room had gotten incredibly quiet and quickly backed away from the door. Seconds later, Nikolas came barreling into her room, all power and fury as he filled the doorway.

  “Do not move, capora,” Nikolas snarled, storming toward her.

  Rianne froze where she stood by the end of the bed, staring up into his icy blue eyes as he towered over her. His hands grabbed her upper arms, lifting her easily and carrying her into Dorin’s room. Her eyes took in the darkness of the room, catching a glimpse of forest green curtains and brown accents before Nikolas deposited her in Dorin’s lap.

  Dorin’s arms wrapped around her reflexively when she almost fell to the floor. Her hands came down over top of his, a whoosh of air escaping her as she fell back against his chest. Nikolas glared down at her, arms crossed over his chest. Shrinking back against Dorin, she waited for the inevitable explosion.

  “Kiss him,” Nikolas ordered.

  “What?” Rianne and Dorin piped at the same time.

  “Kiss him, Rianne. Now,” Nikolas growled.

  “Nikolas,” Dorin warned, his voice sounding much more dangerous than she’d ever heard.

  “Be quiet. Rianne, I’m waiting,” Nikolas persisted.

  Knowing he wouldn’t let her leave until she kissed Dorin, she turned in his lap. His brown eyes watched Nikolas, not her, giving her a little bit of bravado as she placed her hands on his shoulders. Leaning forward, she slanted her lips across his. Almost instantly, Dorin responded, his hands wrapping in her hair and tilting her head to allow him to have better access to her mouth.

  Rianne couldn’t hold back a moan as his tongue slipped between her lips, licking along her gum line before sliding in to tangle with her tongue. Her hands moved down to caress his chest, the soft fabric of his shirt the only thing keeping her skin from touching his. Already she could feel his erection rising against her hip, creating a responding ache in her pussy.

  “Enough.” Nikolas growled, fisting her hair and removing her lips from Dorin’s.

  Rianne whimpered at the loss and the slight pulling of her hair. Nikolas’s lips pressed to her neck and his teeth gently nipped at the stretched tendons.

  “Are you wet, capora?” Nikolas asked, his voice husky.

  Rianne whimpered again, unable to answer under the sensation of Dorin’s hands traveling along her body, the heat penetrating through her gown, and Nikolas’s lips nibbling on the tender flesh of her neck.

  “I know you are. I can smell it, as can Dorin. It’s the sweetest smell, capora. I don’t think you realize what it does to us,” Nikolas murmured, pressing his own thick erection against her lower back.

  “Oh, God,” Rianne gasped, arching between them.

  “Do you still want to leave us, capora? Do you think you can find something like this in your human realm? I think we both know the answer,” Nikolas rumbled, taking the soft lobe of her ear between his teeth.

  Rianne was too far gone to form a coherent thought, let alone give him an answer. From the sound of his deep chuckle, Nikolas knew that and was pleased. She tried to make a mental note to hit him for it later.

  “God, Nik, what are you doing?” Dorin groaned, his head thumping back against the chair.

  “Making sure she knows who she belongs to,” Nikolas growled back.

  One of his hands moved down her body to settle between her legs. Rianne gasped as his fingers found her clit through her dress, his mouth still suckling at her neck. Dorin’s hands caressed her breasts, pulling at the fabric of her gown until one breast popped free. His lips instantly wrapped around the dusty pink nipple, pulling the delicate bud between his teeth and biting down.

  The fingers tormenting her clit and the mouth torturing her breast proved to be too much and she came apart in their arms, her body jerking through her orgasm.

  “That’s it, capora. Give it all to us,” Nikolas murmured huskily.

  Rianne sobbed as his fingers continued to work her, not allowing her to completely come down as the tremors worked through her body.

  “You’re so beautiful, danalya,” Dorin sighed, kissing her sweetly.

  “Please,” Rianne panted, her hands wrapping around Nikolas’s arm in an attempt to pull his hand from between her legs.

  “Mm, only because you asked so nicely,” Nikolas hummed, removing his hand and bringing it up to cup her jaw.

  He turned her head toward him, pressing her lips to his and dominating her completely. One hand remained in her hair, turning her where he wanted her.

  “You belong to us, Rianne. Dorin might be willing to let you go, but I never will,” Nikolas warned her.

  “I don’t want you to leave, danalya. Please, stay with us,” Dorin pleaded, his head resting between her breasts.

  Rianne couldn’t give them the answer they wanted, but she finally had to admit to herself that leaving them would not be as easy as she’d hoped. A part of her was already insisting that she stay, and it was getting bigger with each passing moment spent with the two men wrapped around her. If she was completely honest with herself, she knew she was well on her way to falling totally, completely, irrevocably in love with them.

  God give her strength.

  Chapter Seven

  Nikolas walked out onto the lists, supremely satisfied with the way the morning had gone. The idea of Rianne leaving was still like a thorn in his paw, festering with the knowledge that she hadn’t agreed to remain with them, but he was willing to be patient. He understood all too well having to be uprooted from what was familiar only to be found in a place completely new. Granted, his move had only been across Emddyn Bay, but the difference between Bearsalei and Wolvden might as well have been as vast as the difference between Laurasia and Rianne’s America.

  “About time you showed up for training,” Kesring smirked, stepping in time with him despite Nikolas’s longer legs.

  “I was busy,” Nikolas grunted, all thoughts of Rianne instantly banished.

  “Yeah, we heard. Or at least the maids did,” Kesring teased, wiggling his eyebrows.

  “Shut it, you dog, and get to training.” Nikolas growled, grabbing the wolf by the throat and shoving him away.

  “All right, all right. No need to get so handsy,” Kesring pacified, backing away from the polar.

  “Wolves,” Nikolas muttered, moving to pick up his weapon of choice for the day.

  “Sir Nikolas, your sword,” Gaibe offered, holding out the weapon.

  “Thank you, Gaibe.” Nikolas nodded, unsheathing the four-foot broadsword.

  He checked the balance, making sure no damage had been done since the last time he’d sparred with it. Once he’d decided it was fit for training, he turned back to the newest member of his regiment.

  “Pick your sword, Gaibe. You fight with me today,” Nikolas ordered, already striding out into the lists.

  He could hear the wolf eagerly following behind, panting slightly in excitement. Nikolas turned to face the smaller shifter, bringing his sword up for an attack at the same time. Gaibe reacted instantly, bringing his own sword up to block the hit.

  “Good. You remember the first rule. Always be prepared for an attack.” Nikolas smirked before truly starting the boy’s training.

  * * * *

  Rianne had been working on the journal every day since the night she discovered it. The translation was growing slowly, but with each page, a little bit of Laurasia, Gondwanaland, and Earth’s history came together. Merlin had traveled both realms, from west to east, north to south. He apparently was a gr
eat fan of the Renaissance in Italy during the fourteenth century and had taken detailed notes of the building of the Great Pyramids of Egypt. He admitted to helping with some of the calculations and offering his use of magic with the lifting of the heavier blocks. He spoke of his time with the Medici family in Italy and how he assisted them in their rise to power, teaching their patrons the best ways of painting, building, and sculpting. There was even a passage that spoke of a new religion called Christianity, all centered around a prophet named Jesus. The details within his journal on the major events of her world were enough to bring tears to her eyes. Historians would have a field day picking apart the different events, giving new details to wonders they had only fantasized about before.

  Then she came across a section that made her pause. Merlin began to talk of a secret society of Hunters. They were humans who passed down the knowledge of the mythical realm through generations. The Hunters were tasked with exterminating the shifters and magicians from the planet and closing off the portals between the realms. The more she read about these people, the more she began to fear them. Merlin gave detailed accounts of shifters being murdered without mercy. The brutality the Hunters used in ridding the human realm of shifters and magi made her sick, and she had to put down the journal after reading the section.

  “Finished for the day?” Silal asked from behind his desk.

  “I think so,” Rianne murmured, gathering her notes together.

  “Are you all right? You don’t look well,” Silal noted, frowning at her.

  “I’m fine, just a little disturbed. Merlin was talking about the early rise of Hunters in the human realm,” Rianne explained.

  “Ah, yes. The stories are well known,” Silal nodded sadly.

  “I just can’t believe they could be so cruel,” Rianne said, shaking her head as she locked the journal away.

  “It’s not just Hunters, Rianne. Every race, every species, has brutality among some of its people. It’s part of who we are, what we are. There were shifters and magi who wanted to eradicate humans from the Earth and claim the two realms for us. They were greatly outnumbered, of course, but they existed, and they still do.”

  “Are there any here?” Rianne asked, slightly worried.

  “You have nothing to fear, child. No one in Wolvden would dare cause you harm,” Silal assured her with a small smile.

  Rianne allowed herself to feel relieved, though she wasn’t sure she entirely trusted Silal’s assurance. She had been taught never to believe the absolute. Silal might believe none of his subjects were for the eradication of humans, but Rianne wasn’t so sure.

  There was a knock on the door, and Rianne looked up to see Dorin entering the study.

  “Hello, danalya. Father.” Dorin smiled at her and bowed to his father.

  “Dorin. Come to steal your mate, have you?” Silal grinned, shooting a wink her way.

  “Afraid so, Father. I thought we might take a ride, if you’re interested,” Dorin offered, holding his hand out for her.

  “I’d love to,” Rianne agreed, taking his hand and gifting him with a small smile.

  Dorin brought her hand to his lips, kissing the backs of her fingers before pulling her closer.

  “I’ve sent for Carme. She’s waiting for you in your room,” Dorin murmured, brushing his nose along her temple.

  “I guess I better go, then.” Rianne grinned, removing herself from his arms.

  “Don’t keep me waiting,” Dorin called after her as she left the room.

  Rianne felt her face flush with an unknown joy, her grin widening as she hurried down the hall toward her room. True to his word, Carme was waiting for her, the riding gown already laid out on the bed.

  “So, I noticed you didn’t eat your breakfast,” Carme commented as she helped Rianne into the gown.

  “Oh, um, no. I had a small fight with Dorin and, well, we spent the morning resolving it,” Rianne said, feeling the blush take over her cheeks.

  “Mmm-hmm. And?” Carme pressed for details.

  “And nothing. I said some…hurtful things to Dorin. He left to go to his room. Nikolas found him, came storming in here, dragged me into Dorin’s room, and demanded we make up, so we did. Nothing happened,” Rianne told her.

  “Well, I can’t say I’m surprised. The prince would never take you without commitment, and Sir Nikolas would likely follow the prince’s lead,” Carme commented.

  “I don’t know, Carme. Nikolas doesn’t seem like the following type.”

  “Of course he isn’t. That man is an alpha, no doubt about it. Still, he wouldn’t have attempted to claim you without the prince being on board,” Carme exclaimed, finishing with the dress.

  “Whatever the case may be, they were both perfect gentlemen,” Rianne assured her.

  “I would expect nothing less.” Carme grinned devilishly.

  Rianne shared in her laughter as Carme led her from the room. Dorin stood waiting at the bottom of the staircase for her, his entire face lighting up as soon as she came into view.

  “You look ravishing, Rianne,” Dorin complimented, taking her hand to kiss again.

  “If you keep telling me things like that, my head won’t fit through the door,” Rianne accused, secretly pleased by his praise.

  “With humility such as yours? Never,” Dorin rumbled gently.

  Rianne couldn’t help but smile at his seemingly over-the-top, courtly gestures as he took her outside the castle toward the forest. As soon as they were within the trees, Dorin let out a shrill whistle, calling Rysad and Alyla to them.

  “Hey, girl,” Rianne murmured, running a hand along Alyla’s thick fur.

  The pegamy pressed her nose into Rianne’s shoulder, giving a soft whinny. Rianne laughed softly, moving around to climb onto Alyla’s back. Her large wings ruffled as Rianne situated herself, her fingers curling into Alyla’s mane.

  “Ready?” Dorin asked from atop Rysad.

  “Ready.” Rianne grinned, urging Alyla forward.

  With a high-pitched shriek, Alyla was off, sprinting through the forest. Dorin’s laughter echoed from behind her, and she joined him as they raced to the open fields. Alyla and Rysad whinnied back and forth to each other, as if joining in the competition.

  “I win,” Rianne shouted happily, pulling Alyla to a stop just outside the forest.

  “I can’t be expected to concentrate on riding with you in front of me. The view is too tempting.” Dorin smirked as he came to a stop beside her.

  Rianne laughed as he pulled her close across the two beasts to kiss her.

  “Mmm. It was worth losing,” Dorin hummed, licking at her lips.

  “You’re just trying to distract me so you can win the next race,” Rianne accused.

  “Fair enough.” Dorin chuckled, digging his heels into Rysad’s side to get the pegamy going.

  “Hey! No fair,” Rianne cried, taking off after him.

  “Try to keep up, danalya,” Dorin called over his shoulder.

  “Cheater,” Rianne accused, unable to hold back her laughter as she raced after him.

  “Hurry up, Ri—” Dorin started, but a loud blast quickly cut him off.

  “Dorin!” Rianne screamed as Alyla reared back before taking to the skies.

  “Hold on, Rianne!” Dorin shouted.

  Rianne saw Rysad following her and Alyla, Dorin somehow still managing to keep his seat. Another blast ripped through the air and Rianne screamed again as Alyla turned sharply, nearly throwing her off in the process.

  “Rianne!” Dorin yelled, but Rianne was too busy trying to stay on Alyla’s back to answer him.

  “Oh, God,” Rianne moaned, burying her face in Alyla’s mane.

  “Take us to the trees,” Dorin ordered the two pegamies, and they instantly turned in that direction.

  Rianne held on tight to Alyla as the large mammal beat her wings against her body. The motion was unfamiliar and difficult to get accustomed to, making Rianne feel as if she were always just a slide away from falling to the
ground. As soon as they reached the trees, Alyla landed on a sturdy branch, shaking out her mane and pawing the bark nervously.

  “Shh, girl. It’s all right,” Rianne soothed, searching for Dorin and Rysad.

  They landed beside them a moment later, Dorin instantly sliding off Rysad and leaping to Rianne and Alyla’s branch.

  “I’ve got you,” Dorin murmured, reaching up for Rianne.

  “What was that?” Rianne asked, sinking into his arms.

  “Are you all right? Were you hit?” Dorin asked, his hands shaking as they checked her over for injuries.

  “I’m fine, Dorin. Really,” Rianne assured him.

  “Thank the gods,” Dorin sighed, pulling her close.

  “What was it?” Rianne asked again, resting her head on his chest.

  “I think it was a gun, but I can’t be sure,” Dorin told her, his hands running through her hair.

  “You have guns here?” Rianne squeaked, jerking her head back, although she supposed it would explain the stories Carme had told her about shifters dying when no one was close to them.

  “Shh. Yes, we have guns. When the humans invented them, we had some of the scouts bring a few back so we could know what we were up against. The kings and High Council members agreed that we would not recreate them, but unfortunately, some of the revolutionaries have found a way to make them,” Dorin explained while his eyes scanned the surrounding area.

  “But the people don’t know about them,” Rianne said, already knowing the answer.

  “No. Only those who need to use them have knowledge of them,” Dorin agreed, still watching for movement around them.

  “Um, Dorin? How are we going to get down?” Rianne asked, eyeing the ground about a dozen feet beneath them.

  “Don’t worry, danalya. There are grooves in the tree,” Dorin told her, smiling gently.

  “Oh. Well, then, can we go?” Rianne requested, uncomfortable being so high up.


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